It turns out that the duke is not human

Chapter 97 097 Shu Shu found out

Chapter 97 097 Shu Shu found out

"What's unreasonable? What I'm talking about is speculation, and your reaction is suspicious!" Carlo Petro said more and more vigorously.

The Minister of Education was half-dead from anger, but he did not forget to retort: ​​"It is you who are suspicious! It is clearly your subordinates who did things that endangered the empire, but you want to put all the responsibility on our Ministry of Education."

The ministers in the cabinet meeting room didn't interrupt them, they all quietly watched the two people come and go.

Sian Weiger looked at the two people who were arguing with red faces, and then at Prime Minister Ai who had a calm face.

I couldn't help shaking my head slightly, these two people really didn't have much to look at.

The two argued for nearly an hour, shaking each other out.

In the end, Prime Minister Ai couldn't stand it anymore, so he had to come forward to let the two stop this embarrassing dispute.

"Your Majesty, this matter has caused quite a stir on the Internet, and the people of the empire all hope to have a reasonable explanation." Prime Minister Ai said respectfully to the people sitting high.

All eyes were on the emperor sitting high. From the beginning of the meeting to the present, the emperor has not spoken.

"Then what does Prime Minister Ai think?" A steady voice came from behind the curtain.

Prime Minister Ai lowered his head and said: "I suggest that the Minister of Education and the Minister of Security should be dismissed first, and they should be imprisoned in the Imperial Prison, and a judgment will be made after the results of the investigation come out."

"Sure." The emperor's voice reached the ears of everyone present.

Prime Minister Ai responded, and several gendarmes guarding the conference hall immediately stepped forward to take away the Minister of Education and the Minister of Security.

The two wanted to beg for mercy, but the military police first put noise-cancelling silencers around their necks, and then dragged them away directly.

After the two were taken away, Prime Minister Ai looked at Sian Weiger and Xiao Tingyuan and said, "Everyone, we will investigate this matter carefully. Please wait patiently for the results. I believe that the empire will not let any of its people Disappointed."

"How long do we have to wait? My child was almost killed by the Imperial base."

The person who rushed to speak before Xi'an Weiger and Xiao Tingyuan was the current owner of the Le family, Le Huanming's father.

Prime Minister Ai looked at the owner of the Le family and said in a steady tone: "My child is also one of the candidates for the Luna No. [-] College Entrance Examination. I can understand your feelings."

When the owner of the Le family heard this, he didn't know what to say.

He didn't expect that Prime Minister Ai's son was also a candidate for the Luna No. [-] College Entrance Examination, so he swallowed all the words that came to his lips.

"I can fully understand everyone's concerns." Prime Minister Ai looked at the officer sitting not far away, "I believe that the military department has sent a team to Reiss to support Dean Cheng's team, and the candidates will be back soon. "

Immediately, the officer who had spoken before stood up: "Our troops are already on their way, please rest assured."

Xi'an Weiger and Xiao Tingyuan looked at each other, and sure enough, Jiang was still hot.

Prime Minister Ai has already talked about this, and they can only go back and wait for the results of the investigation.

I hope there will be new progress from Cheng Kuan.

Reese Outer Space, a medium-sized starship of Luna First Academy.

With nothing to do, the candidates gathered in the rest cabin in twos and threes to chat or play games.

There has been a lot of waves on the Internet about the entrance exam of Luna First Academy. Those candidates who were locked up in the imperial base had learned about the dangerous situation at that time through the replay of Finn Bech's live video.

Allen was dragged by Le Huanming to discuss the news he got from the family, and the whole rest cabin was buzzing with excitement.

Only Shu Shu sat alone in the corner, moving her hands quickly on the light curtain.

Alan has come several times, wanting Shu Shu to come and join them instead of sitting here alone, but every time Shu Shu refuses.In the end, Allen was taken away by Le Huanming, and Shu Shu was free.

The candidates didn't know what happened on Race, and Finn Becky wasn't going to let them know.

They all thought that they encountered some difficulty in finding other candidates, so they had to wait on the starship for a while.

Shu Shu was trying to contact Vivian and ABCD on Reese, but failed every time.

However, in the process of experimentation, Shu Shu found that the long-term radio waves that are commonly used now are ineffective, but the short radio waves that she found in the underwater city seem to work.

When she was in the underwater city, Shu Shu found that the equipment there was very old, and the communication equipment in the underwater city used a short radio wave that was eliminated thousands of years ago.

The transmission speed of this radio wave is slow and unstable, but everyone in the underwater city is using it.

Later, she learned from Lu Su that the Lu family would use a special device to communicate with people on the water, which could penetrate the signal barrier brought about by the high density of the Wugen sea.

But this kind of equipment has a fatal bug, that is, it will be interfered by long radio waves.

Therefore, people in the underwater city generally use short radio waves, and only switch to long radio waves when they reach the surface of the water.

Anyway, they can't access the Internet in the underwater city, and using short radio waves will not affect their lives.

When trying to contact Vivian and the others, Shu Shu kept using the short radio channel, hoping to get in touch with someone.

Even the Lu family is fine, at least they can know what's going on on Reese.

Suddenly, the short radio signal received a response, and Shu Shu quickly connected.

"Hello, who is it? I'm Lu Su."

Hearing the word 'Lu Su', Shu Shu felt very lucky.

Unexpectedly, the first Lu family contacted was actually an acquaintance, so the matter would be easy to handle.

"I'm Shu Shu, can you hear me?"

After speaking, Shu Shu waited patiently.

The transmission speed of short radio waves is very slow, and she is in space now, so she will be interfered by cosmic radio waves.

After a few minutes, Shu Shu heard a reply: "Miss Shu, where are you? How did you contact... me? Why is your communication device still... working?"

Intermittent, slightly disturbing voices came.

But it didn't prevent Shu Shu from understanding Lu Su's meaning, she immediately switched from voice to typing.

Being able to contact Lu Su means that Lu Su is not in the underwater city, but has come to the ground.

Thinking that the Lu family has the magical bubble that can go down to the Wugen sea, Shu Shu wanted to ask Lu Su to find 'Sui Lei'.

So Shu Shu wrote: "I have tried many methods, and the only one that can be used at present is short radio waves. Where are you now? I need you to do one thing for me. I know how to solve the problem of the disordered magnetic field of Reese."

A few minutes later, Lu Su's reply came: "I was sent by the patriarch to the surface of the water to detect the situation. Is it true that you can solve the problem of magnetic field chaos? What should I do?"

Shu Shu originally wanted to send the information of 'Sui Lei' to Lu Su, but she suddenly found that the temporary short radio function she installed could not send pictures.

It took most of the day for Shu Shu to describe the appearance of 'Suilei' to Lu Su. I don't know if the other party understands it.

Shu Shu didn't say that all of this happened because she was testing "Supplement", she only said that Vivian accidentally dropped "Supplement" into the Wugen Sea when she was looking for her.

They don't know why the 'Broken Lei' was activated suddenly, they just need to turn off the instrument to restore it to its original state.

Shu Shu wrote a long text, and after sending it, she waited patiently for Lu Su's reply in front of the light curtain.

This time Shu Shu waited for more than half an hour before receiving Lu Su's reply.

The reply was as simple as six words: "Okay, I'll look for it now."

Command starship.

The cockpit was busy, and Cheng Kuan sat in the chief seat and listened to the reports of his subordinates.

"The third team, like the first two, lost touch."

Cheng Kuan asked in a deep voice, "Has no one from the other two teams returned?"

They have already sent three teams, and it has been two hours, but none of them have come back.

This thing is really getting trickier.

"No." The subordinate shook his head helplessly.

None of them knew what happened on Reese, and why people who went there never returned.

Cheng Kuan touched his chin, lowered his head and fell into deep thought.

"Dean Cheng, Director Bei Qi has requested a connection." The words of a subordinate suddenly interrupted Cheng Kuan's meditation.

He raised his head and said only one word: "Go."

I hope Becky has found some clues, otherwise they can only wait for the support of the military.

Cheng Kuan has already learned about what happened on the Blue Star from Xiao Tingyuan and Sian Weiger, and the investigation by the cabinet may be cumbersome and take a relatively long time.

So those two urged him to bring the witness back quickly so that the investigation could have a result as soon as possible.

But in the face of Reese's unheard-of special magnetic field, Cheng Kuan really couldn't leave, especially when there were many candidates and Luna First Academy staff on Reese.

"Dean Cheng, a radio wave expert from the Science Department has discovered a strange radio wave that may help us get in touch with people on Reese." Finn Becky said excitedly.

Because at the end of the entrance examination, it is necessary to evaluate which department is more suitable for the students who have successfully passed the exam. In the absence of the deans, each department sent one to three experts to evaluate the students' qualifications on behalf of their respective departments. ability.

This year, no dean was present, so the four major departments sent several experts.

And the science department just sent a radio wave expert. After the expert detected that special radio wave in his rest cabin, he began to study it. After confirming that this radio wave might be used on Reese, he immediately contacted Fei En Bech.

The candidates didn't know what happened on Reese, but Finn Bech didn't hide it from the experts from the four major departments, and even invited several scientific experts to discuss the solution.

The expert had already used the materials found on the starship to make a few simple short-wave communications. After testing on three starships, Finn Bech connected with Cheng Kuan to inform him of the good news.

Cheng Kuan immediately made a decision after learning the cause and effect: "Let the fourth team prepare and equip them with this short radio communication equipment immediately."

Soon, the fourth team was ready and set off.

Cheng Kuan stared at the light curtain, and when they successfully landed and received the news from the short-wave equipment, the entire cockpit burst into cheers.

It's a pity that their joy didn't last long, and a bad news came from the short-wave communication equipment.

"After arriving in Reese, all electronic equipment failed, and our starship was completely unable to start."

On the vast sea, a small ship was gliding forward on the sea.

It never occurred to D that one day he would use the ship he bought in an antique shop.

At that time, I just thought that the color of this boat was very beautiful, it was that kind of sapphire-like blue, even if it was not used, it could be placed at home as a decoration.

But after buying, this ship was forgotten by D on the starship for various reasons.

Fortunately, the antique ship motor is still working, and the owner of the antique shop also sent several boxes of fuel for the cruise.

"Mr. D, the front should be where we dropped the mine." A subordinate shouted loudly.

D looked quickly, and there was a blue ocean in front of him, which was no different from the previous scenery.

"Are you sure it's here?" D asked suspiciously.

The electronics were out of order, not to mention the positioning system.

D had no choice but to call this subordinate who claims to have a particularly good sense of direction and can cross the Hara Desert without relying on navigation.

His idea is very simple, what caused all this is the broken machine called 'Sui Lei', as long as the machine is found and turned off, Reese's magnetic field should be fully restored.

Although Miss Shu commissioned him to do this, he was the one who pressed the start button.

At that time, the eldest lady will definitely blame him, so now he just wants to solve this matter quickly and reduce the punishment that the eldest lady gave him.

"Yes, that's where we dropped the mine." The subordinate patted his chest and assured.

In the absence of navigation and positioning equipment, D can only choose to trust him.

D ordered: "Throw the net down."

Several people immediately threw a large net from the ship, watching the large net gradually sinking into the sea, D only hoped that the broken machine could be quickly picked up.

Reese outer space, on the medium-sized starship of Luna First Academy.

Shu Shu fixed her eyes on the light curtain, waiting for news from Lu Su.

Suddenly, a window jumped out, and Shu Shu was startled.

But when she saw the name displayed on it, she quickly picked it up.

"Little Shushu, are you looking for me?" Andre's suave face appeared on the light curtain.

But Shu Shu's attention was not on Andre at all, but on Simon who was not far behind him.

Your Excellency the Duke is so handsome!
Andre noticed Shu Shu's gaze, and pretended to be jealous and said: "Little Shu Shu, I am such a handsome guy in front of you, and you actually ignore me."

Even though he said that, his body moved aside, allowing Shu Shu to see Simon better.

"Aren't you on Reese?" Shu Shu asked suspiciously.

How can I still make a video call to her?
Andre shook his head and said, "We are almost at Blue Star, and we were in the transition before, so we didn't receive your video."

It turned out to be the case.

Shu Shu breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately the Duke left first.

"Little Shushu, are you looking for me because of your sister?" Andre asked curiously, as if thinking of something, he waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, Luna is my territory, your sister will be fine of."

Shu Shu listened in a fog, not knowing what Andre was talking about.

"We've arrived at Blue Star, I'm going to hang up."

After finishing speaking, Andre hung up the video in a hurry.

Before Shu Shu had time to ask what happened, the window on the light curtain went dark.

about my sister?

Linking these two important pieces of information together, Shu Shu immediately thought of Shu Yue.

Before the second sister also said that she would be sent to take the entrance exam of Luna No. [-] Academy, but because of work reasons, she didn't make it.

Based on this calculation, the second sister should be in Luna.

Could it be that something happened to the second sister?

Shu Shu was startled, and quickly made a video call to Shu Yue, but the other party didn't answer.

After calling several times and still not answering, Shu Shu suddenly felt uneasy.

Are you working?
Then Shu Shu sent a video to Lei Lei, usually when Shu Yue was at work, she could still find Lei Lei.

But this time Lei Lei didn't answer either, which made Shu Shu feel that the matter was not simple.

She quickly called up the location of the two, but found that Lei Lei was at the hospital and Shu Yue was at the SPQR police station.

Seeing these two places, Shu Shu felt that things were even more difficult.

Moving her hands quickly on the light curtains, she opened two more light curtains to check what happened on Luna today.

Although many reports have been withdrawn, as long as they are posted on the Internet, Shu Shu can find clues.

If you don't check, you don't know, after checking, Shu Shu found that things were more complicated than she imagined.

She has only been away from Luna for more than ten hours, and so many things have happened.

She was so mad that someone framed Second Sister so blatantly.

The surveillance video of the visiting room of the police station was maliciously erased. Without this physical evidence, it would be difficult for the second sister to defend herself.

It took Shu Shu ten minutes to restore the video, and then packaged it and sent it to the technicians of the police station and Xiao Sheng.

After doing all this, Shu Shu sent a message to Shu Yun, asking how to deal with Shu Yue's matter, and also sent her the surveillance video.

The last time Shu Shu helped Shu Yue erase the black material on the Internet without authorization, although Shu Yun didn't say anything on the surface, she silently deducted Shu Shu's pocket money for half a year.

Shu Shu felt very distressed, that was her pocket money.

Because she was afraid that Shu Shu would spend money indiscriminately, all her bank accounts were managed by Shu Yun.

Every month, Shu Yun transfers [-] euros of pocket money to Shu Shu's account that she can use, but Shu Shu hardly saves much money.

This time, she spent 20 Euros on fixatives in Reiss, and borrowed nearly [-] Euros to Le Huanming. Shu Shu's cash flow was already in a hurry.

Deducting half a year's pocket money means that Shu Shu lost 60 euros of pocket money.

For Shu Shu, it was a 'heavy loss'.

So this time Shu Yue had an accident, although she was very angry, she didn't dare to make a move first.

The eldest sister should have known about this earlier than her, so it depends on how the eldest sister will deal with it.

She believed that the eldest sister would definitely not ignore the second sister.

Not long after, Shu Shu received a message from Shu Yun, just a few short words.

"I'll take care of this matter, you can go back to Luna with peace of mind."

Reese, there is no sea on the sea.

The blue ship stays on the sea, and it seems to be part of the sea from a distance.

"Mr. D, we seem to have caught something." A big man shouted excitedly.

D hurried over, they had thrown the net several times, but they didn't catch anything every time.

 Shu Shu: My pocket money!woo woo woo~
  Eleven: Be good, you will soon get back the money from classmate Xiaoming.

  Le Huanming: What?
(End of this chapter)

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