Chapter 1145

As the trunk door opened, Tan Zhaohe was stunned and said, "Why did you buy so many things again!? Didn't I tell you that you don't need to take anything back home?"

"I didn't know I bought so much." Tan Yue started to take things down: "Xinxin, these are the clothes that Auntie bought for you, and this down jacket. Do you like it?"

"I like everything Auntie bought me." Tan Xin picked up the clothes directly.

"Let me and grandpa take the other things. You go back to your room first."

Tan Xin stood behind Tan Yue with a smile. She did not rush back to the room, but followed Tan Yue back after he got his things.

"Mom, these are the clothes my aunt bought for me." Tan Xin showed off.

"Xinxin, I just wanted to try it on to see if it fits you?" Chen Ziyu said, "Auntie didn't expect you to grow so tall this year."

An Nuan smiled and said: "Thank you quickly, auntie!"

"Thank you, auntie! I like everything you bought me, even if I can't wear it, I will wear it."

Tan Xin's words immediately amused everyone.

"Look at your sweet mouth." An Nuan said with a smile: "How about going to your grandma's room and changing into clothes?"

Tan Xin jumped to the room holding her clothes.

Li Yulan said: "Ziyu, drink some hot water and warm yourself up. Is it cold on the road?"

"Thank you, Auntie!" Chen Ziyu quickly took the water glass and said, "I didn't feel too cold in the car."

"Are there many cars? I heard my next door neighbor was stuck in traffic on the highway for nearly an hour."

"There are more cars in that section of the capital, and there are slightly more cars after entering Jishui. The traffic is quite smooth in other places, and there is no traffic jam."

"It's pretty good. A lot of people are on holiday at this time."

Chen Ziyu nodded and said: "Many units and companies basically have holidays during these two days."

Li Yulan put down the cup in her hand and asked, "Are your parents healthy?"

"They are all very good. They are still busy with the company's affairs. The closer it is to the Chinese New Year, the busier they will be."

"Your parents are getting older. I advise them to stop being so busy and pay more attention to rest."

"They are semi-retired now. They have been busy during the special New Year period and rarely go to the company."

The door to the master bedroom opens.

"Auntie, grandma, look!" Tan Xin jumped out of the room.

"It fits quite well!" Chen Ziyu said: "Fortunately it's a larger size, otherwise it would be a bit small."

"Very beautiful." Li Yulan praised.

Tan Yue and Tan Zhaohe came in from outside. They had been in and out several times and finally brought in all the gifts.

"Uncle, look at the clothes auntie bought for me." Tan Xin came directly to Tan Yue.

"It looks good! It looks good! If you want to buy clothes from now on, go to your aunt and ask her to buy them for you."

"I have money myself, so I can buy it too."

"How come you still have money?" Tan Yue put down the gift box, patted the dust on his clothes, and sat down on the sofa.

"I have saved all the pocket money my mother usually gives me."

An Nuan smiled and said, "I won't even let me touch the money this little girl has saved."

Tan Xin muttered: "I said you would keep the new year's money for me, but in fact, you have already spent it."

Several people were amused and laughed.

Tan Yue said: "For this year's red envelope, uncle will give you a larger one, okay?"

Tan Xin's big, watery eyes rolled: "How old are you?"

"It's big!"

Tan Xin shook his head and said, "I don't want it. It's too difficult to make money. Uncle, I'd better keep it and buy things for myself."

No matter how much love An Nuan gave her children, she still lacked a father's love, and Tan Xin was much more mature than other children of the same age.

Li Yulan stood up and said, "You guys eat some fruit and crack melon seeds first, and I'll prepare dinner."

Not knowing the exact time of Tan Yue's arrival, I didn't make dinner in advance. In such a cold weather, the food would get cold quickly.

However, the preparation work has been done in advance. Start the fire and burn the oil, and you can start cooking.

An Nuan stood up and was about to help, but Li Yulan stopped her and said, "You guys sit and chat, leave the cooking to your uncle and us."

An Nuan had no choice but to sit down.

In the living room, Tan Yue, Chen Ziyu, An Nuan and Tan Xin were chatting and watching TV. Tan Zhaohe and Li Yulan were busy in the kitchen.

As the fragrant meals were served to the table, the whole room was filled with the aroma of the food.

"Wash your hands and eat!" Li Yulan held the dishes with a smile on her face that never stopped. Her son and future daughter-in-law went home to celebrate the New Year.

The happiest thing is this.

"Eat! Eat!" Tan Xin also shouted.

"Dad, do you want a drink?"

"Okay, I'll get the wine." Tan Zhaohe, who came back after a while, held up the wine bottle and said proudly: "Have you seen this wine?"

Tan Yue shook his head: "I don't know."

"A friend gave this to me. It's very soft in the mouth. We'll finish this bottle tonight."

The family sat around the dining table in the living room, with more than a dozen dishes placed on the dining table.

Li Yulan said: "The preparations were a little hasty today. Let's eat something first. We will have a good meal at noon tomorrow."

Tan Yue joked: "Mom, are you going to prepare a Manchu-Han banquet for us?"

"If you want to eat, I will cook it for you."

Tan Yue immediately raised his thumb: "I didn't expect my mother to learn the Manchu-Han banquet this year!"

In a joyful atmosphere, dinner began.

"Xiao Yue and Ziyu just returned home from the capital for the New Year. We are all very happy. Your mother almost crossed the threshold in the afternoon, walking in and out, waiting for you to come back." Tan Zhaohe picked up the wine glass and said: " Let’s touch one first.”

"it is good!"

Everyone responded one after another. Some of the cups were filled with wine, some were drinks, and some were boiled water.

The family chatted lively while eating.

The topics of chat are nothing more than work and life.

Tan Zhaohe asked: "Are you quite busy during the Chinese New Year period?"

Tan Yue put a piece of fish in Chen Ziyu's bowl and replied: "The company is on holiday and I have to do a work summary, so there are a lot of things to do."

Chen Ziyu added: "The other aspect is some preparations for next year."

Li Yulan said: "There are too many things to deal with in managing such a large company."

"Slowly I got used to it."

Tan Yue picked up the wine glass: "Dad, I'd like to give you a toast."

The two men touched the cups lightly, raised their heads and drank the whole drink in one gulp.

Tan Yue picked up the wine glass and poured wine for his father.

An Nuan said: "Xiao Yue, I heard before that you went to Canada to film a movie?"

"Yes, sister-in-law." Tan Yue coughed slightly and said, "When I went to Canada to shoot the movie "Titanic", I couldn't find a suitable filming location in China. Later I slowly found a place like this abroad." "I have already bought the movie tickets, and I will take Tan Xin to watch them together."

No matter what genre it is, as long as it's Tan Yue's movie, An Nuan will support it immediately.

As an ordinary person, there is not much that can be done. All that can be done is to buy a movie ticket and contribute to the box office.

Besides, every one of Tan Yue's movies is great.

"Thank you sister-in-law for your support!" Tan Yue picked up the cup and took a sip.

An Nuan, who was drinking boiled water, also took a sip.

Tan Zhaohe asked: "How many hours does it take to get from China to Canada?"

"There are no direct flights in China, and we have to transfer in the United States. The total time is more than 30 hours."

"More than thirty hours!" Li Yulan was a little surprised.

She knew that her son was going to Canada to film a movie, but she didn't expect that the journey would be so long. She then asked, "Isn't it very tiring to get there?"

"I am definitely tired, but the most uncomfortable thing is jet lag. Many people on the crew suffered from dizziness and vomiting due to jet lag, and some employees were sent directly to the hospital." Tan Yue continued to talk about what happened during the filming of "Titanic" some things in .

Chen Ziyu had never heard of many things.

During the filming of the movie, Tan Yue was always busy. Coupled with the time difference, the number of phone calls between the two was limited.

More than an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

This dinner has also come to an end.

"Let's drink the remaining wine another day." Tan Yue said and put away the liquor.

Just have a drink and enjoy yourself.

Then in a very short period of time, everyone cleaned up the dining table and living room, and sat on the sofa watching TV.

"These grapes are so sweet." Tan Yue picked one and handed it to Chen Ziyu: "Try it."

"I just bought these today. Some are very sweet, and some taste worse." Li Yulan said, "Xinxin, you should eat some too."

Tan Xin was seen yawning, with some tears in her eyes, lying on An Nuan's shoulder, and whispered: "Grandma, I don't want to eat it."

"Xinxin, what's going on?"

"She is sleepy. She is already asleep at this time." An Nuan stroked Tan Xin with one hand.

Li Yulan said: "Otherwise, you two, don't go back, why don't you live here?"

"No, no, this girl doesn't know the bed. She can't sleep in another place."

"I actually forgot about it."

Tan Yue said: "Sister-in-law, Ziyu and I will take you back."

An Nuan refused: "You drive from the capital and it will take six or seven hours to come back. You should rest early and I can drive back by myself."

"We'd better send you off." Tan Yue was a little worried.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen. I want to run this road every day. I am more familiar with it than you are."

Tan Yue said: "Call me when you get home."

"Okay." An Nuan patted Tan Xin and said softly: "Xinxin, let's go home and sleep. Let's go."

Tan Xin stood up weakly, as if the battery had been ripped out, waving her hands and saying, "Goodbye, grandparents, uncles and aunts!"

After watching An Nuan drive away, Tan Yue and others returned to the room.

Li Yulan said: "You have had a hard day, go to bed early, the room has been tidied up."

"Thank you auntie."

"We are all a family from now on, so there is no need to be so polite." Li Yulan said with a smile: "If you feel uncomfortable living here, tell me as soon as possible."

Chen Ziyu nodded and said "hmm" twice.

"go to sleep."

Tan Yue pushed his suitcase and followed Chen Ziyu into the room.

The floor is clean and tidy, there is a brand new water glass on the table, and there is a new pair of slippers by the window.

"This quilt looks like it has just been dried, and it smells like sunshine."

"It should have just been exposed to the sun today." Tan Yue opened the suitcase, which contained several clothes and a small bag containing Chen Ziyu's toiletries. He said, "Go wash up and get some rest early."

"I want to rest for a while first, I'm too tired." Chen Ziyu lay directly on the bed.

Tan Yue put the toiletry bag on the table: "Okay, let's have a rest."

"No." Chen Ziyu stood up with difficulty: "Hurry and wash up, then lie down and rest."

Tan Yue nodded: "If you have any questions, come to me. I'll go drink some water. I'm a little thirsty."

Chen Ziyu took out his toothbrush and went to wash up.

More than twenty minutes later.

After washing, Chen Ziyu returned to her room. She originally thought about putting on a facial mask, but after thinking about it for a while, she decided not to do it.

She was worried about falling asleep directly with the mask on.

Chen Ziyu changed into her pajamas and wiped moisturizing cream and lotion on her face. The mobile phone beside her was ringing, and she was making a video call with her mother.

As soon as Chen's mother's face was revealed, she saw Chen Ziyu in her pajamas and said, "Are you ready to go to bed?"

"Yeah, I'm so tired from riding and driving all the way. I'm a little sleepy." Chen Ziyu said, "What are you doing? Why are you still busy?"

"This is all thanks to your good brother." Mother Chen was furious: "I told you on the phone today, and even explained it to the group, and he still missed buying one thing. I really want to know what is going on in his mind every day?”

When Chen's mother was sorting out the New Year's goods, she always felt that something was missing. After checking, she discovered that the problem was with Chen Xiang.

"Anyway, there are still two days until the Chinese New Year. Let's go buy it tomorrow."

Chen's mother said helplessly: "That's all we can do, it will delay us for another day."

Chen Ziyu picked up the phone and switched it to the rear camera: "This is my room."

"Very good!" Mother Chen said, "I have to check the new year's goods again to see if there is anything missing. You go to bed early."

"I know, I went to bed after hanging up the phone." Chen Ziyu looked at her mother who was still busy on the phone: "You should go to bed early too."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Ziyu lay down on the bed, stretched her body, and felt an indescribable feeling of comfort.

Then he turned off the lights and went straight to sleep.

Tan Yue, who was next door, simply washed himself and got into bed directly.

He only let Chen Ziyu drive for an hour during the entire journey back.

With the effect of alcohol, sleepiness has long overwhelmed fatigue.

Tan Yue took a sip of water and placed the cup on the bedside table where he could reach it with his hand.

Lying on the bed, the warmth of the quilt made Tan Yue relax.

After a busy year, he returned to his hometown from the capital and was very happy to see his parents and family after a year's absence.

Tan Yue thought that when he had more time in the future, he would come back often to accompany his parents.

When he came back this time, he felt that his parents were a little older.

More than ten minutes later, slight snoring came from the room, and Tan Yue had fallen asleep.

Tan Zhaohe and Li Yulan, who live across the street, haven't rested yet and are chatting about what kind of breakfast they will prepare for tomorrow.

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