It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 9 009 Coincidentally, we meet again

Chapter 9 009 Coincidentally, we meet again

"Help me see." Jiang Cha immediately handed the light curtain to Shu Shu.

Yes, these hides are much better than him.

It's a pity that Jiang Cha forgot that Hide is such an easy-going person.

Shu Shu didn't accept the light curtain, she raised the corner of her mouth and stretched out a hand to Jiang Cha, and smiled sweetly: "Pay the deposit first."

Ginger Tea: "..."

Well, he was naive.

Thinking of Hide's offer, he silently turned off the light curtain, raised his hand and stroked the thick bangs in front of his eyes.

"Tell me, what are you doing here?" Jiang Cha asked.

He didn't realize that Hide was just here to 'challenge' with him, this person is a typical person who doesn't go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing.

The smile on Shu Shu's face deepened, she put her hands on her chin and said, "I want to borrow your game cabin."

Orsini Manor, back garden.

Luna's night hemisphere is always night, and the garden is lit with warm lights, illuminating the weird plants that can live without sunlight.

You must know that it is difficult to see plants in the night hemisphere, and most of the plants on the roadside are fake or mechanical plants.

Simon stood on the cobblestone ground, playing with a few metal darts in his hands, and there were several moving targets more than ten meters away.

He randomly raised the darts and threw them one by one, but none of them hit the moving target,
Suddenly, Arnold appeared out of nowhere, and he said respectfully, "Your Excellency, there is news from Paul that Mr. Si bought a shop in the 'mirror' after he disappeared."


A dart hit the center of a target, and the target immediately shattered into pieces and fell from the air.

Simon shook his head slightly, and threw the other darts on the ground at will.

"Did the shop buy it on Luna?" Simon turned to Arnold and asked.

Arnold nodded: "Yes."

"It's been a long time since I entered the game cabin." Simon stretched his waist, "I heard that there seems to be some kind of festival, let's go to the 'mirror' to join in the fun."

'Mirror' is an immersive simulation MMORPG game that has become popular in the Empire in recent years. As long as there is a game cabin connected to the Internet, you can play it at any time.

Anyone can start a different "virtual life" there. In addition to being able to do anything that can be done in real life, ordinary people can also experience some things that are usually out of reach, such as mechas for battle, starships, etc. , interstellar exploration and more.

You can't experience the stimulation in real life, but you can experience it in the 'mirror'.

Because it is a game with the coexistence of reality and fantasy, it has attracted many players. In just a few years, various communities and even many brands in the real world have settled in and sold their virtual products in 'Mirror'.

'Mirror' has a service area on each planet. According to the planet where people are, they can only land in the service area of ​​that planet.

At the same time, the service area will retain some characteristics of the planet, such as local characteristics such as architecture and festivals.

Of course, it is not impossible to change the service area, but you have to pay a fee, and that fee is the same as the cost of taking a starship in reality.

Some people think that paying this fee in the "mirror" is not as good as taking a starship in the real world, but some people, who cannot leave a certain planet for various reasons, will choose to pay this fee to visit other planets. planet.

'Mirror' is not just a game anymore, it is another life for many people.

The designer who created this game, Shirley, is known as a genius game designer.

But no one knows whether Shirley is a person or a team. The players of "Mirror" only know that Shirley created this game, and the company that released the game is the famous Storm.

Before the launch of 'Mirror', Storm had launched many intrusive games with good reputation, and the game cabin logged into 'Mirror' was the game cabin produced by Storm.

In ancient times, the autumnal equinox was a special festival, representing the coming of autumn and the harvest season.

However, this festival has long been abandoned on Blue Star. Instead, on Luna, in order to let tourists experience life in ancient times, each city will hold different activities according to the characteristics of the city.

Except for the day of the autumnal equinox, there will be large and small events in the two weeks before and after the autumnal equinox.

At the same time, these activities will be held simultaneously in the 'mirror'.

Many people from other planets will log in to the Luna service area on the 'mirror' to participate in the activities of the autumnal equinox.

On the bustling street, there are crowds of people, and many 'non-humans' can be seen in the crowd.

There may be biological features on their heads, or the entire head is the shape of a certain creature, but the people around them have already seen it.

As long as there are enough mirror coins, various human or non-human shapes can be changed in the 'mirror'.

There is a one-to-one exchange rate between the mirror currency used in the "mirror" and the euro currency used in reality, and players can recharge at will without charging service fees.

A black-haired girl in the crowd held a cone in her hand, and checked the house numbers on the street as she walked.

Black shoulder-length hair was draped casually behind her, a white fox mask hung on her head, a small oval face, the most special thing was her eyes, golden eyes were relatively rare even in the 'mirror'.

She was wearing a loose robe with a strong exotic style, white and red.

"Number 789...787..."

She walked forward while reading the house number.

Tonight, a week-long pre-autumn fair is held here.

The main road has turned into a pedestrian street, with stalls displaying a wide variety of goods.In addition to selling things, there are also things to play and eat, which can definitely satisfy the curiosity of most people who come to the market.

"No. 688! It's here!" the girl shouted standing in front of a closed iron door.

The people passing by all looked curiously after hearing it, and saw a closed iron door, they turned their heads and left feeling that it was meaningless.

The girl ate the remaining cone in her hand. Although there was not enough food in the game, at least she had a taste of gourmet food.

In order to lose weight, some people do not eat high-calorie food in reality, but they will eat crazily in the 'mirror' just to satisfy their own taste buds.

Open the light curtain and take out a key from the backpack interface. The girl holds the key and inserts it into the keyhole of the iron door. After turning twice, the iron door is opened.

After entering the iron gate, a gust of wind blew past, and even the windy girl couldn't open her eyes.


The iron gate was closed by the strong wind.

When Shu Shu opened her eyes again, she found that she seemed to have entered another world.

The warm sunlight poured down from the thick branches, she was standing in a forest, the flowers were fragrant and the birds were singing, like a paradise.

Not far away stood a tall and straight figure, looking towards the direction of the girl at this time.

With silvery blond hair, blue eyes, and a face like God's most perfect work.

It's him!

Shu Shu bounced up and ran to Simon, and she greeted with a smile: "What a coincidence, we meet again."

"You are?" Simon asked suspiciously.

 Shu Shu: I saw the male god again!happy~
(End of this chapter)

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