It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 497 Chapter 497 was born against him

Chapter 497 Chapter 497 was born against him

At that time, Shu Shu spilled flammable liquid on the tables lined up together, and the fire prevention equipment in the laboratory quickly entered the fire extinguishing mode after sensing the smoke, and the cylinder was only blackened.

"Put away your rope, I want to check this instrument." Zhuang Shuang turned to Shu Shu and said.

Shu Shu tilted her head, and then pulled the pink rope.

The rope binding Zhuang Shuang was loosened a few turns, and then moved from Zhuang Shuang's waist to his chest.

Finally stopped there.

Zhuang Shuang looked down at the rope on his chest, then looked at Shu Shu angrily: "Can't you untie them all?"

"No." Shu Shu shook her head vigorously.

Zhuang Shuang didn't give up: "How can I check?"

"Your hands can move." Shu Shu pointed at Zhuang Shuang's hand.

Zhuang Shuang: "..."

Take a deep breath, don't get angry...

take a deep breath...

In the end, Zhuang Shuang decided to ignore the rope tied around his chest, and squatted down with his back to Shu Shu.

Zhuang Shuang groped around the base for a while with both hands, and stopped when he touched a buckle.

With a firm press of the index finger, a palm-sized metal cube immediately fell off the base.

He pulled out a data cable from it, skillfully connected the cable to his personal device, and then turned on the light curtain.

Seeing Zhuang Shuang's actions, Shu Shu probably guessed what he was going to do.

The cylinder itself is an instrument, and the function of the instrument can be analyzed from the data stored in the instrument.

Of course, not everyone can analyze it, and it must be done by professionals.

If it were Shu Shu, at best, she would collect all the data and find a professional to analyze it.

This kind of biology-related data must be sent to biology-related experts.

If Shu Shu sent these data to Jiang Cha, she would definitely be rejected by the other party, and she would be reprimanded.

Zhuang Shuang is different.

He is a doctor (probably) and knows how to repair electronic equipment (this kind of delicate instrument should be repairable), and analyzing these data should be a breeze (maybe).

In fact, Shu Shu is not sure whether Zhuang Shuang can really analyze anything, but now only Zhuang Shuang can come in handy.

Calvin Meyer walked up to Zhuang Shuang and asked blankly, "Are these devices all from the Hanover family?"

"Do you think such a cunning guy will leave something behind?" Zhuang Shuang gave Calvin Meyer a sideways look, without answering the question.

In fact, the meaning is obvious. The data in the instruments cannot prove that these instruments belong to the Hannover family.

Not only this instrument, but all the instruments in the laboratory that were not seriously damaged could not be linked to the Hanover family.

Professionals from the special guards checked it out and came to the conclusion that these devices were new to them, and they needed to be tested for their specific use.

And the people they captured, the people on the supply point, didn't know what was going on in the laboratory.

The only person in charge who could possibly know has committed suicide.

Now Calvin Meyer has no definite evidence to prove that this place is related to the Hanover family.

Just like Liberty Alliance is suspected of cooperating with the Stark family, but because there is no definite evidence, Calvin Meyer can't take action against the Stark family.

The rights of the special guards are not small, but they still have to settle for evidence before acting.

He couldn't drive out all the members of the Hanover family recklessly like Si Jun did.

Zhuang Shuang also knew this, so he asked angrily.

If Hogg Hanover was a fool who would leave any excuses, it would be impossible for him to do those things.

It didn't take long for Zhuang Shuang to collect all the data in the instrument to his portable device. He unplugged the data cable and said to Shu Shu: "I will send this data to Ryan Tury. He is here to compare me. have experience."

Although he only glanced at the data, Zhuang Shuang probably knew what the instrument was for.

The main purpose is to maintain the life characteristics of the living body locked inside, and at the same time detect the fluctuation of mental power.

But when Shu Shu and Simon arrived here, the lifeforms in the instrument had long since lost their vital signs, and the instrument automatically disconnected all life-sustaining functions, causing some of the cylinders to become cloudy.

According to the data, those living bodies seemed to have died naturally, but Zhuang Shuang felt that this was unlikely.

They were all used for live experiments, how could those children die naturally?
It's a pity that mental power is not his strong point, so Ryan Tury still needs to analyze it.

"Can't you analyze it?" Shu Shu asked suspiciously.

There was disgust in his eyes, as if to say, 'Why don't you even know how to do such trivial things'.

Zhuang Shuang glared at Shu Shu: "That's mental power data, not my field of expertise."

This little girl is definitely against him by nature, she won't let him go, and she still despises him here.

If you have the ability, let him go.

If it wasn't for the pink rope still binding his upper body, Zhuang Shuang would have turned around and left a long time ago, instead of staying here and talking nonsense with this little girl.

"Spiritual power? You mean that research on spiritual power is being done here?" Calvin Meyer asked indifferently.

"Not sure yet." Zhuang Shuang pointed to the blackened base: "But the owner of this instrument has collected a lot of mental power data."

"Besides, this may not be the main laboratory for experiments, but a place where experimental products are stored."

At the end, Zhuang Shuang's tone became low.

Those children must have been alive when they were captured. I don't know what kind of torture they were subjected to, and finally died in the apparatus that kept them alive.

Shu Shu blinked her eyes and asked curiously: "How do you know this is not the main laboratory?"

She hasn't taken Zhuang Shuang to the next door to check. Zhuang Shuang probably doesn't know the existence of the teleportation device yet.

Regarding the information about the transmission equipment, Calvin Meyer asked Shu Yun to keep it a secret. Apart from her, no one in the Sedna base knew about it.

Even Zhuang Shuang, who was asked to come here together, didn't know the existence of the teleportation device.

"What's so strange about this?" Zhuang Shuang suddenly had an illusion of elation, "This space is so big, and there are so many life-supporting instruments, it is unlikely to be the main laboratory for experiments."

No matter what experiment you are doing, you need to prepare in advance and have enough space for activities.

It doesn't seem like a good place to do experiments with so many instruments close together.

"Then let's go to the next door." Shu Shu enthusiastically dragged Zhuang Shuang to the next door.

Shu Yun followed behind the two, but Calvin Meyer stayed where he was.

He stared at the blackened base silently, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a while, he spoke slowly: "Inform Blue Star that there may be big troubles in the Schiller galaxy."


In the air, a hoarse voice answered.

 Happy New Year!

  I wish everyone good health and happiness in 2022!

(End of this chapter)

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