Chapter 405 Chapter 405

In fact, Ashe was really anxious.

Although Zhuang Shuang said that there is still a month to go, he did not give a specific treatment plan.

The general was awake for a day, and Ashe couldn't feel at ease.

"Didn't I tell them to cooperate with Zhuang Shuang?" Calvin Meyer asked flatly.

There was still no expression on her face, but Ashe felt that there seemed to be...maybe...maybe there was a little bit of displeasure in her tone.

Ashe didn't know why he had this illusion, but just now he seemed to really hear a little emotional fluctuation from Captain Meyer's inconvenient tone.

Simon, who was sitting next to Calvin Meyer, raised his eyebrows slightly and stroked his chin, as if thinking of something.

Ashe didn't notice Simon sitting in the car, all his attention was on Calvin Meyer now.

"The doctor named Liao Ming said that without the permission of Professor Turi, he has no right to disclose it." Ai Xi said truthfully.

Calvin Meyer nodded to show that he understood, and then told his subordinates sitting in the driver's seat: "Go to the laboratory."

The subordinate immediately took orders and started the suspension vehicle, leaving Ashe alone at the door of Calvin Meyer's office.

Ashe was stunned. He watched the levitating car getting farther and farther away, and it took a few seconds for him to react suddenly.

"Captain Meyer! Wait for me!"

"Xiao Zhuang, long time no see. Are you still in Reese?" Ryan Tully asked the young man on the light screen with a smile on his face.

But I was muttering in my heart: How could this kid contact me?
As one of Professor D. Est's students, Ryan Tully was often sent by the teacher to give lectures in the home of mixed-race children.

Although he doesn't dislike mixed races so much, he also disagrees with the teacher's praise of mixed races.

There are indeed many bright children in mixed-race families, but they are only a little smarter than the average 'special group'.

Just like the kid who disturbed his retreat, Ryan Tuli remembered very clearly that this kid was not only very clever, but also very capable of doing things.

The questions asked are the ones that are particularly tricky and give the teachers a headache.

Ryan Turry remembered that this kid could make Hogg ask doubts about his life, and only a teacher could control him.

Thinking of the past, Ryan Turi was a little dazed.

They used to be the teacher's students, and they were instructed by her to do those inexplicable things.

At that time, none of them were what they are now, at least he hadn't turned against Hogg at that time.

"I was invited to Sedna to detoxify Major General Shu, please send me your treatment plan." Zhuang Shuang said bluntly.

For Ryan Turry, Zhuang Shuang has never been polite.

Ryan Tuli adjusted his gold-rimmed glasses, and he asked half curiously and half emotionally, "Who can please you?"

When finding out the toxin in Major General Shu, the first thing Ryan Tuli thought of was Zhuang Shuang.

But this kid is very difficult to invite, at least he can't.

Except for the teacher, Ryan Tuli didn't know who else could invite this kid.

"It's none of your business."

Thinking that he was bound to the starship by D, Zhuang Shuang was in a bad mood.

Hearing this answer, Ryan Tury became even more curious, but he didn't continue to ask.

Ryan Turry can check this kind of thing by himself.If you ask Zhuang Shuang directly, you will never be able to ask anything.

Ryan Tuli clicked on the light curtain a few times and said: "I sent you the information, remember to send me the antidote formula when the time comes."

A small window popped up on Zhuang Shuang's light curtain to receive the document. He nodded and said, "Then you have to pay."

"I can count you as half a teacher, and you still talk about money with me? Isn't it too emotional?" Ryan Tuli said with a harmless smile.

Poison is not his specialty, if Jin Ze hadn't disappeared suddenly, he wouldn't have spent several days without a clue.

Zhuang Shuang gave Ryan Tury a sideways look, and said as if pointing: "Take care of your student, I don't want to accidentally poison him to death."

He is better at using poison than saving people.

Before Ryan Tuli could react, Zhuang Shuang had already turned off the video, leaving him with a black screen.

"This kid, his temper is still so stinky." Ryan Tully held his gold-rimmed glasses with the index finger of his right hand and chuckled.

Since Zhuang Shuang went to Ruisi, Ryan Tuli has not seen him again, not even a video contact like the one just now.

Seeing that the kid was still alive and well, Ryan Tully felt relieved for no reason.

"My student? He should be talking about Liao Ming." Ryan Tully murmured.

As if thinking of something, he smiled and said, "Ever since he joined the special guard, Liao Ming has been too flamboyant, let Zhuang Shuang teach him a lesson."

"You mentioned Zhuang Shuang just now. I wonder if it's the Zhuang Shuang I know." Simon asked sideways.

Calvin Meyer looked at Simon, without any emotional fluctuations in his dark eyes: "He is a mixed-race child who grew up in a mixed-race family."

"That should be him." Simon nodded slightly, "I didn't expect you to bring him here."

Calvin Meyer turned his head to look forward, and said in a steady tone: "Major General Shu's sister brought him here."

Major General Shu's sister?

Shu Shu?

Simon froze, but then he smiled.

That little girl can surprise him every time, I don't know what expression she will show when she sees him here.

Suddenly I looked forward to it.

Calvin Meyer didn't look at Simon, but he heard Simon laugh.

He didn't turn his head, but stared at the front and said expressionlessly: "I hope you can keep any information about Major General Shu secret."

"Why should I keep it a secret?" Simon asked.

Calvin Meyer still looked ahead: "You may not be able to leave here."

"Okay." Simon spread his hands.

This guy is just too serious.

At this time, the hover car stopped, and Simon saw that on the left side of the hover car was a metal door, which was exactly the same as any door in the corridor of the base.

It's just that there is a sign on the wall on the left side of this door, which says 'biological laboratory' in five big characters.

Calvin Meyer got out of the car first, and opened the door with authority without knocking.

A woman's scream suddenly came from inside, causing Simon, who had just got out of the car, to raise his eyebrows slightly. He walked behind Calvin Meyer and looked into the laboratory.

There were only two people inside, a man and a woman, standing in disheveled clothes in front of the only sofa in the laboratory.The woman is getting dressed quickly, and the man is skillfully standing in front of the woman.

Seeing this picture, it's strange not to think about it.

Calvin Meyer stood in front of the door, without any intention of stepping into the laboratory. He looked at a man and a woman standing not far away, and said expressionlessly; "Dr. Liao, I made it clear before that you need Fully assist Zhuang Shuang to develop the antidote."

(End of this chapter)

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