Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 1144 Hometown, meeting family

Chapter 1144 Return to hometown and meet family

Xu Nuo was sitting in the office, with a video playing on the computer and a document beside him.

The recording of the Spring Festival Gala in cooperation with Sichuan Provincial TV Station has been completed, and this program will be broadcast on the night of the 29th of the twelfth lunar month.

He participated in the first few rehearsals, and after confirming that there were no problems with the process, he did not stay at the scene.

Xu Nuo watched the entire edited program and found no problems. He picked up the document and signed it, and then asked his secretary to take the document out.

After finishing the work at hand, Xu Nuo leaned back on his chair, looked at the ceiling, took a deep breath, and thought about something.

He has decided not to go home during the Chinese New Year this year and will stay on duty at the company.

This is also the first time Xu Nuo has stayed away from home for the New Year.

After communicating with Tan Yue that day, he hesitated for a long time.

On the one hand, I haven’t gone back to see my parents this year, and I miss them somewhat.

On the other hand, the thought of being arranged on a blind date when I returned home suddenly made my head feel heavy.

Xu Nuo couldn't bear it anymore when she recalled her blind date experiences over the years.

When the company counted those who volunteered to work overtime, he signed his name without hesitation.

Bright Entertainment Company will leave some people on duty every Chinese New Year. If someone volunteers, they will not arrange additional people.

Xu Nuo looked at the time on the computer, got up and left the office.

After a while, he came to the president's office to look for Tan Yue.

"Old Tan, when are you going back?" Xu Nuo sat down on the sofa and rummaged through the tea leaves on the coffee table.

"Right away, pack up and leave." Tan Yue put the documents in the cabinet, turned around and asked, "Are you really not going back?"

If Xu Xu changes his mind and wants to return to Jishui, he will agree directly.

"I won't reply. I have already called my mother and said that there are many things in the department and I can't leave." Xu Nuo reminded: "If my mother asks you, don't let it slip."

If his mother knew that she didn't go back to avoid the blind date, he could imagine that he would be scolded.

"Don't worry." Tan Yue packed some things on his desk.

"Now that I think about it, it would be nice not to go home. I would save myself from being nagged all day long."

"You," Tan Yue sighed, and continued: "These are commonplace topics, so I won't say more. I want to resolve my life-long issues as soon as possible."

"I know, I know." Xu Nuo replied absentmindedly, taking out a box of new tea leaves from the drawer under the coffee table: "How does this tea taste?"

"It's okay." Tan Yue didn't look back.

"When you go back to your hometown, I'll help you drink it first to avoid it being ruined."

Tan Yue smiled and said, "It would be a pity if you drank it."

Xu Nuo put away the tea leaves: "Be safe on the way back!"

Tan Yue replied with a "hmm", packed his things and sat on the sofa, patting Xu Nuo's shoulder: "After the New Year, find time to go back to your hometown."

"Okay." Xu Nuo nodded.

"Is there anything you need me to bring back to your uncle and aunt?"

"I sent a courier the day before yesterday. It was delivered directly to my home, which saves trouble."

"I'll go visit my uncle and aunt, and I'll tell them for you when the time comes."

Xu Nuo stood up and said, "I took the tea away. There should be a lot of cars on the road. Drive slowly on the road."

Tan Yue made an "OK" gesture and watched Xu Nuo leave, hoping that his good friend could resolve the major life issues as soon as possible.

Tan Yue stood up and looked at the office to see if there was anything that needed to be tidied up.

The Chinese New Year is about to come, and the office needs to be neatly tidied up.

In fact, this kind of thing should have been left to Chen Ye.

Tan Yue finished his work early and simply came by himself.

"dong dong dong"

There was a knock on the door, and Chen Ziyu opened the door and came in: "Have you packed it up?"

"No problem."

"My affairs have been taken care of. When are you leaving?" Chen Ziyu was carrying a bag and dressed simply and elegantly.

He was going to meet Tan Yue's parents in the evening, so he had to dress appropriately.

Tan Yue glanced at the time, it was almost twelve o'clock, and said, "Would you like to have something to eat before setting off?"

"I was afraid of wasting time, so I ordered a burger. Let's eat it directly on the road."

As the Chinese New Year is approaching, the traffic conditions on the road are a factor that has to be considered. If the two of them have another lunch, they don't know what time it will be when they arrive in Jishui.

"Okay, let's go now." Tan Yue picked up the remote control to turn off the air conditioner in the office, picked up his windbreaker from the hanger, and put it on.

The two came out of the office.

"Mr. Tan, Mr. Chen." Chen Ye had cleaned his area early and had sorted out the documents.

Tan Yue said: "It's time to get off work. I've been busy for a year and go home early for vacation. I've already sorted out the things in the office, so there's no need to clean."

"Okay." Chen Ye said, "Mr. Tan, Mr. Chen, please pay attention to safety on the road!"

Tan Yue nodded and said: "Okay, Happy New Year! Help me say hello to Director Ye!"

"Happy New Year!" Looking at Tan Yue and Chen Ziyu leaving together, Chen Ye revealed a trace of envy in his eyes.

Then I packed my things and prepared to go home and enjoy this annual vacation.

Tan Yue and Chen Ziyu took the elevator to leave. They first got takeout from the front desk on the first floor, and then went to the underground parking lot.

"Mr. Tan, are you going back to your hometown?" Ma Wenru's car stopped at the elevator entrance.

"Yes, go back to your hometown." Tan Yue said: "Where are you going back? There are so many old goods in the car!"

Chen Ziyu on the side also sighed: "There are so many things."

She even felt that the gifts she bought were a bit scant.

"My hometown, I go back once a year and bring more things with me."

Chen Ziyu immediately gave her thumbs up. She would also buy things for her parents when she returns home during the Chinese New Year, but she would never buy so much.

Tan Yue said: "It takes you eight or nine hours to get home?"

"Absolutely. During this time of Chinese New Year, I basically have to run for nearly ten hours."

Chen Ziyu said: "You are the only one, so be sure to pay attention to your safety."

"Thank you, Mr. Chen, I will remember it!"

Tan Yue said: "Go back quickly. Don't waste time. Slow down on the road."


Tan Yue and Chen Ziyu tacitly took off their coats before getting in the car, otherwise it would be very hot when the air conditioner was turned on.

"Tzuyu, you eat something first and I'll tell the family."

After the words fell, Tan Yue dialed his mother's phone number.

"Mom, let's leave now. We should get home around seven o'clock."

"Don't rush home. I heard from others that there are more cars on the road now. Pay attention to safety."

"Okay, let's not talk about it for now. We'll set off right away."

"Okay, your dad and I will wait at home for you to get home."

Tan Yue hung up the phone, and not long after, the car left the parking lot and drove towards the highway.

The blue sky, the warm sunshine, and a car speeding by on the highway. Music was playing in the car, and navigation prompts sounded from time to time.

Tan Yue drove the car intently, while Chen Ziyu sat in the passenger seat and looked down at her phone, whispering: "Should I call my mother to talk about it?"

She saw that the family group was talking about buying new year's goods, and then she suddenly remembered this matter.

"Tell me about it." Tan Yue pressed a button on the steering wheel, and the music being played stopped abruptly. At the same time, he turned down the sound of the stereo and tried to make the navigation prompts as quiet as possible.

Chen Ziyu dialed her mother's phone number.

"Tzuyu, have you set off?" Last night, Chen's mother learned that the two of them were returning to Jishui today.

"We're already on the way. Let me tell you and we're leaving."

"Are there many cars on the road?"

"That part of the capital is quite congested. After leaving the capital, there are a lot less cars on the road."

"That's good. You must pay attention to safety when driving." Mother Chen said: "It should be evening when you return to Jishui, right?"

Chen Ziyu turned to look at the navigation system and said, "It will probably take more than seven o'clock to get there. Some places are quite congested. I wonder if there will be traffic jams after we go there?"

"Just drive slowly. Is Xiao Yue driving now?"


"You two take turns driving. It's very tiring to drive all the way to Jishui alone."

No matter how old the child is, he will always be a child in the eyes of his parents. It takes so long to drive home, and he can't help but want to give him a few more reminders.

"Okay, Mom, we're not stupid, so don't worry." Chen Ziyu said, "How are you preparing the New Year's goods at home?"

"It's almost ready. Whoever has time these days can buy some. Your brother is at home today, so let him buy the last few things."

"No wonder I saw you in the group saying that you asked Chen Xiang to go shopping." Chen Ziyu heard someone talking on her mother's side, so she said, "Mom, you go ahead and get back to me when I get to Jishui."

"Okay, please be safe!"

After hanging up the phone, Chen Ziyu sighed: "It's so busy! Busier than me!"

During this period, as long as I can talk to my mother for five minutes on the phone during the day, it should be good.

Although Chen's mother and Chen's father are already in a state of semi-retirement, they can't stay idle during the Chinese New Year. After all, they are in the catering industry, and the Chinese New Year is a busy time.

They have been working hard for decades, and it is impossible for them to relax.

Tan Yue smiled and turned on the car music. Hearing an accident five kilometers ahead, he unconsciously relaxed the accelerator.

Chen Ziyu also sat up straight and paid attention to the situation in front of him.

As he got closer to the place where the accident occurred, the car in front turned on his brake lights, and Tan Yue once again reduced his speed.

Fortunately, the accident was not serious and the two vehicles that collided have been towed to the emergency lane.

The car passed smoothly.

Chen Ziyu leaned on the seat and said: "Fortunately there is no traffic jam, otherwise it would have been at least half an hour."

"There are too many vehicles and the drivers may not be very good, so accidents can easily happen."

Chen Ziyu, who was sitting in the passenger seat, had been chatting with Tan Yue, talking about some trivial matters in life, the scenery passing by, and the places he wanted to travel in the future.

A car was driving on the highway, almost like Tan Yue, he was rushing home.


Li Yulan, who was sitting in front of the TV, turned to look at the clock hanging on the wall again. It was almost seven o'clock, and murmured: "Why haven't Xiaoyue and the others arrived yet?"

After Tan Yue hung up the phone, she began to look forward to the two of them getting home quickly, so she had no intention of doing anything else throughout the afternoon.

In fact, Tan Yue didn't want to tell his mother what time to leave. If he got home late, his parents would definitely be worried.

But when the two of them talked on the phone last night, Li Yulan specifically told her to call and talk before setting off.

Tan Zhaohe said: "Didn't Xiao Yue say he wouldn't get home until after seven o'clock? It's not even seven o'clock yet, don't be anxious."

An Nuan on the side comforted him: "We are all going home for the holidays now. There are many cars on the road. They may be stuck on the road. Let's wait."

Li Yulan picked up her cell phone and looked up her son's cell phone number, but she didn't dare to call it for fear of affecting her son's driving. Put down the phone, stood up and said, "I'll go outside and take a look."

An Nuan also got up and prepared to go out together.

Tan Zhaohe said: "Xiao Nuan, sit down and let her go out and see by herself. She has run out so many times in one afternoon and it's not time yet. How can Xiao Yue and the others get there?"

Li Yulan looked out the window: "Isn't this a little anxious?"

Tan Xin ran over and took Li Yulan's hand: "Grandma, if you wait a little longer, uncle and aunt may be here soon."

Li Yulan gently stroked Tan Xin's hand, nodded in agreement, and her attention was not in the room at all.

After a while, a whistle suddenly sounded outside.

"Uncle is back!" Tan Xin suddenly shouted loudly.

Li Yulan hurriedly stood up and walked out, followed closely by Tan Zhaohe.

An Nuan walked at the end and couldn't help laughing when she saw this scene.

She always thought that Tan Zhaohe was calm, but she didn't expect that what she saw was just the surface.

The car stopped at the door.

Tan Yue got out of the car.

"Uncle!" Tan Xin pounced directly on him.

Tan Yue picked up Tan Xin and said, "In two years, uncle will no longer be able to hold you!"

"Tan Xin, come down quickly and let your uncle put on his coat." An Nuan reminded.

"It's okay, sister-in-law."

"Uncle, let me come down quickly. It's too cold outside. You should put on your clothes first."

On the other side, Chen Ziyu got out of the car and said hello: "Auntie, uncle."

Li Yulan said: "Put on your clothes first, it's cold outside."

"Okay, Auntie." Chen Ziyu couldn't help but tremble a little.

"Tzuyu." An Nuan said.

"sister in law."

"Tan Xin, come here and say hello to Auntie."

"Hello Auntie!"

"Xinxin is getting more and more beautiful. She has grown so tall this year. I wonder if the clothes I bought for you still fit her?"

"Ziyu, why did you spend money to buy her something again?"

"It's the New Year. If adults are happy, children should be happy too."

Li Yulan took Chen Ziyu's hand and said, "Let's go back to the room first. It's warm inside."

Tan Yue said consciously: "You go back first, leave the things in the car to me."

"And me." Tan Xin raised her hand.

Tan Yue said: "Looking at your help, I will buy you a lollipop later."

Tan Xin sat and made faces while saying, "Lollipops are only for children. I don't eat them."

"I remember you cried and asked me to buy you a lollipop last year."

"not me."

Amid laughter, everyone entered the room.

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