It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 91 091 Several Deans

Chapter 91 091 Several Deans
After a series of earth-shattering explosions, loess splashed everywhere.

When Le Huanming opened his eyes again, he found himself lying face-to-face with someone behind him.

Recalling what happened just now, Le Huanming was afraid for a while.

If it wasn't for the people behind him who pulled him at the critical moment, he might have been bombarded by the energy cannon without even scum left.

Turning his head to look at the person who was pressing him down, Le Huanming felt very complicated.

Unexpectedly, it was the big man who he thought was kidnapping him who came to rescue him in the end, and it was the people from the imperial base who fired at him.

"Cough, cough, cough!" The boss's face was covered with yellow dust, and he coughed a few times before he recovered.

Seeing Le Huanming staring at him for a moment, he thought it was uncomfortable for him to press Le Huanming, so he quickly got up.

"Are you okay?" The boss helped Le Huanming up. Both of them were covered in yellow dust, as if they were fished out of the sand.

Le Huanming shook his head, and was about to speak when a voice came from above their heads.

"Student Le, are you okay?"

Both looked up, and a small starship was parked above them.

The energy shield of the starship is blocking the energy cannon attack from the base, and the starship is surrounded by scattered energy, like dazzling sparks, splashing in the air.

The boss thought it was strange at first, why the imperial base only fired a few shots and stopped.

It turned out that the starship overhead blocked the attack for them, and they were able to save their lives.

"I'm the Director of Admissions at Luna First Academy, Finn Bech, and I'll send someone to pick you up now."

The sound sounded again, and at the same time a hovering vehicle flew down from the starship, and soon arrived in front of Le Huanming and the two of them.

Seeing the suspension car, the boss was a little hesitant to get on it, but he was pulled up by Le Huanming.

Rescue starship cockpit.

"Is there any response from the base?" Finn asked in a deep voice.

The attack on the imperial base continued, and Finn Bech's face was so black that ink dripped out.

If he hadn't witnessed the imperial base attacking candidates with his own eyes, he still wouldn't believe the report on the Internet.

That report was well written, but lacked evidence that the Imperial base cooperated with the Lu family.

Finn thought it was written by someone deliberately discrediting Reese's empire base, but he didn't expect it to be true.

He originally thought that the top management of the empire wanted to use the entrance exam of Luna First Academy to let their people sneak into some places in Reiss. After all, there are many older candidates this year, and they all came with recommended places.

But he never expected that those people would count the candidates, which was the most unacceptable to Fein.

Things have developed to the point where, no matter how slow he is, Finn has roughly figured out what those people want to do.

He didn't know how much Gremory was involved in the whole thing, but he was definitely involved, otherwise this year's entrance exam would not have been arranged in a place like Reese.

Finn didn't know where those people's plans went wrong, but he was glad that their plans went wrong, which gave him the opportunity to save some candidates.

In the whole thing, the most innocent are these candidates.

"Not yet." A subordinate replied helplessly.

Finn frowned and glanced out the window. The Empire military base on Reiss was built with the most advanced defense technology of the Empire because it was built on Reiss, a special planet.

The defense equipment is updated every year, which is simply an impenetrable barrier.

It is simply impossible to use this rescue starship to attack the base of the Imperial Army.

"How long can the energy shield last?" Finn asked.

The subordinate glanced at the dashboard, estimated in his mind, and said, "About half an hour."

Finn responded, and then he opened his light curtain.

Taking a deep breath, Finn opened a window with a heavy expression.

He can only give it a go.

Above Xicheng, on Bailey's starship.

Just as Shu Shu pulled out all the candidates who were still alive, and changed all their locator signals to first aid, she raised her arms and stretched.

"Huh." Just as Shu Shu raised her head, she saw the scene outside the window. She pointed to the outside and asked, "What is that?"

Simon subconsciously followed Shu Shu's hand and looked out. On a starship parallel to theirs, an unknown object was hanging.

A seemingly weak rope hangs an unknown object that looks like a 'person' in mid-air.

"It should be a special starship decoration." Simon rubbed his chin and guessed.

In order to make the starship look different from other people's starships, some people like to hang some decorations on the outside of the starship.

The unknown object in front of him looks a bit weird, but it can barely be regarded as a decoration.

Just then D came in. Hearing the conversation between Shu Shu and Simon, he glanced at the unknown object outside the window.

Immediately, D raised his right hand and patted his forehead hard.

How could he forget about Lu Tianlun's pervert.

After the Lu family sent Lu Tianlun over, Vivian hated him very much and refused to let him board the starship. D had no choice but to hang him outside the starship, thinking that Miss Shu would let him go after she came up.

But then too many things happened, D even forgot about Lu Tianlun hanging outside the starship.

Don't know if that guy is still alive.

"Little Shushu, look at this!" Andre suddenly shouted excitedly.

Shu Shu looked at him suspiciously, and Andre enlarged his light curtain, and then turned on the speaker.

A live broadcast is being played on the light curtain, and the protagonist of the live broadcast is Finn Bech, the director of admissions at Luna First Academy.

He was facing the light curtain with a sullen face and said, "I'm Finn Becky, the director of admissions at Luna First Academy.

Because there is really no other way, I was forced to use this whole network live broadcast method to deal with this matter.

At this moment, I am outside the base of the Reese Empire, and the base of the empire is attacking the starship I am on. "

Finn shifted the screen, and the scene outside the cockpit at the moment appeared on the light curtain.

The base's energy cannons collided with the starship's energy cover constantly, and the starship swayed a little under the fierce attack.

"About the report uploaded on the Internet not long ago that the Reese Empire Base colluded with the Lu family, I didn't believe it at first. Because the Empire Base was established to protect our imperial citizens, their obligation is to protect us, not to hold The weapons are turned on us."

The picture on the light curtain shifted again. This time, a teenager was running towards the imperial base not far away in a wilderness, but the imperial base fired at him.

Finn's voice came along with the screen: "The young man in the screen is a candidate who is taking the entrance exam. As the end of the exam, the Imperial Base is the place where every candidate must go to complete the entrance exam."

The boy was not hit by the energy cannon, and a starship blocked him in time, blocking the attack with an energy shield.

Then the picture returned to Finn Becky, who said to the light curtain with a heartbroken heart: "I am really chilled to see this candidate being attacked indiscriminately by the imperial base.

The location of the entrance examination for Luna First Academy this year is determined by the empire, and as the director of the admissions department of Luna First Academy, I have repeatedly reported that Reese is not suitable for the entrance examination.

But you have assured me every time that the Imperial base will protect the candidates and will immediately rescue the candidates when they are in crisis.

I wonder, is this what you call security protection?
If the rescue starship I was on hadn't arrived in time, I couldn't imagine what would have happened to this candidate. "

Finn Bech raised his finger and pointed out the window: "Until now, the imperial base has rejected my call request, and they are still attacking us."

The screen returned to the window, the sparks continued, and the collision between the energy cannon and the energy shield never stopped.

"I hope that the top management of the empire can give me and all the candidates an explanation.

Even if I might lose my position or even my life because of my live broadcast today, I still have to give an explanation.

Are you taking our lives as your life? "

After finishing speaking, Finn Becky stopped talking, and the screen kept facing the persistent attack outside the window.

If the previous report divided people on the Internet into two factions, some people believed it, and most people didn't believe it.

Then Finn Becky's live broadcast caused an uproar on the Internet, and people who didn't believe it before stood up and accused the Rui base of the practice.

It is simply a reckless disregard for human life.

Even if a few people come out to question Finn Becky's actions and his purpose, someone will stand up in support of Finn immediately.

Especially the current students of Luna First Academy, as well as the students who have graduated.

Others may not know, how could they not know what Finn Becky is?
The director of admissions at Luna First Academy is notoriously obedient and has severe obsessive-compulsive disorder.

It is already very serious to force him to announce this matter live on the whole network.

Those families who had no evidence before are now more courageously demanding an explanation from the top of the empire.

Especially Lejia, they immediately recognized the young man broadcast on Finn Becky's live broadcast as Le Huanming, the young master of their family who took the entrance exam for Luna No. [-] Academy this year.

The young master of his own line almost died under the energy cannon of the imperial base, is that okay?

The voices of crusade on the Internet are getting louder and louder. The top [-] searches are all about the entrance exam of Luna First Academy and the reckless disregard of human life at the Reese Empire Base.

Even the emperor was alarmed, and immediately stood up and asked to investigate this matter, and asked the military department to immediately send support to the director of the admissions department of Luna First Academy.

After watching Finn Becky's live broadcast, Shu Shu rolled her eyes and a thought came to her mind.

She happened to see D standing by the lounge door and waved to him.

"Miss Shu, what's the matter?" D asked respectfully.

D thinks that the Director of Admissions at Luna First Academy is very courageous, but what the empire did this time is really not very honorable.

Shu Shu nodded her head, blinked her big eyes and asked innocently: "Do you want to capture the imperial base?"

D: "..."

Miss Shu, can you not say such things in that innocent tone?
But when D thought of Shu Shu growing up beside Vivienne, he could only sigh in his heart.

Seeing that D didn't respond, Shu Shu thought he had acquiesced. She pointed to the live broadcast on the light curtain and said, "You can drive this starship to help Director Beiqi, and then discuss with Director Beiqi To save the expenses of those candidates."

When she found out the whereabouts of those 'resurrected' candidates, Shu Shu found that they were not only in the underwater city.

More than 600 people were scattered all over Ruisi. In order to let the examinees die, the military base of the empire really went all out this time.

D thinks that Shu Shu's proposal is good. He can use the director's live broadcast to clean up Bailey's family's reputation and earn a lot of money.

After all, no one has an advantage over the Bailey family on Reese, and saving people is not a problem at all.

Thinking of this, D greeted Shu Shu and left. He wanted to report the situation to Vivienne first.

After all, at Bailey's house, Vivienne had the final say.

Allen silently watched Shu Shu and D's "collusion" to "pit" Director Becky, and felt more and more that Earl Sacketti was right, and he should not have come to take the entrance exam.

Another person who is doubting his life is an intelligence agent, he can't believe his eyes.

He just received the news that more than 600 examinee locators who had previously 'fake death' had inexplicably 'resurrected'.

This was really unbelievable, he couldn't believe it was done by the girl who didn't look like an adult.

No, definitely not by her.

Luna First Academy, Principal's Office.

Neil Gremory just started the live broadcast of the press conference on the whole network, but he didn't expect to be robbed of the limelight by Finn Becky.

His live broadcast was directly squeezed out by Finn Becky's live broadcast, and even the reporters he invited all went to watch Finn Becky's live broadcast.

Now almost the entire network is in the live broadcast room of Finn Becky, and no one cares about the live broadcast of the press conference of the principal of Luna First Academy.

Asking Qiao Yu to turn off the live broadcast and leave, Neil Gremory sat alone at the desk.

He was full of anger at the moment, but Neil Gremory knew he couldn't be angry with Finn Becky now.

Although Finn Beck stole Neil Gremory's thunder, he managed to pass all the blame to the top of the empire.

Now the public knows that Luna First Academy was also one of the victims in this incident.

This saved Neil Gremory from a lot of trouble.

Suddenly, the office door was pushed open, and a man with a masculine appearance strode in.

"Dean Cheng, you can't enter!" Qiao Yu reminded weakly behind him.

Neil Gremory scolded 'useless thing' in his heart, and looked at the passerby calmly on the surface.

"Dean Cheng, didn't you take the senior students to the Schiller Galaxy for training? Why did you come back so soon?" Neil Gremory asked with a puzzled face.

Cheng Kuan sneered sullenly: "If I don't come back, are you planning to inform me about the entrance exam?"

"How could it be?" Neil Gremory said hastily, "If it wasn't because I couldn't contact you, I would have notified you a long time ago."

Cheng Kuan didn't think so, he snorted and asked, "Where are the other deans? Have they all agreed on the location of this year's entrance exam?"

The content and location of the entrance examination are jointly decided by several deans every year. If one of them happens to be absent or unable to attend the meeting, the other deans have the right to make the decision first.

Cheng Kuan didn't think that the other deans would agree to conduct the entrance examination in a place like Ruisi. Wouldn't it be death to arrange the entrance examination in such a dangerous place?
"That's right." Neil Gremory cleared his throat, "Dean Jin went to the Rowan galaxy to sample, and has been out of contact for two months. Dean Xiao and Dean Weige went to an art forum, You should be back in a few days."

Cheng Kuan had expected this outcome a long time ago, and he didn't want to talk nonsense with Neil Gremory.

"I will take the senior students to Reiss to save those unlucky ghosts now. If you can't give a reasonable explanation for this matter, I will definitely not let you go."

After speaking, Cheng Kuan turned around and strode out of Neil Gremory's office.


The door was slammed hard by Cheng Kuan, and serious cracks appeared on the door frame immediately. It is hard to imagine how much force Cheng Kuan used to do it.

Neil Gremory has no time to manage the door now, and Cheng Kuan's words before leaving echoed in his ears.

If it was someone else, he could completely ignore it.

But the one just now was Cheng Kuan, the dean of the Conducting Department of Luna First Academy.

The Conducting Department is the most popular school in Luna First Academy, and also the one with the most graduate celebrities.

According to the statistics of Luna First Academy, one-fourth of the middle and senior rank officers in the army are graduates of the command department of Luna First Academy.

In other words, most of those people were former students of Cheng Kuan.

This caused Neil Gremory a lot of headaches, because Cheng Kuan could use his students to investigate the entrance exam.

Just when Neil Gremory had a headache, Qiao Yu knocked on the door lightly.

The wooden door immediately turned into sawdust and scattered on the ground, Qiao Yu swallowed hard.

"What's the matter?" Neil Gremory asked impatiently.

Now he just wants to be alone, and doesn't want to talk to anyone.

Qiao Yu quickly said, "It's Dean Xiao. He wants to video-video with you. Is it convenient for you now?"

Neil Gremory quickly opened his light curtain and found that there were more than a dozen missed videos, in which he saw the word 'Xiao Tingyuan'.

After waving to Qiao Yu, Neil Gremory dialed a video for Xiao Tingyuan.

It took about a minute before Xiao Tingyuan picked it up.

"What's the matter with the entrance exam? Why is it held in a place like Ruisi? Who decided this time?" Xiao Tingyuan frowned delicately and asked.

As the head of the Art Department of Luna First Academy, Xiao Tingyuan has a strong artistic atmosphere, coupled with his outstanding appearance, people can't help but sigh how unfair God is.

It's a pity that Neil Gremory was not in the mood to admire Xiao Tingyuan's face. He said with a face full of embarrassment: "It was decided by the Minister of Education. It just so happened that several of your deans were away, so I can't refute the decision of the Ministry of Education."

"Then why didn't you notify us?" Xiao Tingyuan asked in a deep voice.

Knowing that Xiao Tingyuan believed his words, Neil Gremory quickly said, "Because the Ministry of Education just made the decision last night, I thought that all of you would be here this morning, but I didn't expect that none of you would be here."

"Isn't Jinze in the academy?" Xiao Tingyuan asked with a face full of surprise.

 long wait~
(End of this chapter)

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