The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 1234 Mutation

Chapter 1234 Mutation

The Lord of Hell suddenly sensed a hint of danger.

I saw that Ziyan raised her hand fiercely, and the God of War spear suddenly stabbed forward!
Suddenly, a glaring bloody light shot out from the tip of the God of War Spear!
What a terrible power!

The pupils of the Lord of Hell shrank sharply!
Why did Ziyan become so powerful all of a sudden?
It's even stronger than your own power!
How can this be?

He can't believe it!It's like seeing a ghost!

In the blink of an eye, the Lord of Hell also responded!

He blocked the metal stick in his hand in front of his chest!

However, the Lord of Hell still underestimated the power of this bloody light!

As soon as his metal stick dared to touch this ray of blood, it broke immediately, as crisp as paper, and was directly blasted into powder.


The Lord of Hell's eyes widened with disbelief on his face!


In the next moment, this bloody light directly passed through the chest of the Lord of Hell!

The Lord of Hell only felt a sweetness in his throat, and spewed out a mouthful of blood.

Has been hit hard!
Next to him, the Lord of Skeleton, the Lord of Void, and the Lord of Death all looked surprised!

How is this going?

With Zi Yan's strength, how could she be the opponent of the Lord of Hell, let alone severely injure the Lord of Hell.

However, the facts were in front of them, Zi Yan really defeated the Lord of Hell, and even almost killed the Lord of Hell.

This sudden change made the Skeleton Lord and others dumbfounded.

The eyes looking at Zi Yan are full of puzzlement, even fear!

You must know that the Lord of Hell is comparable in strength to them, and Zi Yan has the power to severely injure the Lord of Hell, which shows that Zi Yan can also defeat or even kill them!

the other side.

Everyone in the Three Realms was also bewildered by this mutation, and their faces were filled with surprise immediately!

Zi Yan won!
A large part of their already desperate mood disappeared, and what was replaced was surprise and hope!
There is hope for them in the Three Realms!
However, before they were happy for a few seconds, Zi Yan in mid-air was powerless and fell straight down. Fortunately, Chi You caught Zi Yan and quickly sent Zi Yan back to the Three Realms camp.

At this time, the Skeleton Lord and the others came to their senses from the fearful mood just now.

The lord of death also rescued the lord of hell back to the camp, relieved him of some death, and stabilized the lord of hell's injury.

From the mouth of the Lord of Hell, plus analysis.

They also understood.

Ziyan's strength is just like that, she doesn't have the strength to defeat the seriously injured Lord of Hell!

The reason for this is probably because she borrowed the strength of others.

Judging from Zi Yan's last attack, it is not her strength at all.

This offensive should be left behind by Lin Fan.

Moreover, only this one, otherwise she would not have kept it until the end, and was able to sneak attack and severely damage the Lord of Hell.

If you want to understand this point, the Lord of Death and others are no longer afraid.

The offensive that Lin Fan left behind was too terrifying!
Fortunately, Lin Fan has already left the Three Realms, otherwise, if they invaded today, their entire army might be wiped out.

"Humans, you, damn it!"

Seeing that his good brother, the Lord of Hell, was severely injured, the Lord of Death was furious.

Originally, he didn't want to start killing, but now he only has one word in his heart, kill!

"Stop playing, let's start the slaughter!"

The Lord of Death looked at the Skeleton Lord and the Void Lord next to him.

Both the Skeleton Lord and the Void Lord nodded.

Originally, they planned to keep people from the Three Realms in captivity, so that they could continuously become their nourishment, but they didn't expect the people from the Three Realms to be so insensitive that they would rather die than surrender. If that was the case, then they didn't need to play.Just go ahead and kill them. Anyway, as long as the plane of the Three Realms is still there, they will not lack resources.

The big deal is to slaughter all those who are capable but unwilling to surrender in the Three Realms. Anyway, they also have the strength and resources to train those living people and ordinary mortals into livestock for them.


The Lord of Death roared, and the black mist of death energy in the air immediately receded, and waves of skeleton armies, beasts of the void, evil beasts of hell, and armies of black mist descended.


Soon, a steady stream of armies charged towards the armies of the Three Realms.


Everyone in the Three Realms is also fighting soaringly!

Chi You, Sanqing, Jade Emperor, etc., each led a group of troops, and attacked the army of evil spirits.

Soon, the battle will begin!
The Three Realms still had some advantages at the beginning, because it was the kind that became more courageous as it fought.

But the army of demons couldn't be killed at all, because the Lord of Death was behind the army, and continuously sent the army with death energy, turning them into undead creatures, an existence that couldn't be killed at all.

Only Chi You, Sanqing, Erlang God, Jade Emperor and other generals can completely kill these demon armies. These ordinary warriors from the three realms can't kill these demon armies at all.

As time went on, people in the Three Realms gradually couldn't stand it anymore.

Many of them died tragically under the attack of the demon army.

The situation is very bad!

At this time, Nuwa and Ziyan also recovered from their injuries. Seeing this scene, despair arose in their hearts!

Today, warriors from the Three Realms are dying in battle!

However, the army of demons has only died less than a few hundred so far.

If this continues, everyone in the Three Realms will definitely be destroyed!

How to do?
Facing this desperate battle situation, they don't know what else to do!
For the current plan, only by defeating or even killing the four leaders of the evil spirits can the situation be reversed!
However, how powerful the four chiefs of the evil spirits are, they can actually defeat them!

With all their strength, they might only be able to kill one of the demon leaders, let alone the four leaders.

"Three Realms, is it over?"

Ziyan murmured, her heart ached beyond measure.

When Lin Fan left the Three Realms, she had promised Lin Fan.

She promised that with her, no matter what, the Three Realms would be safe and sound.

But now, facing the demon with soaring combat power, she is really helpless and desperate.

Because in the face of real strength, any strategy is useless.

At this time, the warriors of the Three Realms were dying in pieces. Even Chi You, Jade Emperor, Erlang God and other generals were crushed by the endless army of demons, and gradually became powerless and injured.

"Ant-like creatures, die for me!"

The Skeleton Lord's figure flashed, and he came directly in front of Chen Xiang.

The blood-red skull sword in his hand slashed at Chen Xiang fiercely.

Chen Xiang's complexion changed drastically, the terrifying aura crushed him down, but he felt deep despair!
The gap between the two is really too big, there is no resistance at all!

Just when Chen Xiang was powerless to resist and was waiting to die in despair!

In the sky, a purple thunderbolt smashed down violently!

(End of this chapter)

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