The strongest shuttle system

Chapter 1258 Who gave you courage

Chapter 1258 Who gave you courage
That Yan Nong took a few steps back, and suddenly he showed a ferocious smile.

"Lin Fan, I am the eldest son of Yannong Shenfu in Cangya Kingdom. If you take refuge in Yannong Shenfu, I will let you go." Yan Nong Potian rolled his eyes and thought of an idea not to be crushed by Lin Fan.

However, as soon as he said this, it caused Lin Fan to sneer, which immediately made Yan Nong drop his eyeballs to the ground.

What's going on with Lin Fan?

Isn't he afraid of himself?Don't you want to return to Yannong Shenfu?

You know, there are as many Supreme Realm powerhouses who want to submit to Yannong Shenfu, and Yannong thinks that he can make Lin Fan submit to Yannong Shenfu by saying these words.

Unexpectedly, Lin Fan sneered, which immediately shocked Yan Nong into a cold sweat.

"Hehe, the heir of the Yannong Shenfu, dare to act wild in front of me? Who gave you the courage?"


The God Opening Ax in Lin Fan's hand killed them in an instant.

For a moment, Yan Nong was taken aback, he showed a look of horror, did not expect that Lin Fan not only did not want to submit to Yan Nong Shenfu, but also wanted to kill him?


How can Yan Nong Potian be Lin Fan's opponent?He took a few steps back, and suddenly felt that his chest was instantly crushed by the Heavenly God Axe.

For a moment, Yan Nong was shocked to see Yan Nong, who fell to the ground amidst his miserable cry.

The Canglan Sect ancestor and other strong men of the Canglan Sect were completely stunned.

It's fine for Lin Fan to kill the Great Supreme Realm Liushen, but he also wants to kill Yan Nong Potian?
Yannong Potian is the eldest son of Yannong Shenfu, the eldest son of the mansion master Yannong Mietian.

If Yan Nong Po Tian was killed, how could Yan Nong Mie Tian swallow this breath?
The Patriarch Canglan couldn't help showing a look of surprise, he wanted to tell Lin Fan not to be impulsive.

Behind Yannong Potian, there is Yannong Shenfu of Cangya Kingdom. Once Yannong Potian is killed, Yannong Shenfu will definitely come with all its strength.

At that time, it will be a disaster for the entire Canglan Sect.

For a moment, the Patriarch Canglan was stunned.

He wanted to stop Lin Fan, but seeing that Lin Fan seemed to know his thoughts, Lin Fan said coldly:
"It's just Yannong Shenfu, but that's all. It's just that Yannong Qingtian has been killed, and Yannong Shenfu has formed a relationship. Now, it doesn't matter if Yannong Potian is killed."

Lin Fan said lightly, which immediately shocked Yan Nong into a cold sweat.

He hurriedly wanted to dodge, but Lin Fan's Heaven-Opening Ax hit Yannong Potian instantly like lightning.


How could Yannong Potian be able to resist this terrifying critical strike from the Heavenly God Axe?

I saw that Yan Nong broke out in a cold sweat, and his whole body shattered into a pile of ashes amidst his miserable cries.

At this time, I saw Lin Fan sneer, and turned to look at Canglan Patriarch.

"Patriarch Canglan, are you afraid?"

Lin Fan's voice was full of teasing and contempt, and Canglan Patriarch hurriedly knelt on the ground.

"The powerful men of the Canglan sect will live and die together with Ke Qing."

The Patriarch Canglan knew that he and Lin Fan were already grasshoppers on the same rope.

If Lin Fan went east, he would never dare to go west.

Immediately, the rest of the Canglan Sect's strong men were also like the Canglan Sect Patriarch.

At this time, I saw Lin Fan looking up at the sky with a cold smile.

Yannong Potian and Liu Shenjin all died in Lin Fan's hands. Lin Fan, who stepped into the Supreme Realm, walked to Canglan Peak, and he left this mess to the Canglan Patriarch.

Bang bang bang.

In Yannong Shenfu, Yannong Mietian suddenly felt something strange coming from his hand, only to see the jade slips of God Liu and his son Yannong smashing the sky, shattering one after another.

This immediately made Yannong Mietian stand up, revealing a terrifying killing intent and sadness.

Yannong Potian is the eldest son of Yannong Shenfu, and will inherit the position of the master of Yannong Shenfu in the future.

Now, he was killed. Who killed him?

That Yannong Mietian instantly felt that both Yannong Potian and Liu Shenjin had died in the Canglan Sect.

"The Canglan Sect is just one of the hundred or so small sects in Cangya Kingdom. You killed my son Yannong Qingtian, and then killed my son Yannong Potian. It is really unreasonable."

Yannong Mietian shouted loudly, unable to suppress the anger in his heart, he must find out the murderer, and then kill him to let him know how powerful he is.

For a moment, Yannong Mietian came to the forbidden area of ​​Yannong Shenfu.

"My son, Mietian, what's going on?"

Yannong Batian, who is in retreat, is the old mansion master of Yannong Shenfu, who founded Cangya Kingdom together with the lord of Cangya Kingdom.

Now, he felt Yannong Mietian's expression was quite sad, so he couldn't help asking.

Yannong Batian felt that something irreversible happened in Yannong Shenfu, otherwise Yannong Mietian would not come to him.

"Father, both Qingtian and Potian were killed."

This statement came out.

It directly shocked the old man Batian into a cold sweat.

He jumped up against the case and glared at Yannong Mietian.

"What? Both my Qingtian grandson and Potian grandson were killed? Who killed this?"

Yannong Batian was almost blown out of his lungs. Who the hell killed his Qingtian grandson and Potian grandson?

He must find that person and tear him into pieces.

Thinking of this, Yannong Batian was so angry that he yelled violently, almost shattering Yannong Shenfu.

"Father, my child learned that it was the Canglan sect that killed Qingtian and Potian."

"Canglan Sect? One of the hundreds of sects in Cangya Kingdom, what ability does he have to kill people from my Yannong Shenfu? Hmph, Mietian, you take people there, kill Canglan Sect, and let them give Qingtian Be buried with Potian."

Yannong Batian clenched his fists tightly, crackling like thunder.

As soon as he finished speaking, he looked at Yannong Mietian, only to see Yannong Mietian nodded.

"Yes, my boy complies. However, my boy feels that the Canglan Sect alone may not be able to kill Potian. I am afraid that the Canglan Sect hides a powerful person in the Supreme Realm."

"A strong person in the Great Supreme Realm? Huh, it is indeed a strong person in the Great Supreme Realm who can kill Liu Shen. However, I, Yannong Shenfu, are not easy to bully. If you see that person, you will kill him."

"Yes, father."

Yannong Mietian hurriedly took orders, and he walked out of the forbidden area of ​​Yannong Shenfu.

At this time, seeing the back of Yannong Mietian leaving, Yannong Batian yelled violently. He couldn't suppress the anger in his heart. This time, no matter who offended Yannong Shenfu, he will pay with blood Get it back.

Moreover, Yannong Batian knew that this incident might have something to do with the other towns of Cangya Kingdom.

Immediately, Yan Nong Batian sat cross-legged, and he wanted to wait for Yan Nong Mietian to come back and hear his good news.

And Yannong Mietian returned to Yannong Shenfu, and instantly gathered many strong men from Yannong Shenfu.

In Cangya Kingdom, the Wuji Shrine, one of the four major towns alongside Yannong Shenfu, the Wuji Emperor, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly opened a pair of divine eyes.

"Yan Nong Ba Tian, ​​this is just a friction between the juniors, why do you need to do this? However, that young man named Lin Fan is indeed different."

Although Emperor Wuji is in seclusion, he knows everything in Cangya Kingdom.

(End of this chapter)

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