It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 407 407 Enemy Attacks

Chapter 407 407 Enemy Attacks
Simon's voice attracted the attention of several people present, and Calvin Meyer just looked at him blankly.

The smile on his face deepened a bit, and Simon felt that it should be a very interesting thing to change the face of the captain of the special guard.

"You!" Ashe pointed at Simon, the astonishment on his face was undisguised.

Who let this guy in?

wrong!Why is this guy here?
Ashe's mind was full of questions, and he subconsciously looked at Calvin Meyer, trying to get an answer from that paralyzed face.

"Lieutenant Colonel Ai, what a coincidence." Simon nodded slightly.

No coincidence!

For the appearance of the Duke of Orsini, Ashe was full of defenses.

That's right, it's defense.

When he saw the Duke in Luna First Academy, Ashe felt that he was not simple, but he never thought that this person would appear here at this time.

This guy obviously belongs to Luna, why is he here?
"He's here for support." Calvin Meyer paused, and added blankly: "Technical support."

Ashe looked at Calvin Meyer with 'Who are you kidding? ' A few words.

How could this guy be a support?
And what the hell is tech support?
After staying in the army for so long, participating in large and small battles, this is the first time Ashe heard of technical support.

Even if it's technical support, shouldn't it be a certain scientist?

Ashe felt that the whole thing was full of flaws, and he didn't know how to complain.

Calvin Meyer was originally a person who would not explain too much, he and Ashe looked at each other for a few seconds, and then averted their eyes.

"Then let's go to Mr. Zhuang first." Calvin Meyer said indifferently.

He was not asking the two people present, but explaining the next itinerary.

Simon didn't object, that little girl should stay with Zhuang Shuang.

I don't know what kind of expression she will show when she sees him.

Suddenly, Calvin Meyer's and Ashe's personal devices rang simultaneously.

As soon as they opened the light curtain, the sound of an alarm sounded in the corridor.

"Enemy attack! This is not a drill! Enemy attack! Please everyone take your place! Enemy attack!"

The bland electronic sound echoed in the corridor, Simon raised his eyebrows, glanced at Ashe with a dignified face, and then at Calvin Meyer who was still expressionless.

This welcome is really too warm.

chemistry lab.

After hearing the harsh siren, both Shu Shu and Zhuang Shuang raised their heads.

Neither of them spoke, but they both made the same movement, and immediately became busy on their respective light curtains.

Zhuang Shuang glanced at Shu Shu's side, and saw that there were only afterimages of her hands, and secretly clicked her tongue.

This speed can no longer be called human beings.

At this time Shu Shu raised her head, looked at Zhuang Shuang and said, "A dozen armed large starships have entered the atmosphere of Sedna."

"A starship from the Freedom Alliance?" Zhuang Shuang asked.

His hands left the light curtain, anyway, he couldn't find anything here for a while, so it's better to let this little girl come.

Being an intelligence officer requires two important skills. One is a network, which allows you to buy some key information from others, and the other is technology, which allows you to investigate information through the Internet.

Zhuang Shuang has the first skill, he knows a lot of people, but in terms of technology, he has self-knowledge and will not be better than Shu Shu.

At least he couldn't restore the signal of the 'lost' person, or find out what was going on outside in such a short time.

As the saying goes, professionals do professional things, and Zhuang Shuang feels that there is no need to play tricks in front of Shu Shu.

"Yes, they have already started attacking the protective shield around the base." Shu Shu said solemnly.

The eldest sister was injured while protecting the base. Since she fell into a coma, the Freedom Alliance has only sent a few starships to wander around Sedna.

This time the attack was not weaker than the one when the eldest sister was injured, and even more than 20 small starships were sent.

Shu Shu didn't know the current force reserve of the Sedna base, and wondered whether it could survive the attack.

Base command room.

"Damn! Why hasn't our support arrived yet?" Ashe shouted angrily, staring at the densely packed enemies on the wall.

Calvin Meyer stared at the picture on the light curtain expressionlessly, and asked calmly, "Where did the enemy land from?"

"Currently, several starships have dropped mecha teams in areas D and M, and the rest of the starships are scattered in areas C and P." Someone immediately reported.

A light curtain on the wall was enlarged, and a satellite map appeared on it, marking the location of the enemy starship and their mecha team in real time.

It can be seen from the map that the enemy wants to besiege the base from southeast to northwest.

"It's this trick again. Do they think we have nothing to do with them?"

Ashe stared fiercely at the light curtain, then he turned around and gave a military salute to Calvin Meyer and said, "Please let me lead the weight mecha team to deal with the enemy."

"Well, I'll leave Area C to you." Calvin Meyer pointed at the area on the light curtain and said.

Ashe immediately took the order, turned and walked outside.

The people in the command room were busy collecting information and giving Calvin Meyer's orders, and everyone had a solemn expression on their faces.

Suddenly, someone yelled: "Unidentified creatures appeared in Area D, and they are biological weapons of the Freedom Alliance."

"Area P has also appeared, and our mech team is losing ground."

There was a sudden panic in the command room. Since the beginning of this war, they have all seen the biological weapons of the Liberty Alliance that look like werewolves but are more powerful than ordinary mechs.

Most of the people present didn't know the existence of the 'special group', and the empire didn't intend to announce it, so they could only let them call werewolves biological weapons.

The empire claimed that it was a killing weapon made by the Freedom Alliance using biotechnology, and it was a fusion of humans and wolves, which had violated the bottom line of morality.

"The first and third teams of the special escort team went to P area for support, and the sixth team went to P area." Calvin Meyer stared at the satellite map expressionlessly and gave instructions.

The green dots on the satellite map are your own mechs, the yellow dots are local mechas, and the red dots are werewolves sent by the opponent.

So far, the Liberty Alliance has only sent werewolves, and there is no sign of other 'special groups'.

But that doesn't mean they didn't get involved. Calvin Meyer didn't feel that the Radicals had worked hard for so long and only sent werewolves to support the Freedom Alliance.

"The P area is handed over to you, technical support." Calvin Meyer looked sideways at Simon and said.

Simon blinked innocently, spread his hands and said, "Technical support cannot go to the battlefield."

"I said yes." Calvin Meyer retorted blankly.

The light blue eyes and the dark and waveless eyes looked at each other for a while, and finally Simon was defeated.

He raised his hands and sighed softly: "You are the commander, since you want to send me to the battlefield, I can't object."

 Slowly recovering...

(End of this chapter)

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