It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 423 423 Your Responsibility Is to Go to the Command Room

Chapter 423 423 Your Responsibility Is to Go to the Command Room

Zhuang Shuang doesn't like people who do physical work, whether it's making medicine or repairing machinery, they are all done by robots.

He only needs to give instructions to the robot and control the finished product.

After chasing Shu Yun for two corridors, Zhuang Shuang couldn't take it anymore, leaning against the wall of the corridor sweating profusely, her legs were trembling, and she almost fell to the ground.

After hearing Zhuang Shuang's words, Shu Shu raised her right hand to cover her face.

The eldest sister really ran out.

She took another look at the screen from the surveillance camera outside the No. 1 computer room, and then turned off the light curtain after confirming that there were no other Liberty Alliance people around.

Before turning off the black figure that suddenly rushed to No. 1 computer room, her hand paused.

It seems that I can only find a chance to find out what it is next time. At present, it seems that it is a friend and not an enemy. There should be a record in the base... Thinking so, Shu Shu turned off all the light curtains and stood up on the hoverboard .

Immediately, the hoverboard turned into a phantom and disappeared at the end of the corridor.

"I've handed over to the soldiers here, we can go." Ke Yuankui said with a tired face.

Before the fight was over, Amman pushed him to hand over to the soldiers at the base.

Until now, Ke Yuankui hadn't figured out how the invading enemies would be gone, since there were several teams not long ago.

But this is not important anymore, the place they are going to next is more dangerous than here, Ke Yuankui regrets it now.

If he had known earlier, he should have agreed to Lin Zhao and set off with him.

I don't know where Lin Zhao was sent by Major General Shu... Ke Yuankui suddenly missed his classmates a little bit.

Amman nodded slightly: "Let's go, Captain Meyer may not last long."

"Let's go." Philip couldn't wait.

There were only a dozen werewolves who had invaded the sixth basement floor, which was not enough for his full coming-of-age ceremony. He hoped that there would be more werewolves on the ground.

Philip has fully mastered the skills of using the two big hands sent by Shu Shu, and he can handle the crazy werewolf with ease.

Just as Philip rushed towards the elevator with great interest, Amman grabbed his collar.

With a sudden pull, Philip was pulled in front of him, standing side by side with Ke Yuankui.

He said to the two young men with a serious face: "The situation on the ground is much more dangerous than here. If we really can't support the support and reach Sedna, we have to leave here."

Fortunately, Duke Orsini came driving VEX's newest small starship, and they can leave here on that starship.

Otherwise, Amman doesn't know what to do. The support starship of the Borgia family, together with Earl Saketti's team, has not yet reached the Rowan galaxy.

"How can that be done! I will never be a deserter!" protested Philip.

But Ke Yuankui agreed with both hands in his heart, and left here as soon as possible, and he would be free.

Thinking of this, Ke Yuankui raised a hand and touched the metal ring around his neck.

Amman's expression was extremely serious: "The head of the family has already ordered me. If it is absolutely necessary, I can knock you out and take you away."

Philip: "..."

Why is grandpa going against me?
Ke Yuankui: "..."

It's biological, that's right.

Amman was satisfied to see the sluggish expressions of the two young men, and he looked sideways at Simon who was standing not far away.

The handsome and unparalleled man raised his head slightly, looking at the end of the corridor with deep eyes.

"Will you go up with us, or stay here?" Amman asked with a faint smile on his face.

The typical smirk, this expression gave Philip and Ke Yuankui Qiqi goosebumps.

An idea came to the minds of the two at the same time: Amman seemed to have a grudge against the Duke of Orsini (big cousin).

Simon withdrew his gaze and raised the corners of his mouth, as if he was in a good mood.

He said calmly: "The invading enemies have all been dealt with, there is no need for me to stay here."

"Then let's hurry up, I'm afraid that Captain Meyer will be defeated when we reach the ground." Amman said with a bit of yin and yang.

Philip and Ke Yuankui looked at each other subconsciously. They felt that the "as if" could be removed. Amman had a grudge against the Duke of Orsini (big cousin).

Simon gave Amman a sideways look, with a mischievous smile on his face: "Wait a minute, try saying something like this in front of Captain Meyer. I'm curious if he will change his face."

After finishing speaking, he lifted his foot and walked towards the elevator entrance.

Amman choked, and could only hold his breath and stride over Simon.

Philip and Ke Yuankui, who were following behind them, looked at each other, they didn't know what happened, why did these two get on like this?
Sedna Base, Parking Field.

The area where the armor is parked.

"All the energy cannons are firing at the starship in front of the gate, how long will it take for the Russ energy cannon?" Shu Yun walked to her mecha and said in a deep voice.

A light curtain opened in front of her, showing the fierce battle outside the base.

There were piles of metal debris piled up on the ground, the robot team was still chattering and rushing in from the protective cover, only five or six mechas were still fighting in the mecha team.

The formation formed by the special guards became weaker and weaker, and those standing on the edge began to lose their hold, and several guards had already fallen.

Even so, the strength of the special guards should not be underestimated.

I heard Captain Meyer mention before that there are mixed-race members in the special escort team, and after special training, they can exert unimaginable strength with the cooperation of the special escort team.

Now it seems that what Captain Meyer said is true, and even a little bit of suspicion of modesty.

Without the use of mechs, they were able to fight against these robots until now, and still retain most of the members.

Shu Yun asked herself, even if she brought her best subordinates, she might not be able to achieve this level.

When the matter here is over, she will ask Captain Meyer for advice.

This kind of battle formation should be composed of a mecha team, and the cooperation between the mechas can be used to attack and defend freely.

"It will take more than ten minutes. It won't take long for the No. 3 computer room to resume supply." A voice from the command room rang in Shu Yun's ears.

Shu Yun raised her head and looked at her exclusive mecha. The cockpit of this mecha was opened during the last battle, and now it seems that it has been completely repaired.

"I'm going out to stall for time, you guys are ready to open the gate immediately." Shu Yun ordered.

Immediately there was a response in my ears: "Yes!"

Shu Yun didn't speak anymore, she hung up the voice and turned off the light curtain.

Taking a deep breath, Shu Yun raised her head and smiled and said, "Old friend, I'm counting on you this time too."

It seems to be talking to the mech, and it seems to be talking to myself.

This is what Shu Yun will do every time she drives her mech to fight.

Opening the cockpit, Shu Yun was just about to climb up when she heard a familiar voice from a distance: "Wait a minute!"

Shu Yun turned around, and she immediately saw a young man in a soldier uniform flying from a distance on a hoverboard.

The speed of the hoverboard definitely exceeded the empire's prescribed speed for the hoverboard, and in the blink of an eye, the people and the board had arrived in front of them.

Seeing a strange face, Shu Yun froze for a moment.

But the next moment, the strange man in front of him took off his hat, and his disguise immediately disappeared without a trace.

With a round baby face and big eyes full of anger, she glared at Shu Yun angrily.

Besides my little sister, who else could it be?

Shu Shu didn't wait for Shu Yun to speak, put her hands on her hips, and said in a lecture tone: "Zhuang Shuang said, your mental strength has not recovered, you can't drive the mech, you need to rest now."

"Who is Zhuang Shuang?" Shu Yun asked with a smile.

Seeing how energetic her little sister was, she couldn't help laughing.

Shu Shu still puffed her cheeks, and said fiercely: "Zhuang Shuang is the poison expert I brought over from Kela."

"Then Vivienne Bailey has also come to Rowan Galaxy?" Shu Yun raised her eyebrows and asked.

Shu Shu was dumbfounded by the question, she replied subconsciously: "Yes."

"Then where is she now?" Shu Yun continued to ask.

Shu Shu then replied: "She is..." She shook her head suddenly, "No, now is not the time to talk about Vivian."

"You have to rest, you can't drive the mecha." Shu Shu pointed to the mecha behind Shu Yun.

Shu Yun raised her hand and touched Shu Shu's soft hair: "This is my responsibility, just like you and Yue'er."

"No!" Shu Shu shook her head vigorously, and took a step back to avoid Shu Yun's hand.

Yuanyuan's baby face looked at Shu Yun very seriously, and she said in a decisive tone: "Your responsibility is to go to the command room, and I will fight off the bad guys."

"No!" Shu Yun refused without thinking.

This is her responsibility, not Shu Shu's.She is still young, still underage, and there is still a long time waiting for her.

Even if she usually trembles all over because she is afraid that the eldest sister will be angry, Shu Shu will not compromise now.

"You can't use your mental power now, and you can't even use the most basic driving skills." Shu Shu said in a discussing tone, "If I go, at least I can protect myself."

"No, your mecha is too old." Shu Yun insisted.

Shu Shu has no mental strength, and usually uses a specially-made mecha.But that mecha was already very old, and Shu Shu went to participate in Carat's mecha competition from time to time, so it was already broken and could not be broken anymore.

Originally, Shu Yun promised Shu Shu to give her a new mecha after she went to college, but this little girl caused so many troubles that Shu Yun was forced to deduct her pocket money.

"I have a new mecha."

Shu Shu quickly took out the white pendant from her portable space, and threw it into an open space not far away.

Immediately, the white mecha was assembled from the pendant.It only took a few seconds to show its appearance.

Shu Yun stared intently at the brand new white mech for a few seconds, then turned to Shu Shu and asked, "Where did you get the money?"

She withheld pocket money and bank accounts, and this little girl actually hid a small treasury.


"This..." When mentioning money, Shu Shu's face suddenly collapsed: "I still owe it."

After being deducted from her pocket money by her eldest sister, she was so poor that she couldn't even afford a mecha.

Shu Yun didn't say any more, and another voice request came from the command room.

After picking it up, Shu Yun immediately heard someone ask: "Major General Shu, when are you going to go out? The formation of the special guards is about to collapse."

"Get out now." Shu Yun said in a deep voice.

Seeing this, Shu Shu rolled her eyes, turned around and ran to her mecha, and jumped into the cockpit in a hurry.

"I'll go now." Shu Shu waved to Shu Yun and closed the cockpit door.

"Bastard! Come back!" Shu Yun shouted angrily.

But what responded to her was the booming sound of the mecha flying, and the white mecha rose from the ground and flew towards the door.

"Major General?" The person in the command room called out cautiously.

This was the first time he heard Major General Shu being so angry. You know, Major General Shu usually wouldn't show it even if the sky fell.

Really hell.

"Don't open the door, don't let that white mech go out." Shu Yun shouted at the light curtain.

Little Shushu must not have an accident, absolutely not.

Just as Shu Yun was about to put on her mecha, a delicate hand rested on her shoulder.

Shocked, Shu Yun quickly turned her head.

It was useless for her to notice that someone was approaching. Has her mental strength been so weak?

As a special soldier trained by the empire, Shu Yun's perception ability is far beyond the scope of ordinary people.

In addition to relying on mental strength, her five senses are also very keen.

"Major General Shu, you are safe and sound." Simon said with a slight smile.

Seeing Simon's overly handsome face, Shu Yun frowned: "Why are you here?"

What happened while she was in a coma?

Why is Duke Orsini here?
"I'm here to support." Simon thought for a while and added: "Technical support."

Shu Yun's frown deepened, she pushed aside Simon's hand on her shoulder, and said with a serious expression: "The situation is urgent now, please get out of the way."

"Instead of going outside to support Captain Meyer, I think you should go to the command room." Simon said lightly.

It didn't seem like an order, but he used a discussing tone.

Shu Yun stared at Simon and asked, "What about little Shushu?"

That was her sister, her little sister.

"Do you think you can help now?" Simon asked back.

Shu Yun was silent, she seemed to think of something.

"I have asked Philip and others to help." Simon said to himself, "If I guess correctly, the Liberty Alliance should withdraw soon."

Shu Yun took a deep look at the man with a peerless face in front of her. She said slowly, "Where did you get the information from?"

In the entire base, the only people who knew about it were her and Captain Meyer.

She didn't think Captain Meyer would talk nonsense, and the only explanation was that the intelligence had been leaked.

"I was just guessing, but now it seems that I guessed right." Simon smiled slightly.

Shu Yun suddenly wanted to punch this man, but she held back.

"How long can you hold on?" Shu Yun asked seriously.

Simon shrugged: "It depends on Philip and the others, but they shouldn't be defeated in a short time."

Shu Yun didn't want to play literal games with the person in front of her anymore, she asked solemnly, "What if I ask you to help Xiaoshu?"

Every Duke of the Empire is an existence infinitely close to pure blood.

And this one in front of him is definitely not an elf.

 It's better to write the big chapter, it's a bit laborious to read the small chapter...

(End of this chapter)

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