Chapter 98 098 Success

Because of the high-density seawater, there are no living things in the Wugen sea, not even plankton.

The sea water is so clear that it is unrealistic, and the seabed rocks can be seen from the sea surface in a slightly shallower place.

Because all the electronic equipment is out of order, they don't know the specific location of 'Sui Lei', so they can only find it by casting a net, this ancient way.

"It seems that something is moving." The person near the boat wondered.

D also saw the splashes in the sea water, which was completely different from the empty nets they pulled up a few times before.

He took out a dagger from his pocket and stared warily at the large net that was slowly drawn up.

Because of the chaotic magnetic field, even the energy gun failed.

Everyone else imitated D's actions, took out their weapons, and fixed their eyes on the movement in the water.

Although there are no living things in the Wugen sea, it does not rule out that there are people living in the sea.

The Lu family's underwater city was built in the Wugen sea, and the person who was pulled up by the net is likely to be a member of the Lu family.

You must know that the Lu family and Bailey's family are incompatible, so they have to guard against it.


The big net was finally pulled out of the water, and D saw a figure struggling in the net.

But the more he struggled, the tighter the net became, and the man was almost tied up by the net and couldn't move.

"This is the territory of the Lu family, who are you? How dare you tie up the Lu family, and let me go!"

Although he was bound and unable to move, his tone was arrogant and domineering.

D felt that the voice was quite familiar, and he took a closer look, almost not laughing out loud.

Isn't this Lu Tianlun who was released by him not long ago?

This guy's luck was bad enough, and they cast a net to catch him from the Wugen sea.

"It turned out to be Master Lu Tianlun." D pretended to be surprised, and quickly ordered his subordinates to put him down.

Lu Tianlun stopped struggling after hearing D's voice, and looked at D in horror.

This is the guy!
The guy who hung him off the starship!

He was almost killed by the energy cannon at the imperial base, and Lu Tianlun never wanted to experience the feeling of watching the energy cannon coming towards him.

Just when Lu Tianlun was thinking about how to slip away from D's hand, the big net was opened, and Lu Tianlun fell directly into the seawater.


Unprepared, Lu Tianlun drank several mouthfuls of seawater.

By the time he resurfaced, the blue ship had sailed away.

Looking at the direction the ship was leaving, Lu Tianlun thought for a while, bit his back teeth, and swam with his hands in that direction.

The people at the stern saw Lu Tianlun swimming towards them, and immediately shouted to D at the bow: "Mr. D, that Lu is following."

"Don't worry about him." D said without turning his head.

He doesn't have time to deal with Lu Tianlun's abnormality now, he has to find 'Suilei' first.

Without the aid of electronic equipment, they can only use the most stupid method to find 'Su Lei'.

Go to an area and throw the net several times around the ship in all directions, and change to another area if you don't catch anything.

Because they were afraid of missing the area where 'Suilei' was, they all stopped and threw the net after a few meters. This speed just gave Lu Tianlun a chance to catch up with them.

"Mr. D, what are you looking for? I can help you." Lu Tianlun swam to the bow of the boat and said obsequiously.

No matter how useless he is, Lu Tianlun is a direct member of the Lu family after all.

He was taught how to swim and dive in the Wugen sea since he was a child. Only by learning these can he leave the underwater city alone.

D glanced at Lu Tianlun, and he suddenly asked, "How deep can you dive?"

"How deep?" Lu Tianlun thought for a while and said, "It's about five or six hundred meters."

Hearing Lu Tianlun's answer, everyone on the ship took a deep breath.

This is the Wugen sea, not to mention that the water density is higher than other seas, and the water pressure is also much higher than other seas.

Not to mention diving 600 meters, even if it is 60 meters, ordinary people can't do it without any equipment.

D thought for a while and threw the large net in his hands to Lu Tianlun, saying: "We are looking for an oval metal object that looks like an iron egg, you go down and help us find it."

To Lu Tianlun, he will not be polite at all.

After all, this kid came together by himself.

At this time, as long as there are people and things that can be used, he will not refuse.

As long as I can find that crap called 'Sui Lei', any method will do.

Lu Tianlun looked at the big net thrown by D a little speechlessly. He originally wanted to negotiate terms with D.

"Mr. D." Lu Tianlun cleared his throat, "If I find that metal object that looks like an iron egg, how much will you pay me?"

D suddenly showed an expression of disbelief, and he shouted at Lu Tianlun: "What? You still want to be paid? Do you still want to be arrested by us?"

Although the expression was a bit exaggerated, Lu Tianlun understood the meaning of the other party in seconds.

If he doesn't cooperate, he will be arrested without discussion.

Lu Tianlun wanted to cry but dragged the big net to the water, leaving only a ball of water bubbles on the surface of the sea.

D's subordinates watched the whole process dumbfounded. Before they could react, Lu Tianlun had already dived into the water.

This young master of the Lu family is too easy to deceive, right?

"Hey, it's still a step too late." Wearing a straight dress, Andre complained to Simon beside him with a goblet in his hand.

Simon was playing with a whiskey glass in his hand, and the light collision of ice cubes and crystal glass made a crisp sound.

They were at a banquet, brightly lit, drinking wine, and brightly dressed people in high spirits.

This is the center of the empire, Blue Star.

No matter what happens, there will be large and small banquets every day on Blue Star.

Today it is at the villa of a certain nobleman, and tomorrow it is at the home of a certain minister.

Andre wanted to go to the cabinet meeting room to watch the excitement, but he got the news that the meeting had been dispersed.

"Minister of Education and Minister of Security, who do you think will be behind these two?" Andre raised his goblet and lowered his voice, asking Simon with a smile.

Candidates who dare to take advantage of Luna First Academy's entrance exam are really brave.

Simon took a sip of the liquid in his wine glass, and he glanced at the crowd in the banquet hall.

He said casually: "No matter who it is, it will not be involved."

Although Andre and Simon stood in an inconspicuous corner of the banquet hall, their appearance and temperament were really outstanding, especially Simon.

Young girls would subconsciously glance towards them, then turn their heads and whisper to their companions.

Andre handed the goblet in his hand to the passing robot. He stared at Simon's overly good-looking face and said dissatisfiedly: "Usually, I can be the focus of the banquet. Standing with you, I will become the focus of the party." Background board."

"You asked me to come." Simon raised the corner of his mouth and gave Andre a sideways glance.

It's because I asked you to come here, so I regret it!
Andre shouted in his heart, and at the same time felt that he had really shot himself in the foot.

He will never call this guy again next time, which is really a disappointment.

"My lord, I didn't expect to meet you here." An old voice suddenly came.

Simon and Andre heard the reputation and saw Ning Weirong leading a few young people walking over.

He greeted Andre respectfully: "It turns out that Earl Saketti is also here."

It would be better if the 'original' could be removed, Andre slandered.

Andre felt that Ning Weirong was here to make things difficult for him.

"Patriarch Ning, long time no see." Simon casually raised the cup in his hand to the old man.

There was always a faint smile on his face, but the smile didn't reach his eyes.

The attitude of alienation couldn't be more obvious.

Ning Weirong didn't seem to notice, he said sincerely: "It's been a long time, I haven't thanked you for taking care of Ende all the time."

"What's the matter, after all, I'm Ning Ende's godfather, aren't I?" Simon chuckled.

Ever since he found out that the Ning family had arranged a blind date for him, Ning Ende ran away from home and hasn't returned yet.

I don't know where that kid went to make trouble again.

Because of Simon, the Duke, as godfather, Ning Ende was favored by the Ning family lawlessly since he was a child.

Ning Weirong also said a few words of courtesy, and introduced several young people behind him to Simon before leaving.

Seeing the back of Ning Weirong leaving, Andre looked at Simon playfully: "The Ning family's appetite is really getting bigger and bigger, and I want to give you a wife named Ning."

He could see clearly just now that when Ning Weirong introduced Ning Ende's cousin, it seemed as if he wanted to praise that girl as only heavenly.

Not to mention whether Simon would like it, he didn't even think about it.

Ning Ende is Simon's godson, is it really appropriate to push Ning Ende's cousin to Simon?

This man is really getting more and more confused as he gets older.

"Waste of time." Simon drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

Andre knew that Simon was also annoyed by Ning Weirong's attitude, his honey-colored eyes rolled, and he asked treacherously: "By the way, what kind of girl do you like?"

He thinks Xiao Shushu is pretty good, although she is human, she is cute and cute, and it can be seen that she really likes Simon.

Unlike the girls here, although they are obsessed with Simon's appearance, most of their eyes are full of calculations.

It's really annoying.

"Aren't you too busy recently? You actually asked such a boring question." Simon glanced at Andre, and then handed the whiskey glass that had bottomed out to the robot that just passed by.

Andre smiled and said, "Why? Didn't we just come back from Reese? Where am I free?"

"Has the matter on Luna been resolved? Have you found out who is playing tricks on your territory?" Simon asked calmly.

Andre: "..."

Can we still have a good chat?

Simon ignored Andre, turned and walked out.

He has never had a good impression of this kind of banquet that is full of paper and gold.

Seeing that Simon was really about to leave, Andre quickly followed.

The two had just left the banquet hall and were about to call for a car when a black suspension car drove up in front of them.

The anti-peeping window of the driver's seat was rolled down, and an ordinary-looking face appeared in front of the two of them.

"Duke Orsini, Count Sacchetti, my master is here to invite you."

Andre sneered: "Your master is really embarrassing. If you don't report your name, we will get in the car."

This is Blue Star, and the most indispensable thing is noble ministers.

It was the first time Andre had seen him dare to invite them without declaring his house.

Anyway, he is also an earl, not to mention that Simon is also a duke.

It would be rude to invite them so lightly.

The person sitting in the driver's seat obviously didn't expect Andre to say that, and he looked behind him a little at a loss.

The window of the rear seat was rolled down, and a face familiar to the entire empire appeared in front of Simon and Andre.

Prime Minister Ai said kindly: "I'm sorry, but I didn't train my servants well. Would you two like to reward me?"

Seeing Prime Minister Ai, Simon raised his eyebrows slightly.After looking at each other with Andre, both of them boarded the black hover car in front of them.

As soon as they sat down opposite Prime Minister Ai, the suspension car started.

"It's really embarrassing to meet you two in this way." Prime Minister Ai said generously.

Andre looked around and said with a smile: "I don't know why the Prime Minister came to us in his busy schedule?"

He really didn't expect that Prime Minister Ai would take the initiative to come to them.

"I heard from Allen that you rescued him on Reese, and I want to thank you both in person." Prime Minister Ai said sincerely.

Regarding Prime Minister Ai's words, Andre could only be skeptical.

As early as on Reese, he knew that Alan told his father about Reese's situation, that is, Prime Minister Ai in front of him.

At that time, Andre also witnessed Shu Shu forcing Allen to swear not to tell about her going to the underwater city, and to attribute all the credit to him and Simon.

Andre also curiously asked Shu Shu why she did this, but the little girl only said: "I don't want trouble."

Thinking about it now, Xiao Shushu was right.

It was really troublesome to save Allen, and it caused them the big trouble in front of them.

Simon smiled and said, "It's a little effort, and we didn't do anything."

"In a place like Reese, if it weren't for you..." Prime Minister Ai paused, "I don't think Alan could have been rescued from the underwater city."

After listening to Prime Minister Ai's words, the smile on Simon's face deepened: "It seems that Prime Minister Ai knows exactly what we are."

"As the prime minister, I will know a little bit about you." Prime Minister Ai looked at Simon calmly, "After all, you have coexisted with us for so long, and the empire would not have developed to this day without you."

In the long history, humans and 'special groups' have killed each other, but no one has really won the other.

The 'special groups' are superior in intelligence and physical strength to humans, but they have failed to reproduce.

Because the number of people in the group is too small, even if one can fight against a hundred, the long-term war can't afford it.

It took thousands of years for humans and 'special groups' to explore this way of co-existence over the long eons.

But obviously, some people are still unwilling to maintain this 'win-win' approach and want to destroy this precious coexistence.

Prime Minister Ai knows that 'special groups' have their own rules, and he is unwilling to let humans dictate their affairs.

But he still wanted to try to communicate with them, and the object he chose was the Duke of Orsini who had disappeared for a long time.

Rumor has it that the ancestors of the Orsini family were the ones who helped the first emperor of the empire unify the Blue Star.

But few people know that the members of the Orsini family are blood races, and they are pure blood races standing at the top of the blood race pyramid.

"Duke Orsini, no." Prime Minister Ai shook his head slightly, "I should call you Prince Orsini, and I want to make a deal with you."

Reese, there is no sea on the sea.

A blue ship was floating on the sea, and a group of people were busy on board.

D can't remember how many times this was the first time they dropped the big net. They drew several squares and crosses with a dagger on the deck of a ship's bow.

Squares represent regions, crosses represent detected regions.

"Mr. D, there are people below!" Lu Tianlun yelled at D who was standing at the bow as soon as he came up from the water.

D immediately ordered his subordinates to put down their work, took out their weapons and stared at the sea surface vigilantly.

Not long after, a figure floated up from the sea, and the leader looked at D with a surprised expression.

He obviously knew D, but D didn't know that person, he just felt familiar.

"Mr. D from Bailey's family?" Lu Su asked tentatively.

He didn't expect to meet Bailey's family here, but he was not so surprised when he thought of the message Shu Shu sent him.

D nodded and said, "It's me."

Being able to come and go freely in the Wugen sea, the opponent is obviously the Lu family, but it is not known whether it is an enemy or a friend.

"You are also looking for the device called 'Suilei' that Ms. Shu mentioned, right?" Lu Su straight to the point.

They searched for a long time, but they couldn't find the device Miss Shu mentioned.

Lu Su felt that if they teamed up with D, they should be able to find 'Suilei' faster.

Hearing Lu Su's words, D was stunned for a moment, and then asked cautiously: "How do you know about 'Suilei'?"

Ms. Shu has already left Reese, and she should be on the medium-sized starship of Luna First Academy now.

Now the magnetic field in the entire race is chaotic, and all the communication equipment is out of order. D really can't figure out how the people in front of him know about 'Sui Lei'.

Lu Su didn't answer immediately, but swam to Lu Tianlun.

"You...what are you going to do?" Lu Tianlun stepped back timidly.

He didn't know the person in front of him, but the guy's eyes made his heart shudder.

Lu Su didn't answer Lu Tianlun's question, his eyes suddenly turned red.After Lu Tianlun looked at him for a few seconds, his expression became dull and his eyes were lifeless.


Lu Su nodded in satisfaction, he raised a hand and rubbed his eyes.When he opened his eyes again, the color of his eyes had returned to normal.

Because of the angle, D didn't see Lu Su's eyeballs change color, only saw him and Lu Tianlun look at each other for a few seconds, and then rubbed their eyes.

"I can reach Miss Shu, you can use this to send her a message."

Having said that, Lu Su threw a somewhat bulky watch on his wrist onto the deck.

D picked it up immediately, and found that although the thing was a bit bulky, it could be opened.

You know, he can't even open the light curtain now.

Prompted by Lu Su, he turned on the device and turned to the dialog between him and Miss Shu.

After quickly browsing the above content, although I already believed Lu Su's words.But for the sake of safety, D still sent a message to Miss Shu with the bulky device in his hand.

 Ahem, the title refers to Lu Su's success in hypnotizing Lu Tianlun.

  After becoming Andre's blood slave, Lu Su gained some new skills, one of which is hypnotism.

(End of this chapter)

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