Entertainment from Divorce

Chapter 768 Qi Kai Wants to Poach Someone

Chapter 768 Qi Kai Wants to Poach Someone


General Administration of Culture.

Conference room one.

Apart from Director Ye Wen, other high-level officials also participated in this meeting.

When discussing a film issue, "Kung Fu" was once again praised by Ye Wen.

The previous praise for "Kung Fu" was mainly because of Tan Yue's support for the work of the General Administration of Culture.

But now it is different. "Kung Fu" has completely crushed "Straight into the Sky" at the box office. It is a typical case of a domestic film surpassing an American blockbuster.

Ye Wen said: "In the past, when foreign blockbusters such as "Straight into the Sky" were released, few domestic films could gain an advantage at the box office. The success of "Kung Fu" this time shows us that everything is possible. "

"Although it is a bit difficult to let our films go to the world now, we can win the domestic film market first."

In the domestic market, if domestic films cannot beat foreign films, let alone go abroad.

You can't become fat if you eat one bite. The most important thing now is to improve the quality of domestic films.

After the meeting, Ye Wen returned to the office, took out her mobile phone and called Tan Yue.

"Hello, Jue Ye." The phone rang a few times, and then Tan Yue's voice came.

"Mr. Tan, I called you at this time, didn't I bother you?"

"Haha, Ye Ju, I just finished my work here."

"I just want to thank you for your support to the work of our Cultural Affairs Bureau. You chose to make "Kung Fu" when others were unwilling to make it."

Now that "Kung Fu" is doing so well at the box office, a big stone in Ye Wen's heart has fallen to the ground.

Tan Yue said with a smile: "Being able to shoot "Kung Fu" should also thank Ye Ju for giving me inspiration."

"You still have the ability, put it on other people, it is very difficult to make such a good movie." Ye Wen continued with a smile: "When there is a chance, I will invite you to give another class."

Chen Ziyu knocked on the door of Tan Yue's office, but when he didn't hear Tan Yue's voice, he opened the door and came in.

Seeing that Tan Yue was on the phone, he didn't disturb him.

"As long as you need it, I'll be there."

The two chatted briefly for a few more words before hanging up the phone.

Chen Ziyu asked, "Who is it?"

"Director Ye of the General Administration of Culture wants to ask me to give a lecture there." Tan Yue put down his phone and said.

Chen Ziyu knew that the State Administration of Culture had recently introduced a policy to support martial arts action movies.

"Kung Fu" appeared because Tan Yue decided to shoot after Ye Wen came.

Chen Ziyu felt in his heart that Ye Wen relied heavily on Tan Yue, and there was no other person in the entire entertainment circle.

The development of Brilliant Entertainment Company to where it is today is also due to the existence of Tan Yue.

But looking at the chat between Tan Yue and Ye Wen, Chen Ziyu felt jealous now.

Today's big hit "Kung Fu" has become the focus of discussion in the entire Brilliant Entertainment Company.

"Do you think the box office of "Kung Fu" can surpass that of "The King of Comedy"?"

Although "Kung Fu" is a martial arts action film, it is also full of nonsensical elements. Naturally, it was compared with "The King of Comedy", which is also nonsensical.

"It's hard to say, let's see if the box office results can be stabilized."

"It should be possible to surpass "The King of Comedy". Although the box office performance of "Kung Fu" on the first day did not exceed that of "The King of Comedy", the box office performance of "Kung Fu" in the first week is still higher than that of "Kung Fu"."

"That's right, and now "Kung Fu" is gaining momentum, this is the scariest part, the follow-up momentum is even stronger than "Wreath under the Mountain"!"

"The box office of "Kung Fu" is very likely to surpass that of "The King of Comedy"."


In the city center, a courtyard.

Sun Daohao, who has been busy editing "Dark Forest", gave himself half a day off to rest.

The post-editing of "Dark Forest" is going on intensely and orderly, and it is quite smooth now.

Sun Daohao, who usually likes to drink tea, bought a set of expensive tea sets.

For him, the most relaxing thing is to calm down and make a pot of tea, and then savor it carefully.

Apart from the editing of "Dark Forest", what he is most concerned about now is "Kung Fu" which is currently being screened.

Sun Daohao often learns about "Kung Fu" related reports on the Internet.

Just put down the water glass, and flipped through the news on the phone.

In this era, online reviews have a great influence on a movie's box office performance.

There are quite a few niche films that became popular thanks to comments from netizens. Of course, there are also cases of big-budget films overturned by online public opinion.

Sun Daohao showed a smile on his face. The current trend on the Internet is very favorable for the box office performance of "Kung Fu", almost all of them are praising the movie.

Putting down his phone, Sun Daohao took a sip of tea, which was given to him by an old friend for many years.

As a top Chinese-language director, Sun Daohao naturally does not want American blockbusters to rampage in the domestic market.

Every time an American blockbuster is released, he feels very uncomfortable.

But I am very helpless. As an audience, of course I like to watch high-quality movies. Although the quality of domestic movies has improved, there is still a big gap compared with these foreign blockbusters.

This time, when he learned that "Straight into the Sky" would be released during May Day, he thought that domestic films would fall again.

If it wasn't for the fact that my movie wasn't finished yet, I would definitely go up and wrestle with those foreigners.

But fortunately, "Kung Fu" is a fierce and messy movie, which saved the face of China Entertainment Films.

Sun Daohao took out his mobile phone, looking for someone to ask for Tan Yue's contact information, and to exchange knowledge about movies.

At his position, he takes a longer-term perspective, knowing the gap between domestic films and foreign films, and has never been proud of himself.

Progress can only be made through continuous learning.

Before the call was made, Sun Daohao put down the phone, feeling that the conversation on the phone was missing something.

It is also inappropriate to do so, the two have not met each other before, and the strangeness will be great.

Sun Daohao felt that he still wanted to meet Tan Yue face to face if he had the chance.

He appreciates this young junior, who can beat American blockbusters, and is a rookie director who has only made four films. He will have great potential in the future.

Sun Daohao's wish is that one day Huaguo's movies will go to the world, and now he seems to see hope.

In the next few days, the single-day box office of "Kung Fu" basically stabilized at around [-] million, and it still won the single-day box office champion consecutively.

In the hot discussion on the Internet, the cumulative box office has reached [-] billion.

"Damn it! I haven't paid attention to it for a few days, and the box office of "Kung Fu" has already reached [-] billion."

"How many zeros must there be in the back? If it was given to me, it should be enough for me to live my whole life by eating and dying every day."

"Brother, you have too little confidence in yourself. Not only can you use it for a lifetime, but your grandson can use it for a lifetime."

"After so many days, the single-day box office of "Kung Fu" is still so high, and the momentum is too high."

"I have a bold idea, won't this be another movie with the top three box office records in film history?"

"Based on the current single-day box office results, it's not impossible."

Bright Entertainment.

film department.

Wu Wenkang is an old employee who has worked in the film department for many years. He has a serious and careful work attitude and has never made a mistake.

When he felt thirsty and wanted to drink water, he realized that the cup was empty. He poured the tasteless tea into the trash can, replaced it with new tea, got up and went to the tea room.

"Angkor, go get water."

"When I get old, I like to drink some tea when I have nothing to do." Wu Wenkang replied with a smile.

"Angkor, you seem to be in a good mood."

"Want to go out for a cigarette together tonight?"

"Have you had time to go out for a drink recently?"

Everyone in the film department knows him, and they usually have a good relationship with everyone. When someone greets him, Wu Wenkang will respond with a smile.

There were not many people in the tea room, so Wu Wenkang quickly connected the water and returned to his work station with a thermos.

Just as he was about to continue working, he received a message on his cell phone.

"Old Wu, what have you been up to lately?"

Wu Wenkang was full of doubts. The message was from Qi Kai, the former vice president of the company.

Since Qi Kai left the company, the two of them have hardly been in contact with each other, and now they have sent a message and don't know what it is.

I couldn't figure it out for a while, but thinking that Qi Kai had taken good care of me before, I replied to the message.

"It's still the same job."

Qi Kai responded quickly.

"How come you still have the same jobs for so long?"

"I feel that working there with your ability is a bit inferior. If I were still your leader, I would definitely let you be promoted to a position that fits your ability. Alas, what a pity."

"In this way, I am now the vice president of Huaguo Entertainment Company. If you follow me, I will give you double benefits and treatment, and I will also give you a promotion."

"Are you interested?"

Wu Wenkang replied without the slightest hesitation, "Sorry, I have no plans to change jobs now."

Although Qi Kai's conditions are quite attractive, Wu Wenkang can still see the current situation clearly.

Brilliant Entertainment Company is now the third first-class entertainment company in China, and it is no longer comparable to Huaguang Entertainment Company.

And more importantly, Brilliant Entertainment is still developing on an upward trend, and the future is not the same.

I don't know how many people outside want to come in. Isn't it a joke to ask him to change jobs at this time.

After working for so many years, under the leadership of Tan Yue, the film department has finally made a big improvement. Huaguang Entertainment Company can't match the emergence of blockbuster movies.

Wu Wenkang has also witnessed the step-by-step development of Brilliant Entertainment, and it is even more impossible for him to leave.

Huaguang Entertainment Company.

Qi Kai angrily threw the phone on the table, never expecting that Wu Wenkang would refuse so simply.

After securing the position of vice president, Qi Kai plans to set up his own team, and wants to find someone with outstanding ability and trustworthiness to lead his team.

Qi Kai naturally thought of Wu Wenkang from Brilliant Entertainment Company.

If you can successfully poach this person, you will kill two birds with one stone.

Not only did he find someone, but he also disgusted Tan Yue.

That's why he was asked to offer Wu Wenkang such a generous offer, but he was still rejected.

"Ah..." Qi Kai sighed helplessly, and his mood gradually calmed down. It was because he thought too well and ignored the reality.

Brilliant Entertainment has produced so many blockbuster movies one after another, and they are all top ten Chinese box office records. How could Wu Wenkang give up such a bright future?


Clear skies.

Tan Yue rested on the balcony.

The phone on the table rang, and it was Chen Ziyu calling.

"What are you doing?"

"The sun is so good, bask in the sun."

"Let's go to the suburbs to play around, and lie down at home and be bored."


Tan Yue thought that the two of them hadn't gone out for a long time. Although their identities were more likely to attract crowds, it was not a big problem to be careful.

"Okay, wait for me at home, I'll go find you." Chen Ziyu said happily.

Chen Ziyu was the same as Tan Yue at home, lying on the balcony basking in the sun, but it was uncomfortable no matter how she lay down, and she wanted to go out for a stroll.

If Tan Yue doesn't agree to go out, she will come to Tan Yue's place, even if it's good to watch an old movie together.

"I'll start packing right now."

After putting down the phone, Tan Yue came to the warehouse wearing slippers, and searched for a long time before finding the dining table and small chairs for the outing.

Once you've got them all in the car, head to the kitchen and prepare some handy pastries.

While Tan Yue was changing clothes, Chen Ziyu arrived in casual clothes.

Because it was a temporary decision, Chen Ziyu started to put on makeup after hanging up the phone.

Tan Yue said: "You take the pastry on the dining table in the living room, I'll get some water, and the other things have been packed, please see if there is anything you haven't brought."

"OK." Chen Ziyu came to the garage with the pastries to check if there was anything left behind.

Tan Yue also came to the garage in casual clothes and said, "Did you leave anything behind?"

Chen Ziyu had already sat in the co-pilot, and said happily: "Everything is ready, let's go."

A car slowly drove out of the community and headed for the outskirts of the capital.

There were a lot of vehicles on the road on weekends, listening to music, Tan Yue drove carefully.

After leaving the urban area, there was much less traffic on the road, and Chen Ziyu also opened the windows.

Blowing the breeze, looking at the willow trees on both sides of the road, stretching his waist: "It's still comfortable outside."

Tan Yue felt a little sorry, because of his status, he couldn't just hang out like other people.

Chen Ziyu saw what was on Tan Yue's mind, and said with a smile: "Actually, it's because we don't come out often that we now feel that the scenery outside is good, which is pretty good."

There are fewer and fewer vehicles on the road, Tan Yue has been driving very slowly, and the scenery on the road is also very good.

Unknowingly, the two reached their destination.

Seeing other tourists passing by occasionally, Tan Yue drove further and found a place where there were no people.

After getting off the car, the two took the small dining table, small bench and food out of the car.

I found a relatively flat place near the vehicle and sat down.

Appreciating the scenery not far away that I haven't seen for a long time, the two people who have been busy with work finally relax.

The two chatted while eating.

The sky is blue, the people are nice, and the heart is very quiet.

(End of this chapter)

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