Chapter 36 036 Much better
"Who are you?" Fifth Xi asked in a daze.

An Jialiang pointed to Xiao Sheng and said, "I'm An Jialiang, Xiao Sheng's manager."

"Oh, Xiao Anzi, why have you changed your appearance again?" Fifth Xi said with a look of disgust.

An Jialiang: "..."

Director, your face blindness is getting worse.

Fifth Xi didn't seem to see the constipated expression on An Jialiang's face, he casually pointed to Que Fangwei who was busy making contacts and said, "Let the little que take care of the king, if you have any questions, just go ask him."

An Jialiang silently glanced at his own film star, and seeing his expression of being surprised, he felt that he had really found the wrong person.

As we all know, Fifth Xi is an artist, he only cares about how to make a movie well, but he will never ask about financing, publicity, distribution and other issues.

All matters related to Fifth Xi were communicated to the outside world through his special assistant, Que Fangwei, and Fifth Xi was only in charge of filming.

The surnames of these two people are not uncommon. Most people don't know how Que Fangwei's Que is written. When Wuxi called "Xiao Quezi", they thought it was "Little Quezi" and thought his surname was Que.

So there are strange titles such as 'Brother Bird', 'Mr. Bird', and 'Mr. Bird'.

An Jialiang stood up and ran to Que Fangwei, and waited for Que Fangwei to hang up before asking, "Brother Fang Wei, what should we do with Wang Xin's matter?"

"What else can I do?" Que Fangwei looked at An Jialiang suspiciously, not knowing what he meant.

An Jialiang quickly expressed his thoughts: "Should we publish the evidence? Or use the evidence to negotiate with him?"

His idea is very simple, since someone has a handle, he must make good use of it.

Wang Xin secretly did a lot of things against Fifth Xi, and this time it was the worst.Without giving an impressive lesson, people like Wang Xin probably won't give up.

"Little Anzi." Que Fangwei patted An Jialiang on the shoulder, and he said in a kind tone: "This kind of thing doesn't need to be so troublesome. I'll find someone to immediately remove Wang Xin's variety show and let him go. Get out of the entertainment industry."

A light sentence, but to An Jialiang, it was like a thunderbolt.

He felt that he had heard wrong.

Immediately withdraw "Interstellar Adventurer"?
Let Wang Xin get out of the entertainment industry?

It took An Jialiang a while to find his voice, and he asked calmly, " this too much?"

"It's considered polite to dare to count on our director." Que Fangwei said disapprovingly.

He was looking for a contact person on the light curtain, and he didn't see the weird expression on An Jialiang's face at all.

An Jialiang's mood is very complicated at the moment, why can the person in front of him say so lightly that Wang Xin should get out of the entertainment circle?
That Wang Xin is the chairman of the Wang Consortium, and is also an investor in many entertainment platforms.

Letting him get out of the entertainment circle, wouldn't it shake the boards of directors of these platforms?
There have always been rumors that Fifth Xi is very powerful in the backstage, is it true?

Should he hug Fifth Xi and Que Fangwei's thighs more?

An Jialiang felt that his world view had been hit right by a comet, the kind that was smashed into pieces.

Que Fangwei ignored An Jialiang, and started to contact An Jialiang on his own, telling Wang Xin about his affairs.

Sitting on the sofa not far away, Fifth Xi and Xiao Sheng were completely indifferent to what happened here.

"I heard that there has been quite a lot of movement in the Xiao family recently." Fifth Xi said casually.

Xiao Sheng pursed his lips lightly, then said seriously, "I have nothing to do with the Xiao family anymore."

"But your surname is Xiao." Fifth Xi emphasized.

Xiao Sheng laughed, and smiled ironically: "My surname is Xiao because of my father, and I have nothing to do with the Xiao family, besides..." He suddenly paused, "They will not admit that I am from the Xiao family."

Fifth Xi sighed softly, but didn't say much.

This is all the sins committed by the Xiao family back then.

So what if the blood is not pure?
Xiao Sheng's aptitude is much better than the young people of Xiao's generation, much better.

I don't know why Fifth Xi thought of the theory of the genius girl in D. Este's family: one day, mixed blood will surpass pure blood.

Luna, Crescent Travel Agency.

ten in the morning.

Shu Shu pinched her way to the door of Xinyue Travel Agency, and took out the key from her small bag to open the door of the travel agency, but she found that the door was not locked.

"I obviously locked it yesterday." Shu Shu looked at the lock suspiciously and muttered to herself.

After entering the travel agency, she found that not only the gate was open, but all the lights were on.

Suddenly there was an extra table in the reception hall, which was diagonally opposite Shu Shu's desk, and the two tables were placed together like a character horoscope.

Arnold was standing in front of the new desk, and a young man was sitting behind the desk, fiddling with some light curtains.

"Shu Shu is here." Arnold turned around and greeted Shu Shu when he heard the sound of the door opening.

A sweet smile appeared on Shu Shu's face: "Good morning, Arnold!"

"Come here, let me introduce you to a new colleague." Arnold waved to Shu Shu.

The little girl skipped past. Today she was wearing a red cape, a pair of black suspenders underneath, dark knee-high stockings, and a pair of round-toed leather shoes.

The lively and lovely appearance is pleasing to the eye.

Luna originally has no seasons, but in order to give tourists a better experience, Luna's artificial atmosphere will create four distinct seasons and the northern and southern hemispheres based on the blue star.

SPQR is in the northern hemisphere and it's autumn.

Arnold pointed to the young man behind the desk kindly and said: "He is Paul, and he will be responsible for the backstage maintenance of our online store in the future."

Paul had already turned off the light curtain. He stood up and said to Shu Shu with a smile, "You are Shu Shu, right? Arnold mentioned you to me, please give me more advice in the future."

Shu Shu blinked her big eyes, then quickly shook her head and said to Paul, "No, no, I need your advice in the future."

Paul glanced at Shu Shu, then looked at Arnold.This little girl is really as Arnold said, cute and cute.

He wanted to poke those round cheeks.

I really don't know where Arnold found such a soft and cute little girl, he wants to take her home and raise her.

"I won't disturb your work." Arnold smiled and walked into the travel agency.

Shu Shu walked to her desk, took off her cloak and sat down to start today's work.

Paul also sat back in his seat.

Unknowingly, a morning passed, and the two had almost no communication, each staring at his own light curtain.

It was almost noon before Simon arrived at the travel agency.

As soon as he entered the reception hall, Shu Shu's eyes lit up.

"Hello, my lord duke."

 Shu Shu finally waited for the Duke in reality~

  Come and collect, recommend, vote for Xiaoshushu!

(End of this chapter)

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