It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 607 607 send away directly

Chapter 607 607 send away directly
In the dark space, there is nothing but a few sporadic twinkling stars in the distance.

There were also traces of two armed starships.

Rubbing his eyes vigorously, but still seeing nothing, Xiao Man ran to the window on the other side without giving up.

Seeing Xiao Man swearing, the other three ran to another window, looked at each other, and ran to the nearest window.

Seeing the boundless universe, the three of them were stunned.

What about the enemy?
What about the two armed starships that had been chasing them for so long?

After repeatedly confirming that the enemy had disappeared, Xiao Man had recovered his composure, and was lowering his head to think about the reason for the enemy's disappearance.

The two armed starships suddenly appeared shortly after their departure, and opened fire on them without any communication.

From this point, the possibility of star robbers can be ruled out.

This escort mission was initiated by the elders. Before departure, Xiao Man chatted with several familiar captains, and found that all the captains who received the mission had one thing in common with her, they were all 'special groups'.

And the members on the starship are also 'special groups'.

It is not uncommon for the elders to only find 'special groups' to take on tasks, and it is not new for that group of old people not to like humans.

Therefore, Xiao Man didn't pay much attention to it, it was just an escort mission.The only tricky thing was the mission's destination: the Schiller Galaxy.

That Highness has just proclaimed himself emperor, and the border between the Olga and Schiller galaxies is not peaceful.

But seeing the generous rewards from the Presbyterian Council, Xiao Man, like other captains, accepted this task.

Chased by two armed starships before, Xiao Man had no time to think at all, but now that she calmed down, she discovered several doubts.

Except for them who were hired to carry out escort missions, the escort objects were all 'special groups', not even a single human being.

Even if it is an escort mission issued by the Presbyterian Council, there shouldn't be a single human being among the escort objects.

Especially there are vampires, some vampires with high bloodlines will raise a few humans as backup food, this is no secret among the 'special groups'.

Not to mention that most noble families have human servants to serve their daily life.

For this kind of inter-galaxy relocation, these human servants should be brought along, not a single human being.

This is really unusual.

Xiao Man suddenly thought of a possibility, and couldn't help exclaiming: "Oops! The rescue cabin!"

Immediately, she ran outside.

The other three were stunned for a moment, then their expressions changed drastically, and they hurriedly followed Xiao Man.

The four of them ran to the cockpit at the fastest speed, Xiao Man ran directly to the main seat, and opened the pilot's light curtain.

The energy of the starship is exhausted by the energy cannon, but the cockpit has a spare engine that provides emergency energy here.It can only be used to maintain the light curtain and communication system, but it is enough.

Although the external communication system is scrapped, there is a communication device in the rescue cabin to communicate with the starship, which is an independent set of equipment.

A message was sent to the rescue pods to confirm that none of the rescue pods were under attack, and the Schiller Galaxy Frontier Fleet was successfully contacted.

Xiao Man finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This starship has been scrapped, and it is not yet known how much the insurance will pay.

If she can get the final payment for this mission, she can repay the loan first, and then buy a second-hand small starship with a loan.

Just contact those in the Olga galaxy, and the missions that don't cross the galaxy will be fine.

Suddenly, the cockpit door opened automatically.

The people in the cockpit turned their heads subconsciously when they heard the movement, and they saw a one-meter-tall maintenance robot standing alone at the door.

"Isn't this our robot?" someone asked uncertainly.

Every starship will be equipped with maintenance robots, but the style and quantity are different.

Although this maintenance robot is very similar to the one on their starship and should belong to the same series, Xiao Man also feels that this maintenance robot is not on the starship.

the reason is simple.

The starship has run out of energy, and the robots sent out to repair the starship should also have exhausted their energy and entered a dormant state. It is impossible to appear here without receiving instructions.

Xiao Man waved her hand, signaling the three to retreat, she walked towards the maintenance robot alone, and stopped when she was only two meters away from the robot.

She didn't speak, just watched the maintenance robot silently.

The maintenance robot raised its head, as if it was looking at Xiao Man, and it took more than ten seconds to speak.

"Hello, seeing that your starship is no longer usable, and the communication equipment is damaged, I can only contact you in this way.

Come here rashly, it may disturb you, I am very sorry. "

After speaking, the maintenance robot made a [-]-degree bow to apologize.

Seeing that the maintenance robot is so polite, Xiao Man was a little surprised.

It was the first time she had seen a maintenance robot apologize.

"It's okay." Xiao Man shook his head slightly, and then asked: "Excuse me, are you?"

Regarding the origin of the maintenance robot, I have a little guess in my heart, I just need to confirm.

"I'm from the starship that you hit." The maintenance robot raised its mechanical arm and pointed outside.


Seeing that his guess was confirmed, Xiao Man breathed a sigh of relief.

The maintenance robot continued: "My master sent me to ask if you need a ride."

10 minutes ago.

"Holy love?" Shu Shu asked in surprise.

Hearing the familiar name, Simon looked at Shu Shu suspiciously: "What's wrong?"

"Those two armed starships belong to Shengai." Shu Shu thought for a while, then added: "That's an organization on Reese, and I met members of this organization during the entrance exam."

Also got low price fixative from them.

As well as the concept of holy love that the person who claimed to be the boss told, Shu Shu was surprised.

Hearing Reese, Simon suddenly thought of the information he had heard from Vivienne.

"The time you were captured by Chris in Reis, it was Sheng Ai who attacked the Bailey family's laboratory."

"It's them?" Shu Shu was surprised, she thought for a few seconds, and came to an astonishing conclusion: "Could it be that they have something to do with the Stark family?"

Simon didn't deny it: "It's possible."

If it wasn't for the attack of Sheng Ai, Chris wouldn't have taken the opportunity to capture Shu Shu and the little girl from Jiang's family.

"Why did they attack this starship?" Shu Shu couldn't help frowning.

This starship is obviously related to the Stark family. If Sheng Ai has something to do with them, it shouldn't attack them.

Simon also felt that this matter was strange, but now they knew too little, so they had to go back and investigate later.

"It's almost unbearable over there. The two armed starships should have found the rescue cabin." Simon pointed to the large light curtain.

"They won't attack." Shu Shu said confidently.

After tapping the light curtain a few times with both hands, she looked at Simon with a smile and said, "Guess what method I used."

"Send them away directly." Simon said without thinking.

Shu Shu suddenly puffed up her cheeks, obviously Simon had guessed it.

At this time, the energy cannon attack was over, and the two armed starships were intact.

The next moment, the fuselages of the two starships lit up, and then they turned into light and shadow and disappeared into the pitch-black space.

(End of this chapter)

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