Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 355 Linkage

Chapter 355 Linkage
When Chen Ni watched "My Star Journey" this time, one of the things she paid the most attention to was Tan Yue's song tailored for "Longing for Life".

She likes "Longing for Life" very much, and is also looking forward to this song.

Some people on the Internet said that this song is probably not good to listen to, but Chen Ni is still looking forward to it.

She was engrossed in staring at the TV, watching the programs on the TV screen.

On the TV, on the stage, it gradually darkened.

The props were all removed, and Tan Yue stood in the center of the stage, holding the microphone in his hand, standing there straight but not stiff.

Chen Ni slowed her breathing, waiting for Tan Yue to start.

This song is called "Farmer and Fisherman". Chen Ni thinks it is good. The title of the song seems simple, but it fits the essence of "Longing for Life".

The program "Longing for Life" is essentially a slow-paced documentary program of rural pastoral life.

Immediately afterwards, the accompaniment of the song sounded slowly.

Gentle and soft, mixed with the chirping of wild insects and birds, an idyllic mountain atmosphere rushes towards you.

After the prelude ended, Tan Yue began to sing.

"If one day I can have a big orchard,

I am willing to give up all my pursuits and become a farmer to farm,

Every morning I plow in the green fields,

Every evening I watch the wheat fields in the countryside

In fact, Chen Ni has already been moved by this song sung by Tan Yue. When she heard this song, she seemed to hear a spring, when the breeze blows, she feels like shedding the wine.

Because she loves "Longing for Life" so much, Chen Ni is also looking forward to this song.But because many netizens on the Internet are not optimistic about this song, although Chen Ni is looking forward to this song, she is not very confident in the quality of this song.

It is precisely because of the low expectations for the quality of this song at the beginning that Chen Ni is even more shocked and surprised after listening to this song.

She feels that this song "Farmer and Fisherman" is too suitable for "Longing for Life". Since it can fit a phenomenal program like "Longing for Life" in terms of quality, it must not be bad.

Chen Ni didn't know what other people felt after listening to this song, but after listening to "Farmer and Fisherman", she felt that her whole body was moved and her soul was touched.

On TV, Tan Yue finished singing the farmer section, and continued to sing the fisherman section.

His voice didn't seem to be singing, but it seemed that he was slowly talking about the short things in his family.

But this singing method obviously doesn't have much skill, but it happens to sing the most into people's hearts.

"Oh, if I didn't have a girlfriend around at that time,
I don't mind who comes to give me a weekend greeting;
Oh, if I still held her hand then,
We will happily sit on the curved bow.

We'll be moored at a lover's pier. "

On TV, "Farmer and Fisherman" has been sung.

On the stage, the props group put out props such as sofas and coffee tables.

But at the moment, whether it was on the TV or in the living room of Chen Ni's house, it was quite quiet.

It wasn't until the intellectual hostess walked onto the stage and sat on the sofa opposite Tan Yue that everyone reacted.

On the TV, thunderous applause sounded like a waterfall.

Cheers and applause came from the TV.

Chen Ni has watched a lot of variety shows before, and knows that in order to ensure the effect of the show, some variety shows will invite some "professional audiences" to set off the show and avoid the embarrassment of the show.

This is the first time for her to watch "My Star Journey". I don't know if this program invites "professional audiences". "professional audience".

No matter how professional the "professional audience" may be, it is not true.

But now the audience's heartfelt shouts and cheers cannot be faked.

Chen Ni also watched the rest of the show with great interest, but she missed the scene when Tan Yue sang "Farmer and Fisherman" just now.

In less than twenty minutes, the program "My Way to Star" ended.

Chen Ni took a deep breath, picked up the mobile phone by her lap, and logged into the browser. She wanted to take a look at the online reviews of Tan Yue's new song.

She was so touched by this song that she couldn't believe that other people would ignore it.

This song "Farmer and Fisherman" and "Longing for Life" completely complement each other.

Listening to "Farmer and Fisherman", it is as if every scene of the program "Longing for Life" is slowly emerging and flowing away in front of my eyes.

Lived up to Chen Ni's expectations, after "My Star Journey" was broadcast, the Internet was instantly bombarded!

Many people went to see "My Star Journey" because of "Longing for Life". After listening to "Farmer and Fisherman" sung by Tan Yue, they were stunned and gave this song a hundred praises in their hearts. .

"Damn it, it's worth seeing! It's not in vain to watch "My Journey to the Star."

"Which brat said before that the quality of this song tailored for "Longing for Life" is not good, it's not good? Come on, come on, let's see if I don't break his leg!"

"Tsk tsk, I am a student of the Conservatory of Music. This song "Farmer and Fisherman" is indeed a bit dull. It needs to be divided into audiences. It depends on whether the person listening to this song is the audience of "Longing for Life". If the audience is The audience or fans of "Longing for Life" really love this song, because this song really fits the style of "Longing for Life". If you are not a fan of "Longing for Life" , then you may not be too interested in this song, after all, from the standpoint of a stranger, this song "Farmer and Fisherman" is indeed a bit too plain."

"That's right, what the brother upstairs said is right. Carrots and vegetables have their own loves. I am a radish. Most of my friends around me are radishes like me. They all like to watch "Longing for Life". "The Fisherman" also received high ratings."

"Hahaha, I knew that Mr. Tan Yue's talent in writing songs is the same as making shows, and he never disappoints!"

"Aha? What are you all talking about? What "Farmer and Fisherman"? Why can't I understand?"

"I'm afraid you haven't watched the program on Beijing TV Station. Teacher Tan Yue sang a song on the program. The title of the song is "Farmer and Fisherman". He said it was tailor-made for "Longing for Life". For us This old fan of "Longing for Life" is indeed a kind of enjoyment!"

"Didn't everyone say that song wouldn't be good? Did I get cheated? I went out to drink and didn't watch "My Way to Star."

There are too many fans of "Longing for Life", this is the strongest show in recent years, bar none!

On Weibo, the hot words about Tan Yue singing "Farmer and Fisherman" on the program "My Star Journey" rose to the top ten most searched on Weibo.

The comments on "Farmer and Fisherman" showed a trend of polarization.

Those who give good reviews think this song is very good and excellent!Most of these people are fans of "Longing for Life".

Those who gave negative reviews think that this song is surprisingly flat, with no bright spots at all.

However, netizens who give positive reviews far outnumber those who give negative reviews.

Suddenly, at the same time when the online controversy was rising one after another, the official Weibo of "Longing for Life" was updated.

""Past Life" has added a tailor-made, own song. Do you like this "Farmer and Fisherman"?"

At the end of this sentence, the official blog of "Longing for Life" also posted "My Star Journey", "Farmer and Fisherman" and Tan Yue.

"Longing for Life" is the most popular program at the moment, and the official blog has more than six million fans.

Moreover, those who choose to follow the official Weibo of "Longing for Life" must be relatively active Weibo users who are interested in this program.

The sudden linkage between "Longing for Life" and "Farmer and Fisherman" surprised many people, but it also attracted the attention of many netizens who hadn't noticed "Farmer and Fisherman" before.

"Huh? I just saw someone discussing "Farmer and Fisherman" in the post bar. It turns out that this song was specially composed by Mr. Tan Yue for "Longing for Life". I thought it was something about farming and fishing Well, I'll go and listen to it, how do I feel, and report back to the big guys after I'm done."

"Hahahaha, "The Past Life" is also very satisfied with "The Farmer and Fisherman"? But it's normal, after all, it was written by Teacher Tan. If "The Past Life" says he doesn't like it, I don't know if he will be spanked by Teacher Tan."

"Wow, I also watched "My Star Journey" tonight, just for "Longing for Life" and Teacher Tan Yue. To be honest, I didn't have much thought about "Farmer and Fisherman", but I heard After hearing this song, I was really dumbfounded on the spot! There are only two words to describe it—it’s so good!”

"I really wonder if my aesthetics have changed now. It is obviously such a plain and ordinary song, why can I listen to it with such relish?"

"Hey, "Past Life", this song "Farmer and Fisherman" is very good. Could you please ask Mr. Tan Yue, when will his new song be released? I'm looking forward to it!"

At night, at Tan Yue's home.

Tan Yue also watched "My Star Journey", but he didn't have the attitude of going to the Internet to check netizens boredly.

After watching the show, Tan Yue read books for a while. He has read a lot of books over the past year, most of which are history books or biography books. Of course, books related to the entertainment industry are also indispensable.

Tan Yue's idea is very big, but he just needs to walk slowly step by step.

Every book he reads now is a foreshadowing and accumulation, and he is walking slowly.

Ding ding ding.

Suddenly, the phone rang.

Tan Yue put down a book about film shooting related materials in his hand, picked up the mobile phone on the coffee table, and looked at the screen. The caller was Tang Jun.

Tan Yue raised his eyebrows. Although he has come down from the front line of the show, Tang Jun and Ke Jianian in the mountains in the west of Changsha have not left, and are still working hard for the phenomenal show "Longing for Life".

So Tang Jun and Ke Jianian are still very busy. Generally speaking, they have just finished their work at this time, and they should be lying in the tent to rest and adjust their state.

During this period of time, apart from the occasional phone calls from Tang Jun during the day to ask questions about the shooting of the show, he never called at night.

This time it's a bit strange, what is this guy calling suddenly at night?
Tan Yue pressed the answer button, put the phone to his ear, and Tang Jun's voice came from it.

"Mr. Tan, I'm Tang Jun." Tang Jun said on the phone.

Tan Yue rolled his eyes, hummed, and said, "I know."

"Hey." Tang Jun chuckled and continued, "Mr. Tan, I'm bothering you late at night."

Tan Yue also chuckled and said, "It's okay, you can talk about anything."

In the middle of the night, Tang Jun had nothing to do, so he wouldn't call him.

Since it was so late to call, there must be something wrong.

Tan Yue's habitual deduction and guessing may have something to do with "Farmer and Fisherman".

After all, if Tang Jun called him so late, he must have something to do, most likely it was about work, not just to say good night to him.

And now that "My Way to Star" has just finished broadcasting, it is estimated that the debate about "Farmer and Fisherman" is indispensable, and Tan Yue knows all about it.

Tang Jun called him at this time, most likely because of "Farmer and Fisherman".

If this is the case, it's really good news. Tan Yue didn't read the relevant comments of "Farmer and Fisherman" on the Internet. If Tang Jun could be alarmed, it would probably cause waves.

As long as it can make waves, it is good!
Tang Jun smiled and said: "Mr. Tan, I have to complain to you about this. You tailored a song for "Past Life", why didn't you tell us in advance, we still learned from the program on the Beijing TV station. As you can see, this song "Farmer and Fisherman" is really nice, it perfectly matches our program."

After hearing Tang Jun's words, Tan Yue couldn't help but shook his head with a smile.

He doesn't quite believe that Tang Jun didn't know that he wrote a song for "Longing for Life" until now. There have been many related reports on the Internet before. It is probably because this guy didn't have much confidence in his new song before and deliberately turned a deaf ear to it. Now that I saw the song, it was quite good, so I found it.

Sure enough, Tang Jun continued: "Mr. Tan, Mr. Ke and I, as well as many colleagues in our "Death" program group, feel that this new song "Farmer and Fisherman" you wrote is very suitable for our "Longing for Life". It fits well!"

Tan Yue hummed, waiting for Tang Jun to continue.

Tang Jun laughed and said: "Mr. Tan, let's see if you can let this "Farmer and Fisherman" be the theme song for our "Past Life". I think the theme songs of the next few issues will be changed to "Farmer and Fisherman". It will be very good."

Tan Yue smiled lightly when he heard this, and it was true.

Whether it's "Longing for Life" or "Farmer and Fisherman", they are all owned by Bright Entertainment Company, and to be more specific, they are all works of Tan Yue.

There is no problem in giving "Farmer and Fisherman" to "Longing for Life", and Tan Yue himself has this idea. After all, "Farmer and Fisherman" was the theme song of "Longing for Life" in his last life.

Tan Yue smiled and said, "Okay, yes."

After Tan Yue finished speaking, Tang Jun's happy laughter came from the phone.

"Thank you Mr. Tan, just wait, we will definitely make "Death" more beautiful for you!"

Now Tang Jun, with the blessing of the director of "Longing for Life", is no longer an unknown person in the circle.

(End of this chapter)

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