It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 605 Chapter 605 Control is in your hands

Chapter 605 Chapter 605 Control is in your hands

Just in front of their starship, a starship suddenly appeared.

Their starship just went through a jump, because the stamina of the jump would slide forward for a certain distance, and it just hit it directly.

To be precise, it hit the shield of the starship.

Their shields had long been destroyed by the enemy's attack, and after a forced transition, the already precarious exterior of the starship suffered damage to varying degrees.

Although the speed of the starship gliding is not fast, for their starship, this collision may cause the starship to be scrapped directly.

Xiao Man felt that the starship did not fall apart because of this collision, and it was already a piece of shit luck.

Before he had time to think about what to do now, Xiao Man heard his partner screaming.

"He...they are chasing after him!"

Xiao Man's face suddenly sank, and he quickly looked at the large light curtain hanging at the front of the cockpit.

Most of the instruments have been damaged, but the energy fluctuation sensing instrument is still struggling.On the star map, two red dots are constantly flashing, approaching them at an extremely fast speed.

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Man let go of the useless direction wipe stick, stood up from the seat, and glanced at the people in the cockpit
She said in a low and hoarse voice:

"Follow me who can use the energy cannon, and others will assist the elderly and children to enter the rescue cabin."

Shu Shu looked at the picture on the light curtain with a face full of black lines.

Although there is a one-in-a-million probability of a starship accident during the transition of the unofficial route, she never thought that she would encounter such a low-probability accident one day.

Moreover, it was such an outrageous starship accident.

Just after the jump was over, it was directly hit by another starship that jumped over.

Fortunately, the protective shield blocked the starship that hit them, and did not cause any damage to their starship.

From the picture displayed on the light curtain, Shu Shu could guess that the opponent's starship was not badly damaged without professional eyesight.

I just don't know why this starship didn't open the protective cover. Opening the protective cover during the transition is the most basic common sense.

"The energy fluctuation of the transition has been detected. Two starships are transitioning here. It is estimated that they will arrive within 2 minutes. We'd better leave here first."

"What's going on?" Simon asked in surprise.

Even if he doesn't know how to pilot a starship, he still has some common sense.

Unexpectedly, in such a short period of time, three starships chose to jump here just like them.

It is not uncommon for multiple starships to jump to the same location.

But most of them are collective transitions of starship fleets, rather than the current situation where four starships departing from different places select the same transition point almost at the same time.

And the black line on Shu Shu's forehead became thicker, and there were 1 question marks in her heart.

Is this a hidden important transition node?

Glancing at the star map on the light curtain, Shu Shu couldn't see anything special about this place.

The only characteristic here is the emptiness.

Not to mention planets, there is not even a passing asteroid around, nothing clean.

Although this kind of place with nothing is very suitable as a transition point, it is too strange that several starships choose the same place at the same time at the same time.

"Too bad luck." Shu Shu puffed up her cheeks, "Let's get out of here first."

The movement of her hands didn't stop, the starship was ready for the next jump, and she didn't want to be hit again.

She doesn't know if she will be as lucky as this time next time, she doesn't want to gamble with the safety of herself and the duke.

Just when Shu Shu was about to press the button to start the leap, Simon suddenly said, "Wait a minute."

"What's wrong?" Shu Shu looked at Simon suspiciously.

Simon frowned slightly and said, "There are no humans in this starship."

no humans?

Could it be that there are 'special groups' in the starship?
Shu Shu used her mental power to sense for a moment, and found that what Simon said was right, there was no human being on the starship that hit them, they were all 'special groups'.

You know, even on the Stark family's civilian starships, it's hard to find a starship full of 'special groups'.

Even if the passengers are all 'special groups', there will be human staff on the starship.

The main reason is that the number of 'special groups' is less than that of human beings, and human beings and special groups have lived together for more than 5000 years without distinction.

Suddenly, two distorted vortexes appeared not far from the starship, and two armed starships flew out of the vortex.

It is two starships that have jumped over.

The two starships did not stop at all, and as soon as they arrived, they aimed all the energy cannons at the two starships that were almost stuck together.

The person is not good!
Looking at the picture on the light curtain, Shu Shu couldn't help frowning.

A shell from an energy cannon cut through the pitch-black space, leaving behind a dazzling straight line.

This energy cannon was not sent by the two starships that had just arrived, but the starship that hit the shield and looked like it was about to fall apart.

The energy cannon was stopped by the shield of the armed starship, but it was only the first shot, and there were more than a dozen energy cannons behind.

All of a sudden, the light of the energy cannon lit up this area, lighting up gorgeous flowers in the dark space.

"It seems that they know each other." Simon commented looking at the picture on the light curtain.

Not only knowing, but also dying.

Shu Shu complained in her heart, and slid her right hand on the light curtain a few times.

Unexpectedly, there were so many energy cannons hidden on the starship that seemed to be falling apart. Under the bombardment, the opponent's two starships could only hide behind the protective cover, and they were completely unable to fight back.

If they fired energy cannons, under such a dense energy cannon attack, the shells would be blown apart by the oncoming energy cannons as soon as they came out of the shield.

All attacks will eventually fall on one's own shield, so it's better to use up the opponent's energy cannons before launching an attack.

Shu Shu didn't have the slightest plan to make a move, as long as it doesn't affect them, it doesn't matter how these people fight.

This smuggling starship is equipped with a lot of weapons, and the quality of the protective cover is also good.

And they can jump at any time, not afraid of their attacks.

Sliding her hand on the light curtain, Shu Shu quickly browsed the real-time images of the external camera.

Suddenly, her hand stopped sliding.

Magnify the picture on the light curtain with both hands, and then put it on the big light curtain.

"The starship next to us is launching a rescue capsule, and there are old people and children on it."

After the picture is zoomed in, you can see the windows of the rescue cabin.

Sitting by the window were two children who seemed to be only four or five years old, and they hugged each other tremblingly.Inside sat an old man with mottled hair, his face was ashen, and he kept sighing.

Seeing a child, Shu Shu couldn't bear it.

"Let's help them."

Little kids shouldn't have to go through this.

Simon knew that the little girl was softening his heart, and said with a smile, "The control of the starship is in your hands."

 The previous chapter has been revised, and this chapter has been revised and rewritten for a long time.

  The last volume is coming to an end, and I am still sorting out the pits left before, sorry to keep everyone waiting for a long time

(End of this chapter)

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