It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 606 Chapter 606 No Movement

Chapter 606 Chapter 606 No Movement

After more than half a year of getting along day and night, Simon found that this little girl is usually the most afraid of trouble, but she is easy to soften her heart when she meets children.

He wanted to see what she would do this time.

Seeing that Simon had no objection, Shu Shu immediately moved her hands quickly on several light curtains, only to see afterimages flashing in the air.

The multi-directional viewing angle on the large light curtain allows the two people in the cockpit to fully grasp the outside situation.

The starship that has lost power is still bombarded with energy cannons, but the bombing density begins to decrease at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And the two armed starships looked intact under the protection of the protective cover.

On the other side of the starship, more and more rescue capsules were separated from the starship that had lost power, heading towards the direction of the Schiller galaxy.

Shu Shu drove the starship away from them long before the powerless starship began to bombard it with energy cannons.

Just because there is an energy cannon aimed at them.

Although not afraid of the energy cannon's attack, Shu Shu still drove the starship to a similar distance from both sides, forming a triangle.

Seeing the little girl immersed in the 'work' in her hands, Simon turned on his light curtain, opened the chat software, and sent a message.

The content is very simple, just four words: "Did you do it?"

Almost as soon as it was sent, the other party replied immediately.

"What did you say? What did I do?"

Seeing this reply, Simon raised the corner of his mouth and sent another message.

"The starship that hit us was the one you marked earlier."

In the end, there is no need to say hello, it is a declarative sentence.

This time the other party did not reply immediately, and it took nearly 2 minutes before a message was sent.

"It's the starship that asked for help from the Schiller galaxy."

Seeing that it took Alfred so long to reply, Simon pondered for a moment, then raised his slender fingers and tapped a few times on the light curtain.

"Will you betray her?"

The reply was quick this time, almost at the same time as Simon's question.

"How is it possible? I will not betray her!!!"

The three exclamation points represent Alfred's determination.

Seeing this reply, Simon didn't send another message, but turned off the light curtain as if nothing had happened.

His gaze returned to the large light curtain above the cockpit, and the two armed starships began to move.

"Quick! The energy is almost exhausted, get out of here quickly!"

Xiao Man shouted loudly to her companions, but she stood there without moving.

Holding the sight of the energy cannon tightly with his left hand, his right hand slid up and down on the light curtain in front of him.

Apart from her, there are a few other people like her who are guarding the control position of the energy cannon, ready to guard until the last moment.

They all know that the energy cannon's attack cannot damage the enemy's starship, otherwise they would have used it long ago.

No one thought that this move would turn into a big escape.

Until now, they don't even know who sent the two armed starships.

Not long after setting off from their hometown, these two armed starships suddenly stopped on their route.

If it wasn't for Xiao Man's quick response and her excellent driving ability.Their starship would probably end up like the others, blown up in the first few rounds of attack.

"Warning! All the energy has been consumed, activate the backup energy!"

"Warning! Reserve energy is only 1%!"

The warnings kept ringing.

After firing the last energy cannon, the light curtain on the console went dark due to insufficient energy, and Xiao Man breathed a sigh of relief.

The tense body suddenly relaxed, and the body naturally leaned against the back of the chair.

Looking around, she couldn't help grinning when she saw the three people left behind.

Sure enough, she was right, her starship members would not leave her as the captain to escape alone.

"Didn't I tell you to go? What are you doing here?"

"Boss, you still owe us a month's wages. If you hang up, who do we ask for wages?"

Hearing this answer, the corner of Xiao Man's mouth twitched unconsciously.

"How many times have I told you to call the captain!" Xiao Man straightened up and shouted.

Then he leaned back on the back of the chair, as if his whole body had been drained of strength.

Thinking of the loan to be repaid, Xiao Man became listless.

She muttered to herself: "Hey, I knew I would not accept the list from the Presbyterian Church."

After finally saving money to pay the down payment for this starship, the starship was scrapped after only a few trips. There should be no luckier person in the entire empire than her.

I can only blame her for being too greedy.

But the elders will give too much, it is difficult for Xiao Man to refuse.

Thinking about the loan and wages to be paid, Xiao Man felt powerless.

She said to herself in a very low voice: "I don't know if the Schiller galaxy has received our distress signal. If the people in the rescue cabin can reach the Schiller galaxy safely, our order should be considered completed... …Bar.

Then the Presbyterian Council should pay me the balance... right? "

Here Xiao Man was lost in thoughts, and the others started chatting before the enemy launched an attack.

"You say, is that news true?"

"What news?"

"You don't even know this? Didn't you see the uproar on the Internet?"

"I really do not know."

"It's the one about the empire wanting to mark us all, and living apart from humans... There are still a bunch of people on the Internet who support it."

"What? There is such a thing? How can it be done?"

"Hey, it's not because of the independence of the Schiller Galaxy. That Highness... No, it's His Majesty now... Hey, anyway, now that humans know our existence, many people are starting to be afraid."

"Then what should we do? Do we want to escape to the Schiller galaxy like the people in the Presbyterian Church?"

"If the empire really implements a policy against us, I'm going to go to the Schiller galaxy. Anyway, no matter where I am, I will just dawdle."

"Really! That majesty wants to make the Schiller galaxy independent, so why should we announce our existence to the public?"

"Exactly! I really don't understand what these big shots are doing. Now there are posts on how to tell us apart on the Internet. I don't know what will happen next."

"Do you believe those nonsense posts? What pepper and garlic spray can expose vampires, I don't know who came up with it."

"It's obviously a post that sells goods, who would believe these?"

"Some people really believe it... The chili and garlic spray has been out of stock in the past few days. I wanted to buy one, but I had to wait in line."

"What did you buy that for?"

"Since so many people buy it, if I don't buy it, I will be suspected of being a 'special group' by humans."

"You werewolf, are you still afraid of humans?"

"Isn't it just buying a spray, how can you be afraid of humans?"

"Hey! Why is the enemy silent?"

After being reminded like this, Xiao Man, who was immersed in his own thoughts, also found it unusual.

It has been several minutes since they stopped attacking. It is really strange that the enemy has not launched an attack.

She jumped up and walked to the nearest window.

There is no way, the energy of the starship is exhausted by them, and even the light curtain connected to the external camera cannot be opened, so it can only be seen with the naked eye.

When he walked to the window, Xiao Man's expression suddenly changed, and he couldn't help but swear.

"Depend on!"

(End of this chapter)

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