Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 644 New Song

Chapter 644 New Song
Beijing, Brilliant Entertainment Company.

President's office, in Tan Yue's office.

"That's it."

After much consideration, Tan Yue finally decided on a song - "Red Ling".

The song "Red Ling" was very popular in Tan Yue's previous life. It was selected as one of the top ten divine songs of the year. After it became popular, it was covered by various gods, and the most popular version was the version of the Great Demon King.

In less than 900 hours after its release, the Big Devil version of "Red Ling" has received more than [-] million views on Weibo and Xiaopo Station, and has received favorable comments from netizens.

The reason why Tan Yue chose this song is also related to [Commemorating the [-]th Anniversary of the Anti-Japanese War], and this needs to talk about the story background of the song "Chiling".

During the period of the Republic of China, wars continued, and Anyuan County, where the famous actor Pei Yan was located, was besieged.The Japanese army came to the theater and asked the theater troupe to give them a condolence performance, and specified that Pei Yanzhi should appear on stage, otherwise the entire theater building would be burned down.

Pei Yanzhi didn't refuse, turned around and came to the dressing table to draw his eyebrows.On the stage, Pei Yanzhi's water sleeves were soft and soft, and the Kunqu opera sang "Peach Blossom Fan" gracefully, and the Japanese soldiers in the audience were fascinated by it.

Suddenly Pei Yanzhi yelled "Light it up!".By the time the Japanese army reacted, the fire had already spread.The Japanese army wanted to escape but found that the door had been sealed.

The theater building collapsed, but the play was not over yet.In the midst of the raging fire, "Peach Blossom Fan" was still babbling on the stage, because the old man once said that once the play starts, it must be finished.Everyone in the world knows that opera actors are ruthless, but how do they know that opera actors also have hearts.I am humble and dare not forget to worry about the country, even if no one knows me.

Tan Yue wrote the story background of "Red Ling" on paper with a pen. To sing this song well, one must understand the story told in the song. Only in this way can he sing with emotion, move himself and the audience, This story will be handed over to Momo together with the lyrics and music.

After writing the story background of "Chi Ling", Tan Yue was filled with emotion for a moment. In the face of the righteousness of the country, even if he is as small as a small actor, he is willing to sacrifice for the country. Consecrate.

Putting aside the paper with the story background of "Chi Ling", Tan Yue picked up a new A4 paper from the table and began to write the song and lyrics of "Chi Ling".

Ten minutes later, he wrote the lyrics and music of "Red Ling" on the paper one by one, checked it again, and then hummed softly along with the song. After confirming that there was no problem, Tan Yue picked up the landline and called Chen Ye. Telephone.

Soon, Chen Ye came over. Her office was next to Tan Yue's office, so she could do things for Tan Yue conveniently.

"Boss Tan." Chen Ye limped to Tan Yue's desk and said.

Holding two pieces of paper in his hand, Tan Yue was about to explain the matter, when he saw Chen Ye's walking posture, he asked, "Xiao Ye, what's wrong with your leg?"

Chen Ye said helplessly: "Mr. Tan, the road was slippery yesterday when I got off work. I fell at the door of the house and hit my leg. But it's not a serious problem, it just hurts a little. It will be fine in two days."

Tan Yue nodded. It rained heavily last night. It is normal for the road to be slippery. He drove home after get off work yesterday, but he couldn't see the road. Fortunately, his sister-in-law came home early, otherwise she would have been drenched, "Look Is there a doctor?"

Chen Ye said: "No, it's just a layer of skin torn. I'll wipe it with alcohol at home and it'll be fine."

Tan Yue said: "Okay, Xiao Ye, I have a song here, you can give it to Xiao Zhang, let him go to the copyright department, and register the copyright of this song for me."

With that said, Tan Yue handed over the two pieces of paper on which the lyrics and music of "Chi Ling" were written.

Chen Ye took "Red Ling" and said: "Mr. Tan, my legs are not in the way, and there is an elevator, and I don't need to climb stairs, and I don't need to find Xiao Zhang. I'll do it."

Seeing Chen Ye's insistence, Tan Yue stopped talking, nodded, and said: "Okay, take it easy, if you still have pain in the afternoon, I will give you half a day off, and you can go to the hospital to see a doctor."

After Chen Ye agreed, he turned around and left the office, took two pieces of paper to the copyright department, and asked his colleagues there to help register the song.

After Chen Ye left, Tan Yue continued to be busy with work. The company has now become a first-class entertainment company, its size and business are far beyond the past, and its workload has increased several times.

In the past, Tan Yue's work stage was counted according to the day, and every day's work was completed every day, and occasionally he would procrastinate, leaving some unimportant work today to be completed tomorrow.

But it's no longer possible. Tan Yue's work period began to be calculated according to noon, and half a day was a work period.

The workload of half a day now is more than the workload of a day before.

Tan Yue thought about it, he had to find time to hold a meeting with the directors of various departments, and there was no need to send those not very important documents to him in the future.

These affairs in the company can be assigned a level, the level of importance is not the highest, and the subordinates can solve it by themselves, so that they can free themselves to carry out more important work.

dong dong dong.

There was a knock on the office door, and Chen Ye pushed the door open and walked in. She came to Tan Yue's desk, looked at Tan Yue and said, "Boss Tan, the copyright of the song has been registered."

After finishing speaking, she handed over the paper with the lyrics and music of "Chi Ling" in her hand, and put it on Tan Yue's desk.

Tan Yue nodded and said, "Okay, thank you for your hard work."

"I'm happy to work hard for Mr. Tan," Chen Ye said.

This kind of words can be seen as a subordinate expressing his feelings in order to please his boss, or in other words, flattery, but Chen Ye is not, she is not the kind of person who flatters the leader, and her family background is not bad.

Even if she doesn't have a good relationship with the leader, no one will dare to wear small shoes for her.

She just used her status as Tan Yue's subordinate to verbally tease Tan Yue.

Tan Yue had explicitly rejected her before, and she was also very sad for a while, but after thinking about it, everything has not been settled yet, and it is unknown who will have the last laugh.

Moreover, Chen Ye has also seen it now, and his heart is already uncomfortable, so he will take advantage of it with his mouth.

Tan Yue waved his hand and asked Chen Ye to leave to rest.

After Chen Ye left, Tan Yue picked up the phone, found Momo's number, and dialed it.

"Hello, Momo."

"Boss, what's wrong?"

"Do you have time now?"

"There is time."

"Then come to my office, I have something to tell you."

After hanging up the phone, Tan Yue continued to read the lyrics and music of "Chi Ling", and when Momo came, he wanted to tell her about the song.

In two or three minutes, Momo came.


Momo was wearing a short white shirt with navel exposed on her upper body, and short shorts that just covered her buttocks on her lower body, revealing a pair of white and round long legs. She was restrained before, but now she understands it completely. Where are your strengths.

Tan Yue has always known that in terms of appearance, there are some female stars in the entertainment circle who are more handsome than Momo, but in terms of body, even in the entertainment circle full of beauties, Momo is still the top of the bunch .

"You sit." After Momo came in, she kept wandering in front of Tan Yue, dazzled Tan Yue's eyes, and quickly reached out to let Momo sit on the chair opposite her.

Momo hummed, and sat down very obediently, with a big smile on her face.

Momo doesn't like to laugh very much, she just always smiles when she sees Tan Yue.

No matter what kind of troubles she encounters, when she sees her boss, Momo's whole body will be filled with joy in an instant.

"Boss, you asked me to come here, what's the matter?" After Momo finished speaking, she stood up and went to the coffee table on the other side of the office to pick up the teapot, opened it and looked, and there was steaming hot tea water coming out of it. Then he nodded and walked back with two teacups.

He poured a glass of water for Tan Yue, and poured another glass for himself.

Although she is no longer the boss's assistant, as long as she is by Tan Yue's side, she will always become that little assistant again, and sometimes compete with Chen Ye for jobs.

Tan Yue took the teacup and said with a smile: "Momo, I wrote a song these two days and I want to give it to you to sing."

After hearing Tan Yue's words, Momo's eyes lit up, and she said pleasantly, "New song? Boss, have you written a new song?"

Although Tan Yue is now shining brightly in movies and TV dramas, many people will never forget his achievements in music. The famous slogan "Tan Yue's production must be a boutique" is the original music of Tan Yue. At that time, I started to be called up.

Although there are not many songs written by Tan Yue, each song is of high quality and widely sung. Those few songs can be said to be enduring on the Internet.

There are many music fans of Tan Yue on the Internet, and they have always wanted to listen to Tan Yue's new songs, but he has too many things to do now, and he has no time to write songs. Even the company's music department wants to ask Tan Yue to write a song , can't ask for it.

In an instant, Momo's eyes were red.

She is very clear that the boss's song is hard to find now. Many people ask the boss to ask for a song, but the boss doesn't agree. He is too busy with work every day. She didn't expect that the boss wrote a song for her now. , for a moment, moved to my heart, and big tears appeared in my eyes.

Tan Yue handed the two pieces of paper in his hand to Momo, and said: "This song is called "Chi Ling". This is the lyrics and music of "Chi Ling". Take a look. Ask me, if you think it’s almost done, let’s go to the recording studio and try it out, and you can sing this song on September [-]th, I think the effect should be very good.”

After Tan Yue handed over the paper on which the lyrics and music of "Chi Ling" was written, Momo didn't respond, she was in a daze in a daze.

Tan Yue waved his hand in front of her eyes before Momo came back to her senses, and then she burst into tears, "Boss, you are so kind, I love you."

Tan Yue didn't know whether to laugh or cry. At the same time, he looked at the door of the office. The junior was startled into a layer of cold sweat, and said, "Momo, don't talk nonsense, it's not good to be heard."

Momo snorted softly, expressing her disdain for the boss's cowardice, then obediently took the two pieces of paper, ready to read them.

At this time, Tan Yue opened the drawer again, took out a piece of A4 paper full of words from it, handed it to Momo, and said: "By the way, before you read the lyrics and music, you should read this first. The story background of the song "Ling", if you understand the background of this story, it should be helpful for you to sing this song."

Momo nodded heavily and began to look.

Tan Yue didn't wait, Momo was watching the new song on the opposite side, while he continued to work.

Time passed by minute by minute.

A small office next to Tan Yue's office, this is Chen Ye's office.

Chen Ye came to the door and glanced at the neighbor.

Chen Ye knew that Momo had come over just now, but why hasn't she left after such a long time?

What are the two of you doing in the office?

Chen Ye paced back and forth in his office, lying on the wall for a while, wanting to listen to the movement next door, but there seemed to be no movement, and there seemed to be some movement.

Chen Ye took a deep breath, she decided to go and see what the two people next door were doing.

It's just that she was just about to walk out of the office when she heard the sound of high heels walking towards her.

Chen Ye was shocked immediately, and then quickly ran back to sit behind the desk, because hearing the footsteps, Chen Ye knew who was coming.

Soon, Boss Chen's tall figure walked past the door of her office and stopped outside Tan Yue's office.

Chen Ye held her breath and pricked up her ears to eavesdrop. She knew that when Mr. Chen entered Mr. Tan's office, he never knocked on the door and went in directly.

Tan Yue is teaching Momo some singing skills about "Chi Ling". Now Momo's singing skills have improved a lot compared to before, and she has already reached the level of a professional singer.

When Zhengjiao was at his fingertips, Chen Ziyu came in suddenly.

"Mr. Chen."

Seeing Chen Ziyu walking in, Momo froze for a moment, then quickly stood up and greeted Chen Ziyu.

Chen Ziyu nodded and said with a smile, "Momo is here? What are you doing?"

Tan Yue said with a smile: "I wrote a new song, and I plan to have Momo sing it live on the anniversary of the Anti-Japanese War, and I'm telling her about this song."

Chen Ziyu's eyes lit up when he heard the words, "Your new song?"

Tan Yue nodded.

Chen Ziyu laughed and said, "Then I want to take a look too."

After speaking, Chen Ziyu came over, Momo glanced at Tan Yue, and then handed Chen Ziyu the A4 paper with the background story, lyrics and music of "Red Ling".

Chen Ziyu looked at it roughly, nodded frequently, and became interested, looked at the two of them and said, "How is Momo doing?"

Momo said: "Mr. Chen, I just started watching."

Tan Yue said: "It's almost the same as what Momo said. Next, I have to watch the actual singing. After a while, Momo will get familiar with it. I plan to take her to the recording studio to sing to see the situation. Momo's current singing skills are very good. gone."

Chen Ziyu said with a smile: "I think this song is very interesting. I think we should go to the recording studio first and let Momo sing. I am also fortunate to be the first to hear Teacher Tan Yue's new song. Now many people are urging Tan Yue to sing. Teacher Yue has released a new song, haha."

After Chen Ziyu finished speaking, Tan Yue thought it was okay, then looked at Momo, and asked, "Momo, you are almost familiar with it, let's go to the recording studio to practice it?"

"Okay, Boss, Mr. Chen." Momo nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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