It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 449 Chapter 449 was actually cheated

Chapter 449 Chapter 449 was actually cheated

Xi'an Weiger was not polite, as soon as he entered the door, he angrily questioned Xiao Tingyuan who was sitting behind the desk.

Hearing that Xiao Shushu was taken to such a dangerous place, she almost exploded with anger.

Such a cute little girl was thrown into the Rowan galaxy by the group of scientific research madmen from the science department to do some damn scientific research.

Is this something that humans can do?
Had he known this would happen, Sian Weiger would have taken Xiao Shushu as a student no matter what.

At least she will protect her own students, unlike the man in front of her who actually sent her students to such a dangerous place.

Xiao Tingyuan knew something was wrong when he saw Xi'an Weiger barging in.

"Honey, please listen to my explanation. It's not what you think." Xiao Tingyuan quickly jumped up from his seat, and walked to Sian Weiger's side in two steps, trying to help her sit down.

Slapping Xiao Tingyuan's hand away, Xi'an Weiger stared at him fiercely: "How do you explain it? Don't tell me, you don't know how Xiao Shushu was abducted by people from the Science Department?"

I really don't know!
Xiao Tingyuan shouted in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it.

As long as he said that, he could imagine that the woman in front of him would not give him a good look.

Finally, because of Shu Shu, the relationship between the two eased a little, and Xiao Tingyuan didn't want to go back to the original point.

It is really Shu Shu who succeeds, and Shu Shu who loses.

"I only found out from Ryan this morning." Xiao Tingyuan showed a shameful expression, "Recently I have been busy dealing with elf students, and I forgot to care about the students who are on vacation. It is indeed my fault."

The Department of Art is the first academy in Luna, and the academy with the largest number of elf students.

In order to relieve the pressure on those elf students who are unwilling to drop out, Xiao Tingyuan is busy dealing with their relationship with the family and their follow-up career planning during this time.

Without the support of the family behind them, the future art path of these elf students may be very bumpy.

While at the academy, they should all be able to complete their studies with funding from the academy.

But after leaving the academy, the family they abandoned may trip them up, especially the senior students.

Originally, some talented students had already started to take part-time jobs outside the college to accumulate experience, but after they decided not to drop out, they all accidentally lost their rare part-time job opportunities.

Xiao Tingyuan knew that this was just the beginning, so during this period of time, he was paving the way for these young elf students who left their families through the contacts he had accumulated.

Both Xiao Tingyuan and Sian Weiger agreed that the confrontation between conservatives and radicals is a matter for their older generation of "special groups", and young "special groups" should not be forced to stand in line.

Young people have their dreams, and the opportunity to realize them should not be lost because of the position of the family.

Regardless of which side the families have chosen to take, or are still watching, the young 'special group' at the Academy are innocent.

Xiao Tingyuan and Xi'an Weiger are so busy these days, how can they have time to take care of Shu Shu?

After hearing Xiao Tingyuan's words, Xi'an Weiger's face softened a little.

Seeing this, Xiao Tingyuan immediately suggested: "I'm going to find Ryan to find out what's going on, do you want to go together?"

"Okay." Sian Weiger nodded.

When the two hurried outside Ryan Tury's office, they heard crying coming from inside.

The two looked at each other, and then Xiao Tingyuan stepped forward and pushed open the door.

In the spacious and bright office, Ryan Tully was sitting behind a desk of the opposite sex glowing with metal, frowning and rubbing his temples.

A person whose back was wider than the back of the chair was facing the door. He was prostrating on the desk and crying, his hands constantly beating on the smooth surface.

With his movements, the flesh on his arms trembled, a bit like gelatin.

"Why? Why can't I change my major? I don't want to stay in biology anymore! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" .

Ryan Tully put down his hand rubbing his temples, and just as he was about to say something, he spotted two people standing at the door.

"Why are you here? Is the meeting about to start?" Ryan Tully asked in surprise.

Apart from the Department of Conducting, recently the teachers of the 'special groups' in the other three colleges are busy dealing with the withdrawal of 'special groups' students.

Compared with the young elves, werewolves and vampires were the least likely to be persuaded to stay, and the situation of the witch clan was not much better.

Most of the Witch families are neutral families, or are inextricably related to the Hanover family.

In the science department, the number of 'special group' students remaining is less than 40.00% of the original.

A large part of them were frightened by the previous attacks on the academy, and felt that the academy could not guarantee their safety and their experiments.

"No, we have something to do with you." Xiao Tingyuan glanced at the fat man who was still prostrate on the table, and asked Ryan Tury what was going on with his eyes.

Ryan Tuli shrugged his shoulders: "This is Jia Ji, a seventh-year student majoring in biology."

"Sixth grade!" Jia Ji raised his head and retorted, wiping his nose with his hand.

Perhaps disgusted by Jia Ji's face full of tears and snot, Ryan Tully stood up and pushed the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"Your teacher has submitted your application for promotion, and you should receive a notification after school starts." Ryan Tully pointed to the two people standing at the door, "I have something to do now, why don't you go to Mellie first Director Si?"

Jia Ji turned his head and glanced at the two people standing at the door, then stood up, took out a handkerchief from his portable space and wiped his face indiscriminately.

He looked at Ryan Turry unwillingly and asked, "Can I really not change my major?"

"As you can see, I can't help you if you failed the exam for changing majors." Ryan Tuli said helplessly.

Jia Ji sniffed, then turned his head down and walked towards the door.

Xiao Tingyuan and Xi'an Weiger who were standing at the door voluntarily moved out of the way for him. Looking at his lonely back, Xiao Tingyuan raised his eyebrows slightly.

Ryan Tury had already recruited a cleaning robot to clean up the messy tabletop, and soon the metal tabletop was restored to a mirror-like cleanliness.

"That child must be Jia Ji." Xiao Tingyuan said firmly.

Such a majestic figure, since entering school, and persistently wanting to change majors, all the characteristics are right.

Ryan Tuli was not surprised that Xiao Tingyuan recognized Jia Ji. After all, Jia Ji has been well-known in the college, especially among the teachers, in the past few years.

"That's him." Ryan Tuli nodded.

Xiao Tingyuan showed such a face as expected: "Why did he come to you?"

Jia Ji has always wanted to switch from a biology major to a computer programming major, neither of which is within Ryan Tury's jurisdiction.

"Aren't you trying to persuade students from 'special groups' to stay?" Thinking of this, Ryan Turry felt a headache, "Our science department gave students the conditions to upgrade experimental equipment, and somehow, some students I took the opportunity to apply for a double degree.”

"Originally, as long as you pass the exam of the professional director, it is not a big problem to study for a double degree in the science department. It's just that Jia Ji also took the computer programming exam."

Having said that, Ryan Tully sighed softly.

"But what does it have to do with you?" Xiao Tingyuan asked puzzled.

The computer programming exam should be presided over by Monica Merris, and Ryan Tury, the director of the medical department, should not be involved.

Seeming to think of something, Ryan Tury's face became ugly.

"A student wanted to cheat and asked Jia Ji to take the medical exam instead of him, and that student took Jia Ji's place to take the computer programming exam."

"Then, you found out?" Xiao Tingyuan guessed.

This kind of cheating is absolutely not allowed in the academy, and it may even result in expulsion if found out.

However, seeing that Jia Ji can still come here to make trouble, it doesn't look like he was expelled.

Ryan Tuli squinted at Xiao Tingyuan and said in a deep voice: "After the exam, Jia Ji came to me and revealed everything. After discussion, all the teachers in the Science Department decided to expel that student."

"How about the test results of the two?" Xiao Tingyuan asked curiously.

Ryan Tuli pushed his glasses: "Jia Ji got a full score in the test, and that student got a zero score."

"Pfft ha ha ha." Xiao Tingyuan couldn't hold back, and laughed out loud.

No wonder I came to report, but I was cheated.

It is estimated that the student probably did not expect that Jia Ji would take the initiative to report. There is no second major that is hot, and it is gone, even the first major is gone.

I have to say that this kid Jia Ji is really interesting.

I have been in Luna First Academy for four years, no, this semester is almost over, it should be four and a half years, and I am already a seventh-year biology student.

In Luna First Academy, this is also a rare talent.

It took Jia Ji only four and a half years to complete a course that took others more than ten years.

No matter who it is, they will feel extremely proud of such achievements.

But that kid kept thinking about changing his major, which was a major he was not good at at all, which made his biology teacher vomit blood frequently.

In four and a half years, six teachers have been changed.

Xiao Tingyuan, who wanted to continue chatting, suddenly felt a dull pain in his calf.

Then he heard Sian Weiger's impatient voice: "We're not here to talk about classmate Jia."

"Director Turi, I want to know why you sent a weak little girl to the Rowan galaxy to do scientific research at this time."

Xiao Tingyuan endured the pain in his calf, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and nodded vigorously: "Yes, why did you send my students to such a place?"

Because of the fat man's matter, he almost forgot the business.

Ryan Tury looked at the two people sitting across from each other in surprise: "You don't know?"

"Know what?" Xiao Tingyuan asked suspiciously.

Sian Weiger, who was sitting on one side, already frowned, she didn't like the feeling of being kept in the dark.

Ryan Tuli pondered for a moment before slowly opening his mouth: "I can't tell you about Student Shu. If you really want to know, you can contact Captain Meyer."

Xi'an Weiger and Xiao Tingyuan looked at each other, they didn't expect that this incident would involve the special guards.

It seems that Shu Shu's scientific exploration is not ordinary exploration.

Lambda No. 3, inside the temporary house of the exploration team.

After searching all the houses, Shu Shu and the others found nothing special, only left some furniture.

Instruments and samples have long been taken away by the exploration team.

In a small room that looked like a conference room, several people sat down around a large table.

The house has been closed and has a special oxygen supply system.

After checking the air in the room, several people took off their helmets.

A dutifully took out the chilled iced black tea, took out three glass cups and poured them for the three of them, and took out some snacks from the portable space and put them on the table.

If it wasn't for the somewhat messy surroundings, the few people looked like they were enjoying a leisurely afternoon tea.

"What happened after the expedition team evacuated?" Simon raised a glass full of iced tea and looked at Shu Shu and asked.

Shu Shu raised her head from the light curtain, curled her lips and said, "I lost contact not long after I left Brenda 3."

At that time, the entire Rowan galaxy was in chaos, and almost no one noticed that the exploration team had lost contact, and of course no one came here to investigate the situation.

At that time, the Imperial Army was all focused on defending Sedna, and had no energy to take care of other things.

Moreover, not only this exploration team, several exploration teams scattered in the Rowan galaxy lost contact during the evacuation process.

Some transmitted the signal of being attacked by star thieves, while others did not transmit anything back, and just disappeared in the vast space.

"Should we send a team of small starships to explore the surrounding area of ​​this planet?" A suggested.

Although they only have one large starship, there are many small starships.

Shu Shu thought for a while, looked at Vivienne, and asked her what she thought.

After all, these are the starship teams of the Bailey family. If you want to send this starship to explore the surrounding planets, you still need Vivienne's permission.

"Come on, give me a hug." Vivienne pointed at Shu Shu with a hook.

I just know that I will come back to this set.

Shu Shu sighed softly, stood up helplessly, walked to Vivienne, and was hugged by a pair of devil claws before she could stand still.

Hugging the soft little Shushu, Vivian smiled and looked at Simon who was sitting opposite, and gave him a provocative look.

Look, little Shushu let me hug her.

As if Simon didn't see it, he drank his iced tea calmly.

The iced black tea has a lot of sugar added, it tastes very sweet and a bit greasy.

Not long after Vivian was complacent, the little girl in her arms broke free.

"I haven't hugged enough yet." Vivian complained dissatisfied.

The soft and fragrant little Shushu can't be hugged enough.

Shu Shu shrugged: "It's time."

This is an agreement between the two, every time Shu Shu asks for Vivian, she will let Vivian hug her, and the time is fixed every time.

When she was a child, when she was a soft and cute little loli, Shu Shu could still understand that Vivienne wanted to hug her.

But now that she has grown up, and Vivian still wants to hug her, Shu Shu always feels that something is wrong.

 Vivienne: I just want to hug little Shushu.

  Zhuang Shuang: So the root of your illness lies here.

  Vivian: Shut up!

(End of this chapter)

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