Chapter 500

C glanced coldly at the group of men and women, and they all lowered their heads without daring to look at C.

As the head of the family, Vivian seldom came to the laboratory for inspections, but C would come often, so they had all met this lord and knew his identity.

After Jiang Cha was injured, C would visit whenever he was free.

Although they came to inspect the progress of the research, everyone in the laboratory knew it well.

This lord, no, it should be said that the Bailey family valued the new colleague who arrived a few months ago.

Since he came to this laboratory, the treatment of that person, not to mention ordinary personnel, is not even comparable to that of the researchers leading the project.

And no matter what request he puts forward, Teacher Shi will immediately satisfy it.

This made many people dissatisfied, but there was nothing they could do.

After all, they are experts sent by the Patriarch himself, no matter what ideas they have, they cannot fight against the Patriarch.

What made most people feel annoyed was that the guy was still trying to push his limits.

Not only do they often occupy several important laboratories, but they also often take away the raw materials they ordered.

You know, even if there are many smugglers in Carat, some raw materials are not so easy to order.

The raw materials they finally waited for were taken away, what should they use for experiments?

But no matter how they protested to Teacher Shi, the other party said that there was no other way, and the higher-ups required that all Jiang Cha's requirements be met.

Seeing no one responded, Shi Nan had no choice but to bite the bullet and say, "They may have taken it by mistake."

He knew that many people in the laboratory had already talked about ginger tea and reported to him several times, but he didn't expect these people to take away the things customized by ginger tea.

It's fine to take it away, but was caught by Xiao Jiangsi.

It's okay to be caught, but it happened to be when Mr. C was present.

When this incident came to Shi Nan's place, at most one month's wages would be deducted from these people as a punishment, but it would be different if it was brought up to Mr. C.

Shi Nan knew very well how much the boss valued ginger tea, and C really wanted to pursue it. These people might all be fired.

Once this job is lost, it will be difficult for these people to survive in Carat.

This is not the planet of the empire. Everything that the empire does not allow is allowed here.

Thinking of this, Shi Nan felt a fire burning in his heart.

He is angry that these people do things regardless of the consequences, and at the same time they will drag him down.

Glancing at the group of people fiercely, Shi Nan said angrily, "Apologize to Xiao Jiang Si, how old is she, and chasing after a little doll, isn't it embarrassing?"

Without waiting for Jiang Si to protest, Shi Nan immediately pressed Jiang Si's small head on his chest: "Little Jiang Si, don't be afraid, brother Shi will help you teach these guys a lesson."

Two lotus-root-like arms slapped Shi Nan's chest vigorously, but taking away the strength was lighter than tickling Shi Nan.

"Little Jiang Si, I beg you to help Brother Shi once. After Mr. C leaves, you can deal with these people as you please." Shi Nan said in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

These people should be punished, but they cannot be punished by Mr. C, otherwise he would not be able to escape the punishment himself.

Shi Nan has been the head of the laboratory for three years. The previous head was implicated by his subordinates and lost his job.

He didn't want to lose this hard-won job because of these idiots.

As if agreeing to Shi Nan's request, Jiang Si stopped struggling, and put her two chubby little hands on Shi Nan's body without moving.

The interaction time between the two was only a few seconds, and the others barely noticed.

C just raised his eyebrows and stared at them with interest.

He also knew this little girl, she was Jiang Cha's younger sister.

Jiang Cha agreed to come here because of her.

Someone in the group reacted and immediately bowed ninety degrees to Jiang Si: "I'm sorry, it's our fault, please forgive us, little sister."

"Sorry, we didn't mean to."

"Sorry, we didn't mean to bully you."


An apology made the tense atmosphere suddenly eased a lot.

Shi Nan didn't look at them again, but turned to look at C: "My lord, they also realize their mistakes. As a punishment, I suggest deducting one month's salary from them. What do you think?"

"This is a laboratory matter, you can figure it out." C said casually, without seeming to take this group of people seriously.

Shi Nan breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately shouted to the group of people: "If you know something is wrong, go back and work hard. Everyone will send me a progress report before tonight."

"Yes." A group of people said in unison.

As soon as the words fell, they ran faster than rabbits one by one, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Run fast!

Shi Nan curled his lips, and suddenly he found his chest was wet.

He hurriedly looked down, it was okay not to look, but he was startled when he saw it.

Jiang Si waved her short hand and hit him hard on the chest, and he quickly let go of the hand that was holding Jiang Si's head.

"I'm almost suffocating!" Jiang Si shouted with her face flushed.

The chubby little face was as red as a ripe tomato, she almost thought that she was going to be smothered to death by this big guy.

Shi Nan quickly apologized: "I'm sorry..."

Because of his nervousness, he even forgot to let go.

Jiang Si glared at Shi Nan fiercely, feeling that she was still angry, she raised her fleshy little fist and beat Shi Nan's chest a few times.

In this regard, Shi Nan didn't think there was anything wrong, but began to worry about Jiang Si's small fist: "Be gentle, don't hurt yourself."

After punching a few times, Jiang Si felt a dull pain in her little fist.

She puffed up her cheeks and gave Shi Nan another hard look.

While stroking the little girl's head, Shi Nan coaxed: "It's all my fault, little Jiangsi, don't be angry."

C, who stood aside and watched the interaction between the two, touched his chin.

Can't tell, Shi Nan is a big guy who can coax children.

But, why does this picture seem a little familiar?

C thought for a while before remembering that Miss Shu seemed to be coaxed by A in this way when she was a child.

Every time she was thrown into the arena by the boss, Miss Shu would be wounded all over her body when she came back.

Miss Shu was only six years old at that time, she would not cry like other children, but shed tears silently.

Every time they saw her cry, the four of them felt bad.

Who would have thought that the four guardians of the Bailey family, who had made the whole of Carat frightened, would feel distressed because of the tears of a little girl.

Seeing that Jiang Si was almost coaxed, C pointed to the parts on the suspension vehicle and asked, "What is Jiang Cha going to do with these?"

Before the injury, Jiang Cha seemed to have been doing research in retreat, and didn't even reply to Miss Shu's news.

"I'm not very clear about this either." Shi Nan wondered.

Patronizing on coaxing little Jiangsi, he almost forgot that the lord was still here.

"Ginger Tea wants to optimize the transmission equipment."

 Unknowingly reached chapter 500
(End of this chapter)

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