Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 350 Chapter Invitation

Chapter 350 Program Invitation

Brilliant Entertainment Company, in Tan Yue's office.

Sitting behind the desk, Tan Yue looked at the computer screen on the desk with Chinese football entering the World Cup, feeling happy and sad for a while.

The joy is that Huaguo football can be so good. Entering the World Cup can be regarded as the fulfillment of Tan Yue's dream.

The sad thing is that Tan Yue thought of Chinese football. Some people said that since Gao Qi retired, the national football team has been in a slump, which is the heartache of countless people.

After watching the rebroadcast of the World Cup for a while, the Huaguo football team performed very fiercely and brilliantly, competing with Spain, the United States and other football powerhouses in international competitions.

Normally, Tan Yue doesn't have time to watch the World Cup, but watching the World Cup now is also a sneak in from his busy schedule.

With the explosion of "Longing for Life", Tan Yue, as the soul producer of this program, is also a well-known program planner in the circle, and a second-tier public figure himself, so he was invited by many variety shows, hoping to participate in some programs Recording, as long as it can be related to "Longing for Life", any program is very happy.

Many companies have begun to study the filming methods and advantages of "Longing for Life" either openly or covertly. If they can find a relationship with Tan Yue, they will do everything they can, hoping to get Tan Yue's guidance.Those who can't find anything to do with Tan Yue are still studying hard. Any phenomenal program can set a trend.

There are five or six documents that Tan Yue received through some "intermediaries" about summarizing the advanced experience of "Longing for Life" and asking for advice.

For example, a chief planner of Galaxy Entertainment said: "This is the embodiment of a typical literati-style landscape and pastoral imagery. In these episodes, the Mushroom House is located in Changsha. Sang Geng weaves a beautiful picture under the bright sun, and the details seem to have been updated, iterated and upgraded. The concept of a farmhouse is presented in the program in the form of a beautiful landscape and pastoral imagery.

In "Longing for Life", the mushroom house is located close to mountains and rivers, and the long-range, close-range, and middle-range scenes are all beautiful. There are large flower beds, lush orchards, and large vegetable gardens such as tomatoes and peppers. , Visually pleasing to the eye, "taste" is also very rich.

The richness of the farmhouse and the serenity and beauty of the landscape are perfectly combined to form a perfect rural scene of a mountain village, which has natural simplicity and spirituality, and also has the advanced aesthetics of literati-style rural imagery.It seems that there are only seven or eight ordinary thatched cottages, but in fact it is unusual everywhere.

Just make some simple evaluations. I don’t know if it’s right or not. I hope Teacher Tan can enlighten me. "

Tan Yue flipped through this copy, and saw another senior planner from Baicheng Entertainment Company, he said this: "Dear Mr. Tan, I watched "Longing for Life" and found it very interesting. I was surprised by the achievements of the program, so I did a brief analysis.

I think one of the advantages of this program is the interpenetration of simple labor concepts and jokes. Working in the fields, catching fish in the river, picking fruits in the trees, all kinds of the simplest forms of labor, and the artist's usual life on stage The bright and bright image is very contrasting.When they unload all kinds of burdens and return to nature and the simplest labor in the countryside, earning food for dinner for themselves with one corn and one fish, this mode is very interesting and delicious.

Those who can work can be pleasing to the eye, and those who can't work can always make all kinds of jokes. In addition, there are those who try to fish in troubled waters and be lazy and slippery, which provide a variety of rich materials with different styles for the show.

One side is a simple labor mode, and the other side is a fancy effect, which penetrate each other and form the distinctive features of "Longing for Life".

These are some of my personal conclusions. I don’t know if it’s right or not. I hope Teacher Tan can give me some advice. "

Tan Yue looked through the past one by one, and those who could hand over the documents to him were not mediocre people, they were all planners with some real materials in the industry.

It's just that the experience summaries of "Longing for Life" written by these planners are indeed remarkable, but in general, they are somewhat one-sided, and there is not enough overall experience summaries, which makes Tan Yue Shake your head.

However, Tan Yue didn't respond to these people either, and his time was also limited. He was so full of work every day that he didn't have time to respond to these people at all.

Just when Tan Yue was taking a break from his busy schedule again, Qin Tao approached him again.

"Mr. Tan."

Qin Tao looked at Tan Yue and said with a smile.

Tan Yue said with a smile: "Boss Qin, sit down, what's the matter with you this time?"

"Longing for Life" became popular, and the artists inside and outside the company were a little ready to move. At this time, the artist management department was the busiest.

So most of the time now, the artist management department is docking with the "Longing for Life" program group, but now Tan Yue, the highest leader of the program group, is in the company, and Qin Tao has no need to go to Tang Jun or Ke Jianian If you need anything, just come to Tan Yue directly.

So Tan Yue really has some headaches recently.

However, this time Qin Tao came to Tan Yue not because there were some artists who wanted to participate in the event, but because there was a variety show and she wanted to invite Tan Yue to participate.

"Teacher Tan, the "My Star" program group of Beijing TV station wants to invite you to participate in the recording of their program, what do you think?" Qin Tao looked at Tan Yue and said.

When Tan Yue heard that someone invited him to participate in the show, he wanted to refuse directly, but after hearing the name "My Star Journey", he swallowed the words again.

If it is another program, if you refuse it, you will reject it, but the program "My Journey to the Star" is one of the quasi-ace programs of Beijing TV Station, with high ratings, and the key point is that Tan Yue and "My Journey to the Star" The director Chen Ming and chief planner Xu Yao both know each other and have a good relationship. When "Longing for Life" started broadcasting, both of them called him to congratulate him.

Tan Yue hesitated for a moment, and Qin Tao persuaded: "Teacher Tan, you have been cultivating during this period of time, and many announcements have been pushed, but this way there is no traffic and popularity, which is not good for your future development, and you are now a second-tier public figure. The ranking on the list is already high, if there is not enough popularity and traffic, it should have stepped into the ranks of first-line public figures earlier, and it may be delayed for a long time."

In the end, Qin Tao's words mean the same thing. You, Tan Yue, have been resting for too long now, so you should go out for a walk.

Tan Yue didn't think as much as Qin Tao did, he just thought that "My Journey to the Star" was an old friend's show, since the invitation was sent, it would be okay to pick it up.

Tan Yue nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go."

Qin Tao chuckled after hearing this, and said, "Okay, I'll reply to the Beijing TV station."

"My Star Journey" is the quasi-ace program of Beijing TV Station, with an audience rating of nearly [-]%, and it is quite famous in the whole country.

Although "Longing for Life" is very popular now, the need for publicity is not so great, but mosquito legs are still meat no matter how small they are, and "My Star Journey" is not a mosquito leg, but a large piece of Jinhua ham.

Thursday, nine o'clock in the morning.

Tan Yue started from Brilliant Entertainment and was invited to Beijing TV Station to participate in the recording of the program "My Star Journey".

The black SUV stopped in front of the Beijing TV station building, and Tan Yue got out of the car, facing the hot air.

Beijing in August is the hottest time of the year.

Tan Yue quickly walked into the TV station building with Momo and two other staff members of Bright Entertainment Company.

"It's so hot."

Momo pursed her lips, turned her head and glanced at the outside through the glass door behind her.

Tan Yue smiled and walked ahead without saying a word.

Along the way, many staff members of Beijing TV Station noticed Tan Yue's arrival.

"Huh? This is Teacher Tan Yue?"

"Oh my god, Teacher Tan is here, my idol!"

"He's super good, he can do shows and write songs and sing, I'm going to ask for an autograph later!"

"Teacher Tan Yue is so handsome! The girl next to him is so beautiful, is she his girlfriend? If I had half the body of that girl, I wouldn't be single now."

"Why did Mr. Tan come to our TV station? Is he here to film a program or do some activities?"

Take the elevator and go all the way to the "My Star Journey" program group.

After receiving the news of Tan Yue's arrival, the program director Chen Ming and chief planner Xu Yao both came over.

Seeing Tan Yue, Chen Ming laughed, stepped forward, reached out to shake Tan Yue's hand, and said with a smile, "Teacher Tan, long time no see?"

Tan Yue smiled and greeted her.

Xu Yao stood aside and said with a smile: "Although I haven't seen you for a long time, I can always hear your name in the world."

As a planner, when Xu Yao hears Tan Yue's name now, cocoons pop out of her ears.

A group of people walked towards the recording site while talking.

Xu Yao has already sent the script recorded by the previous program to Tan Yue, and it is not the first time that Tan Yue has participated in the recording of "My Star Journey". He is familiar with the process of this program, so Chen Ming simply told him Tan Yue basically understood the recording process of today's program.

When I got to the backstage, I put on some makeup and waited for the recording of the show to start.

Click click.

Momo raised her phone and took a few photos of Tan Yue.

Tan Yue raised his eyebrows and looked at Momo with searching eyes.

Momo giggled and said: "Boss, you are always the prettiest, I want to keep all your good-looking moments."

Hearing this, Tan Yue was slightly taken aback, then stopped talking, closed his eyes and thought about today's program recording.

Seeing Tan Yue's reaction, Momo curled her lips slightly, then put away her phone and stopped talking.

Not long after, a staff member came to inform Tan Yue to get ready to go on stage.

There are windows in the background, which appear bright.In order to take care of the filming of the show, the studio closed all the windows and only turned on the big lights at the top and some small lights scattered around.

On the stage, multiple lights, big or small, shine, making the stage area bright and transparent.

On the opposite side of the stage is a square auditorium that can accommodate two to three hundred people.

At this moment, there are already seventy or eighty people in the auditorium. They are all the live audience of "My Star Map". The source is online registration, and then selected by the TV station, or they are directly the relatives of the internal staff of the TV station.

The actual effect is to gather people's heads, as if there is a live audience.

However, professional "actors" are also required. Many large-scale programs need excellent professional audiences in order to achieve the best live effects, and "My Star Journey" is the same.

Huang Yi is the "professional audience" that "My Star Journey" spent money to find, let him drive other audiences, or let him make some emotional reactions when the show needs effects, and then the camera starts to shoot him.

In a word, Huang Yi's task is how to drive the effect of the program and the emotions of the audience.

But this is not easy, and there are still many difficulties.

Although the price given by the "My Star Journey" program group is very generous, Huang Yi is also under a lot of pressure every time he shoots the program.

Huang Yi knew in advance that the invited guest of this issue was Tan Yue, but he didn't feel relieved. "My Star Journey" is a program with an audience rating of nearly [-]%. He also invited first-line stars before, but If the stars do not perform well, the following audience will become difficult to lead after the initial excitement period.

Tan Yue is not a first-line star, and the nature of his work is behind the scenes. Although he is well-known online, he is probably not a good boy to lead.

Before the recording of the show started, Huang Yi was thinking about what he should do later.

The "My Star Journey" program team naturally didn't just look for one "professional audience" in Huang Yi, but found three, but Huang Yi was the most senior.

The three of them also set up a group, where they can discuss things in the group.

In the group:

Xiao Wang: "Brother Huang, the guest of this episode is Tan Yue, I don't know if it's good or not."

Huang Yi: "Let's take a look later. Just like before, if we find an opportunity, we will applaud together to create an atmosphere, or if it's appropriate, we'll cry. Whose turn is it to cry this time? It's not Xiao Wang, right?"

Xiao Wang: "Brother Huang, I feel like you are scolding me..."

Xiao Zhang: "Brother Huang, it's time for me to cry this time."

Huang Yi: "Okay, when the time comes, it depends on the situation. Xiao Wang and I will set off the atmosphere. Xiao Zhang, look for a chance to cry. The program team will give you a lot, and if you cry well, you can get extra money."

Xiao Zhang: "Well, okay, I hope Tan Yue will give me a chance to cry. If the whole process is full of pee, I will cry hard, which is not good."

Huang Yi: "Okay, let's take a look later, but I have studied the videos of Tan Yue's previous shows, and I think he is pretty good, after all, he is a recognized talent."

The passageway from the backstage to the front desk opened, and Tan Yue walked out from the passageway amidst the warm applause from the audience.

With the hot broadcast of the programs he produced by himself, the results are hot. Although Tan Yue is doing behind-the-scenes work, his popularity is quite high.

"Teacher Tan!"

"Wow, I just heard that the guest of this issue might be Teacher Tan, so I asked my cousin for a ticket to watch, otherwise I wouldn't be bothered to come."

"He's even more handsome than I imagined!"

"I love you, Teacher Tan!"

(End of this chapter)

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