It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 73 073 The decision is not in his hands

Chapter 73 073 The right to decide is not in his hands (one more)

With a loud noise, the first aid cabin rushed into Reiss' atmosphere like a bullet, leaving a long white trail in the air, and finally hit the ground and was embedded in the ground.

The shock absorption and compression resistance of this emergency cabin is not good at all. Shu Shu felt as if her whole body had been compressed and then was taken out to shake vigorously.

Without a window, she couldn't tell where she was.

After a short period of dizziness, Shu Shu pulled off her seat belt and pushed back to the door of the emergency cabin above her head.Holding the handrails on the left and right sides with both hands, using force with both hands, the whole person jumped up and jumped up from the exit above his head.

As soon as she got outside, Shu Shu felt a wave of heat coming over her face.

Sand was caught in the hot wind, and Shu Shu accidentally took a mouthful of sand.

"Bah! Bah! Bah!"

While spitting sand, Shu Shu hurriedly took out a bra from the portable space and put it on the clothes on her chest, and then opened the protective cover.

A thin protective cover instantly surrounded Shu Shu's whole body, and the protective cover seemed to wrap Shu Shu in a transparent bubble.

The bubbles were formed according to Shu Shu's body shape, and they stayed at a distance of ten centimeters from Shu Shu's body.

This protective cover was 'taken away' by Shu Shu when she went to Jiang Cha's place last time. Although the defense ability is poor, it can still protect against wind and rain.

And it also has a temperature control function, which is simply a must-have gadget for field trips.

Shu Shu looked around and found that the place where she landed was in an uninhabited desert.

With the blue sky and the endless golden sandy beach, Shu Shu felt that it would be perfect if there was an ocean of blue waves.

Compared with the over-exploited and spring-like planets like Blue Star and Luna, Reese retains the original appearance of the planet.

Although Reiss and Carat cannot be said to have four distinct seasons like the former Blue Star, the continents on the planet have various geographical features similar to the former Blue Star.

There are peaks and plains, deserts and forests, rivers and lakes, and the entire ecosystem is full of vitality.

Sitting on the opening of the emergency cabin, Shu Shu couldn't help but sighed as she looked at the golden desert in front of her.

This is too bad luck, to be thrown into the famous Hara Desert in Reiss.

The Hara Desert is the largest desert on Raith, from here to the base of the imperial army will span more than half of Raith.

This stupid random allocation!

Shu Shu pouted and opened the light curtain to check her specific location, and easily cracked the shielding function of the locator. Later, it took her a few minutes to find Alan's current location.

Although Ai Lun has the temper of a young master, he is Ai Xi's younger brother after all. For Ai Xi's sake, Shu Shu felt that she should take care of Ai Lun.

After planning the most convenient route, Shu Shu turned off the light curtain.

Before turning off the light curtain, Shu Shu noticed that there was a countdown on the lower left corner of the light curtain, which showed that there were still more than eleven hours left.

If she doesn't go to Alan and encounters no trouble on the way, Shu Shu can reach the base within six hours.

The question is, is it possible to stay in Rhys without getting into trouble?
Shu Shu will tell you bluntly: too naive.

Taking out the hoverboard, Shu Shu checked the energy level, and seeing that there was only 30.00% left, she shook her head.

It took a lot of energy for Luna to rush, so Shu Shu had to take out the solar charging board and put it on the back of the hoverboard.

After jumping on the hoverboard, Shu Shu raised her hand and pressed on the earring, her eyes were covered by a light curtain, which showed her planned route.

Riding the hoverboard, Shu Shu moved forward slowly, almost touching the ground.

It wasn't that Shu Shu didn't want to move forward fast, but that the hoverboard that was charging could only move forward at a speed comparable to that of a tortoise.

Hope Allen doesn't hang up too early.

Luna First Academy starship cockpit.

"Director, all the first aid cabins have been projected. Except for the two unlucky students, the other students have arrived safely in Reiss."

Finn replied that he understood, and his gaze never left the holographic projection in the center of the cockpit.

A ball is dropped in mid-air. There are many green dots and two yellow dots on the surface of the ball.

The dots are grouped together on one half of the sphere, and on the other half there is an irregular green area that says 'Imperial Army Base'.

Those dots are the students who were dropped, and the only two yellow dots are the two unlucky ghosts who were thrown into the sea.

All launches are randomly launched by the Starship Mastermind. Although the emergency pods are launched from three different starships, there will be no problem of overlapping positions.

Suddenly, more than a dozen green dots scattered in ordinary areas instantly turned red, and an alarm sounded throughout the cockpit.

Finn frowned fiercely, and he asked in a deep voice, "The rescue team will come out immediately..."

Before he could finish speaking, the red dot disappeared from the holographic projector.

"Director, sixteen students lost their vital signs almost at the same time." A subordinate reported in a slightly trembling voice.

Suddenly the cockpit fell into a dead silence.

Those present were all the backbone of the admissions department. They had supervised the entrance exams of Luna First Academy countless times, but they had never encountered such a situation.

Less than an hour after the exam started this year, sixteen students had already died.

This has never happened before, but these students all pressed the SOS button before they died, which means that these students were clearly aware of their situation before they died, and pressed the SOS button without hesitation.

Although Luna First Academy's entrance exams have always been known to be dangerous, Luna First Academy doesn't want students who take the exam to die.

In the past, there were more casualties than deaths in the exams every year. Most of the students who lost their lives were due to carelessness or overconfidence.

As long as you act cautiously in the exam, unless your personal strength is really good, there is no problem in saving your life.

Thinking of the sudden death of sixteen people like this now, it is really unacceptable for the people in the cockpit.

Finn stared at the green dot on the holographic projection with a gloomy expression, and he ordered in a deep voice: "Send me the files of the sixteen dead students."

If possible, he would like to stop this unreasonable entrance examination immediately, but the decision is not in his hands.

At this time, a few more green dots suddenly turned red, and before the staff could speak, the red dots went out.

Seeing this situation, Finn quickly ordered: "Connect me to Principal Gremory."

I can't wait any longer. If this continues, I don't know how many students can last until the end of twelve hours.

The Hara Desert is connected to the Weilu Mountains, and the green and lush trees block the invasion of the desert.

However, the temperature in the Weilu Mountain Range is not low, on the contrary, it is higher than the Hara Desert. The persistent high temperature makes it impossible for humans to live in this mountain range.

Compared to the Hara Desert, the Weilu Mountain Range is an uninhabited no-man's land.

"Damn it! What the hell kind of place is this?"

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(End of this chapter)

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