Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 643 2 people who are staggered

Chapter 643 Two Intertwined People
PS: This is the second update today, there is still a chapter ahead, thank you guys.

"In a sense, the popularity of the Internet provides everyone with a platform to express themselves, and also opens up a new world for content creation."

"But in reality, some rely on vulgar content to catch people's attention, attract traffic, and cater to the public's curiosity; some have no respect for laws and rules, and some play around the edges; Some of the criticism of public opinion and the public's antipathy are turned on deaf ears... This reflects that some content creators have deviated from their values, lack of sense of responsibility, lost themselves in the wave of the Internet, and went astray."

"For example, I gave an example of Momo, the top anchor of Douyin. Once when she was having a meal, she heard the conversation at the next table and didn't agree with the topic. She even picked up the hot food on the table and threw it at others. , this kind of low-quality person, but sits on millions of fans and has a huge influence, is this kind of person worthy? Virtue is not worthy!"

"Undoubtedly, the deep integration of the Internet and daily life has changed people's communication methods and also affected the formation of moral norms, values, and behavioral habits. Allowing vulgar live broadcasts to prevail will endanger the healthy development of the live broadcast economy and even damage our daily life. One's vital interests."

"The [-]th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War is approaching, which is why I posted this video today, because I have been reflecting on why the current society has become like this? An actor has gained a very high social status , making much more money than scientists, teachers, and doctors."

"I think, it's not just me who needs to reflect on it, should this society also stop the pace of development and reflect on it?"

".Finally, please give me a lot of likes, and pay attention to it by the way."

Tan Yue frowned tightly and finished watching the anchor's explanation.

Regarding the anchor's explanation, Tan Yue disagreed a lot, and his personal emotional tendency was too serious.

And subjectively speaking, he has a close relationship with Momo, so seeing other people slandering Momo like this makes him feel uncomfortable.

There is another reason. When the anchor was speaking, he stood on a moral high ground and made comments with an awe-inspiring look, but in fact he was still talking about [The [-]th Anniversary of the Anti-Japanese Victory] and Momo. hot spot?

Tan Yue clicked on the comment section below this explanatory video. This video caught the popularity of [The [-]th Anniversary of the Anti-Japanese Victory] and Momo, and the number of views and clicks was not low.

After watching this video, many netizens left messages in the comment area.

"I paid attention to this anchor before, but after it was revealed that she beat someone in a restaurant, I haven't watched her live broadcast again."

"This kind of anchor should be banned. With such great influence, he doesn't want to lead by example, but he still fights in public. Does he look a little girl?"

"Actors are just actors, they are useless to the country!"

"The current values ​​are distorted. I read a report before, saying that children nowadays are more and more influenced by these entertainment stars. Many students don't want to go to school properly. Our dream at that time was to be a scientist or a teacher when we grow up. , to be a doctor, to contribute to society, and the dream of these students when they grow up is to become a singer and make a movie. The entertainment industry should be rectified, otherwise it will have too much impact on our future generations and future. "

"I've been following Momo all the time. Since that incident, Momo hasn't broadcast live again. In fact, I think she's quite pitiful. Because of that incident, her future seems to be ruined."

"The future is ruined? Who can blame it? That's her own problem. You can't cause trouble because of her stupidity and bad personality, and still feel wronged for her."


Tan Yue looked at the comments about Momo on Douyin, his lips were tightly pressed into a straight line, his eyes narrowed slightly, and then his mind fell into a moment of thought.

Momo's situation is no longer optimistic, and the attitude towards Momo on Douyin seems to be generally a little bit bad.

Before, Tan Yue thought about helping Momo improve this perception, but he was delayed because he was busy with other things.Now that I think about it, I can't delay it any longer. If it continues, Momo will really be nailed to the pillar of shame.

Thinking that Momo is still very young, and she has gradually fallen in love with the live broadcasting industry. It would be a pity if her live broadcasting career ended like this.

Moreover, Momo has always belonged to Tan Yue's own people. Tan Yue knows Momo's feelings for him, but Tan Yue has no thoughts about Momo. He regards Momo as his sister.

It is true that Momo is also one of his few relatives in this world. He has traveled through these years, and Momo has been by his side for a long time. At first, Momo didn't want to be an anchor in the new media department. He went to the new media department because he wanted to help him. Now that she is slowly liking this profession, Tan Yue will help Momo no matter what.

It's okay if I didn't see it before, but now seeing a little girl like his sister being scolded so badly on the Internet, and being boycotted by many people, Tan Yue felt uncomfortable, and he knew the ins and outs of Momo's fight with others in the restaurant. It is clear that the reason why Momo fights with others is because the people at the next table are talking about him, if it is not because of him, Momo's temper will not conflict with others.

There are a group of people on the Internet who like to gossip, but also like to put themselves on a moral high ground. If it is really noble, there is no problem, but many of them are very hypocritical. They criticize those who rely on traffic to make money. A star entertainer with money, and I use these traffic to win a lot of money.

Just like the person Tan Yue saw just now, if he didn't ask for likes and attention at the end, Tan Yue would still respect him as a man.

Putting down the phone, Tan Yue began to think about how to solve Momo's current predicament. Momo is now a singer. Although she is an Internet anchor, she is a music anchor. Some anchors are good at dancing, and some are good at talking about fun. And Momo is good at singing.So Tan Yue thought about whether he could write a song for Momo to solve the current situation.

The song is not chosen randomly. If the song is not suitable, even if the song is great, it may not be able to bring Momo back to the previous state of being recognized by fans, nor can it solve the current situation.

Leaning on the office chair, Tan Yue gently rubbed his forehead with one hand and pressed on the desk with the other.The index finger and middle finger rhythmically tapped back and forth on the desk, conveying a relatively melodious rhythm. Just from his fingers, he would feel a little relaxed and leisurely, but his brows had already frowned into a Sichuan character .

Just when he was deep in thought, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in his mind. He thought of "Wolf Warrior 2". It aired on the 2th anniversary of the victory in the Japanese War.If there is an important event in the future, it should be the [-]th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War. At that time, the entire entertainment industry will be excited about this event.

Slowly, some ideas came to mind, and Tan Yue dug down slowly along this line of thought, his eyes became brighter and brighter, he had some ideas, how to solve Momo's current predicament.

Or he thought of what kind of song he wanted to write, and it was the most suitable for Momo.Such a song can turn Momo against the wind in one fell swoop.

Songs that meet Tan Yue's requirements emerged one by one in his mind. These songs are more in line with Tan Yue's requirements, but Tan Yue will choose the most suitable song from them. Sometimes the songs are not more classic. The better, but the more fit the better.



The next day, evening.

A slight breeze was blowing in the capital, and there was a little coolness in the wind.

In the east of the sky, a thick black cloud gradually pressed down, and there was some humidity in the air. A heavy summer rain was about to fall.

There are fewer and fewer pedestrians on the street. Everyone is rushing home, fearing that if they take a step too late, they will be drowned. A black Audi car is parked next to the street [-] meters away from the Brilliant Entertainment Company building.

In the car, Qi Xue was sitting in the driver's seat, holding the steering wheel with both hands, staring blankly at the standing tall building.She had seen Chang'an Building before, and knew that Bright Entertainment Company was in Chang'an Building. Later, she heard that Bright Entertainment moved out of Chang'an Building and rented a whole building as an office location. As a result, Bright Entertainment became the third largest company in the industry. An entertainment company with its own independent office building.

In a sense, this also marks that Brilliant Entertainment has entered the ranks of first-class entertainment companies from second-rate entertainment companies.

Qi Xue took a light breath, and the cool wind outside the car window slowly poured into the car.She put down half of the car window, and fortunately there were fewer pedestrians on the road today, otherwise she might be spotted by passers-by, after all, Qi Xue is also a very well-known first-line star.

Qi Xue's heart was beating faster now, and her mind was a little confused. She didn't even know why she drove here. She came to the capital to participate in an event these two days.Today was the last day of the event. She didn't choose to return to Shanghai immediately after the event, but stayed for another day.

In the evening, she asked her friends in the capital to get her a car. She wanted to take a stroll around the capital, but for some reason, by accident, she drove the car here.

She swears to God, she really didn't want to come here, she didn't even know where it was, but when she was walking, she parked the car on the side of the road, checked the map on her mobile phone, and suddenly found It is Brilliant Entertainment Company, could it be that this is Mingming's fate?

Thinking of the word fate, Qi Xue showed a wry smile on his face.

She felt that there was indeed a fate between her and Tan Yue, but the fate was evil.If it wasn't for the abusive relationship, how could the two of them have come to this point?Qi Xue felt that she was better and could take the past as normal, but Tan Yue must still hate herself in her heart. If she didn't hate herself, why was she so indifferent?When the two met before, Qi Xue wanted to say hello, but Tan Yue ignored her indifferently.

Qi Xue didn't have much emotional experience either. Her only love was with Tan Yue, and her only marriage was with Tan Yue, and her love experience with Tan Yue was not very deep.

So her understanding of love is more learned from the TV series she acted in the past. In the TV series, two people meet again after breaking up, and those who take the initiative to speak may not necessarily mean that they still care about each other.And the person who silently ignores the sneering words on the surface may not really put the other party down completely.

If it was Qi Xue a few years ago, she might really have such an idea, but now Qi Xue has changed. After several years of emotional experience, emotional trough or mental torture, she I'm mature, and I no longer believe in some Mary Su bridges in TV dramas.

She knows that TV series are TV series after all, and movies are movies after all.She very much hoped that Tan Yue still had her in his heart like in the TV series, but she also knew very well that it was impossible, she could see from Tan Yue's eyes that Tan Yue had no feelings for her, that was really indifferent.

It was completely dark and the wind was getting stronger.Some fallen leaves on the side of the road were blown and fluttered between the sky and the earth. Immediately after a flash of lightning and thunder, raindrops began to fall from the sky. The rain grew from small to large, and finally turned into a downpour.

Speaking of which, Qi Xue's impression of the capital was really like this, either rain or snow.In the past few years, she has either encountered rain or snow in the capital, but she has never encountered any good weather.

The rain came in from the outside through the car window and wet Qi Xue's arms. She recovered from her shock and unknowingly she had been sitting in the car for more than half an hour, and this Audi car was also on the road. After stopping for more than half an hour, he raised his hand to close the car window, and the window glass isolated the rain curtain from the outside world.

Qi Xue glanced at the exit of the building one last time. The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and her vision became blurred, making it difficult to see clearly.At the exit of the Brilliant Entertainment Company building, there were fewer and fewer people, and those who should get off work had already left.A trace of disappointment suddenly rose in Qi Xue's heart.Sometimes you don't have to be together when you like someone, and it's a luxury for her to even take a look.

No one came out from the exit of that building, Qi Xue sighed.

Put on your seat belt, start the engine, step on the accelerator lightly, and the black Audi car starts slowly on the side of the road, slowly getting closer and closer to the building.

After getting closer, Qi Xue discovered that this building was actually bigger and more spectacular than the Tianjing Entertainment Company building.She couldn't help but be moved by the development of Bright Entertainment Company in the past few years. At the same time, she also knew in her heart that the reason why Bright Entertainment Company has made such great progress is that the person contributed the most.

There are too many companies in the entertainment industry now, and they deeply regret that they didn't start earlier and poach Tan Yue. If Tan Yue is poached, then the bright entertainment company today is the today of these entertainment companies.

But many years ago, who would have thought that such an ordinary young man could have such a large amount of energy in his body?
The rain outside the car window was getting heavier, Qi Xue turned the wipers to the fastest speed to barely see some roads.What she didn't know was that at this moment, a big black Mercedes was crossing with her, and the two cars were going further and further apart, one was heading east and the other was heading west.

(End of this chapter)

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