It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 424 424 Never Let Him Down

Chapter 424 424 Never Let Him Down

It is undeniable that Duke Orsini's appearance is too outstanding, he is better looking than many stars, but this does not mean that he is an elf.

Shu Yun guessed that he might be a blood race, but there is no evidence so far.

According to the information provided by Captain Meyer, the blood clan has strong combat power and strange methods, and can use a large number of other creatures for their own use.

Individual blood clans may not be as powerful as werewolves in combat, but they are definitely a 1+N terrorist group and a 'special group' most suitable for the battlefield.

"Do you think your sister needs help? She is your sister, and you should know her strength." Simon laughed.

That little girl is capable.

Shu Yun was silent, she didn't look at Simon anymore, turned around and walked to the elevator not far away.

Apparently, she was persuaded by Simon.

Simon watched the heroic figure striding away, and raised his head to look at the mecha beside him.

It can be seen from the appearance that this mech has been modified.Based on the army's mecha, it is customized and modified for individuals.

Only Major General Shu, who was away all year round, could receive such treatment. The other generals of the empire hardly ever went to the battlefield.

Simon didn't leave in a hurry, he waited for a few minutes, and saw a person flying over on a hoverboard in the distance.

Wearing black clothes, black pants, black shoes and black gloves, Zhuang Shuang flew to Simon on a hoverboard, sweating profusely.

He looked around but didn't see Shu Yun, and asked with a puzzled face, "Where's the person?"

It was the first time for Zhuang Shuang to run after his own patient.

If it was in Reese, he would not care about a patient's life or death, and he would go after it if he was dying.

"Go to the command room." Simon pointed to the elevator not far away.

Zhuang Shuang looked in the direction Simon pointed, staring at the closed iron door, he raised his right hand and vigorously wiped the sweat off his face.

He stomped his feet and said, "I would have collected some money if I knew it earlier, but this time I lost a lot..."

The voice was not low, and Simon could hear it clearly.

He looked at Zhuang Shuang with raised eyebrows, and asked casually, "You didn't charge the consultation fee?"

This kid is usually very picky, and he doesn't know who he learned from.

" did you come here?" Zhuang Shuang's gaze changed the topic erratically.

In fact, Zhuang Shuang was stunned for a long time when he received Simon's news.

The Simon he knew always had nothing to do with himself, and the future of the empire had nothing to do with him, and he would never let himself be involved in any disputes.

In Zhuang Shuang's impression, neither human beings nor "special groups" can move Simon.

No, maybe only the disappearance of Si Jun and Elizabeth could make him care.

Even so, Simon did not stop when the headquarters of the Half-Blood House was destroyed after they disappeared.

At that time, when Zhuang Shuang arrived with mercenaries, the headquarters had been destroyed, and the starship on the border of the empire had turned into a death star, and everyone was missing.

In the follow-up investigation, he found that some children were rescued by special escorts, but a large part of them were missing.

Zhuang Shuang checked whether Simon was involved in the rescue, but did not find any information.

It was also at that time that Zhuang Shuang started working as an intelligence agent.

"I, I just came here to catch an employee who was absent from work for no reason." Simon said casually with his hands in his trouser pockets.

Zhuang Shuang: "..."

Can this be called by the way?

Then wouldn't I drop by to detox Major General Shu?
Seeing Zhuang Shuang's sluggish expression with satisfaction, Simon pointed to the elevator and said, "Go to the command room first to find Major General Shu, and I'll go outside to have a look."

"Well, should we sneak away first?" Zhuang Shuang pointed to the small starship not far away.

Even if Shu Yun wakes up, whether the Sedna base can be kept is a problem.I don't know if Vivienne can arrive in time, it's better to run than wait here to die.

Zhuang Shuang is a person who cherishes his life very much.

Simon raised his eyebrows, neither agreed nor refused, but asked lightly: "Do you think you can run with a small civilian starship alone?"

After thinking about it for a few seconds, Zhuang Shuang realized that he really couldn't escape.

Now the Sedna base is surrounded by the Freedom Alliance team, surrounded by several large starships from the air, and with the base's protective cover, it is not as easy to leave as imagined.

Zhuang Shuang fell silent.

Calculated in this way, the probability of survival in the base is much higher than that of fleeing now.

Simon patted Zhuang Shuang on the shoulder indifferently, and said with a smile, "Maybe there will be surprises."

The little girl never let him down.

command room.

"What's going on? Why was the door opened?" Someone yelled loudly.

Major General Shu had just clearly issued an order not to open the door, and she was on her way here.

"The door opened by itself." Someone replied weakly.

The picture displayed on the largest light curtain at this moment is the gate of the base. The door that can only accommodate one mech is opened, and a white figure flies out of the door, and then the door closes immediately.

"Whose mech is that?" Someone asked suspiciously.

No one responded. Except for Major General Shu's mecha, the other mechas in the base are standard imperial army mechas, and they are all dark blue.

Suddenly a white mecha appeared, and it flew out from inside the base. Everyone in the command room felt a cold current rushing across their backs.

If this is the enemy, they have died several times.

"Maybe it's the support..." Someone said uncertainly.

Everyone in the command room knew very well that two small starships arrived at the base last night and this morning.

The first one seemed to be the doctor who came to treat Major General Shu, and the person on the second starship seemed to be there for support, but it is said that only one person came.

This... should be the support... right...

The clean and immaculate white mech flew across the air, and soon arrived at the battlefield.

It didn't land immediately, but pulled out two energy guns from its calf, aiming at the two huge robots in front of the special guard.



The energy bullet hit the target accurately, and then the two mechas exploded from inside.


Metal shards and parts splashed in all directions, raining onto the battlefield.

Calvin Meyer immediately seized the opportunity and gave the order to attack immediately, and the battle formation of the special escort launched an attack on the invaders again.

The white mecha flew around the battlefield, raising the energy gun to shoot from time to time.

Not a single shot was missed, and each shot hit a huge robot.

Even so, it can't stop the trend of robots from advancing.

The number of robots, large and small, is too large, and it is unknown how long it will take to shoot one shot at a time.

Moreover, these robots are aggressive, and if you are not careful, you will be surrounded by a group of robots.

No matter how powerful the protection is, it cannot stop a large number of robot legions of different sizes.

 Let's do this today, tomorrow Shu Shu will show her skills...

  It's been a long time since I asked for a monthly ticket, and the Buddha is asking for a ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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