Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 378 Cooperation negotiated, General Manager Douyin's evaluation

Chapter 378 Cooperation negotiated, General Manager Douyin's evaluation
in the training room.

Momo raised her head and stared at Tan Yue.

During this period of time, she has been working hard to learn music knowledge. Although there is still a big gap between professional music talents, she is much better than she used to just rely on her voice to sing nonsense.

It is precisely because she has worked hard enough during this period that she has the confidence to face Tan Yue now.

Tan Yue nodded, crossed his fingers on the table, smiled at Momo, and said, "Okay, let's start."

Momo nodded heavily, smoothed the paper with her hands, narrowed her eyes slightly, then took a light breath, and began to sing.

"I stopped and stopped along the way, following the traces of the boy's drifting.

The moment before stepping out of the station, there was some hesitation.

I can't help but laugh at the timidity of being close to the hometown, which is still unavoidable.

And the sky in Nagano is still so warm, the wind blows the past. "

Momo's voice has a kind of lightness, just like her person, from a distance, there is a kind of fairy air, no, it is spiritual energy.

Momo's body is full of aura.

Reiki is difficult to summarize clearly in a few words, but it really exists.

Listening to Momo's crisp and ethereal voice, Tan Yue nodded frequently.

Tan Yue knew Momo's previous singing status. Although it was not bad, it was obviously not as good as it is now.

The current Momo, under the tutelage of musicians, has grown and improved a lot, and has tapped her own advantages and potential to a greater extent.

Soon, a song is over.

Momo looked at Tan Yue, blinked her eyes, and stretched out her clove tongue to lick the corner of her mouth.

"Boss, how is it?"

Tan Yue raised his eyebrows, nodded with a smile, and said, "Not bad."

When Momo heard this, she was pleasantly surprised and said with a smile: "Really?"

Tan Yue hummed and said, "It's good, but not good enough."

Momo wrinkled her nose and said, "Boss, what's wrong?"

Momo also knew that although she thought she sang well just now, there must be some shortcomings.

It's just that the boss is on the opposite side, so he asked directly.

Tan Yue raised his eyebrows, and said to Momo: "The skills have improved a lot, it seems that I haven't been lazy all this time."

Momo giggled, raised her chin, and said, "That's natural. During this time, I have been learning music knowledge from several teachers, and I dare not slack off in the slightest for fear of embarrassing you, Boss."

Tan Yue said with a smile: "Then I should praise you."

Momo snorted and said, "It's not impossible."

Tan Yue shook his head with a smile, and said: "From now on, your main battlefield will be Douyin, not various music competitions, so you don't need to reach a professional level in singing, it's enough for now."

Momo sang well before, but now after the surprise training, she has improved to a higher level. Among amateur singers, she can already be considered pretty good.

Hearing Tan Yue's praise, Momo smiled even more happily, and said, "Boss, give a sweet date to eat with a stick, and you eat the sweet date, where is the stick? Where is your stick?"

Tan Yue was stunned for a moment, then coughed lightly, and said sternly: "Your current problem is that you don't have enough understanding of this song. You haven't been able to fully invest in your emotions, and you can't make the audience have a strong resonance."

"However, this is your first time trying to sing this song, and it's normal to be emotionally weak."

Momo nodded heavily, and looked at Tan Yue without blinking, "Mmm."

Tan Yue smiled lightly, and said: "The lyrics and music of "The Wind Rises" are for you. During this period of time, try to figure it out. Every song can be regarded as a story. If you can get into the story , you can gradually understand the emotion of this song.”

"Okay, I understand, boss." Momo nodded.

During the training during this period, some musicians also told her about this.

Tan Yue smiled, looked at the time, and said, "Practice for a while, go to Lvji for dinner after get off work, and call Fatty Xu."

Momo nodded happily when she heard the words, "Okay, boss, I will inform Brother Xu later."

Tan Yue stood up, said something to Momo, and then got up and left the training room.

After Tan Yue left, Momo carefully folded the paper of "The Wind Rises" and held it in her palm, looking at the paper with a sweet smile on her face.

The cooperation between the new media department and the Douyin platform has been put on the agenda.

Momo is practicing new songs, while Tan Yue is frequently negotiating with the Douyin department. The entertainment industry does not pay much attention to the short video platform, so now that Bright Entertainment has released its intention to cooperate with the Douyin platform, It quickly received positive feedback from the Douyin platform.

And Tan Yue also took advantage of the current entertainment circle's neglect of short video platforms to seek maximum profits and advantages for Bright Entertainment, including a large inclination of platform traffic.

Anyone who has a little understanding of short videos knows the importance of platform traffic tilt for an anchor. Now Tan Yue insists on writing everything in Douyin, because if Bluestar's short video live broadcast industry continues to develop like the earth, it will be too big. With more people from the entertainment circle pouring into the short video live broadcast platform, the platform's traffic will become even rarer. At that time, if you negotiate with the short video platform, you will be able to get such a generous condition.

Taking advantage of the opportunity that no one knows how it will develop in the future, Tan Yue signed unequal terms with the Douyin platform. This contract may not be accepted by entertainment companies or studios for many years to come. Under the generous conditions.

This is not a severe cut of the Douyin platform, but a process of mutual benefit.

Tan Yue knew that the outlet of this short video was about to appear, so he firmly grasped the outlet.

However, Tan Yue also promoted the early emergence of this trend, and even led the Bright Entertainment Company to be the first to eat crabs, setting a good precedent for other entertainment groups that want to enter the short video platform in the future, which will make the upper entertainment circle The integration mode with the downstream short video live broadcast is more mature.

Beijing, the building of Digital Flash Technology Co., Ltd.

Digital Flash Technology Co., Ltd. is currently a unicorn among domestic Internet companies and one of the first technology companies to apply artificial intelligence to mobile Internet scenarios.

At present, the company has started a global layout. "Technology to the sea" is the core strategy of the digital flash technology company's global development. Its products include Douyin, Daily Toutiao, Baoshu Video and other software.

But the most influential one is the Douyin platform.

Douyin can be said to have laid half of the country for Digital Flashing to have the situation it is today.

Douyin platform.

In the office of Zhang Lan, who is known as the successor of the digital flash technology company and the current general manager of Douyin, a document was delivered to her desk.

Zhang Lan picked up the document and read it carefully.

This is the process and content of the negotiation between the Douyin platform and Bright Entertainment, which also includes the contract to be signed.

Digital Flash's business is very large, and the scale of the Douyin platform is also large. With such a large volume, the cooperation with Bright Entertainment Company does not seem so important.

But Zhang Lan is different. She can be said to be the godmother of the domestic short video industry. She single-handedly created the behemoth Douyin. She has been in the market for ten years and has a long-term and keen vision.

Douyin is engaged in the cultural industry, and the cultural industry naturally cannot bypass the entertainment industry.

Zhang Lan has always wanted to integrate the entertainment industry into Douyin, but on the one hand, Douyin has only been established for a short time, and there are too many things to deal with, so she has not been free to deal with it.On the other hand, she is also too busy with too many things to be busy with. She is the number one general of the digital flash technology company. She has not only a Douyin, but also other video software and social software.

Of course, there is also the matter of wanting to integrate the entertainment industry into Douyin, and there are indeed some thorny problems.

Due to several reasons, Zhang Lan's Douyin has always been in the lower reaches of the cultural industry in the two years since its launch, and the product spawned by the Douyin platform - Internet celebrities are mostly despised by people in the entertainment industry.

Most of the Internet celebrities have no talent or works to speak of, but there are still some big Internet celebrities and big anchors who forcibly rely on huge traffic to enter the list of public figures.

You know, generally speaking, even those serious entertainers in the entertainment industry cannot be listed on the list of public figures solely by their popularity and traffic. After all, traffic, popularity, and influence are only one of the criteria included in the cultural list, The most important criterion is still high-quality works and works that can win awards.

Only when there are works can we talk about it, but without works, it is really hard to talk about it.

But even so, rushing into the list of public figures with huge traffic, in the eyes of those entertainment stars, is also a small Internet celebrity who is not popular.

Therefore, when Zhang Lan saw the cooperation intention sent by Brilliant Entertainment Company, among the many documents, Zhang Lan immediately fell in love with it.

This is an opportunity, a good opportunity to take Douyin to a higher level.

Zhang Lan didn't dare to say what it would become in the future, and she didn't know, but her business talent and years of hard work experience told her that this was an opportunity.

Zhang Lan read several pages of documents for more than half an hour before turning to the last page.

After staying on the contract for a few minutes, Zhang Lan picked up the pen on the table and signed his name on the contract.

With her signature, the cooperation between Douyin Platform and Brilliant Entertainment Company was officially finalized.

After closing the document, Zhang Lan put down the pen in his hand and let out a long breath.

She is born in the [-]s. After graduating from school, she started her own business. Then the company was acquired by Digital Flash, joined Digital Flash, and became an executive.

Regardless of her young age, she is only in her early thirties, and she usually looks like a fledgling girl, but in fact, she has been working hard in the mall for ten years.

Many people in the industry commented on her, she has a small body and great energy.

But this time, Zhang Lan felt a little stressed after several consecutive phone calls with Tan Yue.

Although Zhang Lan hopes to cooperate with the entertainment industry, she has never thought highly of those star actors.

On the one hand, many celebrities have low academic qualifications, and their educational level and their own abilities are worrying. If they are not celebrities, it may be difficult to support their families in other industries.

On the other hand, Zhang Lan is also in a high position. I have heard that the entertainment circle is superficially beautiful, but in private it is another look.However, with the country's emphasis on the entertainment industry in the past four or five years, the entertainment industry has become much cleaner, but people's inherent impressions are more difficult to change.

Therefore, when Zhang Lan learned that the director of the new media department of Brilliant Entertainment was Tan Yue, and that Tan Yue would be in charge of connecting with his side in the future, he was really worried about whether he would run into a pig teammate.

However, after talking to Tan Yue several times, Zhang Lan's impression of Tan Yue changed greatly.

She doesn't know if Tan Yue is really good, but Zhang Lan knows that Tan Yue is really a thief, very suitable for business!
Because he couldn't see where Douyin would go next and how far it would develop, even Zhang Lan himself didn't know where his bottom line was, but it gave Zhang Lan a feeling that Tan Yue knew.

Looking at the generous conditions promised to Bright Entertainment in the contract just now, Zhang Lan felt like the old Buddha who signed an unequal treaty.

Compared to an entertainment company, Tan Yue wanted too much, but Zhang Lan could afford it.

She wanted to see what the combination of Douyin and the entertainment industry would look like. Maybe Brilliant Entertainment would not play a big role in this process, but even if it was just a spark, it would be enough.

Again, compared to an entertainment company, Tan Yue wants a lot.But for Zhang Lan, it's just a drop in the bucket.

After Tan Yue received the contract from the Douyin platform, he was overjoyed.

He has confidence in "The Wind Rises", and he has Wang Zha in his hand.

Now the traffic problem on the platform side has also been solved.

It can be said that the important problems that the new media department will face next have all been resolved. In this case, if there is no further achievement, then Bright Entertainment really has a bunch of pigs.

And what Tan Yue wants is not simply to make achievements, what he wants is a hit, let everyone see the new media department of Brilliant Entertainment Company, and let everyone see the short video live broadcast is very profitable.

When a large number of people came in, Tan Yue had already made a lot of money with the Brilliant Entertainment Company.

Momo is now learning music knowledge and preparing for her upcoming debut. Tan Yue has not recruited new assistants, so she picks up the landline and informs Wang Jie to have a meeting with all members of the new media department.

On the fifty-ninth floor, in the training room, Wu Ya sat down half of the people in the training room.

"What's wrong? What's the meeting for?"

"I don't know about this either, just ask Director Wang."

"Director Wang is at the front, don't ask, anyway, you'll know later."

"I guess there should be a big move."

"I've also heard that we have been discussing cooperation with Douyin before. I heard that the progress is good, and now we may have completely negotiated it."

"Hahaha, I always believe that there is meat to eat following Teacher Tan, and I can't wait to flex my muscles."

"Yes, yes, Mr. Chen attaches so much importance to our department that even the director has dismissed one and criticized the other. Here is our chance to make a fortune!"

"Shh, Mr. Tan is here."

In the training room, as Tan Yue arrived with Momo, everyone fell silent.

Momo found a seat in the front row and sat down, while Tan Yue walked up to the stage.

(End of this chapter)

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