Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 304 Tian Wenbin is coming

Chapter 304 Tian Wenbin is coming
In the conference room, no one spoke.

Finally, Li Jian's eyes fell on Tian Wenbin, the deputy director.

To untie the bell, you have to tie the bell. When Tan Yue left the TV station, Tian Wenbin's responsibility is not insignificant. At this time, if he wants to cooperate with Tan Yue again, if he wants to ask Tan Yue, it may not be easy for others to find him. .

Li Jian felt that it was most appropriate for Tian Wenbin to go, because only if he went would it be possible to untie the knot in Tan Yue's heart, and no one else could.

"Deputy Director Tian, ​​the importance of "Tucao Conference" to our company is self-evident. We should send a station leader to talk to Brilliant Entertainment and Tan Yue. I think you can do it, okay?" ?”

Li Jian said with a smile.


Everyone looked at Tian Wenbin, who didn't know the grievances between Tan Yue and Tian Wenbin, Li Jian now asked Tian Wenbin to invite Tan Yue, the meaning of which was self-evident.

Can Tian Wenbin agree?
At the beginning, it can be said that he forced Tan Yue away, otherwise, Tan Yue would be in the TV station like a fish in water, everything was very comfortable, and he would not leave the TV station.

Forced to go from the comfortable TV station to the fiercely competitive entertainment industry, can Tan Yue not hate Tian Wenbin?

Although now Tan Yue is flourishing in the entertainment industry, but who knew at that time that Tan Yue could have the fame he is now, and Tan Yue himself may not know that he can also do well in the entertainment industry.

From the iron rice bowl to the unknown, who wouldn't feel uneasy?And at that time, Tan Yue had just left, no, before he left, Tian Wenbin arranged for his former son-in-law, Lin Qifeng, to give Tan Yuelai a bottom-up salary, and brought himself into Tan Yue's situation at that time, so he couldn't wait to bite his teeth Itchy, especially Tian Wenbin, may hate it to death.

It is unlikely to cooperate with Tan Yue again.

Unless Tian Wenbin puts his airs very low, there is only a glimmer of hope.

But many people think about Tian Wenbin's personality, it's not like he can't do this kind of thing.

Since Li Jian mentioned Tan Yue just now, Tian Wenbin cheered up, and just now Li Jian named himself, asked him to talk to Tan Yue, and invited him back to continue doing "Tucao Conference", Tian Wenbin felt a thump in his heart.

But soon, years of habit made him quickly weigh the pros and cons of this matter in his mind.

It is very difficult to cooperate with Tan Yue again, and it will definitely be very hard for me to persuade Tan Yue.But taking on this task by myself should have more advantages than disadvantages.

On the one hand, this is what Li Jian asked me to do by name. If I don’t take it, I will definitely refute Li Jian’s face, and even interrupt Li Jian’s plan. The recent days have been very difficult. If Li Jian is offended again, life will be even more difficult.

On the other hand, Tian Wenbin is also thinking about his own development. He is only in his forties, when he is officially in the prime of life.It was just because of Tan Yue's departure that he had already served as the acting head of the station and was always suppressed by the leaders above.Although he is still the deputy director of the station, in fact, he has already been emptied long ago, and he doesn't have any power in his hands. If he continues like this, his career line will be completely broken.

Tian Wenbin didn't want to just do this until he retired. In that case, he couldn't even compare to Deputy Director Jiang Jiang, whom he had always looked down upon.

This matter is difficult, but if he can grasp it, it is not a good opportunity.

Tian Wenbin took a deep breath, nodded and said: "Okay, director, I can do it. I will do my best to complete this task. What I did before did hurt Tan Yue. I think if possible, I will face to face this time." apologize to him."

Li Jian laughed when he heard the words, and said: "Okay, if Deputy Director Tian has this idea, I think there is hope that this matter can be done."

As he spoke, Li Jian applauded first, and the others naturally followed suit.

Next to him, the soon-to-be-retired Deputy Director Jiang clapped his hands and looked at Tian Wenbin with a smile, but the eyes that looked at Tian Wenbin always felt that there was some deep meaning.

Beijing, Chang'an Building, Bright Entertainment Company, in the CEO's office.

Chen Ziyu had her hands behind her back, the sun shone in through the large glass windows, and a slender figure was reflected on the floor.

Chen Ziyu is in a good mood. During this period of time, good things are happening in the company. The popularity of Zhang Wenhua's new album has not subsided. Tan Yue's new song "Love Transfer" has set off an upsurge on the Internet again, and has been sought after by many netizens.

Now "Love Transfer" has been launched on Penguin Music, and the number of downloads has surged every hour.

If the only dissatisfaction is said, it is also related to Tan Yue. Last time I asked him, did he write this song "Love Transfer" because he still likes Qi Xue, and his feelings caused him to write such a song? song.

A well-known musician once said that no song is rootless, especially a good song, which must have some kind of emotion from the creator.

There is no doubt that "Love Transfer" is a good song, but what kind of emotion does Mr. Tan Yue Tan, who created this song, entrust?

A trace of inquiry flashed in Chen Ziyu's eyes. She was a little curious, but only curious.

Tan Yue is his capable subordinate, and one person can make a huge contribution to the company. Chen Ziyu values ​​this kind of capable subordinate very much.Just caring about his work may not reflect his own caring as a leader, so Chen Ziyu extended his caring from work to life.

It's just this extension, it seems that Tan Yue doesn't appreciate it very much.

Thinking of Tan Yue, Chen Ziyu felt a little headache about the investigation a few days ago.Basically, it has been found out. It is estimated that it is not Tan Yue and Qi Kai who are fighting, but Qi Kai is tripping and making trouble for Tan Yue.

After all, except for the bathroom, every place in the company has cameras. If you really want to check, there is nothing you can't find in the company. For example, when Tan Yue announced that he was going to start recording "Happy Comedian", Qi Kai asked He became the director and chief planner of the Xuanwu Group of the program group.

After the two came out of Qi Kai's office, they changed their focus and continued to shoot the original "Above the White Clouds", but turned down "Happy Comedian".

Presumably these two people are the two people who heard the conversation outside a meeting room on the fifty-ninth floor that day.

Based on Tan Yue's current ability to absorb money, if someone else made trouble for his capable general, not to mention being fired on the spot, he would have to be punished with a serious demerit.

But Tan Yue is very important, and Qi Kai's weight is not light.

Qi Kai has worked hard with Chen Ziyu for many years, and he is impeccable in terms of work and qualifications. He is also Chen Ziyu's right-hand man. If Qi Kai is disposed of, Chen Ziyu will feel bad.

Judging from the conversation between the two that day, Tan Yue probably didn't know about Qi Kai's troubles behind his back. If this matter was exposed and Qi Kai was let go, Tan Yue would have no objection, and he would feel relieved , it touches the best of three solutions.

It's just not easy for me, she is the rule in the end, and Qi Kai just broke the rules. In order to set good rules for everyone in the company, Chen Ziyu has always set an example.

If Qi Kai is let go this time, Chen Ziyu will feel uncomfortable.Because I violated my ideals, I felt an indescribable discomfort.

dong dong dong.

While thinking about something, there was a sudden knock on the office door.

Chen Ziyu retracted his hands, put them in his trouser pockets, raised his eyebrows, looked at the door of the office, and said, "Come in."

Zhou Shan pushed open the door of the office and walked in, looked at Chen Ziyu, and said, "Sister Ziyu, just now there was a call from the Hedong Provincial TV Station."

Chen Ziyu was taken aback, and said, "Where is it? Hedong Provincial TV Station? What are they going to do?"

Mentioning the Shandong Provincial TV Station, Chen Ziyu immediately became nervous. The Hedong Provincial TV Station is Tan Yue's old owner, and Tan Yue is now the cash cow of Bright Entertainment.Chen Ziyu has always been worried that other companies or TV stations will come to poach Tan Yue, after all, the value of Tan Yue's creations can be seen with the naked eye.

This time the Hedong Provincial TV Station is here, what is it going to do?

Zhou Shan's gaze caught Zhou Shan's face. Zhou Shan squinted her eyes and was about to speak when she saw Chen Ziyu turn around and put down the curtains. The sunlight in the office suddenly became less intense.

Zhou Shan said: "Sister Ziyu, the sincerity of Hedong TV Station is very good. This time, the person sent to talk to us is Tian Wenbin, deputy director of Hedong TV station."

Chen Ziyu blinked, a little confused, but quickly realized: "Tian Wenbin? Does this name sound familiar?"

Chen Ziyu made a lot of preparations and understanding on Tan Yue for the purpose of poaching Tan Yue from Hedong TV Station to his own entertainment company.

Chen Ziyu also understood the grievances between Tan Yue, who was also the chief planner and host of the "Tucao Conference" of Hedong TV Station at that time, and Tian Wenbin, the then acting director of the station.It's just that after Tan Yue arrived at Bright Entertainment, major events followed one after another, and these past events were almost forgotten.

Chen Ziyu asked suspiciously: "Tian Wenbin? What is he calling for?"

Zhou Shan said: "Sister Ziyu, the Hedong TV station wants to cooperate with our company. I hope Teacher Tan will take over the "Tucao Conference" again and make "Tucao Conference"."

Chen Ziyu narrowed his eyes slightly: ""Tucao Conference"?"

Although "Tucao Conference" has now become a declining program, it has even become a representative of epiphyllum-style high-quality variety shows. It is a topic that many people joke about after dinner.

However, Chen Ziyu believes that most people still can't forget how popular "Tucao Conference" was when it first started.

"Tucao Conference" left a deep impression on Chen Ziyu. It was through the novelty of "Tucao Conference" that she had a higher evaluation of Tan Yue's talent. Otherwise, she, who has always been stingy, would not have been so easy Promise a million annual salary plus [-]% to dig Tan Yue.

It was because she saw Tan Yue's value at that time!
Chen Ziyu's eyes lit up slightly: "Cooperation? He said cooperation? Didn't he poach Tan Yue away from us?"

Zhou Shan shook her head: "Sister Ziyu, this Vice-Director Tian is indeed talking about cooperation and how could Mr. Tan leave? What does Hedong Provincial TV Station use to attract him?"

As Chen Ziyu's secretary, Zhou Shan knew many secrets in the company, even more than Vice President Qi Kai.

For example, in the contract signed by Tan Yue and the company, one item is to have [-]% of the profits of his creative works.

I also know that relying on this [-]% income, Tan Yue has been able to earn five million a month for several months.

This is a monthly income of five million!
Not to mention Hedong TV, even Shonan TV, Modu TV, and Jingcheng TV, which are powerful and financially strong, can't offer a monthly salary of five million.Even CCTV!

Chen Ziyu nodded, while thinking, he turned around and walked to the sofa to sit down.

"Tucao Conference" is always in my mind. When "Tucao Conference" first came out, Chen Ziyu dreamed that the program department of Brilliant Entertainment Company could also produce such a program.

It's just that so far, there is still no high-quality program of this level.

She once heard from Tan Yue that although "Happy Comedian" is of good quality and has good grades, it is still inferior to "Tucao Conference".

The performance of "Happy Comedian" is so good, but it still can't catch up with Tianjing Entertainment's "Dimensional Gang", which shows that the quality of "Happy Comedian" is indeed weaker than "Dimensional Gang".

If the company's program is "Tucao Conference", Chen Ziyu feels that there is great hope to challenge "Dimensional Gang".

A "Happy Comedian" has earned the company an astronomical sum, and what about "Tucao Conference" whose quality is even higher than "Happy Comedian"?

Because of the relationship between the operation mode and mechanism, "Tucao Conference" is in the hands of Hedong TV Station, and it cannot maximize its benefits at all.If the Brilliant Entertainment Company runs at full capacity, they can really make a lot of money through "Tucao Conference".

Zhou Shan had been observing Chen Ziyu's reaction, and asked softly, "Sister Ziyu, should we agree to the Hedong Provincial TV Station? I heard what Tian Wenbin said. He seems to be going to Beijing to have an interview with us."

Chen Ziyu took a breath, shook his head, and said, "I won't respond to this matter, let Tan Yuelai make the decision."

If Tan Yue disagreed, then Chen Ziyu must also refuse. "Tucao Conference" is good, but it was the "Tucao Conference" at its peak, not the current version.Moreover, no matter how good "Tucao Conference" was, it was not as important as Tan Yue. Between the two, Chen Ziyu chose Tan Yue without a doubt.

And if Tan Yue agrees, that would be even better, and then we can leave it to the company to discuss. It is guaranteed to maximize the benefits of the "Tucao Conference", and the company will definitely get more from the Hedong TV station. Benefits will definitely allow Tan Yue to get more money.

Chen Ziyu waved his hand, "Go and call Tan Yue and ask him to come over."

(End of this chapter)

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