It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 498 Chapter 498 Get Ready

Chapter 498 Chapter 498 Get Ready
Zhuang Shuang was already numb after being dragged to the next laboratory by Shu Shu.

The room in front of him didn't look like a laboratory at all, so he didn't think it could be called a room.

Among the four walls, most of two sides collapsed, the roof was potholed, and there were several holes.

The ground was even more messy, and what was even more exaggerated than the next door was that there was not even a place to stay.

In addition to all kinds of metal garbage on the ground, there are still a few holes, and it seems that the bottom can be seen from the hole.

The door, and the wall on which it stood, were long gone.

A group of people stood in the corridor, Shu Shu pointed to the laboratory and said, "The whole room should be a teleportation device, see if you can repair it."

When she said this, Shu Shu felt guilty.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that there is almost no complete metal plate left after being destroyed here.

It is really embarrassing for Zhuang Shuang to repair this unknown instrument.

But Captain Meyer attaches great importance to the teleportation equipment here, and since Zhuang Shuang is here, he still has to take a look.

In fact, Shu Shu also has her own thoughts.

Rather than letting Zhuang Shuang waste time on the teleportation device, it is better to study the antidote for the eldest sister.

"Repair?" Zhuang Shuang thought there was something wrong with his ears.

Not even a complete part can be seen here, how can he repair it?
He's not a magician who can restore things by waving a magic wand.

Shu Shu shrugged: "Just see if you can fix it, if not, tell Captain Meyer."

Captain Meyer asked you to fix it, it has nothing to do with me.

"What are you looking at? I'm not blind!" Zhuang Shuang pointed at the ruins in front of him and shouted, "It's all like this, how can we fix it?"

What do these people think of him?

If you ask him to repair everything, it is better to find a junk collector and sell the scrap iron.

Shu Shu looked at the laboratory, then at Zhuang Shuang, and then nodded vigorously: "You're right, it can't be repaired anymore."

Hearing Shu Shu's reply, Zhuang Shuang was taken aback for a moment.

He didn't expect this little girl to say such a thing, and all the words he had planned to hate her were stuck in his throat.

Especially uncomfortable.

"There is nothing to see here, so I will take you to the laboratory prepared for you."

Shu Shu dragged Zhuang Shuang out, confusing Zhuang Shuang.

Isn't this the laboratory for him?

Can anyone tell me what's going on?

Zhuang Shuang looked at Shu Yun blankly, who spread his hands to express his ignorance.

Just like that, Shu Shu dragged Zhuang Shuang to the corridor where the hover car was parked.

Instead of getting on the suspension vehicle, they walked to a gate not far away, which was also guarded by a member of the special guard.

Shu Shu greeted her familiarly, and then dragged Zhuang Shuang inside.

Seeing the two disappear behind the door, Shu Yun shook her head and laughed.

She didn't follow, but turned to look at Calvin Meyer who came out of the laboratory.

"I heard that Wan's family already knows what happened here, so you should go back to Blue Star?" Shu Yun asked with a smile.

Shu Yun was not surprised at all that Wanjia knew about the supply point.

It should be said that it is strange that the Wan family has not discovered it yet.

After all, the Wan family has been in the Rowan galaxy for so long, so it is impossible that there is no backup.

Calvin Meyer nodded expressionlessly: "Leave in five hours, and I will leave this place to you."

"Well, I will arrange someone to take over this supply point." Shu Yun nodded.

The special guard team is an elite team, and it is not suitable to stay on one side.

Moreover, the special escort team has many tasks and usually does not stay in one place for too long.

Shu Yun knew that it was already the limit for Calvin Meyer to stay here and wait for her to come.

Seemingly thinking of something, Shu Yun said, "I've asked Aixi to control the other supply points of Wanjia, and the progress is going well so far."

Although resistance was encountered, it was within acceptable limits.

"The Patriarch of the Wan family has already left the planet of the Wan family with his direct descendants. According to the information, he should be going to the Schiller galaxy." Calvin Meyer said slowly.

There was no ups and downs in her tone, but Shu Yun felt her heart sink.

This information plus some information she received recently gave her a bad guess.

Calvin Meyer seemed to see through Shu Yun's mind, and he said in a flat tone: "The Schiller galaxy may rebel, the cabinet has sent an investigation team, and the military has also begun to deploy on the edge of the Olga galaxy and the Schiller galaxy. .”

It seems that the situation is more tense than expected.

Shu Yun took a deep breath.

No matter how many wars she has participated in, Shu Yun still cannot like war.

She was even a little scared, afraid that the war would affect Yue'er and Xiao Shushu.

All the wars she has participated in so far have been on the borders of the empire, and they are all threats from outside the empire and border forces.

If the Schiller Galaxy really wants to rebel, it will become a war within the Empire.

How many people will die, how many people will become homeless, and how many planets will be destroyed.

Thinking of these, Shu Yun only felt extremely heavy.

The Days uprising 300 years ago plunged the empire into a ten-year war, in which the death toll of the empire reached a staggering 4000 million.

That history is a constant reminder of how destructive wars within empires can be.

"I hope you can stabilize the situation in the Rowan galaxy." Calvin Meyer suddenly paused, and then continued: "Once the Schiller galaxy rebels, no matter what happens in the Rowan galaxy, it is impossible for the empire to send support. "

The smile on Shu Yun's face disappeared long ago, and she gave a military salute: "I will be ready."

Carat, Bailey Family Mechanical Laboratory.

This is the laboratory where the Bailey family develops mechs and new equipment, and it is also the place where the Bailey family has the strictest control in Carat.

C came to inspect the laboratory as usual, accompanied by the person in charge of the laboratory, he watched the latest research and development results of the laboratory.

In this regard, he is quite satisfied.

Since the boss dug ginger tea over, the research and development speed of the laboratory has been much faster than before, and some weird machines have also been developed.

Leaving aside some strange robots, C is most concerned about some new weapons.

The Bailey family can gain a foothold in Carat, relying on the family's force value.

Few people know that whether it is the arms deal of Carat or Reese, it has basically fallen into the hands of the Bailey family.

Outsiders only know that arms that are prohibited by the empire can be bought on Carat, but they don't know where those arms come from.

Sometimes there will be some new weapons that are not seen on the market, but they are relatively rare.

After watching the research and development results of the new weapon, C and the head of the laboratory chatted while walking in the corridor.

Before talking a few words, he heard the noise in the distance.

"Stop for me!"

"Stop her quickly!"

"Don't let her get away!"

(End of this chapter)

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