It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 492 Enemies of the Empire

Chapter 492 Enemies of the Empire

As soon as he finished speaking, Allen regretted a little.

After hearing Le Huanming say the three words "500 million", Allen regretted it even more.

He really wanted to stand up and say to Le Huanming:

Not to mention that he has nothing to do with Ai's family now, even before he didn't have that much pocket money.

Although the Ai family is rich, they never give a lot of pocket money to their children, only 2000 yuan a month.

On a high-consumption planet like Blue Star, 2000 yuan is only enough for Allen to eat a few meals outside.

If he wants more pocket money, he can only find a way to earn it outside.

The Ai family will not make it too shabby for Alan to go to school, and all the stationery and reading-related equipment will be equipped for him.

And all the best.

It's just that Allen has to find a way to buy what he likes.

"Why do you owe so much money?" Allen looked at Le Huanming seriously.

500 million may not be a big deal for a large consortium, but Le Huanming is only a child of a Le family, so he certainly cannot afford such a large amount of money.

It's just that Allen couldn't figure out where Le Huanming had spent all the money he had borrowed.

The opportunities for them to meet in the college are quite frequent, and they basically eat in the college cafeteria.

I only come to SPQR to eat out occasionally, but the places I go to are not high-end restaurants.

In Alan's view, Le Huanming is not a person who spends money recklessly, nor does he have the habit of those dudes who only have fun.

How did you owe so much money?

And how did Shu Shu lend Le Huanming so much money?
Allen remembered that Ash mentioned that Shu Shu usually didn't have much pocket money.

No matter how you think about it, Allen wants to understand.

Le Huanming's face turned pale and blue, and he held back for a long time before he said, "You don't have to worry about it... just don't help."

He didn't want to tell Alan that he was cheated by Shu Shu's daily interest rate. If Alan found out, where would he save his face?

The two didn't say anything more, and quietly finished the dessert in front of them.

The two were relatively silent until Allen put down the spoon and called the waiter to pay.

He couldn't help Le Huanming pay back the money, and he could still afford a meal.

Le Huanming saw that Alan was about to pay the bill, and immediately became anxious: "I'll come! I'll treat you to this meal!"

The person was invited by him, how could he make Allen pay ne?

Even if Le Huanming couldn't afford Shu Shu's money, he could still pay for a meal.

Thinking of this, he threw himself at the waiter, trying to snatch the light curtain in front of him.

The waiter was taken aback and quickly took several steps back.

Because getting up from the chair was too hard, Le Huanming's chair fell backwards.The upturned chair leg happened to trip over Le Huanming's foot, causing him to lose his balance, and he threw himself forward uncontrollably.


The sound of heavy objects falling to the ground attracted the attention of most people in the restaurant.

Allen lowered his head and covered his eyes with one hand.

As if in this way, he could separate himself from Le Huanming who was lying face-to-face on the ground, without facing the surprised eyes around him.


Suddenly, there was a deafening roar outside the window, followed by the sound of glass breaking and the ground shaking violently.


Allen only felt that there was a sudden strong force behind him pushing his whole body forward, and he subconsciously raised his hands to protect his head.

The head is one of the most vulnerable parts of a human being.

If he hit his head, Allen could have suffered a concussion or passed out.

The body fell and smashed hard to the ground.

But to Allen's surprise, he didn't feel that he hit the hard ground, but hit something softer.

"It hurts to death! Get up!" Le Huanming complained as he pushed Alan on top of him.

He felt that all the bones in his body were about to be crushed. If he had known earlier, he would not have picked up Alan.

Although complaining in his heart, when Le Huanming saw Alan being knocked away by the waves outside the window, he rushed to catch Alan immediately.

After Alan saw Le Huanming under him, he stood up quickly and stretched out his hand to pull Le Huanming up.

The screaming in the restaurant didn't stop. Allen was not cut by the glass shards because his back was facing the window, but other people sitting by the window were not so lucky.

Their faces and arms were covered with scars from shards of glass.

It's bloody, and it looks particularly creepy.

The whole restaurant was in a mess, glass shards were everywhere.

In addition, there were overturned tables, plates, cups and cutlery thrown to the ground, as well as food and drink.

Almost no one was clean, and because of this sudden change, there were many stains on their bodies.

People who were far away from the window, because they were frightened, when they stood up suddenly from their chairs, they overturned many tables.

Allen looked around, and finally cast his gaze out of the window.

The glass windows were completely shattered, and the cold wind carried snowflakes into the warm restaurant through the windows.

At this time, the central square was in chaos.

The festive atmosphere has long since disappeared, and the sound of sirens echoed in every corner of the square mixed with screams and cries for help.

Gone is Ben's Christmas tree in the central plaza, replaced by a huge, black pit that nearly swallows both the original tree and the stage in front of it.

The pit is more than 20 meters in diameter and about three meters deep.

There was nothing in the pit, only darkness.

There were charred objects scattered around the pit, and several piles of what was burning.

Some were lying on the ground, some were sitting.

Some people cried and hugged the people on the ground, while others slowly got up.


Le Huanming was stunned when he saw this scene.

The Christmas Eve was still being celebrated outside the window just now, and the singer on the stage was throwing candy to the children.

How did it become like this in the blink of an eye?

Le Huanming couldn't accept this sudden change for a while, and he didn't understand why such a big explosion happened here.

"Go." Allen patted Le Huanming on the shoulder before turning and walking outside.

Le Huanming froze for a moment, then followed immediately.

The restaurant was still in chaos, with people wailing and screaming.

Servers and chefs came out to help those injured customers with their wounds, and others who were not injured went to help.

When passing by the cashier counter of the restaurant, Allen turned on the light curtain, scanned the light curtain hanging in front of the cashier counter, and paid the restaurant a sum of money.

Le Huanming didn't say anything when he saw Alan's actions. He glanced at the chaotic restaurant behind him and asked suspiciously, "Where are we going?"

There are still many wounded here, shouldn't they stay and help?

Since being a volunteer in the infirmary last time, Le Huanming has learned how to deal with some simple wounds, and even put bandages and some medicine in the portable space.

"Go to the square downstairs, there are more people in need of help over there." Allen said solemnly.

When Le Huanming heard this, his expression became serious.

This restaurant is on the edge of the central square, and on the sixth floor, about 300 meters away from the explosion.

It's all like this here, and I don't know how many wounded people are still on the square.

The two did not take the elevator, but took the stairs downstairs.

Alan was in front, and Le Huanming followed behind.

The two went down the stairs silently, the corridor was lit with yellow light, only the sound of their footsteps echoed in the empty corridor, and occasionally screams could be heard from the floor.

"Who do you think it will be?" Le Huanming couldn't help asking.

The Liberty Alliance has been wiped out by Major General Shu, who else would be so frantic to plant bombs in such a high traffic place.

I also specially chose Christmas Eve, when there are the most people, it will be detonated.

Allen didn't answer immediately, he stepped on the stairs silently.

After a while, Allen said slowly: "No matter who it is, they are enemies of the empire."

Anyone who harms the citizens of the empire is an enemy of the empire.

The explosion in the central square of SPQR became a trending search within minutes of the explosion.

After being stable for less than a month, Luna dominated the hot search list again.

Some people speculated that these terrorists chose Luna because it was very close to Blue Star.

They can't do damage on Blue Star, they can only do it on Luna.

But there are also people who refute that Blue Star has three satellites, why is it Luna instead of Serena or Diana.

Some people say that Diana is a planet protected by nature, and there are no people on it. Even if it is blown up, it may not be able to blow up a few people.

Discussions on the Internet are in full swing, and SPQR has mobilized all the guards to search the city.

Firefighters and ambulances arrived at the central square immediately, and even the SPQR air ban was temporarily lifted.

On the roof of a building on the edge of the central square, a figure stood there, quietly watching the search and rescue operations in the square.

The wounded were taken away in ambulances, and the dead were carried to a vacated corner of the square, and each body was covered with a white cloth.

Arnold stood for a long time, so long that he didn't know how long he stood.

In the end, he only left a sigh: "Hey."

Then it disappeared into the night, and no one noticed that there was such a black figure standing on the roof of this building and watching for a long time.

Shu Shu learned that the central plaza of SPQR had been bombed two hours after the explosion.

It's not because of the speed of the network, but mainly because she is busy restoring data.

She found that there were a lot of deleted data in the independent server of the laboratory in the supply point.

They were all deleted at the same time last month.

"So today is Christmas Eve." Shu Shu muttered to herself while browsing the news of the explosion.

She had done strategy before, and knew that many people would gather in the central square on Christmas Eve.

It will be more than the day the lights were lit.

So many people gathered in the central square, suddenly there was an explosion...

Shu Shu couldn't help shivering.

Those were real people, all gathered in the central square to celebrate Christmas Eve.

Why plant a bomb there?

Shu Shu never thought that she was a good person, and she had killed people with her own hands, but she still felt that the person who made such a terrorist attack was too terrifying.

Among those killed may be children, fathers, mothers, grandpas, grandmas, wives, and husbands.

It was gone in the blink of an eye.

Suddenly, Shu Shu thought of something, and quickly called Shu Yue.

The bell rang for a long time, so long that Shu Shu felt that her blood was gradually getting colder.

It wasn't until someone picked up the voice and heard a familiar voice that Shu Shu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Second sister, where are you now?"

(End of this chapter)

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