It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 499 499 With the first time, there will be countless times

Chapter 499 Chapter 499 Once there is the first time, there will be countless times
From a distance, C heard a group of people shouting, and he not only frowned.

The inside and outside of the laboratory are heavily guarded, no one should be making loud noises here.

Hearing the voice, it didn't sound like a single person shouting, but several people, including both men and women.

"What's going on?" C looked at the person in charge of the laboratory with an unhappy expression, and the meaning of reproach was obvious.

The person in charge of the laboratory is Shi Nan, who looks young and is a muscular man with his hair cut short.

Because in the laboratory, except for designated areas, there is no mandatory clothing requirement, so he only wears a sleeveless top on his upper body.

The muscles of his arms are knotted and his chest muscles are well developed. Even standing next to a big man like C, he doesn't look weak at all.

Just such a muscular man, his face was pale at this time.

As early as when he heard those shouts, cold sweat began to break out on his forehead.

This lord is still here, if something goes wrong, he will be the one who is unlucky.

He was already cursing in his heart, but he still had a troubled expression on his face: "Wait a minute, I'll go and have a look right away."

As soon as the voice fell, he ran towards the direction of the voice.

The salary offered by the Bailey family is higher than that of many laboratories in the empire, but the Bailey family is very disciplined, and any mistakes in the laboratory are his responsibility.

Most of the researchers here who are willing to come here are reduced to Carat because they have broken the law and can no longer mix in the imperial academic circle.

Shi Nan is also one of them.

Because he likes to study weapons, and also likes to collect weapons.

When the guards found the weapons in his house and wanted to confiscate his collection, he did not hesitate to fight the guards.

Although in the end he could only bring out a few collections and ran to Kara to survive, he did not regret it.

Here he got the life he dreamed of, with weapons as companions every day, so he didn't want to lose this job.

Thinking of this, he quickened his pace, turned a corner and saw the noisy far away.

Five or six people ran towards him from the end of the corridor, everyone was out of breath, as if they had been running for a long time.

They chased and yelled at a child sitting on a hoverboard, and occasionally grabbed things around them and threw them at the child.

Seeing this scene, Shi Nan's anger gradually climbed up.

"What are you doing?"

A roar changed all the noise, making those people stunned.

When they saw clearly who was standing at the end of the corridor, they all stood in place, lowering their heads and not daring to meet his gaze.

The child on the hoverboard didn't stop, but flew to Shi Nan on the hoverboard.

"Brother Shi, there are bad people bullying me." Jiang Si stretched out her two fleshy hands to Shi Nan, pouted her mouth, as if she was going to cry at any moment.

Don't look at Shi Nan as a big guy, he especially likes children.

Seeing that the little girl's chubby face was covered with a lot of dust and her hair was messed up, he immediately reached out and hugged the little doll off the hoverboard.

"Who bullied our little Jiang Si?" Shi Nan held Jiang Si in one hand, and gently arranged the little girl's hair with the other hand.

The expression on the face is as gentle as it can be.

Jiang Si didn't resist, and sat obediently in Shi Nan's arms.

After the hair in front of her forehead was combed back, she raised her lotus root-like arm and pointed to the people at the end of the corridor to complain: "It's all them, they want to grab Sisi."

Shi Nan patted the little girl's back reassuringly. He raised his head, the gentleness on his face no longer existed, replaced by an expression full of oppression without anger.

"Who gave you the courage to bully little Jiangsi? Could it be that because Jiang Cha is still cultivating, you're putting bad ideas on little Jiangsi?"

"If you don't give me a reasonable explanation, none of you will leave here."

Shi Nan's words made those people tremble with fear.

They didn't expect to meet Teacher Shi here, they just wanted to teach this little girl a lesson.

He just focused on the little girl and didn't notice where they were all chasing her.

"It's wrong, that little girl broke into our laboratory and disrupted our experiment." Someone shouted.

Someone takes the lead, and others immediately follow.

"Yeah, she rode a hoverboard into the laboratory and destroyed the equipment in the laboratory."

"If we weren't so angry with her, we wouldn't have chased her here."

"The hoverboard still has the parts she took."

Listening to those people's excuses, Shi Nan didn't respond immediately, but looked down at Jiang Si: "Why did little Jiang Si do this?"

What these people said might be true, but he felt that Xiao Jiang Si definitely had her own reasons for doing so.

Ever since meeting Jiang Si for the first time, Shi Nan knew that she was not an ordinary little girl.

It looks like he is more than two years old, but he can already speak clearly and logically, not at all like a child of this age should have.

He also believed that Jiang Si would not make trouble casually.

When Jiang Cha was doing experiments, as long as Jiang Si was awake, she would be by Jiang Cha's side.

Shi Nan also saw little Jiang Si help Jiang Cha correct the data, which is not something a child can do.

"They stole the parts of ginger tea, I just went to get them back." Jiang Si blinked her big eyes innocently.

She didn't realize that she had done something wrong.

While Ginger Tea was still recuperating, these people seized all the parts assigned to Ginger Tea by the laboratory without authorization.

That idiot has too good a temper to get these parts back.

This will not work.

Once there is the first time, there will be countless times.

Don't let these people think that idiot is easy to bully, you have to teach them a lesson, otherwise these people will make progress.

Jiang Si originally disagreed with Jiang Cha's move, but when she woke up, the idiot had already moved all her belongings here.

At this point, she couldn't help it.

The laboratory provided by the Bailey family to Ginger Tea is indeed good, at least much better than the previous Ginger Tea laboratory that looked like a dump.

It's just that the people here are not good.

Of course, except for Brother Shi.

Although Jiang Si only said one sentence, he quickly understood the ins and outs of the matter.

He glanced at the parts on the hoverboard, and his face darkened suddenly.

"Is there anything special about these parts?" C walked to Shi Nan's side at some point, and he reached out to pick up a metal part on the hoverboard and looked at it.

Shaped like a five-pointed star with a hole in the middle, C couldn't figure out where such a part would be used.

Shi Nan was taken aback by C's sudden appearance, but he still replied respectfully: "This time, all the parts are customized by Jiang Cha, and the drawings and materials are all customized according to his requirements."

"So, apart from ginger tea, other people won't use these?"

(End of this chapter)

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