Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 377 The Wind Rises, "The Wind Rises"

Chapter 377 The Wind Rises, "The Wind Rises"

Beijing, Chang'an Building, Tan Yue's office.

Tan Yue pressed the notebook with one hand, and squeezed the black signature pen with the other, his brows slowly changed from wrinkled to soothed.

Suddenly, there was a soft humming sound outside the window.

Tan Yue raised his head suddenly, his eyes gradually focused.

His hands swiped like flying.

This is the first song created for Momo, and it is also the first battle of the new media department. Whether it can be a hit on Douyin is very important to Bright Entertainment!
This song is very important!
For Tan Yue, it is very important!
So for this song, Tan Yue thought carefully, considering the quality of the song itself and whether the melody is attractive enough.

This song must be played!

The Douyin Divine Comedy is also divided into high and low, and the song he wrote is exactly a song that can be regarded as outstanding even among many Douyin Divine Comedies.

Other singers were inspired to create songs.

Tan Yue was inspired, it was the impulse to choose which song to choose.

"got windy."

Tan Yue put down his pen and turned to look out the window.

A white feather fell in the air with the wind. The feather was very light, and the wind became stronger. The feather flew higher and higher, farther and farther, until Tan Yue couldn't see the shadow of the feather.

Outside the window, it was windy.

This was the flash of light in Tan Yue's mind.

The song he wrote is this "The Wind Rises".

In Tan Yue's previous life, "The Wind Rises" was an early divine song on Douyin.

The original song of this song is adapted from the song "ヤキモチ" composed, written and sung by Japanese singer Yu Takahashi. The domestic Internet singer Buy Chili Yeyou Coupon and his friend Miguo liked the accompaniment of this Japanese song very much, so they re-wrote the lyrics and created it. The song "The Wind Rises", but the song was taken off the shelves shortly after its release due to the copyright issue of the adaptation.

Out of recognition of the quality of the song itself, at that time a music platform helped Buy Chili and also used coupons to propose genuine cooperation to the Japanese copyright owner, Takahashi Yu's planning and production team.After listening to the adaptation of "The Wind Rises", Yu Takahashi loved it very much, and gave a very high evaluation of coupons for buying chili peppers. He also had the honor to go directly to Japan to work under the guidance of Yu Takahashi's team. After recording and singing, Takahashi Yu gave a lot of guidance and encouragement to buy peppers and use coupons.

"The Wind Rises" became popular across the country in the shortest possible time. From instrumental music, arrangement, to recording, 100% restored the warm Japanese melody.

Tan Yue is very clear that, in fact, this song is not easy to sing. The version performed by Wu Qingfeng endows the song with an ethereal and beautiful artistic conception. Not contaminated with dust.Interestingly, the voice of Wu Qingfeng is exactly the opposite of that of Wu Qingfeng. She has a neutral and mature female voice with a masculine quality. It's Wind".

Momo's timbre is also very different from Wu Qingfeng and Buy Peppers, but it doesn't mean that Momo can't sing this song well. In Tan Yue's view, everyone's voice has its own characteristics. Momo's training is appropriate, and she can still sing the taste of this song, and she can sing it well.

Tan Yue understood that Momo's voice had its own characteristics.

After checking "The Wind Rises" again, whether it was the lyrics or the song, there was nothing wrong with it, so Tan Yue tore off the two pieces of paper from his notebook, folded them squarely, and put them in his pocket.

Tan Yue stood up and walked out of the office.

Brilliant Entertainment Company leased more than a dozen floors of Chang'an Building. Except for the restaurant, gym, and the company's cultural promotion floors, each floor has one or two departments.Originally, there was only one program department on the fifty-ninth floor, and some of the company's yoga and fitness equipment were placed there.Some time ago, the new media department was established, and another department was added on the fifty-ninth floor. The equipment for fitness and yoga was removed to make room for the new media department.

"Boss Tan."

"Mr. Tan is good."

"Hello, Mr. Tan."

Many people greeted Tan Yue along the way.

In the past, many people called Tan Yue Mr. Tan, but as Tan Yue's status and influence in Bright Entertainment Company became higher and higher, fewer and fewer people were called Mr. Tan. Total more and more.

Of course, outside the company, they are still called Teacher Tan.

Tan Yue also occasionally gets confused. He really doesn't like the title Mr. Tan.

Moreover, he prefers the title Mr. Tan, which gives off an intellectual vibe when he hears it, unlike the title Mr. Tan, which has the flavor of a businessman.

Tan Yue walked into the elevator, stunned a young man who was already standing in the elevator, then his expression became tense, and his breathing seemed to slow down.

Tan Yue also noticed the strangeness of the young man, and smiled softly in his heart. When the elevator went down to the first floor and reached the fifty-eighth floor, Tan Yue walked out of the elevator directly.

After getting out of the elevator, Tan Yue went directly to the training room.

In the past, apart from the program department, Tan Yue had the greatest influence in the music department, and too many people were envious of Tan Yue's songs.

Whether it's a manager or an artist, they all want a song by Tan Yue.

Tan Yue's songs are all high-quality songs that have been tested by the market.

However, Tan Yue is a senior executive of the company, not a musician of the company, no one dares to force Tan Yue to write songs.

Moreover, Tan Yue's main energy was not on writing songs, but on making variety shows.

Tan Yue's achievements in variety shows far surpassed his achievements in music.It can be seen simply from the invisible ranking of the company's internal departments.

At the beginning, the program department in the company was always at the bottom, but now it has become the department with the most comprehensive strength in the company. Think about how fierce "Longing for Life" is now.

And the program department does not only have one "Longing for Life", in addition to "Longing for Life", there are also programs such as "Tucao Conference" and "Happy Comedian".It can only be said that "Longing for Life" is too strong. If there is no "Longing for Life", the most popular variety show at the moment, whether it is an online variety show or a TV variety show, will definitely be "Tucao Conference".

It's a pity that "Tucao Conference" met "Longing for Life".

The development of the program department has advanced by leaps and bounds, leaving the music department far behind.

Moreover, Tan Yue is still the director of the two departments. Whether it is because he is the leader of the company or because he is a talented musician, the staff in the music department will respect him.

Through a corridor and pantry, you come to the training room.

There are a lot of wallpapers on the wall outside the training room of the music department, and there are various musical instruments on the wallpapers.

Tan Yue stopped at the door of the training room, raised his hand and knocked on the door.

Immediately afterwards, there was a response inside.

"Please come in."

Tan Yue pushed the door open and walked in.

In the training room, there were two people sitting facing each other, one was the company's sound engineer, and the other was Momo.

Everyone in the company can see how much Chen Ziyu attaches importance to the new department before.

Sun Danian, director of the logistics department, is still in the mailbox to criticize him. The fate of Gu Ji, the technical department's downfall, is imminent.

Wei Yu, director of the music department, did not dare to be sloppy at all, even though Momo hadn't debuted yet.

The new media department is the department Mr. Chen attaches great importance to, and Momo is from Tan Yue.

Wei Yu attaches great importance to the training of Momo, and he is worried that his subordinates are not doing well, so he has been watching him all the time.

The teachers who trained Momo included all aspects, and the things in the recording studio were only a small part of it.

Seeing Tan Yue walking in, Momo stood up in surprise, "Boss."

Naturally, the sound engineer also knew Tan Yue, and said quickly, "Mr. Tan."

Tan Yue nodded with a smile, and said to the sound engineer, "Thank you for your hard work."

The sound engineer shook his head quickly, and said, "It's all due, whether it's hard work or hard work."

Tan Yue smiled and said, "I have something to talk to Momo, and I would like to trouble you to go out and rest first."

After hearing Tan Yue's words, the sound engineer nodded quickly, with a bright smile on his face, and said: "It should be, everything should be, you are busy, Mr. Tan is busy, I will go out first, call me if you need anything."

After speaking, the sound engineer hurried out.

After the sound engineer closed the door and went out, Momo covered her mouth and smiled lightly. During this period of time, many seniors in the music circle gave her lessons, and the sound engineer just now was one of them, but when she taught herself in the past, the sound engineer was not There is a teacher's style, and the posture is very good.

But when the sound engineer talked to Tan Yue just now, the flattery on his face was completely different from the always serious sound engineer that Momo had come into contact with before.

This contrast made Momo feel a little funny, so she couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Of course, Momo still understood the overall situation very well. If the sound engineer or other people were present, she would definitely not express her opinion. The reason why she lost her composure was because the person beside her was Tan Yue.

She is by Tan Yue's side, so she can really let go.

Tan Yue raised his eyebrows and asked Momo why he was laughing.

Momo told Tan Yue what she was thinking just now, causing Tan Yue to shake his head speechlessly, and then gave Momo a knock on the door of his brain.

Momo covered her head and stared at Tan Yue dissatisfied.

"Boss, you hit me on the head again." Momo said angrily, "What should I do if I'm stupid?"

Tan Yue chuckled, walked across to Momo, where the sound engineer was sitting just now, pulled out the chair, sat down, and said, "Momo, you look like a person."

Momo was taken aback for a moment, then asked: "Who?"

From Momo's understanding, Tan Yue only had a good relationship with two women, one was Qi Xue, of course, now with the boss, Qi Xue was cold.

And the other woman is herself. Momo has been with Tan Yue for so long, so she still has some confidence.

It’s just that the boss said that he was like a person just now, who did he look like?
"Which woman...can be as beautiful, beautiful, and sexy as me?"

Momo looked at Tan Yue and narrowed her eyes slightly.

Faced with Momo's sizing up, Tan Yue raised his eyebrows and said, "My little niece is three years old."

Momo's eyes widened instantly.

Seeing Momo's foolish appearance, Tan Yue shook his head and laughed, then pointed to the opposite side of himself and said, "Sit down."

Momo let out a cry, and sat down obediently, but her mind was still thinking of her eldest three-year-old niece.

Momo also has an impression of that cute and soft little girl.

Although that girl Tan Xin is very cute, but the boss thinks she is like his niece?I always feel that something is wrong. It's a little weird.

Tan Yue didn't know what Momo was thinking at the moment, but took out a folded square white paper from his pocket.

Tan Yue flipped the paper over, handed it to Momo, and said, "Look."

Momo found this piece of paper in doubt, and lowered her head to look at the paper.

This piece of paper is very new, but there is a big "ten" crease on the paper, which makes the paper look a little irregular.

It's just that the most conspicuous thing on the paper is naturally the words.

The words on the paper are beautiful, concise and neat.

Momo was very familiar with this beautiful handwriting, and quite familiar, because it was Tan Yue's handwriting.

Momo glanced roughly, and read softly, ""The Wind Rises"?"

Then when she saw the lyrics and score below, Momo was taken aback for a moment, then raised her head suddenly, looked at Tan Yue, and said in surprise, "Boss, is this the new song you wrote?"

Tan Yue nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, take a look and try singing a cappella for me. I'll also check how you've learned during this time."

After hearing Tan Yue's words, Momo immediately straightened up.

Boss is trying to test himself.

During this period of time, she worked very hard, and showed the energy she had when she was studying at the Hedong Provincial TV Station.

"Boss, let me take a look first." Momo said.

Tan Yue nodded and said, "Okay, don't worry, I'll give you fifteen minutes."

Momo bared her teeth at Tan Yue, then nodded and said, "Okay, boss."

Tan Yue leaned on the chair, looking at Momo who was staring at "The Wind Rises" with full concentration.

Singing is easy and simple, but difficult to say.The simple thing is that you can sing in any way. For a popular song, there are not too many people who can sing it on the street. In KTV, people go to order and sing it every day, but they just sing for fun. This is a simple way of singing .

But for a really good singer, it is difficult to sing a song, because a good singer has very high demands on himself.

The vocalization of the lyrics, the fluency of the melody, and the emotions contained in the voice and singing process are all very important, especially if the emotional understanding of the song is not in place, it will have a considerable impact on the quality of the song.

Tan Yue looked around the training room while waiting for Momo.

The overall tone of this training room is blue. The floor is blue, the tables and chairs are blue, and the walls are also blue. It covers an area of ​​about [-] square meters. There are two large windows on one side. There is a string of wind chimes.

The wind is blowing, and the wind chimes are ringing crisply in the wind.

Tan Yue looked at Momo, waiting for Momo's maiden show in front of him later.

Fifteen minutes later, Momo raised her head, slightly sweating on her forehead.

"Boss, I'm fine."


Today is August [-]th, and I have not dared to log in to QQ for many days, because the explosion update has not exploded. I really want to go to the water group, but I dare not face my book friends.

Explosive update, wait for me to update at least [-] or three days a day, go to the water group!

At that time, at any rate, I had a little confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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