The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 1257 is a wise move

Chapter 1257 is a wise move

Yan Nong was stunned when he heard the words.

Did something go wrong?

This Lin Fan is only a strong man in the Supreme Realm, so he dares to speak boldly?How easy is it to kill a powerful person in the supreme realm?

When Liu Shen heard Lin Fan's words, he immediately felt that he was underestimated by Lin Fan.

This Lin Fan was simply too hateful, for a moment, God Liu shouted violently, unable to suppress the anger in his heart.

But at this time, Lin Fan held the ax that opened the sky, and Yan Nong Potian and Liu Shen suddenly changed their expressions in shock. Yan Nong Potian suddenly gasped, and his heart thumped.

"This Lin Fan is so terrifying. When I saw him, I clearly showed fear. This Lin Fan is too terrifying."

Several thoughts flashed through Yan Nong Potian's heart. He knew that Lin Fan had killed Yan Nong Qingtian, and his strength was about the same as that of Yan Nong Qingtian.

Therefore, when seeing Lin Fan showing his power, he obviously felt fear and fear.

However, Liu Shen didn't take it seriously, only to see Liu Shen looked at Lin Fan coldly, as if fire was spouting from his eyes.

"Lin Fan, today I will tear your corpse into thousands of pieces."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Liu Shen glaring at Lin Fan coldly, and as soon as he finished speaking, a terrifying murderous intent surged out.

In an instant, his terrifying killing intent made Lin Fan show indifference and contempt?

Lin Fan looked at Liushen coldly, and the Sky-Opening God Ax in his hand slammed at Liushen.


The power of the god-opening ax suddenly made Liu Shen break out in a cold sweat. He didn't expect Lin Fan to be so powerful. This white-clothed man, who is only a powerhouse in the Supreme Realm, can block his attack with a single axe. It's terrifying. .

Thinking of this, the Willow God suddenly yelled loudly, as a powerful person in the Great Supreme Realm, would he be afraid of Lin Fan?

Boom boom boom.

Liu Shen yelled violently, and the momentum that seemed to destroy the sky and the earth instantly crushed him, making Lin Fan sneer again.

Seeing the Heaven Opening God Ax in Lin Fan's hand smashing directly at it, Liu Shen felt unprecedented terror and rushed towards him.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Shen seemed to have thought of something, and he looked nervously at Lin Fan, only to see the Heavenly God Ax slam into him.


This scene immediately made Liu Shen open his mouth and spurt blood. As a strong man in the supreme state, he was crushed by a strong man in the supreme state. How could he swallow this breath?

In an instant, he saw Liu Shen's overwhelming attack, killing Lin Fan in an instant.

He was not reconciled to being crushed by a Supreme Realm powerhouse, he knew that he would definitely be able to kill Lin Fan and crush him into a pile of ashes.

However, Liu Shen seemed to overestimate his own strength, or he underestimated Lin Fan.

All I saw was Lin Fan's figure moving, and the Heavenly God Ax smashed like a mountain and overwhelmed the sea, and it hit Liushen directly like a thunderbolt.


Hearing the continuous bang, Liu Shen was frightened out of his wits by Lin Fan's attack. He wanted to dodge, but he was too late, so he could only be crushed by Lin Fan forcefully.

With a bang, Liu Shen was directly injured by Lin Fan. He sat on the ground, panting heavily, obviously seriously injured.

"Liu God."

Yan Nong Po Tian hurriedly ran to Liu Shen's side, seeing the seriously injured Liu Shen, Yan Nong Po Tian broke out in a cold sweat.

Liu Shen is a powerful person in the Supreme Realm, but being crushed by Lin Fan, a powerful person in the Supreme Realm, is simply too terrifying.

From this, it can be seen that Willow God can't beat Lin Fan?
So, what terrifying realm should Lin Fan's strength reach?

For a moment, several thoughts flashed through Yan Nong Potian's heart.

Yan Nong knew that there was a big gap between himself and Lin Fan, and now, Liu Shen was crushed by Lin Fan again. Could it be that they couldn't kill Lin Fan at all?
Thinking of this, Yan Nong Potian's face revealed a look of dissatisfaction.

He is the eldest son of Yannong Shenfu, he must not bow his head to Lin Fan, he wants to kill Lin Fan.

Yan Nong Potian saw Liu Shen being crushed by Lin Fan, who seemed to be seriously injured and dying, several thoughts flashed in his heart.

The ancestor of the Canglan sect and the strong men of the Canglang sect were both dumbfounded.

The Supreme Realm powerhouse crushed the Great Supreme Realm powerhouse in an instant, what happened?

This Lin Fanke, who is holding the Celestial God Axe, is really powerful.

For a moment, everyone was full of thoughts, and suddenly felt that Liu Shen would definitely die in Lin Fan's hands.

"My lord, I can deal with Lin Fan."

Liu Shen struggled to stand up, he was always arrogant and did not take others seriously, but now, he was crushed by Lin Fan, how could he swallow this breath?
This immediately made Liu angry, he stood up and stared at Lin Fan coldly.

"Lin Fan, today is your death day."

Liu Shen yelled furiously, and when he said these words, he killed Lin Fan like annihilating heaven and earth.

At this time, Yan Nong Potian showed a suspicious look in his heart.

Whether Liu Shen can kill Lin Fan is still unknown, but he concluded that Liu Shen must not be able to defeat Lin Fan.

The ax in Lin Fan's hand is enough to destroy Liu Shen.

However, Yan Nong Potian didn't know what this ax was in his heart.

At this time, Yan Nong Potian showed a look of fear. He didn't understand that Lin Fan was a strong man in the Supreme Realm, but he could crush Liu Shen, a strong man in the Supreme Realm.

Thinking of this, Yan Nong looked at Liushen, but saw Liushen yelled violently, and instantly smashed towards Lin Fan.

Liu Shen was completely irritated by Lin Fan this time, he snorted coldly, determined to kill Lin Fan into a pile of ashes.

Unexpectedly, Lin Fan wasn't afraid of Willow God at all, so he took out the Pangu Banner that could destroy heaven and earth, only to see a figure of Lin Fan that was shaped like the law of heaven and earth, covering the sky and sun, directly covering Willow God in the air.

In front of Lin Fan, Liu Shen looked like an ant, which immediately made Lin Fan sneer.

"This is."

Looking at this dharma that obscured the sky, Yan Nong was completely stunned.

He didn't understand why he was so afraid of Lin Fan, and what's more, Lin Fan's every move immediately made Yan Nong Potian feel a terrifying killing intent.

The Willow God raised his head and looked at the monstrous Lin Fan. He suddenly felt that he was no match for Lin Fan.

And Lin Fan's Pangu banner immediately made Liushen feel a breath of death.

"This, what's the matter?"

Liu Shen was so startled that his mind was restless, and a terrifying chill came out completely.

This Lin Fan was simply too terrifying. The Pangu banner he casually photographed directly made Liushen feel the terror of death.

Immediately, God Liu was crushed by Lin Fan, and he was completely defeated. When he was about to die, he finally understood that Lin Fan, who was in the Supreme Realm, could crush his God Willow, who was in the Supreme Realm, easily.


Liu Shenkuang spat out a mouthful of blood, he never thought that he would die in Lin Fan's hands.

At this time, I saw Yan Nong Potian showing a terrified expression.

Liu Shen, who was in the Great Supreme Realm, died in Lin Fan's hands. Why is Lin Fan so terrifying?
Several thoughts flashed through Yan Nong Potian's heart, he knew that he was completely defeated this time.

If I had known about him earlier, I would have brought a few more Supreme Beings.

At the same time, Yan Nong Potian felt Lin Fan's god-killing aura, and immediately made him take several steps back.

Canglan Sect ancestors and other Canglan sect powerhouses were all taken aback, and looked at Lin Fan dumbfounded.

Lin Fan, who was just a Supreme Realm expert, actually crushed the Great Supreme Realm expert Liu Shen.

Moreover, Liu Shen was instantly beheaded by Lin Fan's Sky-Opening Axe, which immediately opened the eyes of the Canglan Patriarch.

He knew that it was a wise move to make Lin Fan the guest minister of the Canglan Sect.

(End of this chapter)

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