It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 406 Chapter 406 Put him in prison

Chapter 406 Chapter 406 Put him in prison
Although the tone remained the same, the man and woman in the laboratory were stunned by the trace of majesty.

The black-haired woman subconsciously hid behind Liao Ming, not daring to look at the silver-haired black-eyed man in front of the door.

Calvin Meyer, as the captain of the special guard, has absolute authority over every member of the special guard.

Whoever was part of the Special Guard had to listen to Calvin Meyer.

This is the right given to the captain of the special guard by His Majesty, and it is also one of the special features of the special guard.

Liao Ming showed a embarrassed expression, spread his hands and said, "Teacher's treatment plan, without his permission, I can't show it to outsiders."

Anyway, the teacher is in retreat, even if it is him, he cannot be contacted.

"Do you have a treatment plan?" Calvin Meyer asked deadpan.

Liao Ming was slightly taken aback, he didn't understand what the captain meant, but he still said honestly: "Yes."

"Then send it to me." Calvin Meyer continued.

Although his tone was flat, as if he was looking through a light curtain, Liao Ming suddenly felt his heart sink, as if a huge stone was pressing on his heart, making him unable to breathe.

He stared at Calvin Meyer in astonishment, shook his head and said, "No, I can't show it to anyone without the teacher's permission."

"very good."

Calvin Meyer didn't look at Liao Ming again, but turned around and ordered to the subordinates behind him: "Arrest Liao Ming and put him in prison."

The subordinate in black uniform responded immediately, then entered the laboratory and rushed towards Liao Ming.

Before Liao Ming understood what happened, his hands were held behind his back by members of the special guards, and he was pushed forward by the people behind him.

"Senior!" the brunette girl screamed.

But seeing the ferocious eyes cast by the members of the special guard, she immediately raised her hand to cover her mouth.

All the 'special groups' know that the witches have developed brains, but their personal force value is very low, which is worse than some human beings, and they are typical war scum.

Before Liao Ming could react, he was easily caught by a special guard.

He began to struggle, but he could only move forward, twisting and twisting.

"Captain, you can't treat me like this! I am the young master of the Liao family! A student of Professor Tuli!" Liao Ming roared at Captain Meyer with silver hair and black eyes.

He was just making things difficult for that half-breed who came out of nowhere, and he didn't expect the captain to treat him like this.

As the noble young master of the Wu clan, Liao Ming has never been insulted like this.

A mixed-race child also deserves to see the teacher's treatment plan?
Calvin Meyer stood in the corridor, watching Liao Ming expressionlessly being pushed out of the laboratory by his subordinates and onto a square hoverboard.

The hoverboard seemed to be only [-] centimeters wide. After Liao Ming was pushed up, columns of energy immediately erected on the edge of the hoverboard.

The interval between each energy column is only three centimeters, and it is very dense.

Seeing the energy column, Liao Ming could only stand in the center of the hoverboard in a well-behaved manner, not letting his body touch the energy column.

This is a hoverboard used to hold prisoners, exclusively for imperial troops.

"You can't do this to me." Liao Ming stared at Calvin Meyer fiercely through the energy column.

Calvin Meyer's pure black eyes did not show any emotional fluctuations. He said calmly: "After entering the special guard, no matter what your identity is, you must carry out my orders."

"Violators will be imprisoned in light cases, and sentenced to death in severe cases."

Hearing this, Liao Ming turned pale.

This was the first rule in the special guard member manual that he was told when he was qualified to enter the special guard.

At that time, he was immersed in the joy of obtaining the qualification, and he completely ignored the rules of the special escort team.

Born into a Marquis family, he knew that there were exceptions in this world.

Any rule is powerless before special cases.

He was a special case since he was a child. He was cultivated by the family and stood out among many family children. After entering Luna First Academy, he was accepted as a student by Professor Turi.

Liao Ming has never encountered any twists and turns in his life. Even if he did something wrong when he was a child and accidentally killed a human being, his family would come forward to help him settle it.

In his cognition, he is a special case in this world, no one can do anything to him.

Even Calvin Meyer couldn't, because he was the young master of the Liao family and a student of Professor Turi.

"Impossible!" Liao Ming shouted with wide eyes, "I am the young master of the Liao family! I am a student of Professor Tuli! You can't treat me like this!"

Calvin Meyer was still expressionless. He no longer looked at Liao Ming but ordered his subordinates: "Put him in prison and let Major General Shu wake up and let her deal with it."

"No!!!" Liao Ming shouted heart-piercingly, but unfortunately, no one at the scene took any notice of him.

Ai Xi heard Liao Ming's screams from a distance, and when he rushed to the door of the laboratory, he saw that the special guard doctor who had refused their request not long ago was locked in a suspended cage for prisoners.

He glanced at Liao Ming, who was already ashen-faced, walked up to Calvin Meyer and asked with a puzzled face, "Captain Meyer, what's going on?"

"It's because I didn't supervise well. I didn't expect Dr. Liao to make his own decisions." Calvin Meyer said lightly.

Although she was still expressionless, Ashe didn't know why she felt that Captain Meyer suddenly smelled someone.

No wonder the general said that Captain Meyer is a very fair person, no matter whether he treats his subordinates or outsiders, he treats them equally.

When Ai Xi was pushed out by Shu Shu to sue, she actually had no idea.

After all, Liao Ming is a doctor of the special escort team. In Ai Xi's opinion, those who can be brought here by Captain Meyer should be his confidantes.

Calvin Meyer glanced at the black-haired woman standing there dumbfounded, and said to Ashe, "I'll have someone send the treatment plan to Mr. Zhuang."

"No need, Dr. Zhuang is contacting Professor Tuli." Ashe shook her head lightly and said.

Although she didn't see it with her own eyes, Ash believed what Shu Shu said.

After all, this matter is related to the safety of the general, Ai Xi believes that Shu Shu will not joke.

Calvin Meyer's face didn't change a bit, but those dark eyes stared at Ashe for a moment.

Being stared at by such a pair of eyes, Ashe felt that she was almost out of breath.

"Zhuang Shuang can be regarded as Ryan Tuli's primary school brother." Simon laughed.

He has been standing on the sidelines, and he probably understands what happened from the conversation of several people.

The Liao family actually sent such a young master with no eyesight to join the special guard, wasting such a precious spot for nothing.

Since its establishment, the doctors of the special escort team have all been staffed by the Wu tribe.

Every witch who is good at medical skills has the opportunity to join the special guard team, which is recruited every five years, and only one person is recruited each time.

 Resuming the codeword after the update is interrupted, I can't find the rhythm.

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  Thank you~
(End of this chapter)

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