The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 1224 Shocking again and again

Chapter 1224 Shocking again and again
A golden light flashed in front of his eyes, and Lin Fan found that the surrounding space had changed.

"Have you reached the second floor?"

Lin Fan smiled, glanced around, and found that the space here was much larger than the upper floor, more than ten times the size of the upper floor, and the surrounding area was also shrouded in a burst of golden light, making it impossible to get out.

Swish swish!
Just when Lin Fan was thinking about the challenges at this level.


Two giants suddenly condensed in the space!
This giant is more than five meters long, extremely burly, with terrifying muscle lines, it makes people feel palpitating!

"It's still not challenging!" Lin Fan smiled.

At this time, the two giants saw Lin Fan, and a cold light suddenly flashed in their eyes.

In the next second, he rushed directly to Lin Fan.

Ding Ding Deng Deng!

As the giant came running, the ground shook.

Although this giant is huge, its speed is not slow at all.

In just two breaths, he arrived in front of Lin Fan.

Then, two huge fists hit Lin Fan directly on the head!
Seeing this, Lin Fan didn't panic in the slightest, standing on the spot and punching out with both fists!

Two bangs!

With a left punch and a right punch, Lin Fan directly blocked the giant's attack with ease!
Not only that!

I saw that at the collision point, the giant's fist was actually smashed apart by Lin Fan!
Such strength also made the two giants a little surprised, with disbelief flickering in their eyes.

Although they don't have much intelligence, they still have the most basic strength cognition.

In the next second, the two giants roared angrily, and then they both spun at high speed!

It was like two huge windmills coming to crush Lin Fan!

Lin Fan didn't panic at all, he didn't even move when he stood still, allowing the two giants to spin wildly.

And when they touched Lin Fan, they only heard a loud bang!
Sparks fly!

It's a steady stream!

It's like two huge sharp cutting tools, crazily cutting towards an extremely hard object, but they can't do anything to Lin Fan.


Perhaps the two giants were tired, they both stopped, looked at Lin Fan in surprise, their eyes were full of disbelief, they didn't believe that all this was true!
They never expected that Lin Fan's physical body would be so powerful!
"It's boring!" Lin Fan smiled lightly, "It's time to go to the next floor!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Fan quickly rushed in front of a giant.

No nonsense, just jumped on the spot, rose into the air, and then punched the giant's head hard!

A bang!
I saw that Lin Fan directly blasted the giant's head with one punch!
With a bang, the giant fell to the ground and disappeared into a golden light.

Immediately, Lin Fan followed the same pattern and easily dealt with the other giant.

The space changed again, and with a flash of golden light, Lin Fan came to the third floor of the Heavenly Dao Pagoda.

And this time.

Outside the Heavenly Dao Tower, many people have already been defeated by the monsters inside the tower, and were forcibly ejected from the Heavenly Dao Tower.

Among them, there are even many experts in the stage of transformation of gods and the stage of refining the void, but they have lost the power of rules, and they are no different from ordinary mortals.

Facing the monsters in the tower, there is no power to resist at all!

On the contrary, some monks who have learned martial arts still have some parry power.

Swish swish!
At this time, people in the Tiandao Pagoda were continuously ejected.

Most of them didn't even break through the first floor!
Only a very small number of people broke into the second floor!
"Look! Someone broke into the third floor!"

I don't know who shouted.

Immediately, many eyes fell on the third floor!
I saw the golden light shining on the third floor of the Heavenly Dao Pagoda, obviously someone had reached the third floor!

However, the next second.

The fourth floor of Tiandao Pagoda suddenly lit up!
"The fourth floor!"

"Someone broke into the fourth floor!"

"It's so fast!"


The arena is full of shocks!

Inside the Heavenly Dao Pagoda.

At this time, Lin Fan had reached the fourth floor!
He had just appeared on this floor, and a monster whose strength was comparable to that of a golden core charged directly at Lin Fan!

The speed is fast to the extreme!
However, Lin Fan didn't even look at it, and just punched it out!
Break it easily!

"Continue, the next floor!" Lin Fan didn't put any effort into it.

Breaking through the floor is as easy as eating and drinking water!
And this time.

In the Tiandao Pagoda, everyone except Lin Fan was eliminated!
At this moment, almost everyone's eyes are on the fifth floor of Tiandao Pagoda!


Someone broke into the fifth floor!

However, the shock is far more than that!

Soon, the sixth floor is lit up!

Then, the seventh floor, the eighth floor, the ninth floor, the tenth floor...

In just a few minutes, the No.12 floor was lit up with dazzling golden light!



Everyone in the field was completely stunned!
Who is this man? !
As the eliminated ones, they are naturally clear about the difficulty of training in the Tiandao Pagoda.

The difficulty of the next level is almost several times that of the previous level!
They who have lost the power of rules can break through to the third floor, and they have already crushed [-]% of the people!

And now, someone broke into the No.12 floor without any effort!

How could this not shock them?
Hasn't this man been stripped of his power to rule?

They couldn't help but have such doubts.

Yes, and only in this way can it be explained!

You know, how can a mortal have such strength?

In the arena, there were only Hei Yao and Hong Ying, and their expressions didn't change much!
They knew that the person who broke into the No.12 floor must be Lin Fan!

Only an existence like Lin Fan possesses such strength!
in the sky.

Tiandao was also surprised.

There was a puzzled expression on the face of the black mist man!

Hasn't this person been deprived of the power of rules by himself?

If not for everyone in the field being deprived of the power of rules, he would even have some self-doubt!

Tiandao Pagoda.

Twelve floors!
In front of Lin Fan was a savage beast with extremely terrifying physical strength!

It's not that big, just a bit bigger than Lin Fan.

But its speed is very fast, when it rushed towards Lin Fan, only a few afterimages could be seen on the spot.

But Lin Fan still had a calm expression.

To be honest, the difficulty of the challenge is still too low!
Lin Fan still threw out an ordinary punch!
After the collision!

This savage beast exploded immediately!

Next is the No.13 floor!
No. 14 floors, [-] floors...

All the way to the No.18 floor!
Lin Fan is relaxed and has no challenge!
But at this moment, the people outside the Tiandao Pagoda are completely going crazy!

"No.18 floor!"

"Fuck!... Is this person really going to succeed in the challenge?"


Everyone's eyes were fixed on the No.18 floor.

I saw the golden light on the No.18 floor shining, very dazzling!

When Lin Fan stepped into the No.18 floor.

There are no monsters in sight!

Not far in front of him, there is only one table.

Lin Fan took a look and walked forward.

There was nothing else on the table, only a bead covered in pitch black!

(End of this chapter)

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