It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 450 Chapter 450 Special Association

Chapter 450 Chapter 450 Special Association
With a bang, Shu Shu heard the sound and looked over, only to find that the glass in Simon's hand fell on the table.

The shattered glass and iced tea spilled on the table and mixed together, and the glass shards refracted dots of light under the illumination of the energy lamp.

There was still a hint of a smile on the beautiful face: "My hand slipped."

"Aren't you hurt?" Shu Shu hurriedly ran to Simon, holding Simon's hand carefully with her two small hands.

Look left, look right, turn over and look again.

With slender fingers, fair and flawless skin, and no signs of injury, Shu Shu breathed a sigh of relief.

Just as Shu Shu lowered her head and stared at Simon's hand carefully, Simon glanced at Vivienne with a smug smile on his face.

Look, the little girl is still more concerned about me.

The carat demon rolled her big eyes, then stared at the little pink head with hatred.

How could this kid be so easy to deceive?

Shu Yun's education must have gone wrong, definitely not her teaching.

Reluctantly letting go of Simon's hand, Shu Shu suddenly remembered something. She reached out to grab Simon's other hand. After careful observation, she saw faint bite marks on it.

The pink and tender bite marks are almost integrated with the skin, and it is almost invisible if you don't look carefully.

Simon didn't stop either, letting the little girl grab his hand.

After seeing those dark gray eyes getting foggy, he followed her gaze, then chuckled: "It's okay."

"Did it hurt at that time?" Shu Shu asked with watery eyes.

She regretted so much, that biting down so hard left this scar on the Duke's hand.

Simon raised his other hand and rubbed the little girl's soft head, and said with a smile, "If you feel guilty, work hard for me and improve the performance of the travel agency."

It's just a small scar that can hardly be seen. I didn't expect this little girl to feel distressed.

Vivian, who was sitting opposite, watched the interaction between the two, confused, not knowing what was going on with them.

She couldn't help standing up, leaning her upper body forward to take a closer look at Simon's almost perfect hand.

Slender fingers, smooth muscle lines, fair skin with no visible pores, like a work of art, without the slightest blemish.

It would be a pity not to touch it.

Suddenly, Vivian's gaze froze.

With her eyesight, it took her a while to distinguish the neat row of teeth marks.

That's right, it's tooth marks.

"What's going on here?" Vivienne asked calmly.

With the blood's cell recovery ability, even deep bone injuries would not leave any traces on the skin.

According to the research of the Wu family, as long as blood is replenished in time, the cell regeneration ability of the pure blood family is more than 100 times that of human beings.

Even blood with impure blood is dozens of times that of human beings.

Such things as scars should not appear on Simon.

Simon shrugged and wrote lightly: "It's just a bite, it's not a big deal."

"Who bit it?" Vivian asked, staring at Simon.

The aura around her suddenly changed, Shu Shu felt a huge sense of oppression, the air seemed to be frozen and pressed on her body, almost making her unable to breathe.

Just when Shu Shu felt that she was about to be crushed, her body was pulled forward by a force, and then she fell into a warm embrace.

Simon stood up at some point, with one arm around Shu Shu's small waist and the other behind her head, holding her tightly in his arms.

"It's not that you were bitten. Is there any need to be so angry?" Simon chuckled, as if he didn't take Vivienne's anger to heart.

Without the huge pressure, Shu Shu wanted to raise her head, but Simon pushed her back.

The whole person was held in Simon's arms and could not move. She could hear Simon Qiang'er's strong heartbeat.

Even if she couldn't see her face, Shu Shu felt that her cheeks must be very red, as if they were burning.

She was embraced by the Duke!
Vivian was not annoyed by Simon's words as usual.She narrowed her eyes and stared at Simon's smiling face, then looked at the little girl in Simon's arms.

After a while, Vivienne withdrew the oppressive feeling emanating from her body.

"You should know the consequences of humans drinking your blood, right?" Vivienne said in a deep voice.

There was a bit of gnashing of teeth in his tone, as if his beloved had been stolen.

Shu Shu wanted to turn her head to look, but Simon pinned her head, so she could only lean against his arms and listen to the conversation between the two.

Simon smiled and answered irrelevant questions: "Shu Shu didn't bite me on purpose."

Being bitten and bleeding by a human is an insult to any blood race.

After all, the vampires regard human beings as food, only they can bite human beings, there is no reason for human beings to bite them.

But Simon didn't seem to care, and there was a lightness in his tone.

Vivian stared at Simon fiercely, as if she was going to swallow him


She patted the table hard with her palm, and Vivienne pointed at Simon angrily and scolded: "You bastard! You actually let my little Shushu drink your blood, and you still have the face to say that?"

Little Shushu hadn't even drank my blood before, but this guy actually took the lead.

pissed her off!

What (゜ロ゜)?

Shu Shu's face was full of question marks. If Simon hadn't held her head down, she would have turned to ask Vivian what was going on.

She just accidentally bit the Lord Duke's hand hard, so why did she become the Duke and give her his blood to drink?
Moreover, the Duke also said that she didn't become his blood slave, it might be because the blood had failed.

Could there be other sequelae besides becoming the Duke's blood servant?

"I drank it all, it's useless for you to say it now." Simon held the struggling little girl in his arms and smiled at Vivienne.

Looking at Vivienne's distorted face due to anger, he suddenly felt that the depressed mood of the past few days disappeared immediately.

Vivienne was really pissed off.

The cub raised by her family was abducted by this shameless pure-blood before she reached adulthood. How could she not be angry?
Standing aside, A stared dumbfounded at the two people across the table. It took him a while to understand what happened.

He can fully understand his boss's mood at this time, this time his boss is really at a loss.

It wouldn't matter if Shu Shu drank the blood of an ordinary vampire, the boss could offset it by giving her a drop of blood.

But Duke Orsini was different.

Even if he no longer has the title of prince, he is a genuine pure blood, and he is also the most special pure blood in thousands of years.

Regardless of whether it is a human being or a "special group", as long as they drink his blood, even if there is only one drop, they will become an existence that has a special relationship with him.

He can choose to make the other party his blood servant or an equal existence, it all depends on how he wants to use this special connection.

In film and television dramas, there are often plots where human beings are bitten by vampires and become vampires.In reality, these things do not exist. There is only one way for human beings to become blood races.

That is to drink the blood of a vampire and become that vampire's servant.

Vampire servants will have the same abilities as low-level vampires, but they must obey their masters and become the most loyal servants of their masters.

But they are not vampires after all, and if they are not careful, they will become corrupted bodies.

Became a real, mindless beast.

Miss Shu drank Duke Orsini's blood, even if there was only one drop, her future fate would be tightly tied to Duke Orsini's.

This kind of blood connection is the most difficult to break, so it's no wonder his boss is so angry.

A took a few steps back cautiously, clinging to the metal wall of the house, ready to run out at any time.

If you run out like this without wearing protective clothing, your internal organs will be damaged in the atmosphere of this new ball.But if he didn't run out, he might be engulfed by the boss's anger.

In the case of choosing one of the two, A can only take the risk of running outside.

After all, not everyone can bear the anger of the boss.

"I am going to kill you!"

 Vivienne: It was Shu Yun who taught Xiao Shushu to be crooked, not me

  I'm a bit stuck today, so let's do this...

(End of this chapter)

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