Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 356 The audience ratings, Tan Yue's ranking

Chapter 356 Program Ratings, Tan Yue's Ranking

The next day.

Beijing TV.

Today is Saturday, and most of the staff in the station are off.But there are also some people who choose to stay in the station and work overtime, among them are the director Chen Ming and the chief planner Xu Yao of the "My Star Journey" program group.

Both of them came to the TV station at the same time and did not greet each other until they met under the TV station building.

"Director Chen, why are you here?"

"Teacher Xu, aren't you here too?"

Xu Yao shook her head with a smile, walked into the elevator with Chen Ming, pressed down the floor, and said to Chen Ming: "Director Chen, I was thinking about the ratings of the show, I couldn't sit still at home today, so I came out I don’t know what’s going on, I wandered around, and then I wandered downstairs to our stage.”

Chen Ming laughed, and said, "Ms. Xu's house is close, and I will arrive at the unit after a few steps. I didn't just stroll here. I came here on purpose, and it was also for the ratings."

For a program, the most important thing is the ratings of the program.

The higher the ratings, the higher the advertising fee, and the more the TV station earns.And the ratings are high, which also means that more viewers like it.Good ratings, for programs and TV stations, can be said to be a matter of fame and fortune.

As for the income of the program, the staff of the program group will naturally receive bonuses, and their status in the station will also increase with the increase in the ratings of the program.

More importantly, the sense of honor and pride that the program I made by myself has achieved excellent ratings is simply indescribable.

Both Chen Ming and Xu Yao care about bonuses and status.

But if "My Way to Star" can become the ace program in the station, then the sense of honor is really heavy.

While talking, the two walked into the floor where the "My Star Journey" program group was located.

The two are the main creators of the program group, and their workstations are also next to each other.After sitting down, Chen Ming checked the time and said, "Mr. Xu, it's [-]:[-], we still have to wait for half an hour."

The official website of the General Administration of Culture updates the data of the previous day, and the update time is [-]:[-] am every day.

Both Chen Ming and Xu Yao couldn't wait to know the ratings of "My Star Journey" which they were nervous about, and they could only find out at [-]:[-].

Xu Yao smiled and said, "Yes, then let's wait."

With that said, Xu Yao turned on the computer and said to Chen Ming: "Director Chen, I'll send you the next content plan for our show. There must be room for improvement, but I haven't found it yet. Let's discuss it together." a bit."

The ratings of this episode are very important, but the ratings of each subsequent episode are also very important. Even if the ratings of this episode break through [-]%, if the ratings drop by [-]% soon after that, surely It can't be a trump card show.

Therefore, Chen Ming and Xu Yao have higher requirements for the quality of each subsequent program!
Chen Ming nodded and said, "Okay, Mr. Xu, you can send it to me. I'll take a look too. If there's anything I don't understand, I can ask you and we can discuss it together."

Xu Yao smiled lightly, hummed, and sent a letter to Chen Ming's mailbox about the content direction and requirements of the follow-up program of "My Star Journey".

The time passed by every minute and every second, and the two of them focused on their work, but they didn't pay attention to the passage of time. When they remembered to check the time again, it was already ten twenty-seven.

Chen Ming was startled when he saw the time, and quickly said to Xu Yao: "Mr. Xu, it's [-]:[-], and the official website of the General Administration will be updated soon."

Xu Yao glanced at the time in the lower right corner of the computer screen, nodded as well, and said, "Yes, it's almost time."

Taking a deep breath, Xu Yao exited the document page, opened the browser, logged on to the official website of the General Administration of Culture, and refreshed it, but the page was still old and hadn't been updated.

But Xu Yao was not in a hurry, she looked at the lower right corner again, and there were still two minutes to update.

"Mr. Xu, how many ratings do you think our program can achieve? Can it break the second?"

The closer it was to the update time of the official website of the General Administration, the more nervous Chen Ming became.He is a well-known excellent young director in Taiwan, but after throwing away his status as the quasi-ace program director of "My Star Journey", he is just a young man who has just passed his thirtieth birthday.

He is not yet as experienced as those old fritters in the stage, so it is inevitable to be nervous at this time.

Xu Yao smiled wryly, Chen Ming was nervous, why is she not now, looked down at the time in the lower right corner of the computer screen, took a deep breath, and said: "Director Chen, I think it's okay, the quality of our programs has always been It is guaranteed, and although the ratings have been increasing slowly, the overall ratings have continued to rise, which shows that there is no problem with the quality of our programs.”

After speaking, Xu Yao paused for a moment, and continued: "Currently, the audience rating of our program is [-]%, and it is not far from exceeding [-]%. and traffic, the scale of publicity must far exceed all previous publicity.”

"It must be possible to break the ratings of two!"

In the lower right corner of the computer, the time jumped from ten twenty-nine to ten thirty.

Xu Yao and Chen Ming pressed the refresh button at the same time, the computer page was updated, and the official website of the State Administration of Culture was updated.

The two held their breath and looked at the computer screen with serious expressions.

Program: "My Way to Star".

Audience rating: [-] percent.

The two looked stunned, and then couldn't help but gasped.

Two point two percent!

The ratings broke two!And it's still [-] percent!

What Tan Yue and "Longing for Life" brought to them was much greater than what they had imagined!
The two thought that it would be perfect if "My Way to Star" could take advantage of the popularity of "Longing for Life" this time, and the ratings would go from [-]% to breaking [-]. After all, they had also tried their best to improve "My The ratings of "Star Journey" have always been increased by a few tenths of a percent, and a one-time increase of [-]% will make the ratings of "My Star Journey" break through two, which is very good.

Twice as expected.

Chen Ming rubbed his eyes and was the first to come back to his senses. He slapped the table with a bang and said excitedly, "Crap! Teacher Xu."

Xu Yao also came back to her senses, and was taken aback by Chen Ming. She couldn't help laughing and said, "Mr. Chen, pay attention to your hands, whether it hurts or not."

The loud bang just now made Xu Yao feel pain for Chen Ming.

Chen Ming's face was flushed, with tears of pain or joy in his eyes, he shook his head and said, "It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt at all. Teacher Xu, I'm so happy! Aren't you happy?"

Looking at Chen Ming who seemed to be crying and laughing, Xu Yao couldn't laugh or cry, but she could understand Chen Ming's excitement and excitement.

The ratings of "My Star Journey" have risen directly from [-]% to [-]%. Xu Yao is also very excited now. If she hadn't seen the tragic consequences of Chen Ming's shooting, I am afraid she would He followed in Chen Ming's footsteps.

Xu Yao nodded solemnly and said, "Happy!"

Chen Ming laughed and said: "Mr. Xu, it's time for us to study the content quality of the next program. The ratings of this episode are much higher than we expected, which also makes our situation better. There is room for improvement in the future. It is also bigger, and the ratings will not drop by [-]%, we must seize this opportunity and become the second trump card program of our station!"

Chen Ming's voice was much brighter.

Xu Yao nodded: "Yes."

Chen Ming rubbed his hands, a little impatient, and said: "But it's not easy to let everyone come back to work overtime on the weekend, so let's start next Monday. Mr. Xu, please point us to the direction, and then we will brainstorm and brainstorm, we must Improve the quality of future programs!"

Xu Yao smiled and nodded.

Chen Ming glanced at the ratings of the latest issue of "My Star Journey" on the computer screen, then turned to Xu Yao and said, "Mr. Xu, let's have lunch together, I invite you."

Xu Yao picked up her mobile phone and took a photo of the [-]% ratings of the program on the computer screen. She wanted to take a photo as a souvenir. She very much hoped that "My Way to Star" would become a top program in the future, but she I also know how difficult it is to become an ace show. If it doesn't work, the current ratings of [-]% may be the peak of "My Way to Star".

If the ratings of "My Way to Star" can be like that of "Longing for Life". Bah, don't even think about this kind of thing!

Xu Yao felt a little ashamed for what she thought just now.

However, it also reminded her that the ratings of "My Star Journey" have increased so much, the biggest contributor is not her or Chen Ming, but Tan Yue.

Xu Yao raised her hand, tapped on the glass of the workstation between her and Chen Ming, and said, "Director Chen, I think we should talk to Teacher Tan Yue now."

Chen Ming nodded quickly after hearing this: "Yes, Teacher Xu, I have to tell Teacher Tan."

Chen Ming also plans to tie Tan Yue into a long-term "meal ticket" for the show in the future, so naturally he can't neglect it.

However, Chen Ming, Xu Yao, and Tan Yue are about the same age, and they have cooperated before. They usually chat and have a good personal relationship. They don't need to deliberately say anything, just maintain a normal relationship.

Beijing, Chang'an Building, Brilliant Entertainment Company.

In President Chen Ziyu's office, Tan Yue knocked on the door. After a voice came from inside, he opened the door and walked in.

Walking into the office, the air-conditioning rushed straight at your face, and your bare-exposed skin felt the coldness. Tan Yue frowned slightly, and glanced at the temperature on the air conditioner, twenty-two degrees.

Tan Yue turned his head to look at Chen Ziyu again. The master didn't seem to feel the chill in her office, and still looked at him with a smile on his face as usual.

"Mr. Chen, your temperature is really low enough." Tan Yue walked to the air conditioner and raised the temperature by four degrees.

Chen Ziyu shrugged, lightly shook her long light chestnut hair, and said, "It's a little cold, but it's okay."

Tan Yue only found out later that Chen Ziyu had a habit of liking the cold, rain, and snow.

Once when it was raining, Tan Yue looked at Chen Ziyu, and Chen Ziyu looked at the rain outside the window, from day to night.

It's obviously such a boring thing, but I watched it with gusto.

"Teacher Tan, it's really hard work for you. You even took the initiative to come to the company to work overtime on the big weekend."

Chen Ziyu looked at Tan Yue with admiration. If he hadn't asked where he was while chatting with Tan Yue, he would not have known that Teacher Tan came to the company to work overtime.

But it's the same when you think about it. As the director of the program department, Tan Yue's "Longing for Life", "Tucao Conference", and "Happy Comedian" are all on the air, and he has to deal with other things in the department. By the way, a while ago Tian also participated in a program on the Beijing TV station, and there were really too many things to do.

Come to the company to work overtime on weekends, it's hard work.

Tan Yue's face was slightly stiff, and his mouth was bitter.He didn't come to work overtime, he just came to the company to get a USB flash drive, and then he went straight home. He didn't expect to be caught by Chen Ziyu, and he wanted to accompany her for dinner at noon.

Tan Yue didn't reject the job of having dinner with Chen Ziyu, but...
Chen Ziyu looked at the time and said with a smile: "Teacher Tan, wait a moment. Let's have lunch at [-]:[-] today. Let's chat for an hour. I want to ask your opinion on something."

Tan Yue nodded and said, "Okay, Mr. Chen can tell me directly if you have anything."

Tan Yue was also thinking, if nothing happened, Chen Ziyu would not let him come over suddenly.

In the office, the temperature gradually increased.

Chen Ziyu was about to speak when Tan Yue's phone rang.

Tan Yue took out his mobile phone and looked at it. It was Chen Ming calling.

Tan Yue pressed the answer button, put the phone to his ear, and said, "Hello, Director Chen."

On the phone, Chen Ming's cheerful laughter came: "Teacher Tan, happy weekend."

Tan Yue raised his head and glanced at Chen Ziyu who was opposite, then nodded and said, "Well, I wish you a happy weekend too."

Chen Ming said: "Teacher Tan, did you watch the ratings of "My Star Journey" last night?"

Tan Yue froze for a moment, he really didn't pay attention to this matter.

One of the reasons why I participated in "My Star Journey" was that I listened to Qin Tao's suggestion. I am now in the forefront of the second-tier public figures, and I need more exposure to be promoted to the forefront of the second-tier public figures, and then enter the front line faster ranks of public figures.

In fact, whether it is Blue Star or Earth in the previous life, once an artist can enter the second line, he is already the backbone of the entertainment industry. It can be said that he has a reputation throughout the country and can play a role in many TV dramas.

It's just that after Tan Yue came from crossing, most of the first-line stars around him, such as Qi Xue, Zhang Wenhua, Qin Feng, etc., so Tan Yue had a kind of thinking about the first-line, and felt that below the first-line, it was really not a big star. .

In fact, how many front-line players are there in the country?

After participating in the recording of "My Way to Star", Tan Yue put this matter behind him and didn't remember to pay attention to the ratings.

The main reason is that he is too busy, and another reason is that he has two phenomenal programs in his hands, and most of the time his mind is too busy for him.

Tan Yue shook his head and said, "I haven't had time to check it yet, how about it? Did the ratings of last night's show come out?"

Chen Ming laughed, and told Tan Yue about the [-]% ratings of "My Way to Star" last night.

Tan Yue was also a little surprised that the ratings of "My Way to Star" had increased so much.

So how much has he risen in the list of second-tier public figures?
(End of this chapter)

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