It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 481 481 Come and taste my 1 shot

Chapter 481 481 Come and taste my shot

The black mech didn't give up on chasing Shu Shu because of the loss of the ability to move its limbs, only to see the two energy gun mounts on its shoulders light up at the same time.

The six energy cannons rushed towards Shu Shu and Simon in an instant.


Because the distance was too close, Simon only avoided two energy cannons, and the other four hit behind the protective shield.

The pink umbrella in Shu Shu's hand was directly scrapped.

"Hey, why do you have to scrap so many things in the Rowan galaxy?" Shu Shu looked at the umbrella with only the handle left and sighed softly.

My starship and mecha haven't been repaired yet, and now my umbrella is broken.

Throwing the handle of the umbrella into the portable space, Shu Shu sighed again.

I still owe Jiang Cha so much money, and I have to find him for repairs when I go back this time.

When will my debt be paid off? ? !

Seeing the little girl's frowning face, Simon reminded with a smile: "When you get back to Sedna, you can ask Zhuang Shuang to have a look."

"That's right." The expression on Shu Shu's face immediately changed from cloudy to clear.

There is no need to pay for repairing Zhuang Shuang.

Zhuang Shuang in Sedna didn't know that he had been recognized by Shu Shu as a free labor force.


Simon avoided an energy cannon again, and this energy cannon directly blasted a hole in the wall.

Without saying a word, he flew out of the hole directly.

The mecha masters on the two mechas didn't expect the two to leave just like that. The pilot driving the black mecha quickly shouted in their internal channel: "You go after them, I'll take care of this."

The dark blue mecha didn't leave immediately, but hesitantly glanced at the black mecha whose hands and feet were trapped by the power grid.

"Are you okay?" the mecha master of the dark blue mecha asked.

The mecha master of the black mecha said coldly: "It's okay, you go!"

The mecha master of the dark blue mecha didn't hesitate anymore, and rushed towards the big hole where Shu Shu and the two had been together for an hour.


The size of the mecha is too large, and the hole in the wall is forced to expand a lot.

After the dark blue mecha left for a while, the mecha master on the black mecha turned off Tong Xu and cursed: "Damn it! What the hell is this?"

The electric grid wrapped around the mecha is like a bondage suit, which makes the mecha completely immobile and can only fly around in the air.

He had to find a way to tear the grid apart first.

In the corridor, Simon walked forward with Shu Shu in his arms.

There was a light curtain in front of the little girl, on which was a floor plan of Wanjia's supply point.

While showing Simon the way, she said: "A should have a mecha, just leave it to him when the time comes."

As for Vivian, based on Shu Shu's understanding of her, if A didn't help her carry it, she would never carry it herself.

If it was an ordinary mecha, Shu Shu could still use the weapons in her portable space to deal with it.

But behind them is the latest model of Beretta's mecha, the biggest advantage of this mecha is its thick skin.

Beretta's mechas are known for their strong defense capabilities compared to the mechas produced by VEX, which are more aggressive and civilized.

If it is in the mecha station, Shu Shu is absolutely sure to take down two mechas at the same time.

But now there is no mecha around her, and she has nothing to do, just pry open the hand-held weapon of Beretta's mecha shell.

The shell is made of the most flexible material in the empire, which is not afraid of cold or heat, and is particularly resistant to blows.

Shu Shu suddenly thought of something, she turned to look at Simon and asked curiously: "Master Duke, why don't you try your weapon?"

When he was in Sedna, the Duke used a sickle. Shu Shu remembered that it was a very sharp sickle, which could cut iron like mud.

The robots that approached the Duke were all split in half by him.

"I'm holding you with both hands now, how can I hold a weapon?" Simon laughed softly.

Shu Shu looked at Simon's pretty side face, stretched out her hands and hugged Simon's neck tightly and said with a smile, "Then hold me, I can show the Duke the way."

She didn't want to leave the embrace of the Duke, and the sickle and everything rolled aside.

"Boss, there are explosions ahead, there should be a fierce battle." A holds the steering wheel with both hands and stretches his neck to look forward.

No matter how he stretched his neck, he couldn't see where the explosion came from.

The corridor of the supply point is clean and tidy, and a little chubby is leading the way in front of the hover vehicle.

While leading the way, Xiao Pangdun did not forget his job. The six pipes kept picking up rubbish on the road to keep the corridor in the cleanest state.

After turning a corner, A saw two people in the uniform of the Wanjia patrol flying towards him from a distance.

Before A had time to see the faces of the two of them clearly, Vivienne who was sitting in the back row roared: "Asshole! Let go of my little Shushu!"

It turned out to be Ms. Shu and the two, and they finally found it.

Before he had time to rejoice, A saw a dark blue mech emerging from a corner behind the two of them.

There are two energy gun mounts on the shoulders of the mecha, and the six gun ports are shining with strong light at this time.

"not good!"

A immediately turned the steering wheel 180 degrees.

The hover car overtook Little Fatty and made a U-turn in the middle of the corridor.

Vivian quickly opened the car door, and Simon immediately speeded up and rushed into the hover car with Shu Shu in his arms.

At the same time, A opened the door of the hover car, grabbed the little chubby little guide for them with one hand, and threw it onto the co-pilot.

Then step on the gas pedal.


Explosions sounded behind them, and heat waves rolled down the corridor towards the hover car.

Fortunately, A has opened the protective cover of the suspension vehicle for the first time, blocking the heat wave.

This is Vivienne Bailey's car, so it's impossible for it to be without some protection.

"Great! Your driving skills have improved~" Shu Shuwo clapped her hands in Simon's arms and praised.

The little fat man on the co-pilot waved six tubes, as if agreeing with Shu Shu's words.

Everyone on the suspension vehicle is safe and sound, but that doesn't mean the matter is over.

"Damn Wan Jia, how dare you shoot at my aunt." Vivienne slapped the seat assistant and cursed angrily.

The dark blue mecha was still chasing behind the suspended body, and the two energy gun mounts were storing energy, and it seemed that they were about to launch the next round of attack.

Vivian stood up abruptly, turned around and looked at the dark blue mecha that was following them.

"Don't think that you are the only one with the energy cannon." Vivienne sneered, and then she shouted: "Ah!"

"Come on!" A replied.

At the same time, he pressed a button on the control panel in front of him.

The roof above Vivian's head opened to both sides, and a silver metal pipe more than one meter long descended from it.

The nozzle has a diameter of more than ten centimeters, and there are two handles on the end facing Vivienne.

Shu Shu recognized at a glance that it was VEX's [-]th energy cannon. It is currently the smallest vehicle-mounted energy cannon, but its power is not small at all.

It is said that as long as it is used properly, this energy cannon can directly blow up a small starship.

Before the energy cannon was completely lowered, Vivian grabbed the handle with both hands and pulled the energy cannon down forcefully.

"Come and taste my shot."

(End of this chapter)

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