Chapter 480 Chapter 480

Shu Shu's light curtains were not turned off, and they were still floating beside the two of them.

The strong light almost drowned several light curtains, Shu Shu narrowed her eyes and struggled to look at a light curtain that could still be vaguely 'seen'.

The indicator displayed on the light curtain has turned red and purple, and warning windows continue to pop up.

Shu Shu took out a pink umbrella from her portable space, put the handle on Simon's shoulder and opened it. Immediately, Simon felt that the light around him was no longer so strong.

The pink umbrella blocked the light, and at the same time formed a spherical shield around the two of them, completely covering them.

Simon kicked the metal door, but the door didn't move at all, as if embedded in the wall.

"The door is locked."

Although Simon said that, there was no panic in his tone, as if he was not the one who was trapped here.

Shu Shu, who was leaning in his arms, was also very calm, holding the end of the umbrella handle with one hand, and moving back and forth on a light curtain with the other hand.

She was hugged by Simon, a standard princess hug.

The little girl didn't feel awkward because of this posture, but turned around naturally in Simon's arms, connecting a light curtain with the umbrella.

Seeing that the little girl didn't panic at all, Simon smiled and asked, "Aren't you afraid that we will be locked up here?"

"The Lord Duke is here." Shu Shu blinked her big eyes and said with a smile.

I believe that the Duke can take her out of here... Even if she can't, she can take the Duke away, anyway, they won't be locked here for too long.

As if seeing through Shu Shu's little thoughts, the smile on Simon's face deepened a bit.

The strong glow didn't last long, and it faded after about 2 minutes.

Shu Shu didn't put away the umbrella because of this, but moved the umbrella to the left, with her little head resting on Simon's shoulder and looking in the direction of the platform.

On the platform in the center of the laboratory stood two fully armed mechas, one mecha was dark blue and the other was black.

Shu Shu recognized at first glance that it was the latest model of Beretta's mecha, which was the same model as the mecha team they met in the asteroid circle.

The only difference was that those mechas were not equipped with energy gun mounts, and the two mechas carried two black, vertically rectangular energy gun mounts on their shoulders.

Each energy gun rack can fire three energy cannons at the same time. As long as they are properly coordinated and the energy storage time of the energy cannons is matched with each other, the two mechs can fire energy cannons continuously.

"Fly!" Shu Shu suddenly shouted.

She just saw that the energy cannons of the two mechas had been fully charged. Four energy cannon racks and twelve energy cannons were pointing directly at them.

Hearing Shu Shu's shout, Simon didn't hesitate, and jumped with both feet.

One second before Shu Shu shouted, Simon felt a sense of crisis coming from behind.

The sense of crisis of the blood race is never wrong.

As soon as the two of them left the ground, the place where they were before was bombarded by energy cannons.


The sound of the explosion was accompanied by a strong energy wave, causing the equipment hanging from the ceiling to shake violently.

With the help of the aftermath of the explosion, Simon flew to the nearest device. Shu Shu wrapped her right hand around Simon's neck, and her left hand firmly grasped the handle of the umbrella.

The protective cover blocked the heat wave and flying debris from the energy cannon, and the explosion did not cause any damage to the two of them.


As soon as Simon's feet landed on a device, the second wave of energy cannon attacks came from below.

The two mechas did not give up because Shu Shu and the others hid behind the equipment, but instead fired energy cannons at the ceiling.

"Hurry up." Simon's voice sounded in Shu Shu's ears.

Shu Shu could feel a big warm hand pressing hard on her back, and that warm feeling made her feel extremely at ease.

The two shuttled between the equipment, but the bombardment behind them never stopped.

Shu Shu frowned suddenly as she watched the unknown devices around her being blown up.

"They want to destroy this place." Shu Shu said firmly.

It is not known where the two mechs came from, but they must have come here through this set of equipment.

Seeing these two strangers here, attacking them directly was a normal reaction.

But what they are doing now is not only trying to kill them, but also destroying the equipment that sent them here.

Could this be the main mission of these two mechas here?
There are indeed scientists in the empire working on teleportation equipment, but so far they can only teleport dead objects, and they are not that accurate.

Shu Shu has also read some related papers, mainly because she has not yet found a stable method of decomposition and reunion, causing one object to become another object after being teleported to the other side.

From the two unscathed mechs, it can be seen that the teleportation function of this set of equipment is already perfect.

Moreover, this set of teleportation equipment can not only teleport dead objects, but also teleport living objects.

The pilot in the mecha is the best evidence.

This can explain why there are no researchers in the laboratory next door. Shu Shu checked the personnel records of the Wanjia supply point before, and no researcher has ever been here.

At that time, Shu Shu thought that the researchers might have come here with other identities, but now she doesn't think so.

They should be sent from the other side of the empire through this transmission equipment, and they don't need to go through the personnel registration office at the airport at the supply point.

"Let's get out of here first." Simon hugged Shu Shu and flew out.

The location where the original door was located had long been blasted by an energy cannon to make a big hole, and the wall of the corridor outside could be seen from the ceiling.

As if sensing that the two were about to leave, the dark blue mecha immediately ran to the big hole in the wall and blocked the exit with its body.

As soon as it stood still, the energy gun mount on its shoulder fired three energy cannons at the two people in the air.

Simon had no choice but to stop in the air, then flew to the left to avoid the oncoming energy cannon.

"It seems that they still don't want us to leave." Simon bowed his head and smiled.

The black mecha suddenly flew up and rushed towards Simon and the two.

"Look at me!"

Shu Shu held a pink umbrella to face the black mecha flying towards them, and she pressed a button on the handle of the umbrella.

The top of the pink umbrella immediately shot out an energy bullet, which looked like an ordinary energy gun bullet, much smaller than the energy cannon bullet.

The black mech didn't take the small bullet to heart, it went directly to meet it.

The bullet doesn't look powerful, but when it touches the metal material, it turns into a grid, covering the entire black mecha in the grid.


The power grid made a sizzling sound, continuously gathering around the black mecha.

The more the black mecha struggles, the faster the power grid will gather.

In the blink of an eye, the power grid tightly trapped the black mech, unable to move.

 Slowly resuming the update~
(End of this chapter)

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