Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 349 Is Qi Xue suitable to participate in "The Longing for Life"?

Chapter 349 Is Qi Xue suitable to participate in "The Longing for Life"?
Brilliant Entertainment Company, Program Department.

In Ma Guoliang's office.

Although Ma Guoliang has just joined Brilliant Entertainment Company, he is highly valued by Tan Yue because of his solid and outstanding director skills.

Ma Guoliang was sitting on the swivel chair at the moment, feeling very relaxed, not at all the depressed and nervous look he had on Shonan TV. His lips were tightly pursed, and there was something weird in his eyes.

The ratings of "A Beautiful Day" dropped from second to third, which made the station leaders furious, and even sent themselves to other small programs.Ma Guoliang was angry and unhappy, but he had no choice but to resign in the end.

The remuneration in Bright Entertainment is much higher than Ma Guoliang expected, he is very satisfied, except that his wife and children are still in his hometown, everything else can be said to be perfect.

It's just that it's very rare for him to get this far from the embarrassing situation of resignation, and he doesn't think about anything else.

However, when he saw the TV ratings ranking list released by the General Administration of Culture today, Ma Guoliang couldn't help being stunned. On the one hand, it was because of the excellent ratings of "Longing for Life" His old club's flagship show "Good Day".

The ratings of "Beautiful Days" are not as good as "Longing for Life", so now the ratings of "Beautiful Days" have dropped from third to fourth again?

Ma Guoliang was in a weird and complicated mood.

gloat?A little bit, but not enough. After all, he was also the director of "A Beautiful Day". Seeing "A Beautiful Day" being squeezed out a little bit, he felt a little uncomfortable, but he thought it was "Longing for Life" ", doesn't this show the strength of your new company?

Rabbit dead and fox sad?This is a little bit, I don't know how his old partner is doing now.

Ma Guoliang sighed in his heart, and was glad that he left at the beginning, otherwise, if he continued to stay, the result would be even worse.

Fortunately, I was thinking of looking for Tan Yue at that time, and I have today. Otherwise, I am afraid. Thinking of Tan Yue, Ma Guoliang is grateful, but also full of admiration. senior director.

It is precisely because I have seen a lot that I know how amazing Tan Yue's talent is.

Each program is high-quality, especially "Longing for Life" and "Tucao Conference", which can be called phenomenal.

I heard that some people on the Internet praised Tan Yue as "Tan Yue's product must be a high-quality product". Must be a boutique.

In the following time, a jaw-dropping scene occurred in Huaguo variety show circle.

The ratings of "Tucao Conference" continued to increase steadily, [-]%, [-]%, [-]%, [-]%.

The ratings of "Longing for Life" are even more astonishing. The ratings of the leading film are [-]%, the ratings of the first episode are [-]%, and the ratings of the third episode are [-]%. Fifty-six, the audience rating of the fourth episode was [-]%.

Bright Entertainment, or Tan Yue, seemed to be playing left and right at this time.

"Tucao Conference" and "Longing for Life" began to catch up with each other.

"Tucao Conference" has a strong background, and its ratings are higher than "Longing for Life". It stands to reason that the popularity should be higher than "Longing for Life".But the fact is the opposite, "Longing for Life" is more popular on the Internet than "Tucao Conference".

The reason is that although the ratings of "Longing for Life" are not as high as "Tucao Conference", "Longing for Life" has been shunted. Terrible!

"Longing for Life" exceeded everyone's expectations!
When the lead film of "Longing for Life" was first released, many people speculated that this show would be popular, and even some professionals were sure that this show would be popular, but no one expected that this show would become so popular. Mess.

If "Longing for Life" hadn't been shunted, the current ratings would have broken four or even five.

Thinking of this, many people were shocked from ear to ear. "Tucao Conference" is already amazing enough, but I didn't expect "Longing for Life" to be even stronger.

In the entertainment industry, many people are paying attention to the results of "Longing for Life" and studying why "Longing for Life" can achieve such results.

There are many smart people in this world, and with the finished product "Longing for Life", it is very feasible to study some of the success factors of this program.

After careful study of "Longing for Life", some people start from the characters and think that the characters in this show are naturally formed and each performs its duties. "Longing for Life" does not set too many game links and scripts, and does not set rigid characters like other outdoor reality show variety shows of Bluestar. The state of coming out is also very natural.

Some people also think that the post-editing of this program is excellent and professional. A lot of effort has been put into the post-production of "Longing for Life", but the speed is not too high. It was just right and won praise from many viewers.According to the specific content of the program in the last two episodes, many interesting animations have been added to the pictures of characters, animals and scenery to form emoticons, which are more vivid and eye-catching.

Some people analyze from the characteristics of "Longing for Life", the content of this program fits the theme and demonstrates the core feelings of slow life.These people called "Longing for Life" a "slow" variety show. The reason why the slow variety show is "slow" is to hit the fast-paced pain points of people in big cities and gently arouse the longing for being away from the hustle and bustle.And "Longing for Life" fits this theme well.

They think it's a program for living, what is "living"?Just like the simple farm life in "Longing for Life", isn't it just eating, sleeping, and doing farm work?The three protagonists, Jiao Cheng, Sun Jiu, and Zhang Wenhua, are busy every day to greet guests from afar, and when they are full, they lie on the kang and chat about homework together. This is the simplest state of life, and it is a feeling that cannot be experienced in a crowded city. .

A phenomenon-level popular program, its value is worth studying over and over again from any angle.

"Longing for Life" is a real phenomenon. Although the current ratings have not surpassed "Tucao Conference", on the one hand, it is because of the diversion from online dramas, and on the other hand, it is because "Tucao Conference" itself is really strong. It's very strong. If it's not strong, it won't see the ratings break four and crush the mighty "Ferocious Man".

Professionals have analyzed the reasons for the success of "Longing for Life" from various angles, but one is generally recognized, that is to trace the source, whether it is "Tucao Conference" or "Longing for Life", or "Happy Comedian" , "Talk Show for Post-80s Tonight" and even "Tree of Wisdom", which has a good reputation but is not very popular, are all because of Tan Yue that they can achieve such good results.

Tan Yue's name came into the sight of many people heavily.

On the Internet, the so-called "produced by Tan Yue, must be a boutique" signboard has been called more and more loudly.

"Teacher Tan's ability to make programs is really incredible, it's great!"

"After watching "Longing for Life", I really want to try rural life now. The pace of big cities is too fast and the atmosphere is too depressing."

"Yeah, I think the reason why I like watching "Longing for Life" so much may be to realize a dream of mine. I don't have the opportunity to go and see the beautiful rural scenery. I can appreciate it through a variety show. OK."

"Thank you Teacher Tan for bringing me such a spiritual feast. The slow-paced life in "Longing for Life" is really fascinating. "Longing for Life" breaks through the hustle and bustle and returns to tranquility without Lack of popularity, I think I fell in love with Teacher Tan Yue, this talented and handsome program planner, I think I will watch his programs in the future."

"Yes, it's the same in my heart. Teacher Tan is the guarantee of a good program."

""Longing for Life" is probably my favorite reality show variety show in recent years. There is no task setting, no plot theme, it is so boring to cook and entertain friends in a farmhouse that needs to be done by yourself, but I I found it very interesting. I remember that in the third issue, a guest said that Mr. Jiao Cheng had gained weight. Jiao Cheng responded that he is now stable, stable, and able to do what he likes. He feels satisfied. He Said that he was willing to keep getting fat, so he stayed in the kitchen and cooked for everyone. When I was watching the show, I heard Teacher Jiao Cheng's words, and I was suddenly moved, tears filled my eyes, and I couldn't help it .”

"Indeed, "Longing for Life" is a good program. After watching this program, I have a warm feeling, like basking in the sun in winter, like songs played on the streets in peaceful years. I used to not eat fireworks, Now it's just surrounded by smoke."

Night fell.

It’s the rainy season in Shanghai, and the sky seems to have been pierced by someone with a stick. It has been raining for several days in a row, and it still rains for a few days. After a day of rest, it continues to rain, which is a headache for drying clothes. , No time for quilts.

Magic City is a good place, it is a big city, and it is also the place where the fans of "Longing for Life" gather most.

Outside a shopping mall near the city center, a large group of young people holding umbrellas gathered at the gate, densely packed.

A white Skoda coach parked on the side of the road.

Qi Xue looked nervously at the people passing by with umbrellas on the road from time to time, holding the steering wheel tightly with both hands and stepping on the brakes tightly.

"Sister Xue, don't be nervous. You're fine. Drive slowly. When people see your car, they won't foolishly cross the road again."

Next to her was a female coach in her mid-twenties, with a slightly round face and a thick black ponytail tied behind her back.

This was specially arranged for Qi Xue after the driving school learned of Qi Xue's identity. Although this female coach is young, she has rich experience and is one of the coaches with the highest certification rate among the students brought out by the driving school.

Qi Xue took a deep breath, waved her hands, her face was somewhat pale, and she said, "It's okay, coach, I'm fine."

The female coach nodded. She was also a little surprised. Qi Xue has been performing well during this time, so she should be fine on the road this time. Why did she brake suddenly and look worried just now? Could it be because of the rain?
Qi Xue is a first-line star in Huaguo, and the driving school feels very honored to be able to bring out a star student like Qi Xue, so for Qi Xue, it can't be treated like other ordinary students, it has to be treated like a little ancestor, respectful On the one hand, there is a plus, but also to observe the situation.

However, Qi Xue gave a lot of money, and everything was worth it.

At this moment, the female coach had a lot of thoughts.

Qi Xue naturally didn't know what was going on in the mind of the female coach sitting in the co-pilot, but she was definitely not right now, she wouldn't behave as badly as she did just now, but she suddenly saw a familiar face.

No, it can't be regarded as a familiar face, it should be said to be seeing a familiar poster portrait.

The present rain cannot yet be called a rain curtain, but it can be called a rain curtain.

Through the car window and through the rain curtain, Qi Xue looked in the direction of the shopping mall. She couldn't see clearly, but there were too many people holding posters, so Qi Xue could see clearly.

"This is." The female coach also noticed that side. She was a little puzzled at first, then her face changed suddenly, and she exclaimed: "Wow, this is the "Longing for Life" fan group? Look, they all have that kind of fan group." What about the support card?"

The female coach should seldom go to the star's concert, and she doesn't know the difference between ordinary fluorescent cards and fan support cards.

The female coach should also be a fan of "Longing for Life", and she was pleasantly surprised: "I really like watching "Longing for Life", it can't be that the "Longing for Life" program team is doing activities here in Shanghai? But it's not right Ah, "Longing for Life" is a phenomenal program, even if you come to Magic City for activities, you should go to the city center or those large squares, it's an ordinary shopping mall here, I guess—”

The female coach was doing analysis in a low voice, and Qi Xue suddenly interjected: "This should be some peripherals of "Longing for Life". These things will be sold in the domestic first-tier cities in the near future. Jishui City is also on sale."

The female coach was taken aback for a moment, looked at Qi Xue in surprise, and asked curiously: "Mr. Qi Xue, how do you know? Is it really a peripheral of "Longing for Life"? If it is peripheral, then I won't buy it, If the "Longing for Life" program team is here, I'd like to ask for a group photo or autograph."

Qi Xue smiled lightly. Can she say that she has learned about it?

What the female coach said next made Qi Xue's face stiff.

"Teacher Qi Xue, I think you are suitable to participate in "Longing for Life"."

In the car, it was quiet for about ten seconds.

Qi Xue let go of the brake and moved her foot to the accelerator. The innocent female coach blinked, not knowing the serious consequences of the matter.

(End of this chapter)

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