It turns out that the duke is not human

463 Chapter 463 This is not something you should worry about

463 Chapter 463 This is not something you should worry about

"I don't know, the captain ordered it." Wan Ming shook his head, indicating that this matter has nothing to do with him.

Simon asked a few more questions, but Wan Ming could hardly answer them.He is just a collateral young master who came to the Rowan galaxy for vacation, and he is not very clear about what the Wan family wants to do here.

Seeing that they couldn't ask for any information, they didn't bother him any more. Shu Shu asked Raphael to take him away, and then brought the other prisoners over one by one.

Everyone was panicked, silent, or angry when they came in, but after a few chats with Simon, they all became surprisingly friendly.

As if they were the closest of friends, he told everything he knew.

Shu Shu refreshed her understanding of the blood race. It turns out that the blood race still has such incredible abilities.

"The order I got is to attack all those who enter the asteroid circle without authorization, so that they will never come back." The middle-aged man with gray temples said in a deep voice.

He is the captain of the starship, and according to the information provided by other captives, he is also the deputy of the entire Wanjia Fleet.

Sent to the supply point of the asteroid circle, responsible for patrol and protection.

Because of this status, he was placed as the last interrogation subject.

"When did you receive the order?" Shu Shu asked.

The middle-aged man didn't hesitate, as if sitting opposite him was his most trusted partner, he said naturally: "About two months ago."

Hearing this answer, Shu Shu frowned slightly.

Two months ago the Liberty League hadn't declared war on the Empire, nor had it attacked Luna First Academy.

Did the Wan family receive the information early, or did they plan to take the asteroid circle as their own?

"What about the imperial army stationed at the supply point?" Simon asked.

This time the middle-aged man was silent, as if unwilling to answer, and it took a long time before he said slowly: "We killed them all."

Although she had been prepared for a long time, Shu Shu's heart sank when she heard this answer.

According to the records in the Sedna base, in order to ensure the safety of each supply point, the military dispatched a combat-type medium-sized starship and a mech squad to each supply point.

These imperial soldiers should never have dreamed that they did not die on the battlefield, but died at the hands of the people they protected.

Simon asked a few questions, but the middle-aged man couldn't answer them.

He just followed the instructions and didn't know what Wanjia was doing.He didn't know anything about what Wan Jia wanted to do in the asteroid circle.

In this regard, Wanjia's secrecy work is quite good. Even the team in charge of patrolling, no one knows why they did this.

However, the middle-aged man mentioned that many Wanjia starships entered the asteroid circle recently, and he escorted them several times.But most of them will not go to the supply point, as if they are just passing by.

When I met them this time, I was escorting a large starship.

After Raphael took the middle-aged man away, Shu Shu's brows were already wrinkled into Sichuan characters.

Wanjia has problems, and the problems are not small.

"Just tell Shu Yun about this, it's not something you should worry about." Simon poked Shu Shu's brow and said.

The Wan family was already related to the Hanover family, so Simon was not surprised at all that he would do such a thing.

Now he is more curious about what Wanjia is hiding in this asteroid circle.

"Even if I leave it to the eldest sister to handle it, I'm still worried about what the Wan family will do." Shu Shu pouted.

Seeing the unhappy little look, Simon shook his head and laughed: "Are you worried that your eldest sister can't handle it?"

A Wanjia, Shu Yun should be able to handle it.

Even if there is a Hannover family behind the Wan family and a marshal behind Shu Yun, they should not be underestimated.

For a person like Shu Yun who has no background to become the youngest major general in the empire, apart from her own outstanding ability, she also has the appreciation of the marshal.

Among the high-ranking members of the empire, no one knew that Shu Yun was the junior whom the Marshal favored.

"Yes." Shu Shu nodded vigorously, and she raised her hand and counted with her fingers: "If the elder sister can't handle it, she will work overtime, and if she works overtime, she will stay up late. If she stays up late, her body's resistance will decline. In that case The toxins in her body may be irrepressible."

Zhuang Shuang mentioned that Shu Yun should not be too tired, otherwise the toxins in her body might explode again.

"I can't tell, you think a lot." Simon held his cheek with his left hand, and stared at Shu Shu with light blue eyes.

Shu Shu blinked her eyes, not understanding why the Duke would say that.

She thought for a while and said, "If it was the Duke, I would be just as worried."

"Really?" Simon was noncommittal, but the raised corner of his mouth betrayed his mood at the moment.

"Of course." Shu Shu nodded vigorously.

Because you are very important to me.

Sedna base, Shu Yun's office.

"What do you think of Wanjia's actions?" Shu Yun sat in front of the desk with her hands crossed on the table.

Andre had already learned about the asteroid circle from Shu Yun, he didn't expect Wan's family to kill the people who the army sent to protect the supply point.

Can't see that Wanjia can do such a thing.

Could it be that the Hanover family ordered it?
Andre remembered that he had found some information before, and always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell.

"What are you going to do? Are you going to report this matter?" Andre asked without answering.

With the cooperation of Captain Meyer and Lieutenant Ai, the order of the Rowan galaxy is gradually being restored.But it may take a long time before the Liberty Alliance declares war.

The star system where Sedna is located has completely returned to the control of the empire, and the land reclamation plan is being resumed in an orderly manner.

Whether it is the Saketti family, Wanjia or Lejia, they are slowly restoring the buildings that were destroyed before.

At this time, the Wanjia rebellion broke out, and it would be a serious blow to the empire and the land reclamation plan.

Andre knew that if this matter was not handled properly, the land reclamation plan of the Rowan galaxy might be shelved.

This is undoubtedly bad news for Andre. The Saketti family invested so much in the Rowan galaxy, and it was all in vain in the end. This is really unacceptable.

Shu Yun was silent for a moment, and then slowly said: "I am going to submit a secret letter to the marshal."

At present, there are only a few certifications, which are not enough to prove that the Wan family has rebelled.

If this matter is brought to the cabinet, neither Wan Jia nor Shu Yun will have any good fruit to eat.

The Wan family can completely disregard the relationship, saying that the people at the supply point have rebelled, and have nothing to do with them, and they are also victims.

What Shu Yun has to do now is to collect more evidence, so that the Wan family has no room to maneuver, and avenge the soldiers who died at the hands of the Wan family.

But she had to inform the marshal about this matter first.

"That's the only way to go." Andre sighed, and then he suggested: "Why don't you go to Zhuang Shuang for some information?"

(End of this chapter)

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