It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 74 074 Everyone Has Their Own Choice

Chapter 74 074 Everyone has their own choice (two more)
Le Huanming wiped the sweat off his face with the back of his hand. The hair on his face was covered with dust and leaves, and he was completely different from the handsome young man when he set off.

After being projected into this mountain range by the first aid cabin, Le Huanming thought he was lucky after confirming his location through the map.

After all, the biggest threat on Reese comes from humans, and this is the famous no-man's land on Reese.

Although Le Huanming had never been to Reiss, butler Le had sent him all the information about Reiss collected by Lejia before boarding the starship.

Compared to others, he was somewhat prepared.

But Le Huanming never expected that this no-man's land was full of traps, making him hard to guard against.

He originally wanted to use the hoverboard to get out of the air, but he didn't fly a few meters before the hoverboard was trapped by the vines that suddenly appeared.

Those vines were also particularly difficult to entangle, if he cut one with the energy dagger, five or six would come out immediately.

In desperation, Le Huanming had to give up the hoverboard.

Jumping to the ground, he found that the vines were no longer following him.It's like they only grab objects that fly into the air.

In order to confirm his guess, Le Huanming picked up a stone from the ground and threw it into the air. Immediately, a vine stretched out from the big tree beside him and grabbed the stone.

After trying several times in different places, Le Huanming gave up the idea of ​​taking the empty road.

Those vines usually lie on the big tree, motionless like ordinary vines.But as soon as any object flies into the air, they will immediately move to catch that object, whether it is dead or living.

Although walking on the ground would be more time-consuming, Le Huanming didn't want to waste his supplies in this no-man's land.

After all, he didn't know what to expect when he left the Forge Mountains.

After walking for more than an hour, Le Huanming walked to the edge of Weilu Mountain.

When he saw a golden desert in front of him, he was relieved.

Ahead is the Hara Desert.

Although it's a bit of a detour to walk this way, you can't use any aircraft in the Weilu Mountain Range, and the forward speed will be much slower instead.

After leaving the woods for some distance, Le Huanming took out a pair of shoes and a pair of gloves from the sound space.

After putting on his shoes and gloves, he was suspended in mid-air.

But with the lessons learned in the forest, Le Huanming didn't dare to fly too high, and moved forward almost close to the ground, trying to integrate himself with the surrounding environment as much as possible.

After only ten minutes of flying, he saw a group of people in the distance.

He stopped on a sand dune, lay down on the hot yellow sand, and took out a telescope from his portable space.

Compared with the temperature in the Weilu Mountains, Le Huanming felt that the temperature in the Hara Desert was not worth mentioning.

I don't know how those plants did it. It's incredible to survive in such a hot temperature.

Le Huanming's clothes have a temperature control function, but they failed in the Weilu Mountains, but they can be used in the Hara Desert.

In the distance, five or six tall, rough-looking men surrounded a girl with pink hair. One of them held an energy gun and spoke to the girl with a fierce expression.

It looked like the girl had been robbed by these big men, and Le Huanming had no intention of helping.

Predating the weak and the strong is Reese's survival rule.

Before knowing the strength of those big guys, Le Huanming didn't dare to act rashly.

"Little girl, if you keep moving forward, it will be Snaker's territory, you'd better not go there." The big man holding the energy gun kindly reminded.

It's a pity that his appearance really makes people unable to associate with the word 'gentle', and his voice is also very loud, and what he says seems to be threatening.

Shu Shu blinked her eyes, and asked with a puzzled face: "Aren't you trying to rob me? Why are you telling me this?"

"Hahaha, the little girl is so funny."

Several big men surrounding Shu Shu laughed loudly. The big man holding the energy gun put away the energy gun and pulled up the sleeve of his left arm to his shoulder, revealing a muscular arm.

There is a tattoo on the bicep with a red heart drawn in a circle in the center.

It doesn't look like this kind of tattoo that a fierce-looking man would get tattooed at all, it looks like the style that little girls like.

"We are members of Shengai, so we don't do that kind of robbery." The big man who was showing off his biceps said proudly.

Shu Shu glanced at the big man's arm, and asked curiously, "Then what do you survive on?"

As far as she knew, the gangs in the Hara Desert relied on robbing to survive. In the wilderness, there was basically no other business to do except robbing passers-by.

"We provide escort services." The big man put down his sleeves, "We see that you, a little girl, are not safe at all in the Hara Desert, you can hire us."

After finishing speaking, the big man grinned and showed eight big white teeth.

It's a pity that his appearance is too fierce, this smile doesn't look sincere at all, it looks particularly sinister.

I don't know why Shu Shu thought of the big devil she saw in the 'mirror' before, and felt that the big man in front of her might be able to be friends with the big devil.

Shu Shu tilted her head and looked around.

The big men caught by her gaze lifted up their clothes to reveal their strong muscles, but Shu Shu felt that her eyes were too hot, so she quickly looked away.

"I don't need your escort." Shu Shu raised her right hand and pointed in one direction, "You can go over there and have a look. It's about four or five kilometers away from here. There are a group of people who may need your escort."

It was not easy for this group of big men to survive in Hara, and they did not rob.

When Shu Shu was looking for Alan, she read the location of other students, and the direction she pointed was the direction of her high school classmate.

That guy seems to be looking for a few students to go with him, anyway, that guy is not short of money, and it would be nice to send her a group of 'bodyguards'.

Hearing the first half of Shu Shu's words, the big man showed a disappointed expression, but after hearing the whole sentence, he immediately nodded and said, "Okay, let's go and have a look now, thank you so much!"

"No thanks, I hope you can gain something." Shu Shu said with a smile on her face.

Apart from their scary looks, these big guys are actually quite cute.

It's just that they don't know how long they can survive in Reiss like this.

But these are not Shu Shu's worries, everyone has their own choices.Since they chose not to rob, earning money from escorts should be respected.

Suddenly, a big man appeared from a sand dune in the distance, and he shouted: "Boss! There is a sneaky kid here."

Several big men immediately entered a state of alert, raising their weapons and staring vigilantly into the distance.

The big man jumped up from the sand dune in the distance, and when Shu Shu sighed in his heart about his jumping ability, he had already landed in front of them.


 The second update, there will be another update tonight
(End of this chapter)

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