It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 464 Chapter 464 He's been busy recently

Chapter 464 Chapter 464 He's been busy recently
Shu Yun shook her head slightly: "Let's find someone else."

Under Andre's puzzled gaze, she explained: "He's been a little busy recently."

Sedna base, six floors underground.

The sudden sound of the siren plunged the entire floor into chaos. There were people coming and going in the corridor, and everyone had serious expressions on their faces, but they didn't show the slightest panic.

"Alarm! The air pressure in computer room No. [-] is abnormal!"

The electronic voice mixed in with the siren kept repeating the same sentence.

In the No. [-] computer room, the heat wave was rolling, and the steam coming out of it could be seen from the open door.

The maintenance robot was spraying cold water on the machines inside, and technicians in protective clothing came in and out, and some people were dragged out from time to time.

Xu Tianyou struggled forward in the high-temperature computer room, the thick steam blocked his sight, and the high-temperature environment caused the temperature sensor to fail.

After searching in the computer room for a long time, he finally found his target.

Zhuang Shuang, who was wearing a transparent protective suit, was lying on the ground, holding tools in both hands and constantly moving on a hot motherboard.

His movements are skillful, as if the surrounding high temperature environment has no image for him.

"Mr. Zhuang, we can't stay here any longer, please leave with me immediately." Xu Tianyou ran to Zhuang Shuang and shouted loudly.

He reached out to grab Zhuang Shuang's shoulders and pull him up, but a fist-sized spherical robot flew from nowhere and blocked his hand.


The spherical robot launched a 360-degree slam on Xu Tianyou's hand without any dead angle, until he withdrew his hand in pain and took several steps back before stopping the attack.

Xu Tianyou burst into tears from the pain. He rubbed his injured hand with his other hand, staring at the spherical robot that stopped in mid-air.

Even if he grew up on the border, he knew that robots could not attack humans.

For this reason, there has never been a category of bodyguard robots.

But the robot in front of him did indeed attack him, and it is still standing between him and Mr. Zhuang.

The spherical robot stopped in mid-air, with a pair of green crystal eyes staring at Xu Tianyou.

One person and one machine stared at each other for a long time without moving.

It wasn't until Zhuang Shuang put the motherboard back in place, put away the tools and stood up, that the spherical robot turned around and circled Zhuang Shuang a few times.

"Good job." Zhuang Shuang praised.

He smiled and touched the head of the spherical robot. The spherical robot enjoyed the owner's touch like a pet.

Xu Tianyou was dumbfounded.

He had heard from his companions before that the empire had a kind of robot that was specially made as a pet, and it was very popular because of its long lifespan.

But he didn't have any idea about pets at first, but now seeing Zhuang Shuang's actions, he thought this might be that kind of pet robot.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Xu Tianyou staring at him, Zhuang Shuang asked suspiciously.

He remembered this person, the captain of a team in the Liberty Alliance.

When attacking the Sedna base, he was caught by Shu Shu, and then he helped the technicians on the sixth floor of the basement to do a lot of work.

Later, Xu Tianyou stayed on the sixth basement floor to do hard work after the application of the head of the technical team on the sixth basement floor.

Although it was hard work, the pay was good.

Working eight hours a day, three meals a day can go to the cafeteria with the technical staff.In addition to wearing a shackle that monitors his whereabouts in real time, he can walk around in the public areas of the base at will.

Except for some people who were hostile to Xu Tianyou, the technical team leader on the sixth underground floor treated him well.

When he is free, he will also teach Xu Tianyou to repair some more complicated machines.

Zhuang Shuang has seen how he repairs the machine, although it is a bit rough, but overall it is not bad.

"'s nothing..." Xu Tianyou quickly shook his head while hiding his injured hand behind his back.

Zhuang Shuang didn't ask any further questions, he looked around and said casually, "Let's go out."

"Okay." Xu Tianyou nodded.

The temperature in this ghost place is really too high, even if you wear protective clothing, you can still feel the heat.

The two of them left the No. [-] computer room one after the other. As soon as they went out, they saw the technical team leader on the sixth underground floor directing people to enter the computer room.

The middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the two had come out safely.Then he ran to the two of them and looked at Zhuang Shuang anxiously: "Mr. Zhuang, how is the situation inside?"

The No. [-] computer room had been severely damaged. If it hadn't been for Zhuang Shuang's restoration of the core components, it would have been scrapped long ago.

It is something that no one expected to call the police suddenly.

"It's just that the switch failed due to the aging of the main board. I have already repaired the main board. Now the main computer in the computer room has been turned off. When the temperature inside cools down, go and replace the main board." Zhuang Shuang said casually.

The team leader's expression froze, and then he said solemnly: "Thank you."

If Zhuang Shuang didn't find the problem and repair it in time, the No. [-] computer room might explode, and the loss would not only be the No. [-] computer room.

"No, after all, I also get the salary of a mechanical expert." Zhuang Shuang waved his hand.

Although he was very dissatisfied with the mechanical expert title forced upon him, he had to admit that the salary of this job was not low.

No one feels bad about money.

The team leader knew that the mechanical expert invited by Major General Shu was very easy-going, so he didn't say much, looked at Xu Tianyou and said, "God you, send Mr. Zhuang back first."

"Okay." Xu Tianyou immediately responded.

The two didn't stay any longer, and walked along the corridor towards the elevator.

By this time the alarm had gone off, and there were fewer people in the corridor.

After sending Zhuang Shuang to the chemical laboratory on the third basement floor, Xu Tianyou was just about to say goodbye when Zhuang Shuang stopped him.

"You come in too." Zhuang Shuang glanced at Xu Tianyou's hand that had been hiding behind his back, "If you don't treat it sooner, your hand will be useless."

Xu Tianyou shook his head quickly: "It's okay, it's just a small injury."

"My little girl is not easy to attack, your hand must be broken." Zhuang Shuang opened the door and entered the chemistry laboratory after speaking.

Xu Tianyou hesitated at the door for a while, and finally entered the chemistry laboratory.

After entering the laboratory, the first thing that catches the eye is the robot.

That's right, robots of different sizes and shapes are flying or crawling, moving back and forth across the laboratory.

Whether it's on the floor, on the walls, on the ceiling or on the table, there are robots everywhere.

This was the first time in Xu Tianyou's life that he saw so many robots gathered in one space. He stared blankly until a spherical robot flew past him before he came back to his senses.

The spherical robot flew around Xu Tianyou, and then stopped in front of Xu Tianyou.

Seeing those familiar green crystal eyes, Xu Tianyou knew that it was the culprit who hurt his hand.

Glancing fiercely at the spherical robot floating in the air, Xu Tianyou strode toward where Zhuang Shuang was.

Zhuang Shuang had already taken off the transparent protective clothing, and after throwing the protective clothing to a robot lying on the ground, he sat on a robot that looked like a chair.

"Sit." Zhuang Shuang pointed to another robot that looked like a chair.

Before Xu Tianyou could react, the chair-like robot had come behind him, pushing his calf and forcing him to sit down.

Then, the chair-like robot brought Xu Tianyou to Zhuang Shuang.

"Show me your hand." Zhuang Shuang stretched out his right hand to signal Xu Tianyou to stretch out his hand.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Xu Tianyou stretched out his injured right hand and placed it on Zhuang's hands.

His hand, which was already full of scars, was abnormally swollen.

Zhuang Shuang took out a pair of glasses from the portable space, put them on, and carefully observed the abnormally swollen hand back and forth.

After a while, Zhuang Shuang let go of Xu Tianyou's hand, and threw the glasses back into the portable space.

"Have you ever broken your hand before?" Zhuang Shuang opened the light curtain and asked casually.

Xu Tianyou thought for a while, then said with some uncertainty: "There should be."

"Should?" Zhuang Shuang glanced at Xu Tianyou's injured hand.

Xu Tianyou hurriedly hid his right hand behind his back again: "For those of us who were born on the border, this kind of injury is nothing. Broken bones are commonplace, as long as it is not a fatal injury, you can just bear it."

What he said was all the truth. Whether he could have enough food at the border was a problem, let alone heal his injuries.

Except for some large frontier star bandits that have doctors and medicines, other small or no-organized people basically rely on hard work.

Being unable to hold on is nothing more than death, and for them, death may be a relief.

When he was young, he experienced the death of his mother because of dystocia giving birth to his younger brother. When he was a teenager, his father and siblings were killed by star thieves. Xu Tianyou is already worthy of his name for living to this day.

Sometimes he thinks that his parents really chose the right name for him.

Compared with many of his dead companions, it is already a miracle that he can survive till now.

Zhuang Shuang took out a metal box the size of a human head from his portable space and put it on the table, then turned to Xu Tianyou and said, "Put your hands in it."

There is a large gap in the side of the metal box, which is more than enough to fit a hand in.

Without any hesitation, Xu Tianyou put his hand in.

"Take it out in an hour." Zhuang Shuang tapped the light curtain a few times and said.

From the gap, you can see colorful light spots in the metal box, and these light spots revolve around Xu Tianyou's hand.

Xu Tianyou put his hands in the metal box obediently, and looked curiously at the light spot that kept turning around.

He had never seen anything like it before, and wondered what would happen to his hands in just an hour.

I have heard that the empire has a treatment device called a medical cabin. It is said that any disease or injury can be treated as long as you lie in it.

I don't know if this metal box is a mini version of the medical cabin... Xu Tianyou murmured in his heart.

Zhuang Shuang had already stood up and walked to another table.

The table was full of glass containers of various shapes, many of which Xu Tianyou had never seen before.

Seeing that Zhuang Shuang didn't pay attention to him anymore, Xu Tianyou relaxed a lot.

Except for a few people like the team leader who are fairly friendly towards him, most people in the base are hostile towards him, and some people don't even hide their hatred towards him.

However, he can also understand the mood of these people.

It doesn't matter who it is, it doesn't feel right to be in the same roof as someone who killed his fellow man.

If it was at the border, those people should have pounced on them long ago.If you don't beat him to death, don't give up.

Xu Tianyou didn't pay much attention to those who were hostile to him.

Originally, he was prepared to die at any time, and he was already secretly happy to be able to live till now.

Seeing the smirk on Xu Tianyou's face through the reflection of the glass bottle, Zhuang Shuang curled his lips in disgust.

What a fool.

"According to the investigation of the technicians, the malfunction in the No. [-] computer room was man-made. Someone saw Xu Tianyou entered the No. [-] computer room before the malfunction, and suspected that he did it..."

While Shu Yun was doing hemodialysis, she was listening to the reports from the subordinates under the light curtain. Zhuang Shuang sat quietly holding the hemodialysis equipment not far away.

Hearing the three words Xu Tianyou, his eyes that were dozing off suddenly opened.

Shu Yun noticed Zhuang Shuang's abnormality, and she waited for her subordinates to finish their report and told them to continue the investigation before turning off the light curtain.

"I heard that you were the one who solved the problem in the computer room." Shu Yun looked at Zhuang Shuang and said.

Zhuang Shuang shrugged: "It's just doing things with money."

"I just have time today." Shu Yun suddenly changed the topic, "Let's talk about what happened in Carat 20 years ago."

Zhuang Shuang was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "I've never seen someone so eager to pay you."

At that time, Zhuang Shuang and Shu Shu talked about the condition of treating Shu Yun, which was to ask a few questions about an incident that happened in Kela 20 years ago.

"I'll give you some advance payment first." Shu Yun laughed.

In fact, she was quite curious about what information would make Zhuang Shuang agree to save her.

Back then, when she was working as an undercover agent, Zhuang Shuang's name had already spread throughout Reiss, and she was also well-known in Carat.

Everyone said so, Zhuang Shuang is not a hypocritical person.

"20 years ago, at Rothschild's banquet, how did you survive?"

The smile on Shu Yun's face slowly faded, and the picture of 20 years ago flashed in her mind.

Back then, Shu Yun was sent to lurk in a gang organization in the Schiller galaxy. In addition to looking for evidence, her other task was to find out their source of goods.

That gang organization was originally a small gang, but in just a few years, it rose in Schiller's galaxy with a new type of hallucinogen.

According to the Ministry of Intelligence's investigation, gangster organizations are merely distribution channels for the distribution of new hallucinogens, not their production.

Because of the rapid expansion, many personnel were recruited from behind. Using the false identity provided by the Ministry of Intelligence, Shu Yun successfully mixed in.

It took three years to go from a thug in the organization to the third in command of the organization.

But she still couldn't find out who the manufacturer was, and only the leader of the gang knew where the source of the goods came from.

As the third in command, like the second in command, she can only pick up the goods at the designated place according to the order of the first in command.

In order to complete the task, Shu Yun provoked the relationship between the second in command and the first in command, and then joined forces with the second in command to try to trip the first in command.

But they haven't made a move yet, and the leaders who have been prepared for a long time have made the move first.

It was at Carat Rothschild's banquet.

 I finally wrote the story of the eldest sister who went undercover back then, and the baby was exhausted.

  For Dazhang’s sake, ask for a monthly ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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