The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 1235 Lin Fan Returns

Chapter 1235 Lin Fan Returns
Ka Ka Ka!
This purple lightning directly hit the skeleton master's broadsword head-on!

In an instant, that incomparably hard skull sword turned into powder!

This sudden scene frightened the Skeleton Master, his eyes widened, and his face was full of disbelief!
You know, the skeleton sword in his hand is like an artifact!

Incredibly hard!

Even he, with his current strength, can't destroy the artifact!
However, the divine thunder that fell from the sky easily smashed his divine weapon into powder!
how can that be!

Except for the Skeleton Lord, the Death Lord, the Void Lord, and the Hell Lord also all had disbelief on their faces!

Everyone in the Three Realms, Nuwa, Ziyan, Jade Emperor, Sanqing, Goat, etc., all looked at the direction where the thunder and lightning fell!
"It's Lin Fan!"

"It's his breath! I feel it!"

Suddenly, Zi Yan said excitedly, her excitement could not be concealed in her eyes.

Hearing this, the faces of the Skeleton Lord and others changed drastically!
Could it be really Lin Fan?

Didn't he come back for a hundred years?

He's already dead, it can't be him!
The Lord of Death and the others all had solemn faces, deeply unable to believe it!


The next scene slapped his face.

In the sky, there was a black figure who tore open the spatial rift with bare hands.

In the eyes, a young man in a black robe was looking angrily at the Skeleton Master and the others.

"You guys are so brave, you dare to invade my Three Realms!"

Lin Fan burst into anger!

Turning his head, Lin Fan saw Erlang God, Chen Xiang, Jade Emperor, Nuwa, Sanqing, etc., and everyone in the three realms had suffered serious injuries. After seeing a mess on the ancient battlefield, his heart was full of anger!

These demons are so bold!

"Today, you all have to die!"

Lin Fan turned around, and the Ten Halls of Yama gathered in his hands!
Killing intent Ling Ran!
The Skeleton Lord was apprehensive, and his palms were sweating unconsciously.

At this point, he no longer knew what to say.

leave now?I'm afraid it's too late!
Moreover, they invaded the Three Realms on a large scale and slaughtered many creatures on the ancient battlefield, and the grievances and grievances could no longer be resolved.

As for fighting?

After seeing Lin Fan's strength, they had no idea in their hearts, and they might not be Lin Fan's opponent.

In a daze, on the other side, Lin Fan's figure flashed, and he came to the Lord of the Void.


Lin Fan didn't talk nonsense, and the ten halls of Yama in his hand directly smashed down on the Lord of the Void!

The Void Lord's expression changed, but fortunately, he reacted very quickly.

Moreover, what he is proud of is his speed.

Let alone one Lin Fan, even if ten or hundreds of Lin Fans came, it would be absolutely impossible for them to touch him.

Swish it!
Void flashed, dodging the past with ease.

"Huh? It's interesting. He actually dodged it." Lin Fan was a little surprised.

You know, my attack speed was formed almost instantly, I didn't expect someone to be able to dodge it.

"Hehehe, Lin Fan, I admit that you are really strong, we are not your opponent!" The Void Lord touched his proboscis, with a sneer on his face: "But, if you want to hurt me, you can Impossible!"

The Void Lord is extremely proud of his speed.

Their Void Clan is not the strongest in attack, but there is no race in the world that can beat them in terms of speed.

This is also the reason why he is not afraid of Lin Fan.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the Three Realms also had serious expressions on their faces.

The Lord of the Void is right. His miraculous flash in the void is indeed a headache. If you want to hurt him, you can't do it unless your strength is far away, or the formation can control him. Can touch him!
The Lord of Skeletons, the Lord of Hell, and the Lord of Death are also very dignified.

Fortunately, Lin Fan dealt with the Lord of the Void first. If he dealt with them first, they don't have the magical skill of Void Flash, and they will definitely be beaten by Lin Fan!
Just when the Lord of the Void was pleased.

Lin Fan's mouth curled into a smile.

"Hehe, do you really think I can't hurt you?"

The Lord of the Void laughed triumphantly: "You can try! No matter how strong you are, what can you do? You can't crack my Void Flash."

As soon as he finished speaking, suddenly, the face of the Void Lord changed drastically.

His pupils shrank suddenly, and his eyes were full of disbelief!

I saw that Lin Fan waved his hand and grabbed it, and suddenly, the space with a radius of [-] meters solidified without any fluctuations, as if it was completely cut, forming a cage.

This scene almost scared the Void Lord to death.

On the other side, the Lord of Hell, the Lord of Skeleton and others are also the bosses with open mouths, deeply unbelievable.

Cut open the space with bare hands, what kind of realm can this exist!
In an instant, they were all as dead as ashes!
It's over, it's over!

Lin Fan's strength has far exceeded their expectations!

"What about now?" Lin Fan's mouth curled up into a mocking smile, "Continue your flashing in the void, I want to see if you can flash out, haha."

The face of the Void Lord changed drastically.

A breath of death enveloped him. He never expected that Lin Fan would be so powerful that he could easily split a space with his bare hands!
What a realm this is!
He couldn't believe how powerful Lin Fan was!

His flash in the void can only be achieved under the influence of space fluctuations.

Now that Lin Fan has frozen one space, how does this make him flash in the void?

"Forgive...forgive me! Don't...don't kill me!"

The Lord of the Void's face turned pale. Under the pressure of powerful strength, he knew that he was bound to lose. He could only save his life by begging for mercy!

There was a smile on the corner of Lin Fan's mouth.

"I can spare your life." Lin Fan smiled, threw the Ten Temples of Yama in his hand to the Lord of the Void, and then pointed to the Lord of Skeleton, Lord of Hell, and Lord of Death.

"Go ahead and kill them all."

After finishing speaking, Lin Fan's figure flashed, and he came in front of Nuwa, Ziyan and others, "There will be a good show to watch."

The Lord of the Void caught Yama of the Ten Temples, and suddenly felt his whole body was full of strength.

There is a steady stream of spiritual energy, following the ten halls of hell, filling his whole body!

This instantly made the Void Lord's strength dozens of times stronger.

At this moment, the Void Lord suddenly had the desire to resist Lin Fan.

But in the next moment, he suddenly came to his senses.

What are you doing?
How dare you resist Lin Fan?
What's the difference between this and courting death?
You know, the reason why Lin Fan gave himself the weapon of Yama of the Ten Palaces was because he didn't take himself seriously at all!
The two simply exist in one day and one place!


This must be Lin Fan testing himself!
If he dared to resist, he was afraid that in the next second, he would die without a place to bury him.

He didn't dare to gamble, he only knew that as long as he obeyed, there might still be a chance of survival.

(End of this chapter)

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