Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 303 No. 3 on the list of third-tier public figures!

Chapter 303 The third-tier public figures rank first!

Qi Xue's home.

The blue ink curtains in the bedroom were pulled up, making the space look gloomy.

On the big bed, Qi Xue was lying on the bed, covered with a quilt, with a white towel on her forehead.


The phone next to her rang, and Qi Xue picked up the phone with a tired look, then muted the phone, closed her eyes and went back to sleep.

She was in a disturbed mood and was not feeling well, and she didn't want to answer anyone's calls.

Tossing and turning and unable to fall asleep, Qi Xue thought for a while, she could listen to a song to relax, and found a video, in which a song came out, in the singing, Qi Xue slowly fell asleep.

Netizens are full of desire for "Love Transfer", and Brilliant Entertainment's speed is also very fast. It only took two days to produce the single of "Love Transfer".

Can't be unhappy, this matter has a huge momentum on the Internet, Bright Entertainment is watching from top to bottom, and major music platforms are also frequently looking for Bright Entertainment to seek cooperation. Looking at the trend of "Love Transfer", it must be popular, for sure It can make a lot of money!

In order to be able to eat this fat, many music platforms have chosen to give up part of their profits.Most of the time, when entertainment companies cooperate with such channel platforms, they can't take advantage of it, and may even be in a weak position.

But many things are based on a supply and demand relationship. The entertainment industry is also a business, and this rule is also recognized.Now that many music platforms want to seek cooperation with Bright Entertainment, this time Bright Entertainment has taken the initiative.

In the end, I chose the rich and powerful Penguin Music. Penguin Music did not make much profit, but its audience base was too broad, which was several times, or even dozens of times, that of other music platforms.The profit is even more. Although Penguin Music did not make much profit, Bright Entertainment does have to earn more.

On the other hand, it is also because Penguin Music is a big platform with strict rules, and both parties are trustworthy partners.

After "Love Transfer" was launched on the Penguin Music platform, it immediately attracted the attention of many netizens, and the number of downloads surged rapidly.

""Love Transfer" is finally online. It's troublesome to listen to it several times in the past few days."

"Actually, it's relatively fast. It was released online in two days. I would like to praise Mr. Tan and the team behind him."

"It's really nice. I feel that Teacher Tan's song is telling a story, but it's just something deeper. I still don't understand it."

"I like this song very much. I can see that the artistic conception of the lyrics is very good. It is about the fact that people will eventually return to the ordinary, and love will eventually return to the ordinary. There is still a correct understanding and attitude towards love, not like a playboy."

"I've shared this song with my friends and colleagues, it's really well written."

"That's right, I think the song is better than the lyrics for other songs, but only this song, the lyrics are so good, I don't think it's worse than the song."

"Yeah, I also really like the lyrics of "Love Transfer", it's so well written!"

Brilliant Entertainment Company, in the CEO's office.

Chen Ziyu was leaning over her desk to approve the documents. Suddenly there was a knock on the office door. She put down the pen in her hand and looked up at the door: "Come in."

After the words fell, Tan Yue pushed the door open and walked in.

The moment Tan Yue came in, he happened to see Chen Ziyu stretching his arms up and forward, his body completed the shape of an S, and his exquisite figure and career line were also impressive.

Tan Yue withdrew his gaze without changing his face, and looked at Chen Ziyu with his habitual elegance and amiability: "Mr. Chen, are you looking for me?"

Chen Ziyu nodded with a smile, looked at Tan Yue, pointed to the chair in front of the desk and said, "Sit first."

Tan Yue nodded, pulled out one of the chairs and sat down.

After Tan Yue sat down, Chen Ziyu raised his eyebrows, looked at Tan Yue for a few seconds, and said, "Teacher Tan, the single "Love Transfer" has been launched on the Penguin platform. I checked it out. Half an hour after it was launched, the download volume has exceeded [-], and the growth rate is very good, and the comments of netizens who have listened to the song are also very high."

Tan Yue looked at Chen Ziyu, and was a little puzzled. Before "Love Transfer" was launched on the Penguin platform, the comments from netizens were very good, and the voices were also very high. Now the company caters to the wishes of netizens and immediately released "Love Transfer" Is it difficult to understand the praise from netizens after the single was produced?

After all, the song "Love Transfer" is not a bad song, it is a classic work of a real guy!
Stared at by Tan Yue's half-white eyes, Chen Ziyu shrank back slightly, and then immediately raised her chest and raised her head, her momentum couldn't be weaker.

"I mean, Mr. Tan, I heard some stories from this song, saying that art comes from life, and the stories sung in this song are about yourself?" After a pause, Chen Ziyu asked curiously. Looking at Tan Yue with his eyes, he continued: "May I ask again, do you still have feelings for the woman in this story?"

When Chen Ziyu heard the song "Love Transfer" for the first time, she just thought it was very nice.

After listening to it for the second, third, and fourth times, Chen Ziyu gradually discovered that this sad song seemed to tell a sad story.

For example, in the first paragraph, "How many windows have you wandered?" refers to shopping, and "How many hotels have you stayed in" refers to opening a room.This is the daily life of couples, but when Tan Yue wrote the lyrics, he did not use the subjects of shopping and opening houses, but objects such as shop windows and hotels to show.

What makes Chen Ziyu feel weird is the lyrics in the back, which is followed by "I will feel that the separation is not wronged".The normal logic should be "we have walked so many streets together and opened so many houses together, why did we break up, how wronged we were to break up.".But under Chen Ziyu's "appreciation", Tan Yue meant that it takes a long time to be together before he can know whether two people are suitable.Only after the passion subsides can you see love clearly, and at this time you will be calm when you break up, and you will not feel wronged.

In this song, Tan Yue sang very free and easy, but is he really as open-minded and free as he sings in the song?Chen Ziyu is not sure!
Tan Yue's expression was a little strange, he looked at Chen Ziyu, and took a light breath: "Mr. Chen, this has nothing to do with you, right?"

Although Chen Ziyu didn't mention Qi Xue in the whole article, the whole text was all about Qi Xue.

The original owner Qixue loves to die, and Qixue himself has no feelings to say.

It's just that these things have nothing to do with Chen Ziyu, right?

Chen Ziyu groaned, shook his head and said, "Teacher Tan, what you said is wrong. We are not only a relationship between the superior and the subordinate of the company, but also friends. Leaders care about their subordinates, and friends care about their friends. Both public and private, I think I am I should know more and care about you more."

Chen Ziyu said it very calmly, with his hands folded on the table, his face showing proper concern.

Tan Yue was touched for a moment, but it was only a trace, which soon melted away, and then he still felt that Chen Ziyu was meddling in his own business.

Tan Yue shook his head and said, "This song has nothing to do with my own experience, Mr. Chen, is there anything else?"

What Tan Yue meant was to leave.

Chen Ziyu looked at Tan Yue, and came here: "I called Teacher Tan over this time, mainly to learn more about "Love Transfer". After all, this song will be the main music work of our company for a while, and now we have it. Once you understand, everything will be fine, Teacher Tan can go back first."

Tan Yue bid farewell and left.

Chen Ziyu looked at Tan Yue's leaving back, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Tan Yue's reaction just now explained the problem, there is a problem, there is a big problem!
Tan Yue probably hasn't let go of Qi Xue, otherwise why would he lie?
He even said that "Love Transfer" has nothing to do with his experience, who is he lying to?If you face the past calmly, then you will really let go and don't care. Now Tan Yue's evasive performance makes Chen Ziyu feel that Tan Yue has not let go at all.

Oh man.

In the past few days, there has been a lot of enthusiasm about "Love Transfer" on the Internet, and people are talking about this song everywhere.The quality of this song is very high, and the melody is beautiful, and the artistic conception of the lyrics is easy for people to fall into, coupled with Tan Yue's own topicality.

The combination of these factors is simply not the effect of one plus one equals two.

And Tan Yue's ranking on the list of third-tier public figures is getting higher and higher.

The third-tier public figure list is fourth.

Third-tier public figure list third.

Second on the list of third-tier public figures.

The third-line public figure list is the first.

In just a few days, Tan Yue became the number one public figure on the third-tier public figure list, and he was really only one step away from entering the second-tier public figure list.

Now click on the list of third-tier public figures, and the first thing you see is Tan Yue.

On the Internet, many netizens also noticed that Tan Yue became the first in the list of third-line public figures.

"It's so fast. I remember that at the beginning of the year, Tan Yue was still outside the top [-] on Song Jiaming's list of public figures. Now it's only two or three months, and he's ranked first. This speed is comparable to those of the top rankings." Is the artist's rising speed? It's like riding on a rocket."

"Good guy, so many people know Tan Yue, I thought he must be a first- and second-tier public figure, but I didn't expect to be a third-tier public figure."

"Hahaha, I always thought that Tan Yue must be a second-tier, but I haven't checked it all the time. I didn't expect it to be a third-tier."

"At this time last year, Teacher Tan didn't seem to have much reputation?"

"Yes, he really started to make a fortune after divorcing Qi Xue. He has really skyrocketed. A man should be such a man!"

"Hey, I wish the buddy upstairs to divorce his wife as soon as possible."

Many fans commented on Tan Yue's Weibo.Some people said that "Love Transfer" sang well, and some people said that Tan Yue made rapid progress and was about to become a second-tier public figure so soon.

The number of users following Tan Yue on Weibo has also increased rapidly in the past few days, from just over [-] million to [-] million.

Gained [-] fans in one breath.

The single "Love Transfer" did not have such a powerful effect. It was due to the high quality of "Love Transfer" and Zhou Tianwang's promotion. In this way, so far, Tan Yue estimates that his fans may overlap with Zhou Tianwang to a certain extent.

In a meeting room of Hedong TV Station, the TV station is holding a small high-level meeting.

The chairperson of the meeting was of course Li Jian, the director of Hedong TV Station. Other participants included Jiang Bo, the deputy director, Tian Wenbin, the director of the Entertainment Channel, and Yao Chong, the director of the entertainment channel.

"We can't continue to waste "Tucao Conference" any longer. If we continue to rely on our laurels, the time for complete decline is really not far away."

"Everyone knows the past achievements of our TV station. If it weren't for "Tucao Conference", most of the viewers and netizens in the country would not know what our TV station logo looks like!"

"Although "Tucao Conference" still has a little more than [-]% of the audience ratings, and even deliberately ranks first in the station, but think about it, what was the grand occasion of last year's "Tucao Conference"? Shonan TV, Beijing TV, Jianjiang TV, Jiangsu TV, and Modu TV, which one of these powerful TV stations can only play the role of a chaser behind "Tucao Conference"? Why did "Tucao Conference" have an audience rating of more than [-]% at that time ?”

"I believe everyone knows the root of this problem. That's right, because one person is missing, this show has no soul. This person is Tan Yue."

Li Jian spoke loudly.

Before, he had the idea of ​​restarting "Tucao Conference" as soon as possible, but he was always delayed by things, and this time he couldn't delay any longer.

Li Jian himself was also under pressure. When Yin Liangjun was the director of the station, he was very popular. The trump card program of Hedong TV Station even deliberately surpassed strong local TV stations such as Shonan TV and Jianjiang TV.

But now that he is in the top position, the TV station is about to fall to the bottom. Although everyone knows that the reason why Hedong TV station went downhill is because the "Tucao Conference" collapsed and became cold. This started when Tian Wenbin was the acting director.

But Li Jian knew that many people didn't care about this, Tian Wenbin, the acting head of the station, might be ignored, and he would be compared with Yin Liangjun.

Li Jian didn't want his grades to appear to be poor, so he began to think of a way. There was no other opportunity for the Hedong Provincial TV Station to rise. The only one was the declining "Tucao Conference".

If he hadn't made a decision before, then in the past few days, as Tan Yue became popular again, Zhou Tianwang Zhou Ruiming also expressed his support for Tan Yue on Weibo, which shows that Tan Yue has great potential, Outstanding talent.

If Tan Yue can be allowed to participate in the production of "Tucao Conference" again, maybe this once ace show can live a second life.

After Li Jian finished speaking, his eyes swept across the faces of everyone in the conference room.

Because the problem came, who should be sent to invite Tan Yue and talk to Bright Entertainment?
(End of this chapter)

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