It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 493 Chapter 493 Everyone is working hard to live

Chapter 493 Chapter 493 Everyone is working hard to live
"I'm in Serena, what's wrong?" Shu Yue's voice was a little hoarse, as if she had just woken up.

There was doubt in his tone, as if he didn't understand what happened.

Shu Shu subconsciously glanced at the time on the light curtain, and she realized that it was already early morning in Serena.

No wonder.

"I just saw the news about SPQR." Shu Shu quickly explained, "It's fine if you're not in Luna."

Fortunately, the second sister is not in SPQR.

At this time Shu Yue was fully awake, she smiled and said: "I promised you, I will protect myself."

So don't miss me.

The two chatted for a while before hanging up.

Shu Shu didn't ask why Shu Yue was in Serena, and Shu Yue didn't ask where Shu Shu was.

The two have tacitly avoided the topic of their situation.

Just after hanging up the voice, Shu Shu thought about sending a message to Arnold, and then sent a message to Le Huanming and Alan.

Of course, it's all copy-pasted.

She asked them if they were safe and if they were affected by the explosion.

Knowing that it was very late, Shu Shu would not call rashly again, for fear of disturbing the other party.

After thinking for a while, Shu Shu also sent a message to Xiao Tingyuan and Xi'an Weiger.

Unknowingly, Shu Shu found that she had gained many friends in Luna.

They should be friends.

Because she had to pick up work to relieve the pressure on her second sister, Shu Shu always went to and from school on time since she was a child, and never went out to play with her classmates.

This directly led to a poor relationship between her and her classmates. Except for her deskmate, she could hardly remember the names of those classmates.

Moreover, Shu Shu felt that there was no fun with her classmates. They didn't know how to drive mechs or use energy guns, and they didn't even know how to do ordinary free fighting.

They are all a group of weak chickens, the kind that will be wiped out in minutes.

Rather than going out to play with them, it is better to take jobs at home and make money.

At that time, neither Shu Yue nor Shu Yun realized that their little sister's "values" were different from ordinary people.

In front of them, Shu Shu was still that well-behaved and sensible little girl.

Just not very gregarious.

Shu Yue felt that it was due to the aftereffects of being kidnapped, so she felt even more fond of Xiao Shushu.

Only Shu Yun knew that it was because Vivienne Bailey had instilled strange ideas in her little sister.

After Shu Yun found out that Vivienne Bailey would send someone to pick Shu Shu up to live in Kela for a few days, she would go to Kela every time she had a vacation to bring her little sister back.

Shu Yue only knew that the eldest sister's friend would take Xiao Shushu out to play for a few days, and occasionally the eldest sister would take Xiao Shushu home.

Both Shu Shu and Shu Yun had a tacit understanding and neither told Shu Yue the truth.

At this moment, Shu Shu received a message.

The special message reminder was specially set up by Shu Shu for Hu Lan. No matter when Hu Lan sent a message, she would be able to see it immediately.

Hu Lan: "I heard from the nurse that something happened to Luna, are you okay?"

Seeing this sentence, Shu Shu knew that Hu Lan was secretly sending her a message.

Hu Lan should have gone to bed early at this point, and the doctor did not allow her to stay up so late.

"I'm fine. I'm in the Rowan Galaxy, not Luna." Shu Shu thought for a while and added, "It's too late now, you should go to bed."

Hu Lan's health has been bad, and Shu Shu was afraid that she would hurt her health by staying up late.

Not long after the message was sent, Shu Shu received a reply from Hu Lan.

"It's okay, we haven't contacted for a month, tell me, what interesting things happened to you recently."

Seeing this sentence, Shu Shu smiled.

A lot of things really happened in this month, but Shu Shu won't tell Hu Lan all the truth.

She was afraid that Hu Lan would worry and affect her condition.

Apart from the second sister, Hu Lan was the one who accompanied Shu Shu the longest.

Although they have never met, Shu Shu thinks that Hu Lan is like a good friend who talks about everything.

Going to college is also Shu Shu's wish to fulfill Hu Lan's wish.

Due to physical reasons, Hu Lan has never been to school. She has expressed many times that she wants to go to university and experience campus life.

After listening too much, Shu Shu was gradually infected by her, and she also had the idea of ​​wanting to experience college life.

Thinking of Hu Lan, Shu Shu suddenly felt a little depressed.

Hu Lan hasn't been online recently, so I don't know how long it will take for her to go online this time.

As she grows older, the interval between Hu Lan's going online is getting longer and longer.

Shu Shu was a little scared, afraid that one day Hu Lan would never go online again.

Both hands moved quickly on the light curtain, and Shu Shu's hair was covered in long sections.

Hu Lan would reply a few words to express her surprise.

"It turns out that Luna still has such a festival. I haven't heard of it before."

"The fifth director's new movie, when it comes out online, I must watch it."

"Wow! Are all the teachers at Luna First Academy so handsome?"

"No wonder I heard from the nurse that there was a war in the Rowan galaxy. It turned out that the Freedom Alliance did so many bad things in Luna."

Later, Hu Lan made several angry expressions.

Shu Shu was taken aback for a moment, and she immediately supported her forehead.

In a moment of excitement, she forgot that she couldn't tell Hu Lan about this.

She quickly added: "The Freedom Alliance has been wiped out by my elder sister, who is the youngest major general in the empire."

After posting, Shu Shu also posted an expression of 'I'm very proud'.

"Big sister is amazing!" Hu Lan made an admiring expression.

Shu Shu: "Yes, yes, my eldest sister is the most powerful!"

"Is it Xiao Shushu?" Fifth Xi asked curiously.

She still calls Shu Yue at such a late hour. In Wuxi's opinion, there should be no one else but Shu Shu.

At this moment, Shu Yue is in a room with soundproof cotton on the walls, and there is no echo or noise here.

Shu Yue was sitting on a high chair, wearing a white helmet, with a microphone in front of her.

Fifth Xi and Que Fangwei are behind a glass window, on Shu Yue's left.

Shu Yue nodded wearily, but she didn't say much.

Her throat seemed to be burning, and she raised her hand to touch her throat.

"Come here first today." Que Fangwei suggested.

They have been here for more than six hours, even if they are just listening here, Que Fangwei feels tired, let alone Shu Yue who has been singing.

This is Wuxi's so-called "method" of mastering ability, which makes Shu Yue sing with her mental strength.

Mindfulness through training

If Que Fangwei had known about this so-called "method", he would have opposed it.

This "method" has no scientific basis at all and is simply a waste of time.

It's not that Que Fangwei didn't object, but Fifth Xi couldn't listen to him.

"It's getting late." Fifth Xi glanced at the time on the light screen, "Let's continue."

Que Fangwei: "..."

Shu Yue drank the water handed by the robot in one gulp, and she turned her head to the two people behind the glass window and said, "No problem."

Fifth Xi raised his eyebrows and glanced at Que Fangwei, then said to Shu Yue, "Remember, you must control your mental power well, and you can only stop when you use up the last drop of mental power."

Wanjia supply point.

The special guard team got busy after taking over the supply point. As one of the largest supply points Wanjia set up in the Rowan galaxy, this supply point is not small.

After imprisoning the Wanjia people, Calvin Meyer ordered people to check the supplies in the supply point.

I don't know if I don't check, the armed equipment hoarded at this supply point is not inferior to the Sedna base, and they are all the latest armed equipment of the Imperial Army.

This surprised everyone, they didn't understand why the people at the supply point didn't use these armed equipment.

If it is used, the starship team of the special escort may not be able to take this supply point.

As early as when they fought against the Wanjia supply point, the special guards felt that their equipment was very good.

At that time, they thought that all the equipment at the supply point had been used up, but they didn't expect there to be so much.

In fact, this incident is a coincidence.

Because Shu Shu and Simon kidnapped the captain of the guard in charge of the monitoring room, the Wanjia guard thought that a team had sneaked into the supply point, and assigned some people to search inside the supply point.

This directly led to the inability of the Wanjia Guard to send all combat personnel to deal with the special guard.

It can be said that Shu Shu and the two helped the special guard unintentionally.

After learning that there were so many armed equipment, Calvin Meyer directly sent people to send most of the armed equipment to the Sedna base, leaving only a small part at the supply point.

Watching the busy special guards, Simon leisurely sat in the leisure room of the supply point.

This leisure room covers a large area, about 1000 square meters. It is an activity area for the staff when they rest. The restaurant is next door, and they are two connected spaces.

There were not many people in the leisure room at this time, and Simon was sitting on a single sofa by the window.

Asteroids can be seen outside the window, and occasionally a starship shuttles cautiously among the asteroids.

There was a light curtain in front of him, and Arnold's upper body appeared on the light curtain.

"When will you be back?" Arnold asked with a smile.

Simon leaned on the back of the sofa, thought for a while and said, "It may take a while."

As long as there are toxins in Shu Yun's body, the little girl will not go back to work.

"Have you seen the SPQR news?" Arnold continued.

The smile on his face suddenly subsided, and there was helplessness in his eyes.

Simon nodded slightly: "I see..."

After a few seconds, he added another sentence: "Is it really going to war?"

Simon's tone didn't seem to be asking Arnold, but more like asking himself.

Both were silent, and Arnold spoke after a while: "I thought I wouldn't care about those human lives..."

"I saw it in the central square after the bombing, the young couple and their father outside the alley of the travel agency..."

"I saw their father, who had been sullen and serious, knelt on the ground, holding a child's body and crying loudly. His forehead was still bleeding, and his clothes were torn several times. His whole body was bruised. It's dust."

"I remember that child was born a few years ago, probably only four years old."

"The young couple was lying not far away, and their bodies were crushed by a fallen street lamp."

"Some time ago, when I went to the travel agency for acceptance, I met them at the entrance of the alley."

"Their kids were building snowmen in front of the bakery. They asked me when the travel agency would reopen as I walked by."

"They also asked me if Shu Shu would come to work and sent me a copy of their freshly baked Christmas bread."

Simon listened quietly without interrupting Arnold.

"I also saw the old lady who lives next door to the travel agency, since her husband left, she rarely goes out."

"The only time her children bring their grandkids and granddaughters to see her is Christmas."

"I saw her lying in the rubble, holding a small child tightly in her arms."

"They were crushed by a blown Christmas tree..."

"I thought they had nothing to do with me, they were just short-lived humans, but when I saw them lying there without making a sound, I suddenly felt very angry."

"Angrily wanting to destroy everything."

Arnold's face suddenly became ferocious, long fangs grew out of his mouth, and the color of his eyes turned golden.

But he quickly controlled his emotions and returned to his original appearance.

"Sorry, I almost lost control." Arnold gasped.

Simon shook his head: "It's okay."

After thinking about it, he still warned: "You've been staying at home recently, don't go out."

"Okay." Arnold nodded vigorously.

Emotional instability is easily affected by the monster in his body, and he doesn't want to let that monster out again.

"Andre has already sailed back to Luna, Luna First Academy may be with him, standing on the human side. And the old man Borgia, he will not join hands with Chris."

"At that time, if you want to avenge those humans you know, you can join them." Simon's tone was not fluctuating, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

Arnold nodded again: "I will contact Earl Sacketti."

Although those humans were just nodding acquaintances, Arnold felt that they should not end up like this.

After living in peace for more than 5000 years, why rekindle the war between humans and 'special groups'?

What is it for?
Because he didn't want to participate, Arnold decided to leave the werewolf and live in seclusion in Luna with Simon Orsini.

He found that he has fallen in love with life here and wants to protect it.

"What about you? Are you going to help Count Saketti?" Arnold was silent for a long time before asking.

Simon Orsini, the once feared bloodthirsty prince, will he stand on the side of mankind?

Arnold didn't know what choice Simon would make, but he didn't want to stand by.

Simon glanced sideways at the scenery outside the window, then raised the corners of his mouth and said to Arnold: "Me? I don't plan to get involved in these things right now, let's talk about it when I find Si Jun."

Si Jun may not care, but Elizabeth will definitely.

Luna First Academy, Science Department Building.

It was already past four o'clock in the morning, but Ryan Tury was still busy in his laboratory.

Of course, as the dean of the medical department, he is not alone in the laboratory, but also has an assistant.

"Can I go back to sleep first? I can hardly keep my eyes open." Jia Ji asked while rubbing his eyes and yawning.

 This chapter has been tangled for a long time, and I finally finished writing it...

(End of this chapter)

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