It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 482 482 She Doesn't Want to Come Down, It's Not I

Chapter 482 482 She Doesn't Want to Come Down, It's Not I

The sound of continuous explosions spread throughout the Wanjia supply point, and Calvin Meyer and his team also heard it.

The explosion site was not far away from them, and they even sensed the ground shaking a few times.

"There shouldn't be any remnants of the Wan family here." A member of the special guard said doubtfully.

In addition to the monitoring room, the Wan family is also standing guard, and the entire supply point has almost been controlled by special guards.

Before the small starship that Calvin Meyer was on arrived at the supply point, the first batch of special escorts that entered the supply point swept the supply point.

Calvin Meyer didn't speak, he continued to stride and follow, the little chubby guy who led them the way in front.

The others did not speak again, and followed Calvin Meyer quietly.

They all held energy guns in their hands and stared at their surroundings vigilantly.

There are still explosions not far away from time to time.

The starship of the Bailey family, the cockpit.

"Everyone has already run to the supply point, but you told me that you didn't find him leaving the starship?" B yelled at his subordinates.

He was going to be pissed off.

Let this group of guys keep an eye on Calvin Meyer, make sure he's on the starship, never left.

Unexpectedly, Calvin Meyer had already run to the supply point.

The subordinates all lowered their heads, like children who have done something wrong.

They also didn't expect that the captain of the special escort team would be so cunning that he would actually be mixed on the starship of the ordinary special escort team.

Which commander will leave the cockpit before the war is over?
This is so counterintuitive.

"Everyone deducts one month's wages, so there is no need to think about this year's annual leave." B said coldly.

His eyes swept over everyone present, and no one dared to look up at him.

Some even breathed a sigh of relief.

It's only a month's salary, and they can still accept this punishment.

If it is adult A, they may have their wages deducted for half a year to a year, or they may be transferred from their posts.

"Keep your eyes wide open, and watch every move of the special escort." After B finished speaking, he looked down at his own light curtain, ignoring the people in the cockpit.

Because the signal was blocked by the supply point's walls, he had been unable to contact A and Boss to inform them that Calvin Meyer had arrived at the supply point.

This is his mistake.

He thought that Calvin Meyer could stay on the starship to negotiate with him under the excuse of cooperation, but B did not expect that Calvin Meyer would actually push his subordinates up to connect with him.

That guy must have guessed that the boss is coming, otherwise he wouldn't be so straightforward, leaving everything to his subordinates and leaving.

Where is the loophole?
B is puzzled.

He just wanted to help them find Miss Shu as soon as possible, so that they would come back.

B still doesn't know that his boss is killing people in the supply point, even using the powerful energy cannon.

Vivian let go of the handle of the energy cannon, and looked at the messy corridor not far away with satisfaction.

The dark blue mecha was already lying on the ground after being hit by the energy cannon. Its left shoulder and right leg were the most damaged. The metal shell was completely gone, only the exposed cables and parts.

The ceiling, walls and ground of the corridor are full of pits and scorched marks.

Shards of metal, parts and components were scattered throughout the corridor.

The energy cannon mounts that were originally mounted on the shoulders of the dark blue mecha had disappeared.

"Buy me a few energy cannons of this model when I go back, and I want to install them on my starship." Vivien turned her head to A and said.

A immediately opened the light curtain and wrote it down.

He didn't notice that the little chubby sitting on the co-pilot was waving the six tubes impatiently, as if he had encountered a particularly difficult situation.

Seeing that no one paid attention to it, it opened the door with two pipes, and then jumped out of the passenger seat.

As a cleaning robot, its job is to keep everything tidy.

Seeing a messy corridor, Xiao Pangdun waved six pipes and began to clean the corridor diligently.

Shu Shu noticed Xiao Pangdun's actions, she opened her light curtain, and tapped on it a few times.

Before she had time to read the feedback, Vivian rushed in front of her.

Vivienne stretched out her hands without saying a word, trying to snatch Shu Shu from Simon's arms.

How could her little angel be hugged by this stinky man.

Before Simon could make any move, Shu Shu moved first.

She threw her arms around Simon's neck and yelled, "No!"

A, who was sitting in the driver's seat, was taken aback. He quickly turned his head and saw a scene that left him speechless.

Vivienne angrily wanted to pull Shu Shu out of Simon's arms, but the little girl didn't cooperate at all and hugged Simon's neck tightly.

Simon hugged Shu Shu and avoided Vivienne cooperatively, and the three of them played a game of chasing each other in the narrow space inside the suspension car.

Looks like he's having a lot of fun.

A raised his right hand to his forehead, he really wanted to remind these people to leave.

The supply point has been captured by the special guards, and they can't stay here any longer.

At least, he and the boss can't.

The identities of the two of them are too sensitive, and if they confronted the members of the special escort, there would be conflicts.

"Let me go!" Vivian grabbed Shu Shu's ankle and shouted loudly.

Simon stood holding Shu Shu, smiled and asked the little girl in his arms, "Are you coming down?"

"No!" Shu Shu hugged Simon's neck and shook her head vigorously.

Simon looked at Vivian and said helplessly, "You saw it too, it's because she doesn't want to come down, it's not because I don't want to let go."

"Little Shushu, come down quickly, I'll hug you." Vivian grabbed Shu Shu's ankle, staring at the little girl who was hugging Shu Shu and acting like a baby.

Why did she raise such a naughty little girl?
It's fine if you lose to Shu Yun, but now you can't even compare to this stinky man.

She was about to be pissed off.

"I don't want it! It's most comfortable to be hugged by the Duke!" Shu Shu puffed up her cheeks and shouted angrily.

Vivian didn't care, she grabbed Shu Shu's ankle and pulled it hard.

Shu Shu seemed to have expected Vivienne to do this a long time ago, holding Simon's neck with both hands.Simon also hugged the little girl's body cooperatively to prevent her from being pulled away.

The three of them were in a stalemate like this, and no one let go.

A feels his head hurts, how can he persuade him?
Only then did he realize that the chubby guy he had thrown onto the co-pilot had disappeared, and looked out along the opened door.

The little fat pier is in a messy corridor, diligently doing its own job.

What program does this cleaning robot use?
After being modified by Ms. Shu, she still instinctively cleans.

This program is too powerful.

While A was staring at the little chubby, thinking wildly, the little chubby had already quickly cleaned up to where the dark blue mecha was.

The six tubes flew quickly, first sucking away the debris around the dark blue mecha.

At this moment, the dark blue mecha suddenly moved.

(End of this chapter)

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