It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 8 008 You are wrong here

Chapter 8 008 You are wrong here

After entering the iron gate, Shu Shu followed the butler robot through five iron gates, each of which was only three or four meters apart.

The butler robot is the robot that opened the door for her. Except for the artificial leather face, the whole body is covered with exposed wires and parts.

It has no hair at the back of its head, but a tangle of wires, and a face that is buttoned on like a human face mask.

The corridor they walked was still dark and there was not even a small light. There were only four blinking positioning lights on the four corners of the wheels under the feet of the butler robot, but they couldn't play a role in lighting.

But Shu Shu herself has a night vision light curtain, so it makes no difference to her whether she has a light or not.

When the fifth door was opened, a dazzling white light curtain poured down.

Shu Shu raised her hand to cover her eyes, and it took her a few seconds to get used to the light.

Behind the fifth door is a huge space, with rows of white light sources embedded in the ceiling more than ten meters high.

Shu Shu's location is not on the ground, but on a small metal platform protruding from the wall.

From the platform, you can see the appearance of the entire space, where there are many large machines of different sizes.Some even directly penetrate the ceiling, and at a glance, there are only machines with different colors.

Most of the machines were in operation, and Shu Shu saw many robots of different shapes working on the ground.

The butler robot clicked a few times on a control panel on the platform, and a rectangular levitator with a size of two to three square meters flew over from nowhere.

The suspension has no railings, no seat, just a control panel erected in front, which is very light.

Shu Shu twitched the corner of her mouth, this seemingly unreliable 'vehicle' really looks like ginger tea.

"Please." The butler robot stretched out a mechanical hand and made a gesture of please.

Shu Shu turned off the night vision light curtain and went up with a sigh. Afterwards, the butler robot flew to the ground with the levitator, circling around among the machines, and finally stopped on top of a bunch of machines.

The butler robot pointed to a figure and said, "The master is there."

Looking along the mechanical arm, Shu Shu saw a figure busy among a bunch of robots.He was facing away from them, wearing a helmet and holding tools in both hands.

"Ginger tea!" Shu Shu shouted.

But the man didn't respond at all, and continued to be busy with the work at hand.

The butler robot said blankly: "The owner is working, he can't hear any outside sounds, we need to take off his helmet to hear him."

There is no room for the levitator to land here, and the butler robot can only keep the levitator as close to the ground as possible.It tried several times, but no matter where it flew, the levitator was still more than two meters away from the ground.

"Just stop here." Shu Shu pointed to a place and shouted.

The butler robot stopped the levitator to the position Shu Shu said. Shu Shu glanced at the pile of machines on the ground, and then she jumped.

Using her feet on several taller machines, Shu Shu easily jumped behind Jiang Cha, then raised one hand and slapped the helmet hard.


Jiang Cha slammed into the large machine in front of her, and the tools in her hand fell to the ground.


The helmet was stuck in the gap of the large machine. It seemed to be stuck. Jiang Cha couldn't pull it out. In the end, he had to pull his head out of the helmet first.

"Which bastard pushed me?!" Jiang Cha blushed angrily.

Shu Shu stood there leisurely, blew on her nails lightly, glanced sideways at Ginger Tea, who was burning with anger, and said calmly, "You said you're looking for someone to take care of me, where is he?"

After seeing Shu Shu's face clearly, the burning anger seemed to be poured with cold water, and immediately extinguished.

Jiang Cha swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and the corners of his mouth forced up: "This...then... didn't you solve it?"

His face is very white, like the kind of sickly white that has not seen the light all year round, his body is thin, and his thick brown bangs cover most of his face, making it impossible to see his face clearly.

"Did you forget to find someone to meet me in your busy schedule?" Shu Shu glanced at Jiang Cha unceremoniously.

Jiang Cha shrugged his shoulders, lowered his head and admitted his mistake: "I was wrong. After replying to your message, this machine suddenly broke down. I was busy repairing the machine and forgot to find someone."

Shu Shu rolled her eyes, and she knew that this guy was unreliable, and it was her own brainstorm that asked this guy to help her.

But only he is in Luna, everyone else is too far away.

It is said that distant water cannot save near fire, but near water is of no use to her.

If I had known her earlier, I would have looked for Vivienne. Her staff spread across the three major galaxies, at least a little more reliable than this machine brain.

Seeing that Shu Shu rolled her eyes and stopped talking to him, Jiang Cha shook his shoulders and asked cautiously, "How did you solve it?"

When Hide sent a message saying that she was kidnapped by the Ning family from Lanxing to Luna, Jiang Cha didn't believe it, thinking she was teasing him.

Others may not know it, but he knows it all too well. The two big brothers in her family can protect her shortcomings, especially for her.

Jiang Cha still finds it incredible that the Ning family dared to kidnap her.

But people are in front of him, he has to believe.

"A good man named Earl Saketti helped me." Shu Shu spread her hands and said.

It's only because she is underage now, otherwise she wouldn't have been tricked by her unscrupulous parents.

The eldest sister is on her way to the Rowan galaxy because of a mission, and the second sister is recording a reality show again.

Now that I think about it, they had planned it a long time ago. This time is really a coincidence.

It's all because she went to bed too late last night and didn't wake up in the morning, that's why she was recruited.

Sure enough, there is no one who does not get his shoes wet when he often walks by the river.

Jiang Cha scratched his head and asked suspiciously, "Count Saketti? What's your relationship with him?"

"The first time we met, I didn't know why he would help me."

Shu Shu hooked a chair with wheels beside her with her foot, hooked it over, and then stepped to sit on it.Her upper body was lying on the backrest, with her chin resting on the top of the backrest.

worn out.

It was almost four o'clock in the afternoon, and she didn't even eat lunch.

Shu Shu didn't feel anything before, but now she suddenly feels hungry.

"What's your plan next? Go back to Blue Star?" Jiang Cha summoned several spider-shaped robots, only half a meter tall, to pluck his helmet off the machine.

Shu Shu lay listlessly on the chair and tilted her head, she didn't answer and asked instead, "Do you have anything to eat here?"

"There are nutrients, in the incubator over there." Jiang Cha pointed to a metal cabinet in the distance and said.

Rolling her big eyes again, Shu Shu regretted coming to this guy.

Ginger Tea loves machines like his life. He is a real "machine nerd" and has no pursuit of eating, as long as he can eat enough.

Although she felt disgusted, Shu Shu still pushed the chair with her toes and slid towards the incubator.

She is so hungry.

Reaching out to open the incubator, there are only neatly arranged nutrients in it.

Taking a bag of nutritional supplements casually, Shu Shu frowned and opened the bag, and took a deep breath.

The sticky substance with a strange taste entered her mouth, Shu Shu resisted the urge to vomit, and drank half a bag of nutritional supplements in one go.

She didn't feel hungry anymore, and she couldn't swallow the remaining half bag of nutritional supplements.

Sliding the chair with her toes back to Jiang Cha's side, Shu Shu watched Jiang Cha debug the program of the machine on the light curtain.

"You're wrong here." Shu Shu pointed to a part of the light curtain and said.

 Simon: Have you reached Chapter 8?Why do I have so few roles?

  Eleven: Ahem, my lord, foreshadowing, these are all foreshadowing.

  Simon: Then why does Andre have more roles than me?
  Eleven: This...then...

  Andre: Because I'm the protagonist, didn't you see my hero save the beauty?
  Eleven: ...

  Shu Shu (disgusted face): You are not as handsome as Simon!
  Simon (squinting dangerously): I updated your bill.

  Andre died
(End of this chapter)

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