The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 1223 No difficulty at all

Chapter 1223 No difficulty at all
Could it be that this black mist face is really the so-called way of heaven?

Is it the will of this world?

Many people were amazed, and this idea couldn't help but pop up in their hearts!
Tiandao saw countless people looking at him, and knew that many people still had many doubts in their hearts.

In the puzzled look of everyone, I saw that the face of the black mist shouted:

"Aura, let go!"

"Rules, destroy!"

The voice fell!

Suddenly, a strange and terrifying force emerged directly from around the face of the black mist!

Everyone felt a breeze blowing around them!
Then, everyone was stunned, with deep disbelief in their eyes.

"...I can't sense the aura anymore..."

"I... can't use my spiritual power anymore!"


"how can that be?!"

Shouts of panic rang out in an endless stream!

Almost everyone panicked, they had no aura, and couldn't use their spiritual energy. This was a very terrifying thing.

This is even more desperate and heart-palpiating than the fall of the realm!
It's like you are a good athlete, but suddenly one day, your legs and feet are not in control, and you can't even lift them up. This sudden drop is really unacceptable.

Everyone looked at me one by one, and I looked at you, very vigilant, for fear of being attacked by people around.

Especially those cultivators at the stage of transforming gods, and those cultivators at the Void Refining Realm, were even more fearful, their whole spirits were tense, and they fell into extreme panic.

At this moment, everyone has changed from monks with different strengths to mortals with almost the same combat effectiveness!
Lin Fan was indifferent, his face was like water, and the ancient well was calm.

"It's interesting." He didn't panic at all.

Although the power of the rules has been taken away, the power of the body actually exists.

This is an existence that heaven cannot take away.

And as long as the physical strength is there, Lin Fan is an invincible existence!

Even if the Dao of Heaven attacked him at this moment, he didn't panic in the slightest, because he possessed the sun god body and extremely powerful physical strength, which far exceeded the level of this plane!
Based on this alone, Tiandao will never hurt himself!
this moment.

Everyone has recognized a fact!
That is the black mist face in front of him, it really is the way of heaven!
Otherwise, how could he have such means!

Take away the power of rules!
This is probably only the way of heaven can do it!

"Now, do you believe that I am the way of heaven?"

The black mist man's face was a little proud.

"Believe... Believe!"

"The way of heaven is above, please accept my worship!"

"Welcome to Heaven!"

Some people even lay on the ground directly, and kowtowed three times and bowed nine times to the face of the black mist in the sky.

And that black mist face seemed to enjoy this feeling of superiority.

A look of complacency appeared on his face.

Seeing this scene, Lin Fan curled up into a faint smile.

It seems that the way of heaven in this world has just given birth to its own wisdom.

"Dare to ask the heavens, why did you guide me here?"

At this time, some bold ones asked each other.

"Of course there is something to do!" Heiwu's face shouted, "Did you see that tower?"

The crowd nodded.

"This tower is called the Heavenly Dao Pagoda. I was born shortly after I was born with spiritual wisdom, and I have neglected the management of this world. Therefore, I want to use this Heavenly Dao Tower to give you an experience. Those who succeed will be eligible to become the Heavenly Dao Messenger. , to obtain a certain authority to manage this world!"

Hearing this, the arena suddenly erupted, almost going crazy with excitement.

Become a messenger of heaven!
Gain access to manage the world!
This is like a commoner who suddenly has a chance to become the supreme emperor of the ninety-five years!
Doesn't this make people excited and heart-wrenching?

"Okay, I'll open the Heavenly Dao Tower right now, everyone can go in!"

Heaven is no nonsense.

next moment.

Everyone only heard a click, and then saw the tower door opened wide, and the inside was shrouded in golden light. As for what was there, no one could see clearly.

At this time, a person who reacted first ran directly towards the tower gate.

The moment he stepped into the tower gate, his whole body was flooded with golden light.

"Is this in?"

Seeing this, everyone in the field went crazy and rushed towards the tower gate, for fear of being one step behind others.

The tower gate is not big.

It seems that only a few people can go in at a time.

But the fact is not like this. When everyone is about to approach the tower gate, they feel that the tower gate is infinitely wide, and it seems that no matter how many people can accommodate it at the same time!
"Master, shall we go in too?" Hongying asked.

Lin Fan smiled: "Go in and have a look, maybe there are good things inside!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Fan glanced at Hei Yao, "I would like to see what the Heavenly Dao is up to!"

As for what Tiandao said, becoming an envoy of Heavenly Dao and gaining certain authority to manage this world, Lin Fan naturally did not believe it.

He always felt that there was some conspiracy hidden in it.

However, Lin Fan was not afraid.


The three entered the tower!
Lin Fan only felt a golden light flash in front of his eyes, and then the surrounding space became illusory for a while.

When he could see again, Lin Fan found that Hongying and Hei Yao were no longer by his side.

"It seems that this is a separate small space."

Lin Fan quickly understood.

Everyone entering the tower should have been teleported to a separate small space.

"Is there nothing here?" Lin Fan looked around and found that the space was not that big, only a few tens of square meters, and it was completely enveloped by a golden light.

"How can I enter the next floor?" Lin Fan was a little confused.

The so-called experience, at least there must be something to experience, right?
Do we have to wait forever?
Just when Lin Fan was puzzled.


A wild wolf appeared in front of him. This wild wolf was extremely ferocious, as if it had been hungry for a long time. It looked at Lin Fan and licked its own tongue viciously.

Lin Fan stood where he was, with a calm expression on his face.

It turned out to be the case.

Lin Fan knew it in his heart.

Now he finally understands why Tiandao wants to deprive the power of rules.

Because only in this way is the real fairness!
Lin Fan smiled inwardly.

This may be fair to everyone, but to Lin Fan, it is different.

After all, other people don't have such powerful physical strength as Lin Fan!

Swish it!
I saw that wolf rushing over!
The sharp wolf claws pointed at Lin Fan's head unceremoniously, and grabbed it fiercely.

Lin Fan didn't panic at all, and directly punched the wolf on the head.

The wolf's sharp claws fell on Lin Fan's head, but it was like falling on steel, and Lin Fan's skin was not even torn.

But Lin Fan directly punched the wolf's skull!

With the death of the wolf, Lin Fan suddenly felt the space around him become illusory.

"It seems that you have passed this level and are about to enter the next level!"

Lin Fan smiled lightly. This kind of challenge may be extremely difficult for others, but it is not difficult for him at all!
(End of this chapter)

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