It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 90 Chapter 090 is here

Chapter 90 090 are back
Starship of Luna First Academy, cockpit.

In a panic, the admissions staff is contacting Finn Bech.

A few minutes ago, on the spherical holographic projection in the center of the cockpit, dots that had disappeared suddenly appeared again.

The dots that popped up suddenly were all red, which meant that the candidates had sent out a distress signal. The staff of the admissions office had never encountered such a special situation.

Most of the red dots are distributed in certain points of Reese, as if the candidates gathered there on purpose.

"Send all the relief starships to the place where the red dots gather. If students are found, rescue them immediately. If they don't find them, stay in place for investigation." Finn Bech immediately issued an order after learning the situation.

At the same time, he asked his subordinates to fly the rescue starship he was on to the imperial base.

Finn Becky was going to meet the man in charge of the Imperial base himself, and Gremory was not reliable at all.

The candidates who were suddenly "resurrected" not only caught the admissions office off guard, but Neil Gremory, who was far away in Luna, was stunned when he heard the news.

"What? Say it again!"

An antique pen in Neil Gremory's hand had been crooked by him, but he didn't realize it at all, and stared at the light curtain with a frown.

"The locators of five or six hundred candidates suddenly 'resurrected' for some reason. Director Becky has sent a rescue starship to check, and the current situation is unknown." Panic.

Neil Gremory was not in a better mood either, he had no idea how things had come to this.

Originally, everything was going according to his plan, and so far no mistakes have been made.

Why are candidates who should have been 'dead' suddenly 'resurrected'?
No matter what Neil Gremory thought, he couldn't think of anything wrong, so he could only reassure his subordinates to keep an eye on the admissions office and report to him.

As soon as he hung up, Qiao Yu rushed into Neil Gremory's office in a panic, forgetting to knock on the door.

"Principal, it's bad!"

The expression on Qiao Yu's face can be described as panic, the whole face was pale and blue, without any blood.

Neil Gremory, who had just received the bad news, was in a mess, and now he had no intention of observing Qiao Yu's expression.

Seeing Qiao Yu barging in like this, he scowled angrily, "How many times have I told you? You have to knock on the door to enter my office!"

"Principal, look..." Qiao Yu passed his light curtain directly to Neil Gremory, still feeling uneasy.

Neil Gremory looked down, almost fainting.

Enduring the anger in his heart, he swiped relevant news on the light screen with both hands.

"Bastard! Who sent these?" Neil Gremory threw the light curtain on Qiao Yu's face with an angry face.

Who is it?

Who is sabotaging his plans?

Obviously, it almost succeeded, and now a reporter actually reported the news that the entrance examination of Luna No. [-] Academy was held in Ruis this year.

Moreover, this reporter didn't know where he got the news, and he actually suspected that the Imperial Base was suspected of cooperating with the Lu family, so that the Lu family captured candidates and turned them into slave trade.

Before Neil Gremory could figure out what was going on, he was flooded with video requests.

Looking at the names on the light curtain, Neil Gremory didn't want to answer at all.

Especially when he saw the name of the deputy minister, Neil Gremory had the urge to reject the video immediately.

Asking Qiao Yu to leave the office first, Neil Gremory took a deep breath before picking up the video.

"Principal Gremory, what's going on? Why do reporters know so much? What the hell are your people doing?"

As soon as the video opens, the deputy minister angrily yells at Neil Gremory as soon as he comes up.

It can be seen that he is very angry.

Neil Gremory did not answer immediately, but waited for the deputy minister to finish before speaking.

"Deputy Minister, I just found out about the news on the Internet." Neil Gremory's tone was unhurried, and he was completely different from the person who was angry with Qiao Yu before. He said clearly: " And the cooperation between the base and the Lu family mentioned in the news, I have never heard of it before, let alone my people.

I can assure you that this matter could not have leaked from Luna First Academy. "

After hearing Neil Gremory's words, the deputy minister regained some sanity.

Because the news on the Internet was so sudden, the deputy minister forgot for a moment that Neil Gremory didn't know their partner in Reese.

He said in a deep voice: "It's better not for you to leak it. If I find out that someone under your command did it, I can guarantee that you can get down from that position immediately."

"My people will never do such a thing, I can assure you about this." Neil Gremory suddenly paused, "I just received the news that five or six hundred people were considered ' For unknown reasons, the locator of the "dead" candidate suddenly "resurrected".

I don't know if it's something wrong with your partner in Reese, or something else, which makes it very difficult for me to do. "

Hearing Neil Gremory's words, the deputy minister's heart sank, and he hung up the video after saying a few words to Neil Gremory.

Staring at the name on the light curtain, Neil Gremory snorted coldly: "I'm just a deputy minister, and I have no right to remove my position."

The Luna First Academy is not under the control of the Imperial Ministry of Education, and the principal is elected by the higher-ups within the academy.

Only if the headmaster violated the laws of the empire, the emperor or the prime minister could remove the position of headmaster of Luna First Academy, and Neil Gremory would not be so stupid as to let someone like the deputy minister catch him.

Although the deputy minister's side is not a problem, the news on the Internet has become a hot search.

The whole empire exploded, and Neil Gremory knew it couldn't go on.

Neil Gremory let Qiao Yu in and ordered: "Hold a press conference immediately, and I want to broadcast it live on the whole network."

SPQR, Police Department.

"Mr. Fifth, leave the matter here to me. You and Mr. Xiao will go back first. When Ms. Shu comes out, I will personally send her to the Barberini Hotel." Orlando respectfully said to Fifth Hee said.

The deputy director who was standing aside hurriedly continued, "Yes, Mr. Orlando is here, you should go back and rest first."

The tone seemed to be speaking to his own ancestors, and he couldn't be more respectful.

After only a few hours, the deputy director had already been 'tortured' by the legendary director. He just wanted him to leave his office as soon as possible.

This great director is really too difficult to serve. He not only has to personally supervise them and check the ventilation system of the entire building, but also put forward his own opinions.

After working as a security guard for so many years, it was the first time that the deputy director knew that there were so many ways to solve the case. He almost thought that the fifth director was the real security guard.

In the entire police station, everyone will respectfully call out Mr. Fifth when they see Fifth Xi.

Fortunately, the director is not here these days, otherwise, seeing the current situation in the bureau, they will definitely let them study hard with the fifth director.

Fifth Xi seemed to hear the cry in the deputy director's heart, he waved his hand and said, "I want to meet Shu Yue first before going back."

"No problem, I'll take you there now." The deputy director couldn't wait to open the door and prepared to send Wuxi there in person.

He was really 'tortured' by this director too deeply, and now he wished that Fifth Xi would leave quickly.

Xiao Sheng watched Fifth Xi slowly follow behind the deputy chief, shook his head lightly and followed.

No matter where he goes, Fifth Hee has the ability to "convince" people.

The deputy director directly took Wuxi and the others outside Shu Yue's cell, and graciously gave them space, saying that he would pick them up in 10 minutes.

"Shu Yue, you will be released soon, don't worry." Fifth Xi assured Shu Yue with a smile on his face.

Xiao Sheng also said: "Don't worry about Leilei, I have already asked Jialiang to guard. If there is anything, I will notify you as soon as possible."

Shu Yue gratefully thanked the two of them, she never thought Wu Wuxi and Xiao Sheng would help her under such circumstances.

As long as the murderer cannot be found, Shu Yue knows that she may be charged with killing Wang Yingying.

In this situation, Shu Yue didn't expect anyone to help her. The appearance of Xiao Sheng and Fifth Xi really gave her great hope.

Ten minutes passed quickly. Seeing that Xiao Sheng and Fifth Xi were about to leave, Shu Yue said to Xiao Sheng: "Can you help me tell my elder sister what's going on here so that she doesn't worry. She is in Luoyang now. Wen Xingxing is busy with tasks, and I don't want anyone to use my affairs to threaten her."

During the period of being locked up alone, Shu Yue seriously thought about the cause and effect. It should not be easy for someone who can enter the police station to kill Wang Yingying and frame her.

She hasn't offended any big shots, the only possibility is the elder sister.

Shu Yue has heard that there are anti-imperial organizations in the Rowan galaxy that are obstructing the land reclamation of the Rowan galaxy, and Shu Yun has offended many people because of her upright temper, what happened to Shu Yue herself may have something to do with Shu Yun.

But she can't get in touch with Shu Yun now, so she can only ask Xiao Sheng to get in touch.

"Okay, I will notify General Shu." Xiao Sheng nodded in agreement.

After receiving Xiao Sheng's words, Shu Yue breathed a sigh of relief.

Orlando stayed at the police station, while Xiao Sheng and Wu Xi returned to the hotel in the luxury suspension car of the Sacketti family.

On the hover car, Wu Wuxi saw Xiao Sheng frowning and typing a few words on the light screen to delete, and then typed a few words and deleted again.

After going back and forth no less than twenty times, Fifth Xi got tired of reading it, and couldn't help asking: "What are you writing? A love letter? Why are you so entangled?"

This kid Xiao Sheng usually does things neatly, and Wu Wuxi has never seen him so hesitant.

"I'm writing a letter to Yun'er, telling me about Shu Yue's situation." Xiao Sheng brushed back the hair on his forehead a little annoyed.

He has not contacted Shu Yun for a long time, I don't know if she still remembers him.If you still remember, would you blame him for leaving without saying goodbye?

Thinking of this, Xiao Sheng became even more irritable.

Wu Wuxi looked at Xiao Sheng's expression and couldn't help rolling his eyes.

I'm just talking about Shu Yue's situation. Is it necessary to write a long article?
"Can't you just give her the video or voice directly? Is it necessary to be so troublesome?" Fifth Xi showed a look of resentment.

It is said that Xiao Yingdi is gentle and elegant, a handsome young man, gentle and polite to everyone, and rarely shows his emotions.

Xiao Sheng also wanted to directly video or voice, but he was afraid of disturbing her.

She's a general now, and should be busy in the Rowan system.

After Xiao Sheng finished talking about his concerns, Wu Xi was speechless and looked at the sky.

You are actor Xiao, the dream lover of women in the entire empire, which woman would reject your video?
Under Fifth Xi's "urging", Xiao Sheng dialed Shu Yun's video, but was hung up after only a few seconds.

Xiao Sheng silently looked at Fifth Xi, with the words "I knew it a long time ago" as if written on his face, with a lonely expression like a pet abandoned by its owner.

Fifth Xi: "..."

You should still write.

Seidna, the military base.

"General, there's an order from Blue Star, let's send a team to assist the Ruiji Base." Ashe reported the order just received in a deep voice.

The fact that the Luna First Academy’s entrance exam is being held in Ruis has already spread on the Internet, and the main conflict now is the cooperation between the Ruis base and the Lu family.

Let the Lu family arrest candidates and sell them as slaves, which has violated the most basic human rights.

Families whose children took part in this year's Luna First Academy entrance exam have already jumped out to question the Reese military base. Although they are not big families, they are a force that cannot be underestimated.

In this case, asking them to send support to Reiss, isn't it just hitting the gun?

Shu Yun's gaze never left her light curtain, she asked blankly, "Who gave the order?"

"It's Admiral Ross." Ashe whispered.

Hearing this name, Shu Yun sneered: "I'm really in a hurry to get rid of the blame."

Ai Xi very much agrees with Shu Yun's statement that this Admiral Ross is not a 'good guy'.

He has always looked down on Shu Yun just because Shu Yun is a woman.As long as there is an opportunity, Admiral Ross will find a way to suppress Shu Yun.

Just like this time to open up the Rowan galaxy, there was absolutely no need to send a major general like Shu Yun over, but at the insistence of Admiral Ross, Shu Yun was sent over.

For this, Shu Yun's subordinates gritted their teeth in hatred.

"Tell Admiral Ross that we are fighting the Liberty Alliance here, and we can't spare people to go to Reiss." Shu Yun ordered with a blank expression.

Ai Xi immediately took the order to leave, but Shu Yun sat at the desk and stared at the light curtain with a sullen face.

Pinching the bridge of her nose wearily, Shu Yun sighed softly.

The last thing she wanted to see happened, and Yue'er was still involved. The only thing to be thankful for was that they didn't touch Shushu.

Suddenly, Shu Yun received a message from a stranger, the content of which was very simple.

"Shu Yue will be fine, don't worry.



Seeing these two words, Shu Yun suddenly laughed, it's interesting, this Mr. S.

She saved that number as 'Mr. S' and sent a message back.

"Thank you, Mr. S."

Reese, around the Imperial military base.

"Boss, the imperial base is on alert, we can't get through." A big man ran over in a panic and shouted to the boss and the others.

The boss stared in disbelief: "What's going on? Didn't you say you're going to release a new mission?"

"I just met people who came out of the base. They didn't know why they were suddenly driven out." The big man said with a puzzled expression.

Boss Fue, why isn't everything going well recently?

"Then let's go back to Xi City first." The boss said with a light sigh.

Fortunately, the little girl bought a fixative, otherwise they would really have to drink the Northwest Wind.

Hearing that they were going back, Le Huanming, who had been pretending to be unconscious, became anxious.

He couldn't care less about pretending to be unconscious. With both hands, he jumped up from the big man's body, and ran towards the imperial base as soon as his feet landed.

The boss and the others were stunned for a moment, and then realized after seeing Le Huanming's running back.

"Boy, stop for me!"

At the same time, the boss ran after him, and the other big guys followed Le Huanming.

Within a few kilometers of the imperial base is a piece of wasteland, without any plants or grass, it is a piece of loess.

A group of people running on the empty wasteland raised a cloud of dust, and the guards on the high wall of the base could see them from a distance.

"You have entered the territory of the imperial base, please retreat immediately, or we will shoot you."

The loudspeaker at the base immediately issued a warning, and Le Huanming could no longer control these things. He only had the obsession to reach the base as soon as possible.

He turned a deaf ear to the warnings from the base.

But the boss and the others all slammed on the brakes after hearing the warning from the base, and all stopped.

Le Huanming might not know, but they knew very well that the warning from the imperial base was not a joke, and they didn't want to be sieved.

"Boy, come back quickly! The base is going to shoot you!" The boss shouted towards Le Huanming's back.

But Le Huanming pretended not to hear it, but killed the boss and the others in a panic.

In the end, the boss gritted his teeth and said to the other big guys, "Go back first, I'll go after that kid."

"Boss, don't!"

"Yeah, that kid is not worth saving him."

"You go with us and ignore him."

Several big men hurriedly dissuaded them.

But the boss glared at them: "Have you forgotten the oath we made when we joined Shengai? You can't do evil, you can't just ignore death."

Several big men were speechless for a moment, you look at me, I look at you.

The boss ignored them, turned around and ran towards Le Huanming.

The energy cannon on the outer wall of the imperial base has been aimed at Le Huanming, and it is storing energy, and it may fire at any time.

But Le Huanming was unaware of all this, his eyes were fixed on the gate of the imperial base.


As long as he reaches the gate of the base, he has passed the entrance examination.


The energy cannons on the high wall made deafening noises, and one after another energy cannons shot out from the high wall.

Le Huanming's eyes widened in disbelief. He didn't understand why the imperial base fired at him.

The whole person froze in place, motionless, his eyes fixed on the shell that was close at Chichi.

"Quickly open!"

Le Huanming heard someone shouting behind him, and was immediately pulled by the waist.


 Long wait!

(End of this chapter)

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