Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 767 First Week Box Office

Chapter 767 First Week Box Office
Word-of-mouth of "Kung Fu" once again fermented on the Internet, and the popularity of the topic completely overwhelmed "Straight into the Sky".

As the most talked about "Straight into the Sky" before its release, it turned out to be a foil in a blink of an eye.

"Seeing that so many people on the Internet said that "Kung Fu" is good, I went to the cinema to watch it. After watching it, I felt that it was really amazing. Who would have thought that martial arts action movies could be shot like this."

"Mr. Tan Yue has never disappointed our fans, and "Kung Fu" is still a rare high-level work."

"A cloud-piercing arrow, thousands of troops are coming to meet each other, fans of "Kung Fu" are here to gather!"

"Many dialogues in "Kung Fu" feel so magical, and I still feel a little funny when I think about it now."

"Tomorrow I'm going to go to the cinema for the second time. Is there any friend who will go with me in a team?"

May [-]th, the fourth day of the release of "Kung Fu", is also the day when the May [-]rd box office is announced.

At ten o'clock, the data on the official website of the State Administration of Culture was updated.

First place: "Kung Fu", with a single-day box office of [-] million and a cumulative box office of [-] billion.

Second place: "Straight into the Sky", with a single-day box office of [-] million and a cumulative box office of [-] billion.

Third place: "Strange Mountain and Sea", with a single-day box office of [-] million and a cumulative box office of [-] million.

Fourth place: "Prairie Star", with a single-day box office of [-] million and a cumulative box office of [-] million.

the fifth place:
After the word-of-mouth explosion of "Kung Fu" on the Internet, what followed was the feedback on the box office.

In the first two days, there was not much difference in the box office between the two films "Kung Fu" and "Straight into the Sky", but such a large gap was widened on the third day.

Looking at the latest data updated on the official website of the General Administration of Culture, some people even rubbed their eyes, suspecting that they had read it wrong.

It was not on par before, but when I woke up, the box office of the two movies was not at the same level at all.

""Kung Fu" is too fierce, and the single-day box office has reached [-] million in one day!"

"Please forgive my cultural level, there are only two words that can describe my current mood - 'Fuck'."

""Kung Fu" is indeed a good movie. The plot is bold and thoughtful, and every actor is impressive. In fact, thinking about it this way, the box office has soared to this point, which is quite reasonable."

"I admire Teacher Tan Yue more and more. The single-day box office of a martial arts action movie can exceed [-] million, which is something that I would never have imagined before."

"I like "Kung Fu" very much, and I am very happy to see such a high box office."

In a blink of an eye, a week has passed.

During this week, the topic of "Kung Fu" on Weibo was also frequently searched, and it was often discussed by netizens.

An underrated martial arts action movie, it beat the May [-]st holiday with an unexpected box office result.

Driven by "Kung Fu", movies like martial arts action movies have once again entered everyone's field of vision.

"Kung Fu" topped the box office list with a box office of [-] billion, and it was the box office champion every day.

The second-placed "Straight into the Sky" has a cumulative box office of [-] billion in a week, and the single-day box office has gradually decreased, and now it is stable at around [-] million.

"Strange Mountain and Sea" also stabilized its third place, with a cumulative box office of [-] million.

However, "Prairie Star" has become more and more weak in succession, with less and less single-day box office, and the cumulative box office has just exceeded [-] million.

Other films did even worse at the box office.

The reports of major media followed closely after the announcement of the box office by the General Administration of Culture.

""Modu Entertainment Morning Post": Congratulations to "Kung Fu" for earning a box office of [-] billion in a week. It has won the single-day box office champion and the cumulative box office champion for six consecutive days."

""Southern Entertainment": The martial arts action movie that has been silent for many years, with the popularity of "Kung Fu", has once again become a hot topic. What kind of miracle did Tan Yue create?"

""Hangzhou City Entertainment News": Since the May [-]st holiday, since many movies were released, "Kung Fu" has won [-] billion box office, topping the box office list. "Clouds" has been completely overtaken."

""Jinghua Daily": According to the latest data, "Kung Fu" has a cumulative box office of [-] billion in one week, and the second-ranked "Straight into the Sky" has a cumulative box office of [-] billion."

On the Internet, many netizens were shocked after seeing the box office results of "Kung Fu" in the first week.

"It seems that I still underestimated "Kung Fu". The first week's box office will exceed [-] billion, which is terrifying."

"Teacher Tan Yue's box office guarantee has been confirmed once again. As long as there are teacher Tan Yue's movies, the box office will definitely not be bad."

"Based on the current trend of "Kung Fu"'s single-day box office performance, it should be another movie that exploded at the box office."

"Mr. Tan Yue is too good, for a martial arts action movie to be able to produce such a result."

"Now I seriously doubt that Mr. Tan Yue is omnipotent. He can control any type of movie. I hope to see one of my favorite horror movies one day."

"Niu Pi has already been said too much. In the future, as long as it is a film by Mr. Tan Yue, I will readjust my mentality and get used to it."

Huaguang Entertainment Company.

Office of the Vice President.

Qi Kai frowned tightly, rubbed his chin, and stared at the computer screen, looking a little dignified.

What is displayed on the computer screen is the official website of the General Administration of Culture.

With the market gradually phasing out martial arts action movies, Tan Yue made "Kung Fu".

Qi Kai originally thought that this would be a trough for Tan Yue, but before the movie was released, his conjecture was further verified, and "Kung Fu" was not very optimistic on the Internet.

Rubbing the corners of his eyes with his fingers, Qi Kai didn't expect "Kung Fu" to rise up, and still in an unusually fierce posture.

Even if it is an American blockbuster that has always been loved by domestic audiences, it is not Tan Yue's opponent this time.

Qi Kai didn't know who else could beat Tan Yue in terms of movie box office.

Bright Entertainment.

Many people are discussing the box office of "Kung Fu".

"The box office performance of "Kung Fu" in the first week is so high?"

"This is Mr. Tan's movie. The box office of Mr. Tan's movies has never been lower."

"That's right, I really admire Mr. Tan's strength."

The person next to him sighed and said, "I'm so envious of the people in the film department. I heard from them that when the movie was released and the celebration banquet was held, Mr. Tan would send a big red envelope to the people in the film department. I wish I was in the film department too."

"I'm more envious of the crew. Their red envelopes are bigger. This time, the red envelopes of the "Kung Fu" crew will definitely not be small."

"Stop talking, work, the more you talk, the more envious you will be."

Ma Guoliang's office.

Zhou Can said excitedly: "Brother Ma, the box office of "Kung Fu" will soon exceed [-] billion!"

Ma Guoliang brewed tea and said with a smile: "I told you that you must have confidence in Mr. Tan's movies."

In the past few days, I have seen the single-day box office of "Kung Fu" increase, but Zhou Can is always worried, worried that the box office will suddenly decline.

Now the box office has accumulated [-] billion, which can be regarded as a reassurance for Zhou Can.

The praise of "Kung Fu" on the Internet accounts for the vast majority, and the box office will definitely increase.

While the two were chatting, Xu Nuo knocked on the door again and came in.

Xu Nuo smiled and said, "Ah Can, I knew you were with Teacher Ma."

He first went to Zhou Can's office this time, and when he saw no one, he guessed that it was Ma Guoliang's place.

"You came just in time, come and have a cup of tea together." Ma Guoliang said and began to rinse the new cup with tea water.

"Thank you, Teacher Ma." Xu Nuo sat on the sofa and asked directly: "How about having a meal to celebrate tonight?"

Last time, the three of them drank to their heart's content, and the drinking party didn't end until two o'clock in the morning.

Zhou Can thought that when the three of them were drinking, because they were so happy and drank too much, they fell asleep holding the toilet.

"Okay, try the tea I just bought." Ma Guoliang poured water into the cups of the three of them.

Xu Nuo took a sip carefully and found the taste to be very good: "I just like such a straightforward person as Teacher Ma."

Zhou Can said embarrassingly: "Can you drink less at night? Now that I think about it, I still smell like alcohol."

Xu Nuo and Ma Guoliang had fun together.

President's office, in Tan Yue's office.

Tan Yue made himself a cup of tea, looked at the official website of the General Administration of Culture, and was in a good mood.

"Kung Fu" can get [-] billion box office results within a week of its release, which makes him satisfied.

"Kung Fu" can be said to be the pinnacle of Master Xing's work. When it was released on the earth, it won the box office champion of the year, and the runner-up was another movie "House of Flying Daggers".

Tan Yue has always been very confident in this movie, he believes that the final box office performance of "Kung Fu" will not be bad.


The mobile phone received a message reminder, and Tan Yue saw that it was a message from Xu Nuo.

"Old Tan, the three of us are going to drink to celebrate the box office success of "Kung Fu" tonight."

Of course, Tan Yue knew who the other two were, and then he answered Xu Nuo with a question mark.

Now he regrets letting Xu Nuo go to drink with Ma Guoliang and Zhou Can. These three people are so addicted to alcohol that they can't drink every day.

Tan Yue worriedly called Xu Nuo, feeling that they drank too much, and said, "It's better to drink less, because drinking too much will cause gout, and you will not be able to find a girlfriend at that time."

Xu Nuo didn't care and said, "Don't worry, Old Tan, we're just having a drink today."

"Alright then, pay attention."

After putting down the phone, Tan Yue planned to find some time to have a good talk with the three of them, and he couldn't drink so frequently anymore.

In a blink of an eye, it was time to get off work.

Chen Ziyu came to Tan Yue's office. After Tan Yue finished processing the documents in his hand, the two of them got off work together.

Seeing Chen Ziyu playing with his mobile phone, Tan Yue said, "What are you looking at? So serious."

"I bought some beef and some vegetables online, do you have anything you want to eat?"

"As a chef, I've never been picky about food."

Chen Ziyu put down the phone: "I have already ordered, and when we get home, these dishes should be delivered."

It was the rush hour, and there were still a lot of cars on the road, so Tan Yue could only follow behind and move forward a little bit.

When the two arrived home, the food they ordered had already been placed at the door by the errand brother.

After tidying up briefly, the two began to get busy in the kitchen.

Tan Yue was in charge of all the dishes tonight, while Chen Ziyu was on the sidelines.

Every time when cooking, Chen Ziyu would learn from Tan Yue.

The eyes have learned, but the hands have not.

It is obviously the same condiments and the same order, but it can't always produce the taste of Tan Yue.

Chen Ziyu said depressedly: "Why is what I cook not as delicious as yours?"

Tan Yue was frying the chili fried pork in the pot, and replied with a smile: "Maybe I have the talent to be a chef."

Not long after, four delicious meals were brought to the table by Chen Ziyu.

Tan Yue glanced at the time, and in five minutes, the last beef dish will be ready.

At this time, Tan Yue simply tidied up the kitchen.

Tan Yue came out of the kitchen and shouted, "Ziyu, the dishes are all ready, let's eat."

Chen Ziyu was holding a bottle of red wine and two goblets, and said, "Let's drink some together!"


The corners of Tan Yue's mouth rose slightly, and he laughed.

"What's wrong?" Chen Ziyu asked.

Tan Yue explained: "Fatty Xu sent me a message today that he, Ma Guoliang and Zhou Can are going to drink tonight. Thinking that he often drinks, I advised him to drink less. I didn't expect that I would also drink tonight."

"Do the three of them drink often?"

"Ma Guoliang and Ah Can have become drinking buddies now, plus Fatty Xu, who likes to drink when he has nothing to do, you should be able to imagine the result."

Chen Ziyu smiled and poured some wine into the goblets of the two of them.

Dinner begins.

In the dark night, only a bright moon hangs in the sky.

Magic City.

Jiang Bei was lying on a deck chair on the balcony, looking at the moon in the sky, his heart was agitated.

If it was a martial arts action movie made by someone else, Jiang Bei was sure that the movie would definitely hit.

But "Kung Fu" was written by Tan Yue, so the box office should not be too bad, but the current box office results have greatly exceeded his initial expectations.

The box office in the first week can reach as high as [-] billion, and the American blockbusters that have always been the raptors are not rivals.

Jiang Bei casually threw the cigarette butt into the ashtray at hand.

He is a self-aware man.

Admitting that the two are no longer directors of the same level, he frankly said that he is not Tan Yue's opponent, but regards Tan Yue as an idol and a target for him to catch up with.

Jiang Bei also hopes that one day the films he makes can win the first-class foreign blockbusters.

Modu, another community, a certain flat.

Zhao Sheng is eating with his wife.

The stressful life in the past few years has made him develop the habit of drinking, and he will have a drink every night for dinner.

"Ah..." After taking a sip of wine, Zhao Sheng sighed.

Thinking of the box office of "Kung Fu" in the first week, he was full of envy and jealousy.

The box office of his movie "Strange and Weird Mountain and Sea" was only [-] million in the first week, which is less than a fraction of that of "Kung Fu".

The popularity of the movie has not risen in the early stage, and the box office will not change much later.

Before the movie was released, I was still fantasizing about breaking out of the May [-]st stage as a dark horse, but now I can only accept the reality.

(End of this chapter)

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